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Jesus Christ is the only way

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:37 PM


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 05:59 PM
To anyone who does not think Jesus was in fact the Christ, I'm suggesting you do something that many people along your mind set have done in the past out of spite to spit in Jesus' face basically, and upon his prophecy, and that is "DENY THE EXISTENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" of course Jesus told you it was coming, and He obviously has no credibility with you, so why should "The holy spirit, who the Father will send in my name" even exist.... am I correct? I'm just saying, you don't believe in Jesus, why should you the trinity. DO ME AND THE REST OF CHRISTIANS AND YOURSELF A FAVOR, and commit this blasphemous act FOR ALL ATS to see your stance.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by clever024

How do me not believing in a Jesus being the Christ and a belief in 'god'.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I didn't say you didn't, but since He was the "prophet" of the "Physical manifestation of God" or "The Holy Spirit" completing the trinity he is obviously a fake in your eyes, thus he is not correct. so what is the harm in doing something you are advocating already.... you deny Jesus as Christ, you Kinda already Denied the trinity........ I'm just asking you to take it a step further and actually blaspheme Jesus' prophecy of the holy spirit, since again, in your eyes he was a fake, and a fraud and what have you.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by clever024
I didn't say you didn't, but since He was the "prophet" of the "Physical manifestation of God" or "The Holy Spirit" completing the trinity he is obviously a fake in your eyes, thus he is not correct. so what is the harm in doing something you are advocating already.... you deny Jesus as Christ, you Kinda already Denied the trinity........ I'm just asking you to take it a step further and actually blaspheme Jesus' prophecy of the holy spirit, since again, in your eyes he was a fake, and a fraud and what have you.

But that's opinionated from your belief system, if I do not think Jesus of Nazerath is the Christ than I am not denying existence of the self-existent One.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Psychonaughty]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by slymattb

By the way Jesus of Nazerath was born 2018 years ago March 20th, almost 2 hours before sunrise.

No he wasnt'

Did you ask him?


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe

I didn't post that someone else did.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by clever024
I didn't say you didn't, but since He was the "prophet" of the "Physical manifestation of God" or "The Holy Spirit" completing the trinity

Either Jesus is the Son of God or Jesus is God. You can't call Jesus a prophet of the Physical manifestation of God then say he's in the trinity. Jesus again iseither the Son of God a prophet of God, or Jesus is God. Me personal I do believe Jesus is the perfect manifestation og God. But Jesus came to do God's will not his own will. He pray showing that he is not God.

Originally posted by clever024
you deny Jesus as Christ, you Kinda already Denied the trinity........

Originally posted by clever024
I'm just asking you to take it a step further and actually blaspheme Jesus' prophecy of the holy spirit, since again, in your eyes he was a fake, and a fraud and what have you.

Wow a Christian man trys to get some damned to hell. What is wrong with you dud. Any real Christian knows that if he did blaspheme against the holy spirit isn't unforgivable. How can you even act like your a good man. God wants people saved. And as a soldier of Christ you suppose to bring people to Christ not to hell. I can't believe a known Christian just tried to get someone to damned their selves. So ungodly.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by clever024
To anyone who does not think Jesus was in fact the Christ, I'm suggesting you do something that many people along your mind set have done in the past out of spite to spit in Jesus' face basically, and upon his prophecy, and that is "DENY THE EXISTENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" of course Jesus told you it was coming, and He obviously has no credibility with you, so why should "The holy spirit, who the Father will send in my name" even exist.... am I correct? I'm just saying, you don't believe in Jesus, why should you the trinity. DO ME AND THE REST OF CHRISTIANS AND YOURSELF A FAVOR, and commit this blasphemous act FOR ALL ATS to see your stance.

I will take the one sentence posted in all caps to respond to:


You obviously take a lot of stock in the Holy Spirit, but do you know what it is?

Any good Christian will talk a lot about the Holy Spirit, as if it were a thing, and an "out there" thing, I take it they think it lives in Heaven, or somewhere, until they (Christians) get it, and they alone can have it. That about right? Friend, if one is an en-souled human being, then the Holy Spirit is present. The Holy Spirit is your soul, your immortal spirit, the thing that animates you and makes you a living being. Contrary to your belief, Christians do not have a lock on Spirit.

You are right that many people do deny their Spirit. They think of themselves in only human terms..."I am a man," "I am a woman," "I am a service worker/doctor/minister."
When asked, "Who are you," I respond, "I am Spirit, I inhabit this human body."
I am Spirit first, a man second, and what I do is a distant third. How do you respond when asked this question?

Another thing, and I am certain you have heard this before. The man you call Jesus, real name something like Yeshua bin Joseph, did not come here to invent, or establish a religious dogma. He came here to overthrow the established religions, and teach them how wrong they were to have such greed for money. did he not throw the money changers out of the Temple?

Did he go out and try to make people join his "club" of followers, or start anything like a religion at all? Did he tell anyone that their religion was wrong, and that his was the only true path to God? Nobody knows exactly what the man said, not a word was written for some odd 70 years after his death, and "Ascension," in which he was "beamed up" to his craft for the trip home. At that time in history, people of the Earth were doing all kinds of things that the "Gods" (Extraterrestrials) frowned on. Also, mistakes had been made during the creation of mankind, and in other things, so several beings of a higher order were sent to Earth, born of woman, and sent here to teach, and to correct mistakes. It wasn't only the Christians, who would have probably been wiped out if not for the Romans, who established Christianity as the "official religion" of the State. The Early Christians were zealots, and they closed all of the schools except their own, and began to convert the Pagans at the point of the sword. They went about and built churches....
The origin and meaning of the word 'church' ...on top of all ancient Pagan places of worship. All of the Old Gods were turned into Demons, and Earth's sister planet, the home of the Morning Star, Venus, was made into "Satan" and "Lucifer," and "El Shaddi."
Satan, from the Hebrew word for "adversary" (Standard Hebrew: שָׂטָן, Satan; Tiberian Hebrew Śāṭān; Koine Greek: Σατανάς, Satanás; Aramaic: סטנא, Saṭänä; Arabic: شيطان, Šayṭān, Ge'ez: Sāyṭān, Turkish: Şeytan), is a term that originates from the Abrahamic faiths, being traditionally applied to an angel....

A control factor was then established, and it began to spread. The High Priests had all of the knowledge of the Ancients, and they kept it for themselves, and even formed secret societies to protect the secret history of mankind, among other things, like who our creators are.

It is pretty clear to me that the God of the Bible isn't around anymore. I am aware of a group called "The Nine" who are nine crystal based computers that contain the Mind of God. I don't know much about this, it seems I am on a need to know basis here. Something else, one time during an Astral Travelling experience, I came onto a place. There were three golden figures, sitting on golden thrones side by side. They were all made of gold. Their head dress looked like the head dress of the Annunaki.

The three were emitting a great power that I could feel, it vibrated within my spirit body.
I then saw that on three sides of the place was a black screen, curved from the floor up, and curving over if one were to stand close to it. There were these little blue guys there, working at the screen. The golden beings would send, via telepathy, to the little blue guys, and then they would move these little lights around on the screen. I then saw that there were lighted lines between the lights, and when a connection was made, things changed about on the screen. I thought to myself, "this is some kind of control thing!" and as I did, the nearest one to me turned and looked right at me. He frowned, and sent me the thought to, "GET OUT you don't belong here!"
I was literally slammed back into my body. Anyone who has had the physic shock experience can attest that this is not a pleasant thing to happen. Here are a few links on the "Gods." We are all of the "House of El" you know.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Mind1universe

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by slymattb

By the way Jesus of Nazerath was born 2018 years ago March 20th, almost 2 hours before sunrise.

No he wasnt'

Did you ask him?



Lay down the date.


You can't use the bible or Christian fabrication to tell me that I don't believe in the One or the one you call "God", (Which is a a corrupt word because it would imply, that you as a human, would have control over the invocated being), just because I don't take Jesus as my "savior".

Humans are corrupt on this planet.... every single one of them, there should be no Human intervention between you and the Divine.

Putting a human (Jesus, and other religious idols from all wakes of beliefs) before the Divine in any way shape or form is an abomination.

If your father asks you for a glass of water to show you care for him and are disciplined, do you bring it directly to him or do you take the glass of water to your neighbor and ask him to tell you what your father really asked, while the neighbor did not hear it and is drinking the glass of water himself?

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 01:54 PM
Psycho, I'm not sure who has indoctrinated you but I can assure you that somebody, somewhere has set you out in the wrong direction.

You can't serve the creature AND the Creator - and that's what it appears you are trying to do.

The Creator's Holy Scriptures clearly state that the ONLY way to Him, and to Heaven, is through His Son, Jesus Christ.

He doesn't give anyone a choice of going through another "god" or through a mystic or gnome, or statute or whatever else mankind has created for an alternative route.

You claim to believe in the one true God but yet blasphemy His Son as well as what His Scriptures instruct and command.

No man, NO man is holy enough to view/talk to/see GOD - all humans were born into sin and are corrupt to the core. God doesn't allow corruption in His Heaven. Remember when Jesus was resurrected and told Mary M. not to touch Him because he had not yet ascended. God sent His son to us so that our sins would be paid for, and as a way for us to reach Him for our salvation.

But what you are suggesting goes directly against what the Holy God's Scriptures require of mankind - do you realize this or are you just repeating what you've been indoctrinated with?

The only deduction that I can make is that you are serving "A" god - just not the one true God of the Holy Bible.

There isn't any multiple choice in which 'god' you want to worship and follow. Sure, mankind will brainwash you into believing that you do have a choice - just look at all of the non believers out in the world today.

And these false 'gods' will work just fine for you, for now - but come time for the Lord's Day - you, among millions of others, are going to be sadly awakened with reality.

All I can do is pray that you will seek Him - the true God, not the 'god(s) of evil mankind, and that He will open your eyes to the truth.


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Psycho said:

If your father asks you for a glass of water to show you care for him and are disciplined, do you bring it directly to him or do you take the glass of water to your neighbor and ask him to tell you what your father really asked, while the neighbor did not hear it and is drinking the glass of water himself?


If my father told me that I must go through the neighbor in order to deliver that glass of water to Him - I wouldn't second guess or try to find another way around His instruction.

I certainly would never start thinking up ways to get around the way that my father instructed me to get the glass of water to Him.

You are simply, and blatantly, taking what God said, the truth, and making it into a lie, to try to cover your own sins.

You aren't alone, Psycho - there are millions of people on this planet just like yourself. They don't like God's laws so they think that they can just diss God and latch onto someone/something else that has laws that are more comfortable.

The Bible warns us of following the evils of the world, my friend -

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
Psycho said:

If your father asks you for a glass of water to show you care for him and are disciplined, do you bring it directly to him or do you take the glass of water to your neighbor and ask him to tell you what your father really asked, while the neighbor did not hear it and is drinking the glass of water himself?


If my father told me that I must go through the neighbor in order to deliver that glass of water to Him - I wouldn't second guess or try to find another way around His instruction.

I certainly would never start thinking up ways to get around the way that my father instructed me to get the glass of water to Him.

You are simply, and blatantly, taking what God said, the truth, and making it into a lie, to try to cover your own sins.

You aren't alone, Psycho - there are millions of people on this planet just like yourself. They don't like God's laws so they think that they can just diss God and latch onto someone/something else that has laws that are more comfortable.

The Bible warns us of following the evils of the world, my friend -

Who says I am against the Divine Law?

I am not against the Divine One in any way shape or form.


I don't why you think I worship a creature or idolise anything over the One.

Again you use the bible to support your views and my wrongness when the bible is the very thing that is fabricated.

Don't you see? Worshipping a human to worship the one is not the way, Humans are not above the Superior One, therefor, they should not worshipped to be better or equal.

[edit on 26-9-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

You can't worship God, the true God, and denounce His Holy Scriptures.

The Bible makes it clear........Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

What part of that are you not understanding?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:26 PM
This "Divine Law" religion stems from a Catholic priest -
I guess I should have guessed that one from the start.

You can review what the Holy Bible DOES say regarding
the way to God.


[edit on 26-9-2009 by nomorecruelty]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Worship means laying your hands at your feet.

The God you know, is the god you don't know. Simply because some of you don't even know who you are. "God" didn't tell you to worship him.

This world is a polarity game. You choose what you do and create on this world. It seems everyone is hellbent on folowing and worshipping false gods.

You are god. All of you. You are never separated from God. The universe that contains everything is you. You is all around you.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

That I will not say.

I am not the one to tel you. For nobody told me. I understand the world and sublimal langauge the powers of be project. The langague and messages go far beyond the physical 3D interpretation of what everything seems to be.

Also if you believe in the "bad guy"

Which I know the deciever is the one who plays the bad guy
He\s waving the date on a particular date every year. It's not

March, or Xmas.

I would love to tell you. But I have faith in you all when the day comes. I have faith you will find out for yourself.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:13 PM
The ignorance in this thread is mindblowing!!

How can you claim something is the ONLY WAY if you have absolute zero proof. Think about it, most religions claim they're followers of the only "right" religion. If that's the case, then no matter what, billions of people follow the wrong religion...or none might be "right" and all follow some imaginary fairytale.

No one can PROOF their religion is "right". Stating otherwise is nothing but pure ignorance and shows an incredible amount intolerance.

If it makes you happy, by all means follow "your" religion...but don't come here stating some bull# about "your religion being the only right religion"...or that "Jesus is the only way".

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
The ignorance in this thread is mindblowing!!

How can you claim something is the ONLY WAY if you have absolute zero proof. Think about it, most religions claim they're followers of the only "right" religion. If that's the case, then no matter what, billions of people follow the wrong religion...or none might be "right" and all follow some imaginary fairytale.

No one can PROOF their religion is "right". Stating otherwise is nothing but pure ignorance and shows an incredible amount intolerance.

If it makes you happy, by all means follow "your" religion...but don't come here stating some bull# about "your religion being the only right religion"...or that "Jesus is the only way".

Because people's own relationship with Jesus Christ is enough to put faith in an entire book, unseen entity, and set of beliefs. The proof is there once you move past the religious mentality and form a personal relationship with your creator. You could try it (which I would recommend) or you can just go about your day. It's up to you!

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:52 PM
he is honest, honesty is a command,

Within Christ the entire physical manifestation of God is embodied. Col 2:9
God is one Deut 6:4

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