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SHTF? Director of Congressional Budget Office: Federal budget is on unsustainable path...

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:28 PM
The SHTF about two years ago.

The spending right now is to lesson the rate of collapse.

I notice a lot of comments about SS and Healthcare -- did we forget so soon about bailouts of banks, two wars and the $75 Billion a year for wealthy tax breaks?

The last government, sent the ship of state towards an ice berg and big ships don't turn that quickly.

If you get rid of healthcare and SS then we will lose MORE MONEY in productivity. A think that has been trained out of our public awareness is that America is productive, because people don't have to worry about the basics all the time. The stingy way that education and our electronic infrastructure are treated -- you would think they thought we still made money sewing t-shirts.

Our industry has been exported, and we make 40% of our profits in Financial services. What keeps our dollar afloat, is not our great economic system -- but likely our military itself as it helps prop up cheap resources for multinational corps.

It's a vicious cycle, the more we've depended on the military exports the more we needed conflict in the world so that there was a market. Now the tail wags the dog. Even a decent politician, might balk at retreating from Afghanistan and Iraq resource wars -- you'd have to educate the public while the culprits would pound the media to tar and feather you.

There is no way out for the best of people in leadership. The Bush-Cheney Oil and Bankster cabal made us need them too much. They are heavily invested in offshore tax havens, mercenary (Blackwater/Xe) and war reconstruction outfits (KBR, Carlysle, Haliburton,...). They aren't the only culprits -- but like Bernie Maddoff -- they epitomize the problem.

Cheney made his bankroll during Iraq war I on military procurement. Then sold weapons to Saddam. After that he profited from offshore tax havens and influence on the supreme court to reduce damages for Asbestos for Haliburton. They bought companies that would have gone out of business over lawsuits, and got the average payout down to $200. Yeah, $200 after dealing with a man who spent his life in the mines and is now quickly dying.

>> I don't really know if Obama is on our side or not. Likely he has few options. He must deal with the culprits or they pull the plug.

The interesting Nail in this coffin, was the meeting of the BRIC Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and a few other notables).

If you want a poster child for blame. Think about Goldman Sachs. Our congress and senate are dependent on "donations" to get elected. We've DESIGNED a system that has built in bribes. Only a very few can make it into office without owing somebody with resources.

So we were told to let the wealthy get wealthier and that Banks should be privatized and the money pooled. Our banking system is built on a Fractional Reserve, which If you read the book by E. H. Brown "Web of Debt." Is basically unsustainable. We were raised to hate unions and blame "Costs" on infrastructure, or "stealing from the wealthy" to give to lazy people.

We forgot why we put in place the Glass Stegall Act and why people were shot trying to get a 40-hour work week and end child labor.

This FAN we are hitting, started picking up steam in 1980.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by charlie0

Then why did he raise MY taxes on cigarettes?
Why does he want to raise MY taxes with cap and trade?
Why does he want to penalize me because I won't go to his (government) healthcare plan?
His "stimulus" package has cost me more at the grocers.
Cost me more at the pump.

His kind of help, I can do without!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by charlie0
reply to

He doesn't mean to rob them but he definitely means that they should pay their fair share of taxes. Just give him the support and don't fall for the scumbags that are working for rich and trying to manipulate you.

You are sadly brainwashed. The income tax is ILLEGAL. It should not exist. There is no law anywhere, and certainly not in the Constitution, that says income can be taxed. We all pay out of fear of the IRS, another private corporation. Read my signature. That is how it currently works.

Your "fair share" of taxes from your income is ZERO.

Granted there is enterprise corruption as you alluded to but if we simply returned to the Constitution as the Law of the Land all would right itself.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by merkaba93]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:38 PM
And can someone please explain to me what "fair share" is? When the top 10% of this country pays for over 80% of the taxes and the bottom 50% pays for 3% of the taxes, who isn't paying their "fair share"?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7

Originally posted by SPC_D
reply to post by LeeannaHolland

There are uninsured CHILDREN. And PEOPLE that are not wealthy are not covered...

Indeed there are but I do not want to pay for them to get coverage plan and simple I can barely make it as it is and to add more taxes on top of what I pay is asking too much.
I am sorry if it sounds cold hearted of me however I simply can’t afford to spend more for something I don't get nor want and the American people should not want this type of reform ether.
it is irresponsible of the government to spend like this 1 trillion$ for this and why not another trillion for that to and than Oh hey this needs fixed so lets spend more money we don't have we will just up taxes some more, make the people pay it's not our money.


"Over the next decade, the bill would impose $544 billion in new taxes on families making more than $350,000."

The tax increases will affect only 4.1 percent of tax filers who report small business income.

Spending 544 billion over the course of 10 years is really not that significant. You should see how much is allotted for defense every year.

It's unlikely you will see a tax increase. You would know that if you actually did some research beyond watching Fox News.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by andrewh7]

YOU are right but you cannot get through to these ECONOMIC 101 Supply and Demand geniuses. The ignorant will call you Communist. That's how they see the world; Dog-Eat-Dog Capitalism and every adherent thinks they will be the big dog.

Every politician, who isn't sniffing paint fumes knows that you have to spend your way out of a recession. Demand has been reduced -- which means job cuts. Now how are we going to tax people without jobs?

If California goes through with Swarzennegar's plan to cut all the social services -- what about the businesses that cater to welfare recipients, green stamps, the elderly and indigent care? Oh, they lay of workers too. The Police are going to also get a reduction -- but now you've got a lot more people with no money, no prospects and nothing but time on their hands. Cutting subsidies and "hand outs" if you want to be Darwinian about it -- is the best way to crash the economy during a recession.

Tax Cuts and handouts to the wealthy; Well they did that like crazy before the LAST TWO economic collapses.

The problem with Obama's economic plan is he cannot borrow enough to spend what he needs to to get the economy going.

>> The ONLY way we can economically get out of this mess, is if we treated it like an emergency, and Nationalized our banks (we are pulling them out of hock for many times what their liabilities are anyway -- it's much cheaper to just buy the $380 Billion in mortgage defaults as well).

Must Nationalize:
Banking (we have to cover their losses, while they pocket their profits anyway)
Energy (Private industry is cost PLUS. Think of ENRON and think of Exxon caught paying for Global Warming deniers).
Healthcare (Our taxes pay 52% of the burden. Health insurance pockets 50% of all funds paid to healthcare. 34% of the money that actually goes to care ends up used by administration to collect money and manage expenses).
Military Weapons Production (By profiting from War, contractors and developers alike, lobby and put in power, people who ensure more conflicts in the world -- it's what we are trapped in right now)

>> Other industries left alone except for environmental impact and personal injury oversight.

>>> Wendell Potter -- Health Insurance executive and whistleblower (from Signa and Humana). Has detailed what many of us on he left have been saying; Health Insurance makes profits by dumping sick people.

Who pays for the sick? Taxpayers. It costs Ten TIMES more to deal with a pregnancy for a woman who has no health care than one who is insured (think of the cost of a Preemie in an emergency room).

Those of you thinking that we need to cut our losses and stop helping the poor and sick, are not only selfish -- you are economically ignorant.

Mexico has low taxes, a poor infrastructure, and no limits on what a business can do. Holland has high taxes, government paid for education and health care, and redistributes wealth.

Upward mobility for the Dutch is around 80% (60% for Europe) and only about 45% in the US -- at least up until 2008, it's probably worse now.

>> So we've already DONE all the things Libertarians and Conservative have suggested since Ronald Reagan, and that's why we are in this mess.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Every politician, who isn't sniffing paint fumes knows that you have to spend your way out of a recession. Demand has been reduced -- which means job cuts. Now how are we going to tax people without jobs?

You just argued you for me. Demand needs to increase. Business, any business needs their capital freed from government leeches to create more jobs, more things that people and countries will buy. Then you can tax them. You can't tax them MORE, if they have to lay people off because they are going out of business because of increased taxes.

>> So we've already DONE all the things Libertarians and Conservative have suggested since Ronald Reagan, and that's why we are in this mess.

Actually, Reagan got us out of the mess Carter got us into. Are you too young to remember the 15% unemployment under Carter? Do you remember the lines just to get gas? To get food?
Pick up a history book youngster!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:10 PM

You know your history. I commend you.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by charlie0


You know your history. I commend you.

Then puuuhlease! show me, reference me, where in history, Carters' 15% unemployment was a good thing. And when Reagan brought it down, it was a bad thing?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
And can someone please explain to me what "fair share" is? When the top 10% of this country pays for over 80% of the taxes and the bottom 50% pays for 3% of the taxes, who isn't paying their "fair share"?

YOU want fair?

Give me 80% of the Country's wealth, and I'll be happy to have a 60% tax on earnings. Until the Wealthy WANT to actually trade places -- you and they need to quit your whining.

Our country is on the cliff of total economic collapse, and knuckleheads are yelling "lower the taxes on the wealthy" as if we didn't do that since the Reagan administration with all the economic instability being ignored.

Anyone remember the S&L Crisis and bailout? We had lot's of stability when marginal taxes were high on the wealthy and lots of growth in the 1950's. And we gave all that up for what?

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus

Originally posted by charlie0


You know your history. I commend you.

Then puuuhlease! show me, reference me, where in history, Carters' 15% unemployment was a good thing. And when Reagan brought it down, it was a bad thing?

Carter had to deal with PAYING for the Vietnam war. Also, the Banks and the Oil Barons were plenty scared about his talk of NOT importing foreign oil.

IF we had stayed with the Carter doctrine, this country would have been fine and there would be a lot fewer wars to prop up robber barons in Latin America.

You do realize, that Carter was fighting the profit-taking and Globalist agenda that is now WINNING the war in this country? They were doing their best to wreck the economy.

But beyond that, Carter had a balanced budget and Reagan tripled the Deficit more than the entire history of this country combined. Anyone can look like they are doing good as long as the credit card holds out.

The BUYING power of American's was a lot higher -- even with the high inflation near the end of Carter's term. During the Reagan era, while the 15% growth in the stock market hailed the trickle down genius (no mention of the 300% increase under Clinton, eh?), we went from Women getting an opportunity to work to women being REQUIRED to work.

During the HORRIBLE Carter era, my dad could have two cars, a kid in college, health care, and my mom didn't have to work. That was true for MOST Americans.

Now both parents work more hours, pay someone else to watch their kids, and are $14,000 in debt.

You can look at all sorts of numbers -- and I can show you clearly how Democrats are better with the economy IN EVERY CASE than Republicans. Required reading for anyone trying to make the case that Reagan was good for the economy; NO, NOT REALLY.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by merkaba93

You took my statement out of the context. Do you really think the Big Corporations are really paying their fair share of taxes. I agree with you that Income Tax is illegal because I read a lot about it on ATS. Also Mr. Aaron Russo said it in one of his videos that IRS is like a mafia twisting arms. I am old that my memory is not sharp anymore otherwise I would have searched the articles for you right here on ATS. If I can forget Corporation names like Haliburton to used it as reference which belongs to ex VP Chenney moved the headquarters to Dubai. Do you think they did it to favor Arabs. Do you think that US commerce made agreements in 2003 with UAE by Incorporating Trilateral commission's laws especially labor laws imposing on them was a favor to benefit the Middle class Americans. If you remember when President Carter was president, he was asked to reduce 10% labor cost. He said if he do it, he will do it all across board. Does anybody know what he meant by that. Why Banks were asking him for 20% interest and Oil companies to raise the price of Gas to $ 2/00 a gallon. They were citing Europeans for a gallon of Gas to be $4/00 a gallon at that time.
I worked for Sheikh Zayyed of Abdu Dhabi and I know first hand when the oil Company executives would ask him to raise the price of Crude Oil. I couldn't understand it. It happened one time in my presence and I am witness. President Reagan did a lot of damage to the middle class Americans. Targetting the Air controllers at his time was just a tip of the iceberg. ATS and places like ATS is the only place you can get some real information. I don't need to misguide you or any one on ATS. I love this forum. I just feel hurt when I see thousands of Americans with no jobs and know behind the scene forces are active to twist the arms of people like Obama who cannot do anything even when he wish to establish healthcare.

If you remember, Chevron and Amoco were the two giants. It was Senior Bush who helped chevron buy Amoco. Do your research who owns Chevron and why Bush family and David Rockefeller belong to Bilderberg and who is Bilderberg. Why chevron funded global warming headed by Algore and who is Algore. Why chevron has offices in Cayman Island and is in the forefront of manipulating Crude Oil prices. I wish I had sharp memory so I could search it right here on ATS. Because I read it here.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by charlie0]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus

Every politician, who isn't sniffing paint fumes knows that you have to spend your way out of a recession. Demand has been reduced -- which means job cuts. Now how are we going to tax people without jobs?

You just argued you for me. Demand needs to increase. Business, any business needs their capital freed from government leeches to create more jobs, more things that people and countries will buy. Then you can tax them. You can't tax them MORE, if they have to lay people off because they are going out of business because of increased taxes.

>> So we've already DONE all the things Libertarians and Conservative have suggested since Ronald Reagan, and that's why we are in this mess.

Actually, Reagan got us out of the mess Carter got us into. Are you too young to remember the 15% unemployment under Carter? Do you remember the lines just to get gas? To get food?
Pick up a history book youngster!

>> I'm going to reluctantly answer you. I don't want to have a reply however, as I cannot re-educate you or argue facts because the ones you have adopted are all wrong. The Cato and Heritage foundation and numerous other robber-baron funded think tanks, have been very busy for the past few decades pumping out half-truths and bald face lies.

Only LIES can support current Conservative economic theory. Which doesn't want Protectionism, and then blames Unions for jobs leaving the country. Not looking at these jobs going to countries that either protect jobs, or have healthcare and education paid for for their citizens.

There isn't ANYTHING I can point to, that Conservatives have done to improve the country. They've been against every positive social movement from ending slavery to women's suffrage. They've been for getting rid of banking regulations, pinching pennies on the poor, and spending more on bombing bridges than building them.

business needs their capital freed from government leeches to create more jobs
>> WE gave that money to the banks, if you remember. Do they need another trillion dollars? Here is a very fundamental principle of economics; BANKS and BUSINESS don't invest if there is no MARKET. When I say; "Market" that means You and Me with spare change. Now, until you give people JOBS -- there is no INVESTMENT. Kind of hard for ANY business, to go in front of its stockholders and say; "We are going to put a lot of staff at all our restaurants, and build ten new ones so that the Economy is stimulated." Then they go in front of the banks and ask for a loan; "You mean you want to expand your capital outlays in order to help the economy, while your competitors are reducing expenses?" You calmly explain that, while there are no more customers to be had, putting money in the hands of construction workers, will eventually lead to more customers.

The BANKS we bailed out are not loaning -- for ANY amount, if they don't think you will pay them back (unless of course, they plan to try another mortgage backed securities scheme).

Government is in the way of small business. But all those "regulations" that have nothing to do with safety, your health, or fair business -- those get put in there by large corporations. It makes for a higher barrier to entry and keeps the small fry who are more efficient from competing with the Big companies and their teams of lobbyists. Our country has become an Oligarchy and we are more in danger of REVERSE Socialism; nationalized losses, privatized profits.

Now people can innovate and start new companies. But it requires the government to LOSE MONEY, on building big-ticket infrastructure projects like an alternative energy grid, and light-weight train system to get the economy going again. While the 1 in 50 economists might argue that spending would be bad right now-- the Wall Street Journal and TV media seem to just be putting on that 1 in 50 economists. Because they are owned by rich people, who don't really like the pesky middle class.

Bush's policies, and your TRAINING in economics, are all designed to bankrupt the middle class - and yes they did CONSPIRE to get us here.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by charlie0

and to bolster your point; Study Finds that MOST large companies Pay No Taxes

I actually had a family friend who was a billionaire, who showed me this credit card he had from an offshore account. He just buys things -- but pays himself very little as a salary. It troubled me -- his admission, but I'm not going to turn in my one Billionaire friend when the government isn't putting a stop to all the others.

Businesses all the time OVERPAY a subsidiary overseas so that they can "realize" the profits in a tax haven.

And we've made it legal to show the tax man one set of books, while to the Stock Exchange, a company can look like it is making huge profits.

>> Really, the fundamental REASON we need high taxes -- is to prevent HUGE pooling of wealth. Companies should be broken up when large, and individuals should be taxed a lot when extremely wealthy. Otherwise they can BREAK a Democracy -- which they clearly did since Reagan. Our economy getting broken happened quite frequently, until FDR made a lot of fundamental changes that really built America into the economic powerhouse we took for granted.

Before WW II -- America was doing OK, but it wasn't a Super Power. WW II actually changed the world's point of view of us as isolated bumpkins. We seem to have this viewpoint that our Economy is stable and that America was always on top. That's only been around 70 years of our history. The rest was mostly poor folks and booms and bust with banks -- which only bothered the people with money working the Hell out of the poor.

We've taken for granted a Middle Class, but Capitalist societies that do not redistribute wealth have a poor record of creating Middle Class societies.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

I know you don't want/expect a reply, but you are going to get one.

The conservatives have not promoted government sponsored programs.

That is the whole point and flaw in your approach.

Why should the government do anything other than pay for wars and build roads?

I am sick and tired of the government and people within the government thinking that they know more than I, can spend my money better than I, and feel that they can tell me how to live my life better than I.

You know what? I can't defend many off the republican programs. I certainly can't defend the liberal approach either.

I wish both would leave the rest of this country alone. It is the height of arrogance that Obama is doing nothing but promoting Big Brother government.
Cradle to the grave healthcare?
Screw it.

Our grandparents lived better, more fruitful, productive lives without Uncle Sam breathing down their necks.

You want me to say it? I'll say it. All politicians stink. They are nothing but self-serving greed-heads who want more control over all our lives.

You want Obama, well my friend, you got him. Good luck to all of us who has to suffer this man and his actions.

-rant over. I'm having a scotch, a smoke, and am going to listen to Frank Sinatra.-

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 05:48 PM
Just reading a little more on 911Myths -- got to love the "mild and reasonable writing style" -- must have gone to school with Dick Cheney or Bill O'Reilly. Just roll that head back and tell us what reasonable people think;;

Three witnesses, specifically identifying two of the hijackers and suggesting the identity of a third, is a more significant story. Of course we still don’t know for sure that it’s true, and you have to be careful about the specifics. Does it prove that Atta is a “hard drinker”, for example? It seems so, unless you read this version:
Last Friday night, Atta, Shehhi and an unidentified man spent 3 1/2 hours at a sports bar, Shuckums, in Hollywood, Fla. While Atta played video games, the other two had about five drinks each and appeared resistant to paying the $48 tab. The manager, Tony Amos, recalled yesterday that he inquired whether they could not afford the bill. Shehhi "looked at me with an arrogant look," Amos said. "He pulled out a wad of cash and put it on the bar table and said, 'There is no money issue. I am an airline pilot.' "

The man identified as Atta is a “hard drinker” in the first story, appears to just play video games in the second. The confusion got worse when the story was retold in the Palm Beach Post, for the fifth anniversary of the attacks:
At Shuckums Bar in Hollywood the night of the attacks, agents showed a manager pictures of the men. He and two bartenders said later they positively identified them as Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi. Manager Tony Amos said the two and another man "got wasted" in his place. Atta, who wore wire-rim glasses, sat on a front corner stool and talked with a third man while his companion furiously pumped dollar bills into a video poker game at the far end of the bar. Atta argued with the manager over his $48 drink bill. When the manager asked whether he could pay, Atta got offended and said, "I'm a pilot for American Airlines and I can pay my bill." TERRORISTS IN OUR MIDST Palm Beach Post (Florida) September 10, 2006

Now Atta is claimed to be the one drinking, but is described as wearing wire-rim glasses, and that sounds more like al-Shehhi. Which one of these stories is true, if any? We’ve no idea.

>> The main point is; that people witnessed all these "Fundi guys who fly into buildings" hanging out at the dang pub. Does it matter if one was playing video games or drinking? No real devout Muslim would be caught dead in such a place.

Here we are, getting all confused with little trees and not noticing the forest. No three people are going to have the same story when talking about someone they kind of noticed at a bar -- this is inherently unreliable. The only take-home information; We saw a guy we think was an accused hijacker and he was hanging out in a bar."

>> MY THEORY, of why we quit hearing these stories, showing how non-devout these bad guys were, is because it ruined the whole "we are in a religious war" meme that the NeoCons were pushing on their base. You can't get bible thumpers all riled up about some run-of-the-mill heathens -- heck, they already have Liberals like Me and Hollywood to deal with. No, the stories got abandoned because it doesn't sound like people who would fly into a building, and it doesn't help the idea of a crusade in the middle east and it doesn't energize voters who read the Left Behind series.

I recognize that's a lot of "CONJECTURE" on my part -- but like I said; all the evidence we have comes from known criminals.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

-rant over. I'm having a scotch, a smoke, and am going to listen to Frank Sinatra.-
>> Ah, now I can at least recognize some common ground.

Of course, I'm going home to have a rum and coke, mow the lawn (I don't smoke), and I'll probably listen to a science program on the iPod. But I totally can relate to the "Danny Craig" sensibilities.

I totally agree with how pissed off you are towards government. But you need to see that the DAMAGE has been done.

I'm not an Obama fan -- I warned my mother and sister about having too much faith when they were working on his campaign. But really -- it was him or McCain, who was pretty dang crooked to begin with, and had no new ideas nor much understanding of current events that started after the Vietnam war.

I am as angry as you are and feel as unrepresented. But I'm also pretty well versed in what is going on and I'm not too surprised by current events other than to say; "I expected it to be worse by now."

YES, we have to kick the bums out. I'm disappointed that Obama saw that the ECONOMY could be solved by hiring the jack-asses from Wall Street -- NOT by the stimulus package, which is a paltry sum when compared to what FDR did. Public works projects get people employed with money in their pockets and it helps build infrastructure that businesses can use to produce things we need.

The answers to America's problems are actually simple in my mind -- but a lot of lies have been spread to cloud the issue. The real problem is that our PROBLEMS, make a lot of money for the status quo -- so they don't get solved and we are told we need to throw pot smokers in prison for more money than a college education.

We need to be dealing with fraudulent elections and the illegal torture issue; NOTHING can be solved in this country without the rule of law.

I'm only posting my point of view here, because I desperately want to make this country better. NOT because I want a Nanny state. Getting people to work again is NOT being a nanny state and no private business can possibly do what needs to be done -- they'd be losing money to do it.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

You spoke of representation.

I defy anyone who can say that they have been accurately represented in years!

Hell, I have a checkered past. I smoke too much, I drink too much and I don't eat right.

But I am planning to run in 2010. Against a republican. I just want to get to the House and be in a position to tell Pelosi to shut the hell up!

At least, for the first frackin' time, anyone who votes for me will have accurate representation!

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 06:46 PM
Yea, let's see, reckless spending, out of control budget, less and less tax revenue coming in? Yep pretty much a recipe for a dead economy.

Add a health care idea that is not only unworkable but unfeasable and you got yourself FUBAR.

YAY, chaos panic and disorder.

Oh before anyone decides to bite my head off for the tax thing? Need I remind you that less and less people are actually working! That means less and less tax revenue coming in from ALL sources. Less GAS tax paid, less SALES tax paid. Just because someone doesn't pay Income Tax doesn't mean they don't get bled dry from every other tax that is out there.

[edit on 7/17/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:02 PM
Ok people, quit saying "my tax dollars are paying for this & that"....your tax dollars are doing one thing and one thing only, PAYING THE INTEREST OWED TO TPTB/FEDERAL RESERVE!
That was the NEW you research......they sold out the country to TPTB.....every government building, property, park and to put the frosting on the cake, the american people....present & future, liened for the debt owed in future taxation.....put it simple, we were sold into slavery.

We need to desolve the current government, revoke all current debt, on the grounds it was done illegally and unconstitutionally. Reform our government with the stipulation that if a senetor, congressman, president or anyone affliated with the government does anything illegal or unconstitutional the will be tried for treason. And if found guilty, imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives, no exceptions, no parole.

I am sick of seeing these two faced lying bastards talk down to we the people and industry, when they are at fault for the current state we are in.
I apologies for the harshness of this post, but the topic is so upsetting to me, mostly because most people will not look into this, educate themselves and get really is a sorry state we are in. Hopefully, we can right the wrongs and get our Rebublic back.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by ufoptics

Run for office.

It's the only way that we are going to change things. We can't trust republicans, we can't trust democrats.

Do you honestly think that there is anyone in DC that cares about us anymore?

Run. That's what I'm going to do!

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