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UFO and ETs encounter with 62 children in South Africa, 1994

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Pathos Are you telling me that every kid in Africa has perfectly clean clothes, which look like they have 'just' come out of the local Wall-Mart?

Ummm you did notice that they also spoke English? And you did know that Zimbabwe is the former British colony of Rhodesia?

[edit on 18-7-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Randall Nickerson is the guy making the documentary using the original interview footage and modern day follow ups with the "kids". It's expected to be finished this year.

John E Mack Institute

The Witness

Those children are now young adults scattered around the globe. Nickerson is tracking them down and interviewing them about the experience. “Their stories have not changed at all,” he says. “Not what you would expect if they had made it all up.”

reply to post by zorgon

I'm guessing you were addressing "Pathos" with that quote?

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Nusku]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:49 AM
the only reason i made a big deal about location is because my nation, America gets made fun of all the time for being idiots etc

they always say stuff like "I bet you cant find Moldova on a map"

well, can you find it without using wikipedia?

im sorry my posts seemed harsh but im not yelling or anything, i was saying it calmly and even sarcastically at points

btw Zorgon please don't take it personally because i always enjoy your threads and i almost never argue with you as we are practically on the same side about these issues

i mean cmon i star and flag every thread u make, i earned the right to complain for once

even if it is totally trivial

[edit on 18-7-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Pathos

Pathos You said This?

"Second, look at how new those clothes looked. If I had to make a guess, they were bought off to stage the whole incodent. Are you telling me that every kid in Africa has perfectly clean clothes, which look like they have 'just' come out of the local Wall-Mart? Bright red shirts? Clean brown shirts? I don't think so."

You are really offensive about Africans.
Where do you live Pathos?
Do you think that in Africa there are only poor and starved people? Only savana, lions and elephants?
I don't think you are enough informed about many things....
Are you studied in a real University?
Or the training lessons on "Basic Psycology Elements" in your "Agency" was too fast?
Pathos, you are a pathetic guy that said to be a psycologist.


[edit on 18-7-2009 by Taymour]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:28 AM
This is a reply for a few ignorant people on this thread. The majority of the posts have not insulted me and I thank those people for the constructive discussion.

I am posting from "Deepest Darkest Africa".
We do have those amazing things called telephones, computers and even high speed connections that allow us to connect to this strange thing called the internet.
We have washing machines that allow us to have clean clothes.
We have schools that teach many languages, including English.
We have real houses and not just mud huts.
If you wont believe a kid because they also believe in the tooth fairy then how can you believe an adult who believes in a god he has never seen?
Zimbabwe / South Africa = Southern Africa, get over it.
"UFO's" don't only appear in New York and over the White House (Regardless of what Hollywood tells you)

Now please, lets get back to the original topic of this thread. I am really keen to find as much info on this as possible and the help of people that want to do it constructively will be appreciated.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by mzansi

Thanks mzansi,
This is indeed a lot important and it is the Paradigm of what Mankind has become…
If We do not know our similar ones neither, if we have absurdities prejudices, if we have only preconcepts in our mind, if we do not know the traditions of polulations on this Planet, HOW we could never admit the existence of other Alien Species among us?
I think that this is The GREATER PROBLEM for the Humanity!

And there isn't enough time.....

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:27 AM
Assuming it's true...I think this is a great ETUFO story. The kids in the video are just normal kids and didn't appear uncomfortable or dishonest in any way. Their interpretation of a 'message' from the figure is sort of chilling. Whenever I read a case from Africa I refer to the late, great Cynthia Hind's collection for her views on the matter. So far, I can't find mention of the incident, but will keep looking and post asap. John E. Mack's early involvement is a good indication of validity...later on he got a little too speculative IMO.

On a slight, once again, shows the resilience of children to new and exotic information. None of them went on a looting rampage or fell to their knees sobbing, "Oh no! This means the Bible is wrong!" The familiar idiotic chants that people 'can't handle the truth' is once more disproved. Not only can they 'handle it' they can discuss it (mostly) intelligently.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by Taymour

Taymour i have read some of your discussion with Pathos and i think you may lack the mentality to understand that children do make up stories, can draw Aliens & ufo's (from what they have seen on TV) and can also be easily influenced by adults to say what they want them to say.... Children are easily lead and until they become old enough and wise enough to open their minds they remain easy targets for this type of conspiracy!

Now..... I'm not saying that children to do not have the benefit of sight but what i am saying is that they are and can be easily lead.....

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by zorgon

ufo sighting at/near a school in Australia with trace evidence found.

The Westall UFO encounter is an event claimed to have occurred on 6 April 1966 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Around 11.00 am, for about 20 minutes, more than 200 students and teachers at two Victorian state schools allegedly witnessed an unexplained flying object that descended into a nearby open wild grass field. The paddock was adjacent to a grove of pine trees in an area known as The Grange (now a nature reserve). The object then ascended in a north-westerly direction over the suburb of Clayton South, Victoria, Australia.

I remember reading about the Westall UFO Encounter a couple of years ago. Very disturbing indeed! One of the more compelling cases.

I haven't heard of this Zimbabwe case before. Good find Zorgon! I'll be looking into this one!

[edit on 18-7-2009 by StevesResearch]

[edit on 18-7-2009 by StevesResearch]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by PathosIf you guys want to go a few rounds, I have no problem making you guys look like fools.

You should have edited this out, for now begins your karmic lesson in humility.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

A conspiracy behind 62 children in a school in Zimbabwe to LIE about a Spaceship landed and Alien beings?
A conspiracy behind 62 children doesn't work...

I think that you are really dipped in the Mist or in your "Agency" you are to short in reasonable arguments. Try again whit other...

As I said:
The question is WHY SIXTY-TWO (62) children?
31 were enough some…
Not, perhaps 15…
Also 10 or 5...
Even 2….

IF This event was staged from “someone”, THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT, because is an issue of error and probability that could unmask the swindle!
Less children=less errors
Less children+probability

This Hoaxers has made BINGO!
They have been indeed fortunate.
They had least probabilities to succeed and many probabilities of being unmasked from a child to which the toy not liked ...

I belive to those CHILDREN!

However, read all the links in this thread and see how many skilled people have analyzed this stunning EVENT.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Pathos

PAY ATTENTION!!!! Thats SOUTH africa , not Dafur, not a place where the majority live in a tent or temporary shelter .
South Africa has colonial history and there are or at least were in 94 enough folks with means to make sure that the odd school here and there had uniforms and good education. Please READ the posts that are being discussed. If you dont know squat about the recent history of a place, try not to comment on it until you have learned something. You never know, one day you might get the verbal runs around someone who cares about the place one iota and then you will get such a roasting its not even funny . DENY IGNORANCE !

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Cynthia Hind comes up with the goods again. I can't make any excuses for her interviewing style...but...the video adds a lot more to the incident. The kids are not lying. They recount what they saw. I suspected a road or track would be adjacent to the area of the sighting allowing for the possibility of a misidentified silver car. There was no road there...just bush. I've tried and failed miserably to upload the video to ATS's her preliminary investigation into the incident...

If it fails to work...type 'Ariel School UFO landing 1994' into google video.

EDIT to add...DAMMIT!!! The video is here I've removed the google vid cos it wouldn't work.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Kandinsky]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Pathos
Second, look at how new those clothes looked. If I had to make a guess, they were bought off to stage the whole incodent. Are you telling me that every kid in Africa has perfectly clean clothes, which look like they have 'just' come out of the local Wall-Mart? Bright red shirts? Clean brown shirts? I don't think so.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Pathos]

[edit on 17-7-2009 by Pathos]

I know you have been throughly rebuked for this already, but it's ridiculous, so I thought I would mention, there are poor people everywhere, and where that is the case, there are usually also people who are less poor, some might even be downright wealthy.

Why would you assume schoolchildren wouldn't have nice clothing? Do you think Africa is some undeveloped country? Did you assume their school was in a grass hut?

Like Taymour said, I think you need MORE INFORMATIONS.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by BaronVonGodzilla]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:07 PM
I standby my original statement. Even though I should have been a little more specific, I'm correct in my analysis of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is not an advance society. Even though they may have some commodities, they are not a well off country. They are trying.

When I talked about their clothes, I'm still sticking by what I said. Children don't keep their clothes clean. Even though I may have made the mistake in saying they don't have certain commodities, I think I'm still on the right track with my analysis. They look too clean.

I think they were bought off, or they were influenced during the interview.


Cynthia Hind examines a drawing where it looks like two men are wearing black. Someone has blocked out the facial features, which were draw on the two figures. She dismissed the drawing because she felt it didn't meet certain criteria, which is in support of of 'alien visitation".

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
EDIT to add...DAMMIT!!! The video is here I've removed the google vid cos it wouldn't work.

Google Video Link

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:28 PM
Note: When one of the girls describes her experience, she said, "I first thought it was an alien...". If they have never been exposed to the concept of aliens, why did she think it was an alien? What was her point of reference? Someone filled in the blanks for her.

One of the girls admitted that she might have been influenced by what she saw on tv. She admits to have been influenced by an external source.

This is a fraud where one child influenced another, and then all the other children just repeated what the others interpreted.

Case closed.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Pathos

Clothes Clean! A hard proof of the hoax!

You are a psycologist or a owner of a laundry?

Do you know that also in other countries, all over the word, people wash clothes to their children before they go to school as you have made when you went to asylum.
What do you know of ZIMBABWE?

Many absurdities prejudices and preconcepts make you to become blind, deaf and perhaps... dumb.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:35 PM
See above for post reply.

Originally posted by Taymour
reply to post by Pathos

Many absurdities prejudices and preconcepts make you to become blind, deaf and perhaps... dumb.

Prejudice? Wow! Basically you don't have an argument, so you call people prejudice? You better have some type of proof. Since you have never met me before, I think you are afraid of an opposing point of view.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by zorgon
Good work. Trying to upload the file to ATS Media crashed my PC three times.

Despite Hind's leading interview technique, the footage leaves me with the impression that the kids saw something unusual. Her research was quirky without being close-minded and illustrated how there is more to Ufology than events in the US. AFAIK nobody has tried to fill her boots in Africa...

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