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Mother Says Devil Made Her decapitate her 3 week old Son

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posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:17 AM
The woman and the father of the child were both insane, plain and simple. She was in the hospital for self inflicted wounds, was off her meds, and he knew she was crazy and left the kid with her anyway. The father is just as guilty as the whack job mom.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:36 PM
This is a horrible makes me sick. That poor baby. At least he is at peace now.......I don't understand people making this into a religious debate....obviously the woman was a psycho and must have had serious mental health issues for her to claim that the devil enticed her to murder her son. However, put yourself in the shoes of a mentally ill person for a moment: if you heard voices out of nowhere, it would no doubt be terrifying and it would be hard to think logically when these voices are telling you to do things. Obviously it would be easy to misconstrue these voices as devils or demons, particularly if you were raised with a religious or superstitious background. There's no big anti-religion point to be made about this incident, people.

However, if you look at the gory and sick details of what happened, it goes beyond mental illness, to me anyway....every once in awhile you read about a case and there's no ignoring the face that there is something inhuman about some people. Not even wild animals would do something like that. There is such a thing as EVIL, and it is not a result of mental illness or medications or lack of medications or post-partum depression and what have you. It is something that can't be explained by logic or rationalization......evil is very, very real. I am not saying that the Devil told the woman to kill her baby.....however, and I know I'm in the minority here, but I do believe there are evil forces at work in the world, there has been since the beginning of time, whether you call it the Devil or demons or whatnot, evil forces do exist and they are not naturally present in human beings. A person's nature can be 'bad', 'crazy', 'violent', but 'evil'.....different story.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Actually - wild animals do do that. You've apparently never seen a rabbit eat its young alive.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 03:44 PM
This case reminded me of a TED show that I saw on Youtube. It's about the use of a sound directional device. The potential for abuse of this technology is unreal. Here it is:

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 05:45 PM
Don't know if anyones posted this yet, but according to the baby's father she told him she was schizophrenic a week before she killed the baby.

It also looks as though before she killed the baby she tried to save him, according to what the sister told the 911 dispatcher.....

"She's gone crazy last night. She was hearing voices," Garcia says. "She kept bringing me the baby. And finally she calmed down and I took her back the baby. And now I just woke up to hear screaming."

Now why would the sister give the baby back to her knowing that she was hearing voices and has a history of mental illness ????

If my sister kept bringing her baby to me saying that she was hearing voices i sure as hell wouldn't have given the baby back to her and left her alone with the baby until she had received medical help. Especially if she was schizophrenic. What was her sister thinking !

Scott W. Buchholz, the infant's father, said Sanchez suffered from postpartum depression and that she told him she was schizophrenic a week before the slaying. Buchholz, who said he also is schizophrenic, said he wants her to receive the death penalty.

Sanchez brought "Baby Scotty" over to see his father the day before the slaying, and Buchholz said she became irate when he asked for copies of the birth certificate and other documents, then left in a huff with the baby.

Seems like maybe he had intentions of seeking custody.

A family member has said Sanchez had been undergoing psychiatric treatment and that a hospital called looking for her several months ago. Gloria Sanchez, the mother's aunt, said her niece had been "in and out of a psychiatric ward.";_ylt=AjqpqJge895kZt2tTDjJ.RADW7oF

Such a shame what happened to that poor baby, especially since it could have so easily been prevented.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 06:36 PM
Made me think of my grandchildren. It's just sad all of the way around.
Obviously, there are mental issues here. Folks, that tells me that people weren't paying attention (her sister, the baby's father, and I'll bet there were some other relatives and medical personnel that missed it too.

I'm a Christian, but the Devil has no hold on me. Matter of fact, there are verses in the Bible that tell you can tell him to a hike.

Bottom line, when a friend or a close relative has a baby, watch them. Looks like this is becoming a more common occurrence. Everyone will thank you for later

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:13 PM
The more I hear that everyone knew she was insane and the fact her husband was insane makes me angry. Why wouldn't her sister or mother or someone go ahead and get that baby away from her? They are all just as guilty for that baby's death as the mother. So them calling for her execution is just to clear their minds of guilt but they still have blood on their hands as far as I am concerned.

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Toughiv

Well, which other language uses the word flower? Devil is just a translation. If something told her to do evil things, you say what you know, right? And everyone has heard of god and satan. Like even if a giant hand came from the cloud an atheist saw, he would think of god, probably would not conclude that is what it is, but would definitely come to mind.

Sorry when you said treated like a murderer I thought of America haha where there is execution...
Like I said maybe she said 'the devil made me do it' because it (or a voice pretending to be) actually made her? I think it was the CIA who were experimenting with subliminal high frequency. All you would hear is an unbearable sound but there is an encode message that only your subconscious understand.
I mean she cut herself too... if she just wanted to get rid of the baby I doubt she will slit her throat too. And it is similar to the exorcisms (where people hurt themselves!)

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Scott W. Buchholz, the infant's father, said Sanchez suffered from postpartum depression and that she told him she was schizophrenic a week before the slaying. Buchholz, who said he also is schizophrenic, said he wants her to receive the death penalty.

This baby would probably not have a good life, BOTH parents are SCHIZOPHRENIC.

I am not for eugenics, but this murder is simply something that should be expected and probable. State should have get involved in child care before it was even born, two schizophrenics raising a schizophrenic child is very hard.

Some people with genetic diseases decide to have kids knowing that they will have the disease that will make them "socially unacceptable". However, some of these "diseases" are volatile enough for state to intervene. By state intervention I mean deploying an expert who can confirming that mother and her sister are made aware of possible complications and do know what to expect (voices, hallucinations).

I don't want to sound judgemental but I see many posters here fail to see what has caused reaction from the mother. I see many used this disgusting event to propagate their anti-religion and whatnot personal ideologies.

[edit on 30-7-2009 by SassyCat]

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by SassyCat

Did the lady know she was schizophrenic (however u spl it)? If so, the state should have already been keeping a close eye...

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Toughiv

I believe towards the end of the last news article where the most recent comments about her and the father come from the womans parents said that she wasn't mentally ill but had a history of drug useage.

From my understanding if the woman was on drugs they wouldn't really be able to figure out if she was mentally ill or if it was the drugs that were causing her mental state until she had been clean for quite some time. Even after she was clean for a long time and the voices and such still happened they wouldn't ever know if it was the drugs she had taken that had made this condition or she was just born with this condition.

I also noticed in the article she states "He told me to do it." Makes me wonder if the voice (He) she has a name for.

Also she had two other children of hers with her in the house. Why just the baby. Why had she never done harm before to the other children. I believe the youngest of those children was 5 years old they would of been born before her mental hospitalization.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by grover

You must have not read the story very carefully. This is an example of the dangers of demon possession, not the dangers of organized religion. She was hearing voices and was obviously possessed. There are a surprising number of people morally compromised this way.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

To say that she was demon possessed is the exact same thing as saying the Devil made her do it...and it is also an evasion of her responsiblity for her action.

Since demons and devils are a part of organized Christianities mythology it doesn't alter my contention at all.

There were no demons as external forces that made her do this...she was/is psychotic...nothing more nothing less.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by grover

She is just an additional fact that contradicts your materialistic worldview. I happen to believe there is a spiritual realm and it exerts a heavy influence on this world. If you are sensitive and open your eyes you can see many such examples, both good and evil.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

You have no idea what my worldview is or what my spiritual beliefs are and it is arrogant of you to presume that you do.

Just because you believe me wrong doesn't make you right.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by napayshni57

The other children were not her children, they were her sister's children.

reply to post by grover

Sorry i just saw your response to me. I understand what you meant now.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by chise61

My exchange with seventhunders is exactly what I'm talking about.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 06:10 PM
You want to know why she said that?

It's simple, she didn't want the kid, she killed him, didn't want to go to prison, so she says the Devil made her do it.

Therefore labeling her insane, she'll probably be sent to a mental institution.

She's takin the easy way out.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by chise61

My misunderstanding since an early article had just said there was two other children in the home not stating they belonged to the sister, and no mention of the sister being there at the time. So when this last article mentioned the sister and her children I thought maybe there had been a total of 4 other children in the home at the time.

Thanks for clarifying that for me

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