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Michael Moore DID NOT admit to publicity stunt

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posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:10 AM
Like the John Kerry intern LIE created by the right wing, this is yet another LIE. The Independant is known for being very conservative as the Guardian is known for being VERY liberal. Even Matt Drudge didn't post this was a stunt. I find it odd that just about every news outlet reported about Disney refusing to back Michael Moore's film yet no one (not even Drudge)has printed this bogus story & run with it. How come? Not even Fox has run with this.

Heres my theory on how this LIE got started. Moore was on Cnn the other night. Heres the transcirpt where the independant clearly got this LIE from.

show me where in this transcript Moore uses the word stunt. I was just on Micahel Moore's website,which he updates daily, & NOWHERE does he make this claim. Hell, even the title of the independant says "Moore "ACCUSED"of Publicity stunt. DO you know what the word accused means? SHow me where in the trascript does Moore say stunt. He doesn't even suggest it.

This administration is SO DESPERATE to discredit ANYONE who doesn't agree with them its pathetic.The FACT with all this This film will make a $hitload of money.Here everyone is trashing Moore & this movie(A movie no one has seen but is certain its gotta be crap)& all they're doing is generating publicity for Moore.O'Reilly helped make Franken's book #1 buy his STUPID lawsuit & the same will happen here. The American People do not like to be censored.This will only add more interest to this film.Right wingers do more to help leftwingers sell books(or in this case,to see this movie)

I predict it will get a very high honor at Cannes this week(which will only add more interest to the film)Remember,Bowling for Columbine only cost 3 million & made 120 million.Farenheit 911 cost 6 million & will make who ever distributes it just as much if not more than 120 million.If Disney really is passing on this it will be just another string of mistakes Michael Eisner has made(Losing Pixar,their animation dept.etc)Hell, it was Eisner who also decided NOT to make the Lord of the Rings movies because he thought the public wouldn't be interested.

Can anyone show me where else this story is being reported?I don't mean Newsmax or NyPost or any trashy slanted news source.I mean any other reputal news source? I find it odd that Michael Moore wouldn't post this alleged admission on his website. Also, can anyone please tell me where in the transcript Moore admits to this alleged claim? IF people are gonna gloat & spread this story,they'd better be prepared to back up their lies with some facts.I'm sending this post to Michale Moore's website in hopes he'll respond to this claim.Moore is not shy about coming forward squashing lies that have been told about him.

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by romantico]

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by romantico]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:17 AM


Fallout From Abu Ghraib Abuse Scandal

Aired May 5, 2004 - 22:00 ET


Might want to provide a better link than you have given for your argument there romantico....Abu Graib is connected with MMoore's publicity stunt?

On top that, being discussed in this thread:
Follow-Up: Michael Moore Admits to Publicity Stunt for "Fahrenheit 911"

Knock yourself out and join the 'fun'.


posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:19 AM
Why a new thread on this? Does it really even matter? MM has been shown to be a liar in the whole charade.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Yeah, that's true. Instead he just barely eluded to knowing a year ago that Disney wouldn't produce his picture, the CNN interviewer TOTALLY ignored what he said, and Moore said the decision was "official" a few weeks ago

Quite frankly, ATS is the only place I've seen that has called his flipflop. Kudos go to SkepticOverlord for connecting the dots. As I said on the ATSNN article, Michael Moore, in my mind, is the democratic equivelant of Rush Limbaugh: An idiot who is only willing to address his own spin and not argue against people with differing viewpoints. Moore is a liar, as is Rush (Effin' put the drug dealers away for life or execute them, as long as they're not pushing pain killers

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:25 AM
Michael Moore is near the bottom of the page(about 3/4's down)

I find it very amusing how People just asume Michael Moore is a liberal.Has anyone on this site read "tupid White Men"? If so, he's pretty critical of Bill Clinton & the democratic party.Moore was a big Nader lover & isn't even that fond of John Kerry.Point is,he knocks Democrats as well as Republicnas,but everyone asumes because he hates Bush so much(as do many Republicans)that he MUST be a liberal.

Heres the latest from Michael Moore.Enjoy.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by romantico
Michael Moore is near the bottom of the page(about 3/4's down)

I find it very amusing how People just asume Michael Moore is a liberal.Has anyone on this site read "tupid White Men"? If so, he's pretty critical of Bill Clinton & the democratic party.Moore was a big Nader lover & isn't even that fond of John Kerry.Point is,he knocks Democrats as well as Republicnas,but everyone asumes because he hates Bush so much(as do many Republicans)that he MUST be a liberal.

Although I haven't read it, I've seen many of his movies. Being a liberal doesn't make you a hard core party following democrat. Bill Clinton was one of our more conservative presidents (didn't hold a cnadle to Regan, tho
) So to say that he's not a liberal because he attacked Clinton...Well, I would put forth that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity aren't conservatives because they've both attacked the president, GW Bush.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:32 AM

I find it very amusing how People just asume Michael Moore is a liberal

MMoore is a major liberal and those denying that he is needs to refresh themselves on the term.
Tub-o-lard LIBERAL.

Good debunking of MMoore...right here:

MOOREWATCH is dedicated to unearthing the truth behind the doublespeak and falsehood that spews from the mouth (and keyboard) of Michael Moore on a regular basis. Moore is a disingenuous danger to this country, and his assumptions and assertions should not go unchallenged. The collective expertise and research abilities of the entire Internet are more than enough to debunk most of the nonsense Moore regularly puts forth as fact, and we at MOOREWATCH hope to be the clearinghouse for this information.

MooreWatch: Extraordinarily Fictitious



posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Oh please! SO does that mean every complaint I have with Bush i can just post a link to Democratic Underground or Buzzflash, scream really loud over others, & then claim VOCTORY in my mind because I got the last word in? If you watch Michael Moore in "The Big One" or "Roger & Me" I think most would say he's neautral. Even on his show TV Nation & the Awful truth he did stories on both Liberals & conseravtives & they were not very nice. If he were a liberal,why would he expose & make them the subject of many of hit attacks? Just asking

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by romantico
Oh please! SO does that mean every complaint I have with Bush i can just post a link to Democratic Underground or Buzzflash, scream really loud over others, & then claim VOCTORY in my mind because I got the last word in? If you watch Michael Moore in "The Big One" or "Roger & Me" I think most would say he's neautral. Even on his show TV Nation & the Awful truth he did stories on both Liberals & conseravtives & they were not very nice. If he were a liberal,why would he expose & make them the subject of many of hit attacks? Just asking

Have you met the Colonel yet?

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:01 AM
I also like Thomas Crowne.Whats your point?There are many Right wingers here whom I don't agree whom I still like what they say & vice versa.Michael Moore did not come out & say"Yes,I admit it this was all a stunt"like some here are trying to mislead you to believe.If people hate him so much,fine.But to say he said something that he didn't? Come on!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:03 AM
He didn't have to romantico....he alluded to it, indicated it...."all signs pointed to it"....I mean geez, did he really have to say that he was scamming everyone?


posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by junglejake

Although I haven't read it, I've seen many of his movies.

"many of his movies"? He's only made two.

Although MM can lie with the best of them Romantico has got a point, if you'd actually read any of his books you'd know that he's just as critical of the democrats as he is as Bush. Everyone goes off Stupid White Men and assumes alot of stuff.

If you'd actually bothered to read Downsize This you'd know that that book slaughters the Democratic party, so I don't see how anyone can say he's in the democrat corner.

I happen to think that MM is very good for the unenlightened intelligent, but very dangerous to the ignorant.

MM is no better really, he fights fire with fire and twists things to his advantage just like politicians do. How is this a good thing? The good thing is he is now being heard by millions, and whether alot of it is true or not he's making people very suspicious of the government and politicians which is always a good thing.
This gets even better when people read his books and for the unenlightened who actually take the info they've read and research it for themselves.
From this research they can determine what is actually true and also find a few truths of their own. At the very least MM has done a good thing here.

The bad? The ignorant fools who read his books and watch his films and quote every line at you as though they're fact and have not actually bothered to research the information themselves. These people are just as dangerous as you ignorant flock of sheep who follow Bush and fight his corner no matter how much he screws you over. Both sets are just as sickening.

However, through using his very good PR ways to getting the unenlightened to seek truth for themselves MM should be thanked.

To all you people who claim to "despise" e.t.c. MM I can't help but shake my head laughing at you clowns. You throw all this hatred and then it turns out none of you have actually read any of his books, but base it solely on Bowling For Columbine because it has mistakes in it. So what? go to any site that looks for movie mistakes, you'll find thousands of mistakes in just about every movie ever made. No movie is perfect, but because this one dares to question Bush it gets slaughtered. I urge you to find my any film/documentary that doesn't have mistakes in it, you wont find one.

Now, the people who hate and have not read his books amaze me. Haven't you ever heard the saying "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer"? To defeat your enemy you have to know them like you know your closest allie. I would never come out and claim to hate anyone just because I didn't like one of their films, how deeply ignorant is that?

Look at it from a different persective. Say I saw one Martin Scorsese film and based on that one film I claimed I "hated" him and say that I believe everything he says is BS. If someone said something like this to me based on one film without bothering to watch them all first would look deeply stupid in my eyes.

If anyone can come on here and claim to "hate" this man without actually reading all his stuff and actually bothering to research their enemy first, then you are the type of ignorant flocks that scare the crap out of me. Shame on you.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:28 AM
1) Roger and Me
2) The Big One
3.) Candian Bacon
4) Bowling for Columbine
5) Farenheit 911

not to mention 2 shows(one for Fox) TV NATION & The Awful Truth

He alluded to it? Ya see, thats funny because I didn;t get that impression at all when I saw it. I have not heard Michael Moore come out & say it either.

I can say all sorts of horrible things about Bush. Then, you can post a topic saying "Romantico HATES Bush" Is it true or is it a lie? Its a lie. I don't hate anyone however, I do hate what Bush is doing to this country.You can try all the slippery talk you want,the fact is I never once said I hated Bush yet because you "just assumed I MUST' you feel you can exagerate it & say I hated him. Well, thats whys happened here with Michael Moore.Until I hear Michael Moore come out & say what you claim,I'm sticking to my story.Its funny that No one elese has run with what your saying.But I guess everyone else is wrong & your righ,huh?

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:34 AM

Its funny that No one elese has run with what your saying

Not a matter of wrong and right or whether you hate bush or kiss the ground his tender feet touch, romantico.

As to your statement above...its apparent that you haven't read ALL the threads here dealing with this situation on Michael Moore and the Disney Show, have ya?
And if your refering to major news media sources, you haven't been watching the news lately have ya? Stay away from NBC and CBS now, cause they most certainly won't air this Moore debunk because it goes against their agenda and runs counter to their position of using MEDIA to help remove a president.

I guess what you had to say proves that your right and I'm wrong or your wrong and I'm right...confusing thing there, huh?


posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:46 AM
I have read every comment here about Moore not to mention things said about him on other message boards. I always believed its best to debate with the intention to learn,not to prove who's right or wrong & I am proud to say I have learned alot from many people whom disgaree with me & I them. Okay, so CBS & NBC aren't really considered media
Uh, yeah. Right.Okay. I suppose I should be watching Fox & listening to Rush & Hannity. I suppose other than ATS I should also be checking out Worldnetdaily,Drudge, & Newsmax too huh. I surf around.I know what sites lean to the left & what sites lean to the left.The same when watching the nightly news.I go all over the place.I don't think most intelligent people get their news from just one news source.They shop around.My point is, no one has go forward as of yet with this story.It isn't on Reiters or Yahoo or the Associated Press.Michael Moore hasn't released a statement saying what you claim & I've even gone to several movie sites where politics isn't even a factor.Nothing.

So, as of now you decide to on your own what you wish to believe.All I'm saying is no one is running with the story you claim.I do however see where something Michael Moore said has been exagerated .I do see where words have been put into his mouth to make a story.I do see where people claim that Mmore didn't say this but they KNOW FOR A FACT he was thinking it,therefore the story is true.WIth factcheckers like this,you've got a job waiting for you at Faux Entertainment NEws!

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 11:47 AM
no offense to anyone, i understand that some of you are actually interested in this...but I don't see the what the big fuss is about.

Tell me why did this become such a big story? some guy either did or didn't get his movie made by disney. It's not like controversial movies don't get turned down every other day by film companies. why did or does michael moore deserve any or all of this attention..

deny my ignorance in this please, tell me why I should care.

[Edited on 5-8-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by romantico
1) Roger and Me
2) The Big One
3) Candian Bacon
4) Bowling for Columbine
5) Farenheit 911

Ah yes, sorry I forgot about the Big One but I actually thought that was made for TV so it doesn't count as a "film", I could be wrong though. I didn't think Canadian Bacon counted as I thought we were referring to his political documentaries, not John Candy comedies and of course I didn't count Farenheit 911 because it hasn't been released yet.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by John Nada

Originally posted by junglejake

Although I haven't read it, I've seen many of his movies.

"many of his movies"? He's only made two.

2? Bowling for Columbine, The Awful Truth, Roger & Me, The Big One, Dude, where's my Country...There are far more (Moore?
) then two.

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
no offense to anyone, i understand that some of you are actually interested in this...but I don't see the what the big fuss is about.

Tell me why did this become such a big story? some guy either did or didn't get his movie made by disney. It's not like controversial movies don't get turned down every other day by film companies. why did or does michael moore deserve any or all of this attention..

deny my ignorance in this please, tell me why I should care.

[Edited on 5-8-2004 by worldwatcher]

If there was an emoticon bashing heads, I'd put it here instead of this sentance, WW

The problem with this is his credibility. He knew, 1 year ago, that Disney wasn't going to distribute his show. Yet he continued to make it, anyway. Then he gets massive press because now he's ready to release it and, surprise surprise, Disney is saying no. He said it was announced when he finished making the film, just recently. In an obsecure interview with CNN, which, I'd like to add, was really hard to find on CNN's website compared to some other articles, he contradicted himself. He admitted that Disney told him a year ago no, but didn't officially make a statement until recently. He is using spin to give his documentry more press, and to give Disney a bad name (which I think they should have, but do it legitly, not through spin). [i]That's why you should care. He's using Limbaughesque tactics here, and very few news networks (other then ATSNN
) are giving the contradiction the time of day.

If you were producing a film, and your distributer found out about it and said no, you stop making the film. What's the point. Moore did not. He had this plan from day one after he was told no. And now he's all put out because they won't distribute this film he spent a lot of his money on. No #, Sherlock. They told you no, and you did it anyway.

EDIT: Oh, and Canadian Bacon stared John Candy, not Michael Moore

2nd Edit: When I said film, John Nada, I was refering to that which I can get on DVD. Please don't read too much into the word. Technically, they're documentaries, not films. He's never made a "film" that I'm aware of.

[Edited on 5-8-2004 by junglejake]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
2? Bowling for Columbine, The Awful Truth, Roger & Me, The Big One, Dude, where's my Country...There are far more (Moore?
) then two.

The Awful Truth was a TV series. Dude Where's my Country was a book and The Big One was produced by the BBC and shown on TV here first, hence it not being eligible for a film.

The only other one is Canadian Bacon which was a John Candy comedy not a satirical political documentary, hence it not really being relevent here. Thanks for thinking that a book of his was a film though, you've basically proved my point for me.

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