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A Brief Perspective On The UFO Phenomena

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by circuitfxr
This may seem to sound a bit crazy, but why is it there have not been any photos of UFO's taken by the HUBBLE telescope?

Hubble uses long exposures... a ship of any kind in the field close by would not show up... and one across the galaxy would be millions of years ago

However there was one case recently of them spotting something odd that was not there later... I will have to look it up unless Internos or someone recalls the link

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Thanks for your reply my friend, it is much appreciated.

A few comments to your posts:

Yes, you are correct about this is more for the serious researchers, although it won't hurt the occasional researchers to follow some of these guidelines. LOL, that "back to youtube" comment is a CLASSIC, lol BRAVO--
That is all to often true, when it is time for real research and digging most would rather just goggle youtube videos. But there is a growing number of real researchers out there, I think everything will work out in the long run.

As far as the massive funding for my "panel", yes you are correct. I also agree that some type of fund raising initiative would be needed. The only bad part is that any thing on this scale would likely need to be government funded. BUT, this is possible to do if we can have a co-op civilian-government ran program. The civilians research and the government funds. I do not think some of the ufologist that would be in the panel would be so ready to cover up evidence.

But it all takes small steps, and that would be the ideal team, first I must say again: UNIFICATION and LEGITIMAZATION.......This is needed to happen so ,maybe ufology can have a real voice in the mass public and government affairs. As I said, this is just a plea, advice, and a plan--Whether it works or happens is up to us.

PS: Sorry about the black!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by circuitfxr
We are making every effort to LISTEN for aliens with SETI, so why aren't we just as diligent with visual pursuits? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Simple enough to answer. SETI is monitoring for a coherent modulated signal.
That life exists "out there" is not the question for them.
However that does not automatically mean that self-same life is anymore capable of crossing interstellar gulfs than we are, as of this point in our evolution.

To address the main thrust of the thread. Very worthwhile, but will be very hard to carry through.
I understand that I will show as being new to these boards. I also understand that may encourage many to believe I am ignorant or skeptical uninformed or simply closed off to new ideas. So in all probability will be ignored.
However, I warn against becoming so focused on the one "truth" that all (potential) other explanations become irrelevant. Sometimes a cigar is simply a cigar and can be dismissed as such.
The truth is there to find I'm sure. We may not however like it.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:14 PM
Well you are welcome to use my infrastructure

For government funding... the best approach is to hire handicapped staff for the office and set up a non profit. The computer work can easily be done by disabled people and would give them interesting employment and there are many programs available for that, especially disable vets

Just tell he government they are welcome to send an agent for the team
One advantage to have a spool in the organization is that when you hit a hot case, you will know when he picks up the phone

Heck MUFON and the others all have one so why not?

Deinise Stoner is an ex government investigator that now is a researcher. Many in our group are aerospace and ex military so that will help with skills...

Once you have a base office funded, even if you start in part time coordinating the rest is easier... and the work load gets divided

But one good donation from a 'patron' is all you really need... maybe we can ask Buzz

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Much obliged my friend.

Regardless of all this something HAS to be done, a major STEP needs to be made IMHO. I hope Pegasus gets off the ground more, I also hope the same with ATS, it is unfortunate that both are still bound to the online world at this time. I am hoping this will change--I myself have some ideas, but we will keep them at that for now.

[edit on 7/27/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by circuitfxr
We are making every effort to LISTEN for aliens with SETI, so why aren't we just as diligent with visual pursuits? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

SETI in my opinion is a joke and looking in the wrong places.

We barely started transmitting radio just 100 years ago. At the speed of light those old signals are just now reaching 100 light year radius from Earth.

By the time or radio and TV signals get out a few light years it is almost a useless signal as it has been so degraded.

People say Aliens are here because they heard our signals. That would mean the aliens would have to be within 100 light years approx and there are very few stars in that distance. Even then at that range they would just get noise from 100 years ago.

Here are the possible stars withing 50 light years... a range where some of our broadcasts MIGHT be heard

IMO SETI needs to monitor the local space. IF indeed we are being visited by hoards of Aliens, surely they have local ship to ship chatter and communication with ground crews outside the ship. We should be looking for THOSE

Any interstellar communication would not be using normal radio waves. Even Star Trek has 'sub space radio' They may even be using quantum entanglement to communicate. SETI is only looking for normal radio chatter

There is one team however that is searching for laser pulses... and they MAY have found one...

Laser-like signal coming from Gliese 581e???

Its not actually from Gliese 581e (an exoplanet) That was an error in the report. I contacted the scientist and the result is here

[edit on 27-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by zorgon

It's from its moon is it not? Since Gliese 581e is a massive Jupiter sized world 20 ly from Earth. Anyways, yea I doubt ETs would use radio communique, it would likely be some type of quantum communication system utilizing the extra dimensional nature of space (subspace, hyperspace--and YES those are real things in cosmology and theoretical physics).

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08I also hope the same with ATS, it is unfortunate that both are still bound to the online world at this time.

Well ATS has a ground crew already... lest you forget the excursion to the ranch with a motor home bigger than my house
And there is more equipment there than the local camera store has


And back in July 2007 we almost joined forces... to bad that fell off the table

My daughter sporting the ATS Official John Lear Tin Foil Hat

Sigh.... the good olde days...

[edit on 27-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

There are also those of us less capable members who've been here long enough to want to learn something from the more seasoned veterans.....and not just their brand of sarcastic humor.

A poll or survey should make things simpler without bogging down the thread with numerous and repetitive postings and chatter? It seems to me that some threads are just recycling older threads or topics. Any best thread recommendations?

Unfortunately, I've noticed threads from just a year ago that no longer have working links.

How about an ATS video on UFOLOGY 101 for us beginners also?

An ATS member challenge?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

No... but I see the link did not go to the post. Fixed that...

from Dr Bhathal

Hi Ron

Thanks for your email. I think a couple of people from the European press made a mistake and associated my work with the work on extra-solar planets. I am carrying out a search for ETI in the optical spectrum. We are looking for laser pulse signals from outer space.

The signal we detected came from the southern constellation Tucanae. Please find attached the signal for your use in your publications.
We are still in the process of trying to figure out whether it is an ETI signal.



posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by aleon1018
There are also those of us less capable members who've been here long enough to want to learn something from the more seasoned veterans.....

Valid point and because of that I spend a lot of time repeating work in new threads and especially via U2U one on one with SERIOUS people. Unfortunately the size of ATS and the nature of forums... combined with the fact that new posters will deliberately not search for existing topics so they can start earning points for their own threads... get a lot of duplication. Look at the LRO new Lunar Mission... I have added to 20 threads on the same mission. It is difficult to do research and yet try to answer posts with that many threads.

But we try...

Then you have threads that DO keep it all in one thread... like our stargate thread, Sleepers and John Lear's moon pic thread. They are hundreds of pages long. Very few will ever read through the whole thread...

and not just their brand of sarcastic humor.

The sarcasm comes from frustration on people not really listening or following links... it becomes a defense mechanism to avoid the pitfall of saying what you REALLY want to to a troll... us 'regulars' are held to a higher standard... supposed to have a thicker skin... but some days you want to go to the garage and get the baseball bat out to get their attention

A poll or survey should make things simpler without bogging down the thread with numerous and repetitive postings and chatter? It seems to me that some threads are just recycling older threads or topics. Any best thread recommendations?

It would be great if people not interested in the topic of a thread would just skip it and go find something they like... but we all know that will never happen.

On the other hand if you have a serious thread that cannot be debunked it too soon falls under the rug. Why? Because there are no arguments. No skeptic/believer battles. And as you said less capable people might agree but cannot really add much to the thread other than "Great find
" or "Thanks for the info" Understandable to be sure, but since those posts are discouraged here... the thread is soon left quiet, And with thousands of threads... soon forgotten

Unfortunately, I've noticed threads from just a year ago that no longer have working links.

Yup because the internet is constantly changing. I have to look over my site constantly to update old links. I usually ask permission to reprint entire articles for that reason Some news sites like the BBC keep all links intact
but most file them in archives. Pictures stored on photo sites have limited space and people delete them forgetting that kills them in old forums. One of the reasons ATS created the media storage.

Also in my case I had to change servers and a new domain name so all the old links in the Moon pic thread are dead and there is no way to fix that

How about an ATS video on UFOLOGY 101 for us beginners also?

That would be a fantastic idea...

[edit on 27-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Giving this thread a necessary bump to remind newer members. It seems like this thread and you other one, Five Things You Should Keep In Mind Before Posting In The UFO Forum should be stickied to the top. Would definately, help new and old members alike, in what is expected.

[edit on Aug 14th 2009 by TheMythLives]

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