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Do Religions Hold Secret Knowledge Hidden Right Out In the Open? Want To Help Find Out?

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:44 PM
The question, of course, is just what kind of "secret knowledge" are we talking about? It seems to me that they only kind of secret knowledge any organization might deem worthy of hiding is that which allows an individual to gain some kind of power.

For instance, there would be no need to keep the existence of the planet Uranus a secret, since that knowledge wouldn't necessarily benefit anybody. Same thing about there being life on other planets. If a religion knew this to be true, then there's no need to hide it, because nobody could benefit from that knowledge.

Of course, knowing how to make lead into gold, or how to fly, or how to communicate instantaneously over long distances would be useful to keep secret. Actual royal genetic bloodlines might be worth hiding, since that has always been important to people, and it's hard to keep a bloodline going in a straight line (ref. Abraham).

However, it might be a mistake to interpret ancient symbolism as guarding a secret, just as it might be a mistake to think that just because somebody kept something a secret that secret is still accurate and true in light of our more advanced knowledge. Or that it matters any more. Does it really matter at this point who the rightful heir to the throne of France is? Only out of curiosity, maybe. But not as a practical matter.

Still, I suppose the best way of determining if some secret is symbolically encoded would be to find out if anybody still knows what a specific set of symbols means, and have them explain it. Otherwise, if you're just going to take a lot of symbols and guess at their meanings, that probably isn't going to prove much, since symbols are notorious for having multiple meanings without a clear central key. There are a lot of hobbyists out there trying to crack the meanings of groups of symbols. Hard to say if they're right, though, without somebody who really knows the facts coming forward and admitting whether somebody is right or wrong. And they might not be too motivated to do that.

Anyway, for instance, if you wanted to know all about Masonic symbols and secrets (such as they are), the best way to do it is to become a Mason.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
Anyway, for instance, if you wanted to know all about Masonic symbols and secrets (such as they are), the best way to do it is to become a Mason.

You know what is funny about the whole Mason thing? There is plenty information out there about them. All you have to do is read the writings of Hall, Pike and Churchward to get a pretty good grasp on what the Masons believe. I laugh everytime I see some Masonic "conspiracy" thread around here.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Nohup

The turning lead into gold thing of alchemy is a secret within a secret. It wasn't actually about turning physical lead into physical gold. They were secret gnostic teachings which were hidden by using the lead into gold in a metaphorical way. The soul/person is the lead, and they were talking about the soul from lead into gold, by means of enlightenment.

Such is why it takes the "philosophers stone" to complete the process etc.

But such gnostic teachings were banned and people were burned for teaching/knowing these things. So, as a means to hide the information, "secret" knowledge like this is coded with metaphors to a deeper meaning. For anyone who doesn't get the gnostic side of it, they think it's just about turning lead into gold.

There are many other examples as well. Despite societies vast resources being put to stopping these kinds of things, gnosticism pops up on it's own. Because the understanding and knowledge is readily available to those who seek.

In order to keep many things hidden from the masses and the information from "infecting" other people, they then take and push the physical replacements. But it works both ways.

For example, you may have heard of a "sorcerer". That is not Harry Potter. A real sorcerer is a politician. Who use words in order to gain power. And put people under a "spell" of deception. Relic symbols do not have the power themselves as a Harry Potter movie might show you. The symbols are like a cross, where it's power is drawn from the people who follow that symbolism, which wields the politician

As I mention, this however works both ways. When you are able to replace the "replacements" with the real thing, then "hidden" understandings like the above paragraph become clear.

Harry Potter doesn't have the hidden knowledge in it as far as I can tell. It's a "disinfo" movie. Not that I have anything against the movies, they are quite entertaining and I have watched them multiple times. But it does kind of push the physical replacements as being the point, rather than having the hidden knowledge within.

However, take a movie like the Matrix. That movie is full of it. Now, to the people who don't "get it", they see a movie with a ton of action and cool specific effects. But for others, it speaks volumes and gives tons of hidden information away. Neo plays the role of Jesus.

But because the knowledge is hidden within the things, it is able to fly under the radar.

An artist tells a lie in order to reveal the truth.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:34 PM
I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to decide how I was going to explain some interesting numbers/numerology I discovered by accident with Biblical numbers, or more correctly universal Religious numbers. I thought about keeping this discovery to myself. But then my conscience got the better of me and I decided to bring this discovery out in the open. Let me explain what happened.

Before I begin I believe it is important to explain my own personal beliefs, to give a quick insight into how I came across this discovery and why I am asking for your help. I have a deep belief in God, but I do not believe in any Religious texts. As a matter a fact for as long as I can remember I have had a running conversational hypothesis. When religion is brought up in conversation, I would ask, “what if the major Religions of the world are in fact a mistaken understanding of ancient secrets passed down to a primitive and superstitious people/society?”
Now I am the first to admit the Bible is a historical source of past civilizations, and it also seems to have prophetic properties with predictions that have in fact come true. The rebirth of Israel being chief among them. However, those aspects aside…. The bible seems to be chockfull of descriptions of an entity that is evil. In my conversational hypothesis I always change a story in the Old Testament from god or angels did these things, to a person or business did these things. To a person everyone agrees when I ask what they think of the person or organization in my story, they each say that person or organization is evil. Conversely, what strikes me as odd about the bible and the way modern academia describes people from antiquity as being primitive in thought… the problem that has always bugged me about Genesis is how they got the sequence right with regards to how modern science says the universe, galaxies, stars, planets and life must’ve began. If they were as primitive in their understanding of the universe, as modern science contends, then how did they know? Science has only in the last sixty years revised its beliefs on how we believe the universe began, and now with science’s current belief in the Big Bang and the subsequent theories that are accepted as scientific theories/facts… science is now step for step in line with the bible. That has always struck a nerve with me. How could they have known? That simple question has never been to far from my thoughts. And when I would begin to rethink that question I would always search for more clues. Not to be offensive to those who have biblical Religious beliefs, but I reject the god of the bible outright. As I ponder what a omnipresent being would think or behave like, I find it incredibly hard to accept that an all powerful entity that created everything would care how we live or how we pray. And the more I reexamine the stories of Genesis the more I become cemented in that beliefs. Over the last twenty odd years my theories on the bible and why it was created have changed drastically. One of the main reasons my theories keep evolving is I keep learning that more and more civilizations have stories very similar to those found in Genesis, not to mention all the other stories that exist from many old civilizations that are very similar to the story of Jesus. Some of these cultures are separated by thousands of miles of land and sea. The movie Zeitgeist is a perfect example of what I am referring too. Yet, not only do these cultures have stories that are very similar, they also have numbers that are exactly the same. I find that to be incredibly odd. How it is that these cultures have the same stories and the same numbers? There are only three possibilities as far as I am concern.

1) Trade… The old and the new worlds must have been in contact with each other throughout our known history of man.
There is evidence to suggest that that is not only possible, but most likely true. However, modern academia says that it is not possible and they say the limited evidence that does exist is insignificant.

2) Aliens helped mankind go from cavemen to building Pyramids the world over. I reject that outright. It is inconceivable to me that Aliens would talk too, live among, and help our primitive ancestors, and then abandon us for the rest of recorded history. There is no record of any kind from Priest, Kings or other world figures over the last five/eight thousand years, no one has recorded a meeting between themselves and Aliens. To go from helping man out of the caves to now secretly abducting people, creating crop circles, strange objects in the sky, and all the way down to the silly aspects of stealing bovine secretion holes... I’m sorry that just seems ridiculous in the extreme. Now that is not to say I don’t believe in other life forms, or that I don't believe Aliens have and are visiting this planet. I have seen five different things in the sky twice at night and three different times during the day, those experiences makes me believe there are things happening within this planet that we know nothing about. But that doesn’t mean I accept the notion aliens are our gods or our teachers. For all I can prove… those objects I have witnessed in the sky are secret government projects and they do these things in the sky and on the ground to keep the theory of aliens from a far away star system alive and well. Simply so they can continue to do what they want when they want whenever they want because the cover story is aliens are doing it and not them. I strongly doubt that is true, but I do allow for that possibility.

(continue next post)

[edit on 14-7-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by littlebunny part 2

So that brings us to the third possibility.

3) There was a human civilization that encompassed the entire globe in our distant past that was either, more advanced, just as advanced, or just a little behind our current technology with far more advanced understanding of math then we do currently… ie, using the numbers 144,000 and 666 to describe our planet and our relationship with the Sun and our Galaxy seems rather advanced... seeing how we haven't invented that yet… sadly as ancient civilizations explain, a horrific worldwide catastrophe destroyed it all and left behind very few survivors.

I believe there is evidence all over the world that suggests that that is not only possible, but that it is highly probable as well. I also believe there is some evidence to suggest that there has been a massive cover up of that truth for a very long time. That is not to say that I believe there is a secret cabal hidden in the shadows that purposely keeps us ignorant. Rather, I believe there are people and perhaps some organizations that think it is within their own interest to keep that knowledge secret, whether it is done by ignorance or with purpose one can only speculate. However, one has to look no further then the Vatican, the Knights Templar roundup and what was done to the Mayans to see how simple acts of one man’s decisions to hide or destroy blasphemy, and the effects it can have on the world… which in turn either hides or destroys an entire knowledge of history. However over the course of my life I have learned without question the best place to hide anything is right out in the open… with that… I believe I might have found something within the bible that can help us discover if this third possibility is true.

Taking into consideration that ~ possibility three ~ could in fact be true, and that several, known about, past civilizations have the same numbers and similar beliefs/stories, I started to think what if these stories were created for future generations to discover some extremely advanced knowledge, or some extremely important information for our very survival. I then started to think, if that is true, then what could they have possibly known that they felt compelled to pass forward. I then started to think, if the old world did not have communications with the new world, then that means if these survivors did in fact implant secret knowledge into their stories, then it had to have been basic or well known knowledge. And if that is true and when/if we discover it, would this knowledge be basic to us, or could it be more advanced knowledge? The answer to that question is extremely important. Because if what I’m about to explain is proof there might in fact be some secret information hidden within religious beliefs the world over, then the question becomes, is this from a society that was more advanced then our own? If that is true, then they must’ve known there would be a time when mankind would start to shed its superstitions and primitive beliefs. And that they would be advanced enough to understand there is no way an all powerful loving entity would be anything like what is described in religious texts/writings around the world. They must’ve believed there would come a time when future generations would stop looking at their message as a story about a vengeful god, but instead, that future generation would ignore those ridiculous concepts and start paying attention to the science and mathematics described within those stories. I then thought if that is true, were do I start? Well I know that 144,000 and 6, 6, 6, are numbers that can be found in civilizations and belief systems across the planet. So I began to play with those numbers.

The first thing I did was multiply 6 times 6 (36) times 6 equals 216. I could not think of a single religion or belief system that has the number two hundred and sixteen. So at first I thought I was heading down a dead end. That was until I decided to divide 6 into 144, 000.

144,000 divided by 6 equals 24,000. When I saw that I was like… Now that’s interesting. Because if you know geometry/trigonometry and place a stick in the ground, and then by calculating where the Sun is in the sky, its location to the horizon and then multiply that against the shadow emanating from that stick, you in fact come up with the basic circumference of our planet which is 24,000. But I still didn’t think I discovered anything special, so I decide to divide by six again.

24000 divided by 6 equals 4000. When I saw that number I was like, could it be? What if the 24K was their attempt to pass the circumference of our planet forward, did they understand that that 4000 is the thickness of the Earth’s crust? Even though I was applying current accepted knowledge to these numbers, at this point I was simply having fun with the numbers.

4000 divide by 6 equals 666.66 for infinity. Now that caught me off guard. When I do things like this I allow the math to take me places, I never jump ahead of the question. I always allow the answers to come before I start looking for more questions. So when it came up to 666.666, I was like… Now what are the odds!

So I pondered what I had learned for a few hours and then it dawned on me that six times six equals thirty-six and that there are many old civilizations that had a calendar year of only 360 days. So I was like… hmmm, okay why don’t you divide 360 into those numbers and see what you get.

666 divided by 360 equals 1.85, or 666 divided by 36 equals 18.5. When I first saw that number my immediate thought was the speed of our planet as it traverses our Sun. I was starting to get nervous. So I moved onto 4000.

4000 divided by 360 equals 11.11 for infinity or 4000 divided by 36 equals 111.11. That number hit me like a punch to the gut. Science has only recently learned our Sun works off a cycle of 11.1 years. Not to mention there are those who believe some how the Mayans knew about this cycle and their Calendar was written for the sole purpose of following/knowing the Cycles of the Sun because when it reaches its zenith of cycles, some believe, bad things happen to this planet.

(continue next post)

[edit on 14-7-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by littlebunny part 3

24000 divided by 360 equals 66.66 for infinity or 24000 divided by 36 equals 666.66. Again I was like, what the hell is going on here. So I quickly divided 144, 000

144,000 divided by 360/36 equals 400/4000. After I finished this last division I sat back and looked at the numbers, and I was astounded. I mean it really doesn’t seem all that impressive from today’s standards, but when you add in the fact that an ancient society could have implanted these numbers in their stories with a hidden purpose, you start to think some very interesting concepts. To be perfectly blunt I had a lot to digest. I wasn’t sure if I discovered anything, but I understood I found something that has a lot of numerology within it at a minimum and what appeared to be information about our planet. So I saved my worked and went back to running around inside my life, while thinking about these numbers for few days.

A couple of days passed and I started wondering about that 216. I wondered what would I get if I divided that number into 144,000.

144,000 divided by 216 equals 666.66 for infinity. Okay I thought that was weird but not completely unexpected. We are talking about six to the second and third power. Then I did 24000.

24000 divided by 216 equals 111.11 for infinity. Again not completely unexpected. So then I went on to divide 216 into 4000.

4000 divided by 216 equals 18.518 (the .5185 repeats for infinity). Before I divided this last sequence I was just quizzical, as I looked at this final division with all the other numbers before me I actually got scared. There is something to this! 18.518 is extremely close to our current understanding with regards to our planets Miles Per Second speed around the Sun…

So then I decided to multiply 666 times 144,000 which equals 95,904,000. These last two numbers, plus 24,000, 4000, and 111.11 had me spinning. What are the odds that these ancient numbers when divided and multiplied would come up with the circumference of the Earth, the Thickness of its crust, the speed at which the Earth traverses the Sun, the 11.1 year sunspot cycle, and the amount of years it takes the Sun to traverse our Galaxy. What are the odds that these numbers are all over the world and have to my knowledge never been looked at like this before, yet here this information is. It has been sitting out in the open for thousands of years. It took simple questions to find this information, just imagine the answers we can find when we start asking more educated questions.

Once I understood that there might be some truth to the questions I have held for a very long time, I also understood that this was going to take years of research to find out if there is any truth to what I now call a working hypothesis, let alone the amount of research that needs to be invested just to find out where to start.

Normally when I discover anything I work it to death before I even mention any aspect of it. I may do so in passing, but never on the scale I am doing today. I find it to be bad manners to post an idea, theory, or concept without having spent years trying to understand what it is that can be learned. The only reason I am not doing that this time, and the only reason I am throwing an untold amount of money and fame away is because... what if this has something to do with the Mayan and Egyptian 2012 beliefs. (I mean the implications if this is true is worth its weight in gold in both the field of science if this turns out to equal some important truth, or if this eventually leads to a dead end, then it is worth a small fortune in science/fiction writing simply because of the weirdness of it all. I mean to say, Dan Brown would be foaming at the mouth as he reads this concept. No one knows better then I this concept is worth bank. However because of its potential relevance to predicted coming events I am giving it all away because it might in some way help save, warn, or educate humanity to coming dangers, which all by itself will teach mankind secret knowledge.) If this turns out to be true, then that means the information hidden within Genesis, or perhaps the whole bible, and all other religions across the world, may in fact have secrets within them that can either save us from what’s coming, or give us insights into technology that will improve our very existence. Then this would be the greatest story ever told. The simple fact that I don’t know how far this rabbit hole goes, and because 2012 is rushing headlong towards us… I have decided to simply explain what I discovered and allow the world to decide what they will do with it, and then continue my research on my own, or with your help…
Now I personally don’t believe anything is going to happen in 2012 mind you. But my conscience got the best of me because I would hate to be wrong and said nothing because I decided to hold a potential important discovery back for nothing short of greed.

So there it is in a nutshell. If you are interested in helping please let me know. To those who have already sent me an email. I would ask that each of you find a story in Genesis and take out or ignore all references to god or angels and then look at that story from a scientific point of view. Please either send what you discovered to me or post that information here. Also, I would ask that everyone keep an open mind, and if you decide you want to help in this research within a group project atmosphere, then I would ask we first build this hypothesis into a viable working theory. Once we believe we have enough evidence to suggest religions the world over do in fact have secret knowledge interspersed within their doctrine. Once we are sure the evidence suggest that is most likely true, then and only then should we invest the time to rip our evidence apart. I would ask that everyone who decides to help with this research that you come into this with an open mind. Please leave your world, religious, political, and biased views on your side of the computer screen until we have a working theory.

I will be back either later today or tomorrow to see what if anything my fellow ATSers have decided.

--Charles Marcello

all three posts edited for horrific grammar/spelling errors.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

Very interesting. I believe I may be able to contribute somewhat and hopefully not too far off topic.
Perhaps you are familiar with Gematria, or assigning numbers to letters. Well, several years ago a friend of mine was reading the Bible, Revelations specificaly, and came to the verse about "and let him calculate the number of the beast it is 666 the number of a man". Well some translations use the word "humanity" instead of man and needless to say my friend began calculating and, viola, if you substitute the number 6 for a and 12 for b and so on until z=156, add the word humanity together and you get 666.
Well together we calculated hundreds of words and phrases and came to an astonishing conclusion. Certain Good words came to the same number as did certain Bad words (Jesus, Messiah, Cross, Gospel, Heavens, Hand of God=444 Corrupt, A living hell, Slaughter, Living death, Wicked beings, Horrors=666) There are many more but thats all too obvious. I have searched web sites and talked to some people and I have yet to find anyone who can take this any further.
We however have gone further by not only turning letters into numbers, but turning numbers into dates.
United States of Americas year=1776
John Kenedy shot=1122 (nov. 22)
Murder of Martin Luther King Jr=1968
Year of Normandy France invasion=1944
Man to Moon=720(july 20)
And further still, would be future dates.
I believe your theory is entirely possible and I also believe the numbers are the key to unlocking the mystery.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Thank you for the U2U with your findings. It fits in very well with the Biblical numerics that I studied for years. the ones who think he is trying to get money, he didn't ask for one dime; he gave it freely to anyone interested and has posted it here freely as well. Stop being so negative whenever the word God or Bible is posted.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
Why are the world leaders (you know..the people controlling the whole planet) worshiping Lucifer? But you call Christians crackpots?
Bohemian Grove is available for anyone to see on youtube or Google video..
World leaders, corporate elites and politicians every year Performing a cremation of Care ritual to Moloch the Owl (BAAL) (SATAN)

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Wideawake08]

Lucifer and Moloch are not the same.
You can't just go around lumping everything into some blended smoothie of "evil" to focus your hate and fear on.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny
144,000 divide by 6 equals 24,000. When I saw that I was like… Now that’s interesting. Because if you know geometry/trigonometry and place a stick in the ground, and then by calculating where the Sun is in the sky, its location to the horizon and then multiply that against the shadow emanating from that stick, you in fact come up with the basic circumference of our planet of 24,000. But I still didn’t think I discovered anything special, so I decide to divide by six again.

But the circumference of our planet isn't "24,000," it's "24,000" MILES. This is key, as any ancient civilization couldn't possibly have know what we would use for our measuring system, and the ancients certainly didn't use the mile...

24000 divide by 6 equals 4000. When I saw that number I was like, could it be? What if the 24K was there attempt to pass the circumference of our planet forward, did they understand that that 4000 is the thickness of the Earth’s crust? Even though I was applying current accepted knowledge to these numbers, at this point I was simply having fun with the numbers.

Again, the thickness of the crust isn't 4000. In fact, I'm not sure what number you are getting at...

4000 divide by 6 equals 666.66 for infinity. Now that caught me off guard. When I do things like this I allow the math to take me places, I never jump ahead of the question. I always allow the answers to come before I start looking for more questions. So when it came up to 666.666, I was like… Now what are the odds!

I keep reading this, but I can't figure out why it caught you off guard... The number 144,000 is, after all, arrived at because there were 12,000 soldiers from each of the 12 tribes of Israel, so the fact that you get a 6 out of this is not really surprising...

So I ponder what I learned for a few hours and then it dawned on my that six time six equals thirty-six and that there are many old civilizations that had a calendar year of only 360 days. So I was like… hmmm, okay why don’t you divide 360 into those numbers and see what you get.

I think you need to provide some examples of these "many old civilizations" that used a 360 day calendar. While you're at it, can you also provide a list of the cultures which used the numbers 666 and 144,000?? I don't know of any except the Christian Bible...

666 divide by 360 equals 1.85, or 666 divided by 36 equals 18.5. When I first saw that number my immediate thought was the speed of our planet as it traverses our Sun. I was starting to get nervous. So I moved onto 4000.

Again, miles!

4000 divide by 360 equals 11.11 for infinity or 4000 divided by 36 equals 111.11. That number hit me like a punch to the gut. Science has only recently learned our Sun works off a cycle of 11.1 years. Not to mention there are those who believe some how the Mayans knew about this cycle and their Calendar was written for the sole purpose to follow the Cycles of the Sun because when it reaches its zenith of cycles, some believe, bad things happen to this planet.

... Yeah, but which is it? 11.11 or 111.11?? Those numbers are rather different from each other... You can find these kinds of numbers in anything, but they aren't meaningful... Sorry....

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny
the problem that has always bugged me about Genesis is how they got the sequence right with regards to how modern science says the universe, galaxies, stars, planets and life must’ve began.

I really have to address this, because I have no idea what you are saying. The order of creation as presented in Genesis is (taken from

Day One
Watery, formless planet Earth suspended in the darkness and void of space (no stars, no sun, no moon, no planets - except for Earth).
Separation of light from the darkness - and the first indication that the planet is rotating (day and night cycle produced).

This isn't scientific at all. The Earth did not come first, followed by light. Not also that we have the day/night cycle here, even though the Sun isn't created until day four!!!

Day Two
Formation of Earth's atmosphere, separating the water into two parts:
(a) oceanic and subterranean water
(b) atmospheric water.

Um, okay, but the atmosphere isn't water. It contains water, but is mostly NOT water.

Day Three
Dry land and oceans.
System to water the entire land surface using subterranean waters (involving springs or mist, or both).
Vegetation, seed-bearing plants, trees that bear fruit.
Garden of Eden (probably).

Plants... Again, before the Sun!!!!

Day Four
Moon - complete with established orbit so as to mark passage of time (months, seasons, and years).
Stars and other planets.

Finally, some Sun! And the moon and all the other planets and stars.

Day Five
Water creatures of all kinds. (All that had “the breath of life” were vegetarian.)
Birds (all vegetarian).

So, here we have all water animals (from fish to sea snakes to dolphins) and birds. Penguins were DEFINITELY created this day. Note that this is totally different than scientific theory, and is based on a completely different view of the world.

Day Six
Land animals (all vegetarian): (a) creatures that move close to the ground (small animals), (b) large animals, and (c) animals of use to man as livestock.
Woman (saving the best for last?).

All animals created vegetarians... One wonders how lions managed to eat grass with those teeth...

About the only thing that Genesis gets right is that Man/Woman was created LAST with respect to everything else. That's the only parallel I can find. What are you saying here that Genesis mirrors the modern scientific approach?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 01:28 AM
It would seem that there are hidden codes within the scrpitures. Today we know about encryptions. In some way, it's all math and science in some form.

In those days, they didn't understand or it was done in codes only a few could. So, it's sacred science. The Matrix movie also seemd to touch on some of this. I woke up half asleep a few years ago and saw a matrix type scroll. I didn't recognize the symbols either. If only I would have had a photgraphic memory. But then again, maybe that's all it was anyway.

Ancient visitors may have created these scripitures for future visitors who would recognize it. But the matrix encryption makes it all seem as if there is an architect and or interdimensional behind it all.

What you mention is beyond my math skills. I just feel there's something more to it all then mans imaginations.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by suomichris

Oh my gawd! Um, I tell you what, I will post the links to information you can read with regards to ancient civilizations that believed in a 360 day year... When you provide the links to prove an ancient civilization we know nothing about would not have understood or have a concept of miles. And the source you used to argue my point about Genesis has got to be one of the most disingenuous attempts I have witnessed in a long time. If you really want to know which ancient civilizations we know used a 360 day calendar year, I mean you could Google or bing that information... I just bing'd... links to civilizations we know nothing about... and you're right, there is not a single link that says they knew anything about miles or a single link to information we know absolutely nothing about!

Yes people please follow suomichris great example... there is nothing to see here, ancient people we know nothing about did not know about miles, I mean come on! Let’s get serious people, we don't know anything about miles either... Oh wait... Um, we know about miles but, ummm.. we are the smartest creatures to have ever lived. Anyone who says different is a blasphemer.


--Charles Marcello

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by littlebunny

Oh my gawd! Um, I tell you what, I will post the links to information you can read with regards to ancient civilizations that believed in a 360 day year...

Please do, along with links to civilizations that recognized 666 and 144,000.

When you provide the links to prove an ancient civilization we know nothing about would not have understood or have a concept of miles.

Dude, you do not know what a mile is. A mile is a mile because we decided it was a mile. It isn't like a light year; it isn't built into the fabric of the cosmos. The word mile (from Latin mille 'thousand) was a measure of distance first used in the Roman Empire. Since Genesis predates Rome, I'm pretty sure that whoever wrote Genesis had absolutely no idea what a mile was.

And the source you used to argue my point about Genesis has got to be one of the most disingenuous attempts I have witnessed in a long time.

Why? It was just the first summary that googled up, but I just double-checked, and the order it presents is the order found in Genesis. Unless there is some other Book of Genesis to which you were referring...?

If you really want to know which ancient civilizations we know used a 360 day calendar year, I mean you could Google or bing that information...

I did google it, actually, but the only things that come up are Middle Eastern (mostly biblical, with one mesopotamian reference). So, what am I missing? Care to share?


Wow, indeed. You don't know what a mile is, or where the measurement came from. That is just stunningly stupid.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 12:37 AM
Of course, all your 666 stuff goes out the window when you realize the oldest known copies of Revelations have 616 instead...

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:31 AM
I've been researching the 144,000 myself for the past few days. There are 2 recent threads on ATS theorizing about it, some of the info within these might help:

First Thread

Second Thread

You could also google 144,000 and pyramid...the great pyramid originally had 144,000 stones encasing it apparantly

As for the ET thing well the gods of the bible left earth granting (temporary)kingship to a selected number of bloodlines (12).....some (like myself) believe that the Illuminati are descened from these bloodlines. the Kings were entrusted with secrets not to be passed on to the masses and in ancient texts around the world these gods promised a return

Now keeping an open mind, the 144000 who are sealed as the "elect" of god at the time of the "second coming" could be the Illuminati and those who have worked most closely with them. An interesting possibility and when you factor in that 666 ties in with 144,000 it is even more so

888 in gematria is the number associated with the messiah.....888 plus 888 = 1776, a number on the Great Seal of America and a number encoded in the great pyramid and the new freedom tower that is meant to be finished in 2012

Two 888's references two appearances of a going back to the original time 2 thousand years ago, the other to the anticipated (second) coming

Secret societies around the world and the Illuminati themselves have for a very long time been preparing for the time when the messiah figure would return and usher in a new world age. Many legends and texts speak of 2012 as the time for this event.

Note 21-12-2012 at 11-11 AM is:

2+1+1+2+2+0+1+2 = 11

Therefore 11:11:11 represents that day in time......

The end of the 13th Baktun in Mayal cosmology is 21-12-2012. Each cycle takes 144,000 days.....the 14 th cycle begins on this date

On the pyramid on the dollar bill are 13 levels with the 14th (the capstone) floating above it....symbolically the capstone will seat itself on the base on 21-12-2012 when the gods return. The 13 levels are the 12 known bloodlines and the 13th (hidden) bloodline....mirrors of the 12 known zodiac signs and the 13th (hidden) zodiacal sign, whose name I forget , doh.

14 is the number associated with deliverance and salvation can google this

It's a fascinating subject and over at the other threads there is a lot more to consider.........

[edit on 17/7/09 by cosmicpixie]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:16 AM
Yes but 666-666=0.0000000 to infinity. Which is exactly the amount of time people should spend on bible math.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:05 PM
There is no private interpretation of the Bible. As for other religious texts I have no interest in them so can't comment.

When the truth of the 144,000 and 666 is revealed by God, it will be so obvious that we will kick ourselves. However, they will not be known before God's time.

Jesus said no one but the father knows the day or hour of the second coming, which these numbers relate to. This includes the Angels in heaven but most importantly Satan and his demons. If the numbers are able to be worked out, then Satan would have done it by now, and maybe is even trying to decieve the people of the world by utilising them. They are recorded in the Bible so that when it is made clear their meaning, it will prove to more non-believers that God alone knows the end from the beginning.

As for the OP, you did make people suspicious by your mystery and quite frankly it looked like a sales pitch. Next time you have info or theories to share, if you share the info, then you won't attract so much suspicion. Just a thought.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Wideawake08

This person is really wide awake and knows the truth WAKE UP !!!!!

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by DaisyAnne

Lucifer and molech are the same just different names for the same being.Just like odin is zues bacchus is dionysos etc.Study mythology and acient religion and you'll see a very common thread.Satan is known by very many names.Even the chuch of satan accknwledges this.research this It's no secret.

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