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The Great American Bubble Machine (Rolling Stone)

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:33 AM

From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression - and they're about to do it again

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.


There has been "chatter" about this article for some time now, and it has been mentioned on ATS in other threads (see related threads below), but it really deserves its own thread. The article itself has been out more than 36 hours at the time of this post, so I can't put it in Breaking Alternative News, though I wish I could.

But if you can forgive some of the "adult language" in the text (it is the Rolling Stone, after all), you will follow step by step through what has become the greatest series of financial scams in U.S. history, with a focus on some of its chief architects.

In brief, this article describes the key role of Goldman Sachs and its associates in systematically pillaging the U.S. (and ultimately world) financial system through deliberate manipulation of markets, with the direct complicity of high-level government officials who have intimate ties to the company.

In my opinion, this is a story every ATSer should know.

Related Discussion Threads:

Goldman Sachs Loses Grip on Its Doomsday Machine

Top Shareholders of Baxter International Inc

Rolling Stone expose: Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s

[edit on 7/17/2009 by Majic]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Majic

This is an excellent article ...

Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

I just hope a couple of more folks join this discussion.

With that in mind, for those who do not wish to take the time to read the full seven page article, I recently found this related video from the author:

Description from youtube link:

In Rolling Stone Issue 1082-83, Matt Taibbi takes on "the Wall Street Bubble Mafia" — investment bank Goldman Sachs. The piece has generated controversy, with Goldman Sachs firing back that Taibbi's piece is "an hysterical compilation of conspiracy theories" and a spokesman adding, "We reject the assertion that we are inflators of bubbles and profiteers in busts, and we are painfully conscious of the importance in being a force for good." Taibbi shot back: "Goldman has its alumni pushing its views from the pulpit of the U.S. Treasury, the NYSE, the World Bank, and numerous other important posts; it also has former players fronting major TV shows. They have the ear of the president if they want it." Here, now, are excerpts from Matt Taibbi's piece and video of Taibbi exploring the key issues.

[edit on 9 Aug 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Wow, great article. That cap and trade bubble is quite alarming.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 01:35 AM
Rolling Stone is Leftist propaganda.
You can't believe anything they print.
Since when do pot smoking communists rule this country?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Majic

Is Matt Taibbi a freelance or what? There is no way that a Rolling Stone writer wouldn't mention the story about Henry Paulson who put away Goldman Sachs' major competitor Lehman & Brothers by refusing to bail out the beleaguered investment bank.

Times are tough also for the Rolling Stone mag, which bought this unimaginative fiction for a deep discount price.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by THX-1138
Rolling Stone is Leftist propaganda.
You can't believe anything they print.
Since when do pot smoking communists rule this country?

Left of what?

Left of the so called Capitalists who have walked away from the guidelines laid down by Adam Smith?

Remember him?

Left of George Washington who not only grew Hemp but if you examined his political thoughts they would be closer to the so called "left" then Goldman Sachs crooks.

By the way if you are asking when pot smoking communists began ruling the country I would say that they do now...or are we reading different newspapers.

Rolling Stone Mag has a history of breaking some very important stories.

Matt hit the nail on the head with the Goldman story. Goldman Sachs understands this.

Their reaction to RS Mag shows how guilty they are.

Star and Flag.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by whiteraven]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:44 AM
Speaking The Unspoken

Originally posted by stander
Is Matt Taibbi a freelance or what? There is no way that a Rolling Stone writer wouldn't mention the story about Henry Paulson who put away Goldman Sachs' major competitor Lehman & Brothers by refusing to bail out the beleaguered investment bank.

You mean like this?

From Page 6:

It began in September of last year, when then-Treasury secretary Paulson made a momentous series of decisions. Although he had already engineered a rescue of Bear Stearns a few months before and helped bail out quasi-private lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Paulson elected to let Lehman Brothers — one of Goldman's last real competitors — collapse without intervention.

Please forgive the shockingly late reply and thread necromancy, but it's all too easy to be called away, and developments since last summer have reminded me of this article and its far-reaching allegations.

You refer to this as an "unimaginative fiction" but don't elaborate. Granted, it's been a while and you may not even notice this reply, but if you would be willing to elaborate on that, I would be most grateful.

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