posted on May, 11 2004 @ 08:15 AM
"You're blind to the fact you're blind, baby"
The deriliction of duty is a huge issue. Not something to be passed over with a "In fact they formed their own committee to examine this
issue....even if they came to the same conclusions much later, so what? Any administration taking office would no doubght review ALL of the previous
administration policies. "
That's all well & good on economic policy. Not matters of life & death....there you move quickly & resolute and you don't remove saftey
measures already in play. That's high crimes.
On MIC: it's a term you see tossed around alot' for a reason: contractors with direct ties to the VP & S of D ans well as the
president have been given sole reign over the rebuild, have not implemented any type of accounting to see where our billions actually go
, and have been uncovered to be perpatrating fraud on several levels.
Add to that the US now outsources to them on a scale never before seen in US history, and yes, you have impeachable offenses.
It's a 2 part issue for you & folks like Seek: first, you're looking at the word "impeach" as being a charge/trial/conviction all in one. It's
not. It's definition is "to accuse an official of an offense: to charge a serving government official with serious misconduct while in
Second, you apply John Gotti logic: they called him the Teflon Don because of a brilliant strategy of always being so many levels removed, that no
charges could really stick to him. But was he a crime lord? Of course. Did they eventually get him? Yup.
In America, we're blind to the crimes because partisan politics is a thick curtain to which rational people fail to see the complicity of their
The problems we're seeing come to fore today started with an arrogant government saying that "Enemy Combatants" don't qualify under the Geneva
Convention....even if they are US citizen. Basic & core American rights were crushed under this regime. Basic legislative policy fundamental to our
branches of government set up were violated with this War Powers resolution. Tthe GOP-led Congress allowed it to happen, with the cooperation of a
majority of Dems, who defined patriotism as agreeing with Bush and his neocon hawks. All of this has set the tone for the torture that has apparantly
been going on in Guantanamo, Afghanistan, and Iraq under Bush. Unfortunately, none of this is cause for impeachment in our undemocratic republic
controlled by moneyed, safely districted imcumbents who win most elections and are being run by a one-party system placed in power by less than 25% of
Americans qualified to vote, who are too busy trying to earn a living to question the inadequate, information they're getting from the corporate
media and, propagandized, appear to believe that Americans don't torture prisoners, even though the CIA manuals have been teaching such techniques
for at least 40 years, including the time Bush's father ran the CIA, or don't really care if we do.
THAT IS WHY he hasn't been impeached yet.