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MSNBC Implies People Skeptical Of Government Are Psychologically Insane

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:51 PM
This is the 'laugh at you' phase of the old Ghandi quote.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
He's overboard as usual and full of himself but Matthews has a good point. Judging by what I have seen in both the 911 skeptics and other conspiracy groups, there are a hell of a lot of mentally unstable people working out psychotic tendencies and serious emotional issues instead of making valid points. The overly aggressive manner in which the average "conspiracy theorist" attacks skeptics and deniers supports Matthews' claim. Especially when the most cogent arguments reference "indigo" children, alien space wars, "reptilians" and all the other sci fi nonsense that makes you guys sound insane. It doesn't help that most of you on here are fixated on bizarre and libelous claims about "eugenics" programs, "forced sterilization," "FEMA camps" and all sorts of horses&&t, and attack anyone who confronts these paranoid delusions.

No offense, but some of you on here are doing a better job of discrediting yourselves than the media ever could.

Have you ever tried to teach a young child something that is extremely easy to you and essentially a fundamental task for any human? Like riding a bike or perhaps teaching someone to drive a car? Have you ever gotten frustrated when someone just cant grasp something so simple and so blatant?

Well, that's how a lot of people who understand 911 feel about OS believers. Because to anyone with an IQ over 50, and any shred of logic in their brain can understand the only story that day which fits the true description of a conspiracy theory is the Official Story. More evidence contradicts the official story and supports a variety of other stories, than supports the official story. Thus, for anyone to believe it and defend it whole heartedly has to intentionally ignore facts that contradict it, and holes in the official story - on this site, we refer to this as ignorance.

But, you need not look at 911 alone to realize we've been lied to. It has been happening throughout the entire 20th century, and hit it's climax this year century.

Lies forced on the American Public:
- Central Banking
- Great Depression (it's causes)
- 1933 Gold Seizure
- Lusitania (Leading to WWI)
- Golf Of Tonkin (Leading to Vietnam)
- Pearl Harbor (Leading to WWII)
- Vietnam (Reasons for being there)
- Kennedy Assasination (Johnson connection, lee harvey oswald was a CIA operative)
- Bobby Kennedy Assasination (more than one gunman, 10 rounds were fired from an 8 round revolver)
- 911

In fact, 911 was nothing new. And just like everything else in the history of this country we label all those things "Conspiracy theories". Ever notice how EVERYTHING is a conspiracy theory? That's because that's what they want, they don't want it to be given any credibility. But why, why is it that we have so many conspiracies?

It's because the official version of events NEVER adds up. If these events were genuine, they WOULD add up. Yet every major, history changing event never adds up. Is it perhaps cause we are being lied to? And sold down the river for profit and power? Of course.

People fail to understand that to find the truth you must run the money. The truth movement has absolutely NO FINANCIAL benefit to perpetuating their beliefs. Yet the government (especially bush's), have benefited hand over fist. As well as the media, so why would you believe their story? Especially when, it doesn't add up, it's full of ASTRONOMICAL coincidences, and it would require a failure of practically every level of military in the most powerful military on earth, all in a couple hours in one day. Are you kidding me?

Now to all the detractors who ignorantly spew their brainwashed beliefs that they've been spoon fed from Mainstream Media which HAS an agenda. I hope in a couple years when you look around and see what your country has become, and the fact that your ignorant perception has in part, allowed it to become what it has. I hope you never forgive yourself, and I hope it haunts you till your last breath - you are the real traitors, you are the people allowing our country to be RANSACKED AND PILLAGED, you are the ones who have forgotten the forefathers lessons.

He who sacrifices liberty for temporary security, deserves neither.
- Benjamin Franklin

Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.
- George Washington

We can have a democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.
- Justice Louis D. Brandies

When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny.
- Thomas Payne

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.
- Thomas Payne


The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.
- Thomas Jefferson

To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. .I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.

- Thomas Jefferson

King says, it's time for real Americans to Get a GRIP.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by king9072]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Yet another blatant example of TPTB, through the power of TV; openly telling viewers exactly what opinion they should have on an issue. "Believe what we are telling you because everyone else does, come on it's just common sense. All the smart people use common sense and come to the same conclusion. Gosh, you wouldn't want to be ridiculed or feel excluded would you?"


posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:38 PM
In the late 50's there was one family in our town that everyone thought were crazy because they talked about a one world government.

The family was the talk of the town. The father and his sons had an electrical company and did very well for themselves.

They were close friends with my parents and I always wondered why my parents liked them.

The past few years I have understood that the family was way beyond most everyone else in town in their attitudes.

I am honored to be among the insane ones that question our government.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

I am honored to be among the insane ones that question our government.

The only truly insane people are those that accept everything the government tells them at face value, and never use logic or research to verify what has been told to them.

If people knew how many lies are told to them by their government in a single day, they would be truly shocked. Government officials believe that they are the only intelligent people capable of handling the truth, so they lie constantly.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 08:57 PM
This is stupid and rediculous! Yes anyone who questions anything must be insane! (sarcasm)

Of course there are conspiracy people who are out of their heads but there are people in every group I guess you could call it that are out of their heads too. Its all about balance and attempting to look at BOTH sides when it comes to conspiracy stuff, atleast in my opinion. Don't let Alex Jones or whatever convince you everything he is saying is true but also at the same tme dont believe everything the gov spoonfeeds you. Question everything!

[edit on 28-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:04 PM
I AM CRAZZY,.... yep. thats right a paranoid freak. ah huh. well they can all bit me.Of course nothing terrible has happened yet I just no it will cause I am Nuts... What... we are all insane.. really wow this is right in line with the guy with the thread that says he hears voices. hmmm. all I hear is a constant high pitch ringing. sucks really, but I am gettin used to it.... could be from bein in a band. what.. you say somthin.. awe nevermind.. I am crazynuts.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
He's overboard as usual and full of himself but Matthews has a good point. Judging by what I have seen in both the 911 skeptics and other conspiracy groups, there are a hell of a lot of mentally unstable people working out psychotic tendencies and serious emotional issues instead of making valid points. The overly aggressive manner in which the average "conspiracy theorist" attacks skeptics and deniers supports Matthews' claim. Especially when the most cogent arguments reference "indigo" children, alien space wars, "reptilians" and all the other sci fi nonsense that makes you guys sound insane. It doesn't help that most of you on here are fixated on bizarre and libelous claims about "eugenics" programs, "forced sterilization," "FEMA camps" and all sorts of horses&&t, and attack anyone who confronts these paranoid delusions.

No offense, but some of you on here are doing a better job of discrediting yourselves than the media ever could.

I rarely agree with you SAW, Here's one time that I star your post because you are absolutely right. Nailing this as an emotional argument for the CT's.

A deeply emotional argument. Check [color=#00BFFF]this link...

And read these ATS'ers going off on emotional tirades arguing with Anti-Birthers that don't even have a leg to stand on... they quote the obvious internet scumbags that quote even more internet scumbags who have absolutely no proof that the COLB produced on their website wasn't a forgery.

Obama didn't even hand over a copy to congress; his campaign handed it to MediaMatters or some other website that posted it.

This isn't an emotional issue. It's facts. Here are some of the latest...

Susan Nordyke:

Born : Aug 5, 1961 2:12 p.m.
Registered : Aug. 11, 1961
Cert. Number : 151 61 10637


Born : Aug. 4, 1961
Registered : Aug 8, 1961
Cert. Number : 151 61 10641

The newspapers published announcement :: Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961 :: Totally irrelevant. That argument is totally irrelevant!

Susan Nordyke is one if two twins born at almost the same time as Obama. Yet they obtained their photostat copy of their certificates.

Obama is absolutely and wholely blocking release of his own birth certificate. Why? Well, to quote him at a meeting with GOP leaders... "I won"


I think that we can stop the emotional aspect of argument. Let the pro's dig up more and more information and just keep reposting it.

Don't forget to just scream if you must ...

[color=gold]Just show it, bro!

Who does he serve?

Edit to add:

One more question to everyone...

If NSA / FBI / CIA etc... came to your office that was in charge of securing gov't archives AND that you were personally in charge of those docs... and claimed "As a measure of national security it is imperative that these docs stay out of sight of the general public no matter what happens" ... Would you comply?

If they led you to believe that our nations existence depended on you lieing to the American people?

I'm just sayin' ya know.

[edit on 7·29·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:19 AM
Psychologically insane eh? As opposed to physically insane I suppose? Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.

The point is still well made. The branding of dissent as this that and the other continues to increase.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:26 AM
What makes me the maddest isn't being called insane. It is the fact that we are doing the very job journalists are trained and paid for!!

Anyone in journalism, or with a pulpit to speak from, or that wants to call themselves a patriot, has the duty of questioning the government. They should be the ones uncovering these mysteries and reporting to us!! They have the schooling, training, and access. We don't. They have the time, the paycheck, and the pulpit to report from, we don't.

This is an utter failure of journalism!!

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
What makes me the maddest isn't being called insane. It is the fact that we are doing the very job journalists are trained and paid for!!

Anyone in journalism, or with a pulpit to speak from, or that wants to call themselves a patriot, has the duty of questioning the government. They should be the ones uncovering these mysteries and reporting to us!! They have the schooling, training, and access. We don't. They have the time, the paycheck, and the pulpit to report from, we don't.

This is an utter failure of journalism!!

That has been true for a very very long time now.

It's very sad.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

Yup, I have heard about it for years, in church actually.

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