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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I, of course, do not and cannot speak for the entire homosexual community, but I personally could care less about being 'accepted'. I only care about equality for all citizens. You don't have to like what I am or what I do, and that applies to everything in my life. Trust me, there is plenty of crap going on in society and in organized religions that I absolutely despise, but I will support and defend your right to do it! Can you see the difference?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:39 PM
OK, my one rant here. I've seen the religious telling it as they see it, not as it is. Easy to cherry pick scripture to say whatever you want. Levitical law? Does that also include slavery and stoning individuals that say the name of god?

The "I don't care as long as I don't have to see it" crowd. Whoa, better to have gay folks back in the closet and deny what they are. Hell, good trade, you're not inconvenienced by others feelings. Where do you think that "coming out of the closet" came from? Because of unenlightened people persecuting gays persistently for ages.

Then there's the marriage issue. OK to have a "civil union" but not a marriage. Why? "Damn, I don't want to even think that fags are anything like me." Drop the fear folks. And please don't tell me about your "gay friends". I don't buy it. People so damn afraid of someone a little different wouldn't spit on a gay man if he was on fire. Just calling it as I see it.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by EyesWideShut

EWS, you are certainly a contradiction and an enigma, based on your siggy!!

HOW can a person who quotes from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" say something like:

For Christians Levitical Law Is The Word of GOD through Moses.

Who was first? Is it the 'christian' religion? Or, the 'mosian' religion??

Wasn't "moses" ('mohammed') also cited by the Muslims?? I see a complete cafeteria-style trend here....take a tray, pick and choose from the selections, discard what you don't like.....

Don't get me wrong --- I think the ENTIRE 'bible' is a load of goose feathers....cobbled together from disparate writings that were (eventually, once writing was invented) put down on stone, papyrus, parchment...after generations of Nomadic superstitious desert wanderers thousands of years ago.....need I go on???

The 'bible' is a HUMAN invention!!! Period. Sorry to bluntly burst in with logical and critical thinking skills, but the sooner this species learns to accept this fact, the sooner we will begin to truly advance.

I think , If I'm not mistaken.... We're saying the EXACT SAME THING!!!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:41 PM
To want a separate law allowing the marriage of gays in not equal, to ask that we teach our children to be tolerant of gays in not equal, to demand that you not be picked on because you are gay is not equal.

To ammend marriage laws so that sex is not mentioned is equal. To yell at any two or more people displaying affection in public to "get a room" is equal. To learn to live with being called names because it happens to all of us be it fat, bald, black, woman, old, the man, or yes; gay, is equal.

I have yet to see an equal rights movement that wants true equality, what you really want is better quality of life for yourself.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by BenIndaSun
reply to post by texastig

After reading your post I realized another reason some people are against gay marriage.

If sex outside of marriage is a sin, and there is no gay marriage, then all homosexuals (except for virgins) are sinners by default.

That's not true. It's the act or lusting in the heart for it. If they actively resist the devils thoughts/emotions then they aren't sinners in that area.
It's like any other sin, we have to resist.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

*Cough Cough*

How many black people were repressed for publicly displaying affection with a white partner?

*cough cough*

Edited because my spelling is tremendously horrid.
A big thanks to whoever invented spell check.

[edit on 11-7-2009 by TurkeyBurgers]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

I'm not the one who drew the battle lines on this one. It's the nature of the beast. Look at the civil rights movement in the African American community. It was a 'us against them' movement. When the majority tries to limit the rights of the minority, the minority must consider themselves a group and unite to fight for their rights. It is the exact same thing here.

Ok, I am not African American, but this really offends me. There is no comparison to gay people and the civil rights movement, whatsoever.

How does your sexual preference even compare to hundreds of years of oppression?


posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
reply to post by EyesWideShut

*Cough Cough*

How many black people were repressed for publicly displaying refection with a white partner?

*cough cough*

None because at that time they weren't considered people , they were property.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by TwiTcHomatic

I said mostly ignorant, and come on, this is ATS! We are constantly talking about the sheeple here. Very few voters are the least bit educated about the things or people they vote for. They let others tell them how to vote.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
If Homosexuality is such a sin how come SOOO SOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOO many Christian and Catholic religions contain


Isn't overindulging with food considered a DEADLY SIN?


WHY are FAT PEOPLE allowed to be married?


But the church will marry fat people.

Heck I see tons of Fat Preachers all the time.

100 Internets to whoever gives me the answer to this one.

-----------------------------SPOILER ALERT-----------------------------------

The correct answer is "Double Standard"

Enjoy seeing EVERY single fat person who dies rotting in the eternal damnation of HELL.

And yes even those with glandular problems because God invented Science to cure this.



Gluttony means "Overindulgence", it is not as simple as you make it out to be. The overindulgences which the sin pertains to relates towards being spoiled and selfish, NOT "eating until you become overweight". Say for instance you go outside, shoot a deer, and you eat it, then you're full, but you go out and shoot another deer even though you still have half-a-deer left inside, and you keep commencing forth in a likewise manner. That is considered Gluttony because you are wasting resources, and possibly depriving an actual starving individual of a meal for themself.

Gluttony deals with the wasting of resources for the spoilage of an individual, which in turn depletes and takes such from others. This was especially a problem during the days of Kings, Lords, Manors and such. It is a sin which emanated from the idea that the Royal and Rich would squander and take all of the resources for themselves, meanwhile the poor peasants and workers, the people who truly worked for their keep, were left to fend for the scraps of the former.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
OK, my one rant here. I've seen the religious telling it as they see it, not as it is. Easy to cherry pick scripture to say whatever you want. Levitical law? Does that also include slavery and stoning individuals that say the name of god?

The "I don't care as long as I don't have to see it" crowd. Whoa, better to have gay folks back in the closet and deny what they are. Hell, good trade, you're not inconvenienced by others feelings. Where do you think that "coming out of the closet" came from? Because of unenlightened people persecuting gays persistently for ages.

Then there's the marriage issue. OK to have a "civil union" but not a marriage. Why? "Damn, I don't want to even think that fags are anything like me." Drop the fear folks. And please don't tell me about your "gay friends". I don't buy it. People so damn afraid of someone a little different wouldn't spit on a gay man if he was on fire. Just calling it as I see it.

I loved this. I don't think I could fit enough thumbs up icons in my post to express how much. Thanks for making my night.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

In the 1960's black people were considered property? I think my friend Martin Luther King would like to have a word with you good sir!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:45 PM
the gay "rights" movement is a conspiracy. let me explain:

as of now, gays can have "civil unions" which means they get all the rights and benefits of "marriage" and the only difference is the words used. "marriage" is religious, plain & simple. if gays were allowed to marry, the churches (ALL churches) would be forced to: either A. marry them, or B. lose their status as a recognized church, and thereby lose all tax benefits associated.

for example (if gay marriage was legal):

a Catholic priest refuses to marry a gay couple. they go and tell the authorities. the whole Catholic church is no longer recognized as a church by the government and loses all tax benefits. the Catholic church is branded as anti-homosexual or homophobic, even if they themselves preach that it's not a sin to be gay, but it's a sin to have sex outside of marriage, gay or straight, although straight people can get married.

basically, the gay rights movement is against freedom of religion.

by the way, i've been around America, and there ARE a few places left where gays aren't accepted. BUT those same places would also not accept many other people, such as Arabs, Jews, or others. FINE!! just don't go to those places, the same way non-Muslims should avoid Saudi Arabia. let the barbarians inbreed until they're dumbed down more.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Trep , the reason I threw the Levitical law in there is to show the hypocrisy of the books in general. Everyone points out the topics that sends eveyone else to the lake of fire but themselves.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by EyesWideShut

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by TwiTcHomatic

I'm not the one who drew the battle lines on this one. It's the nature of the beast. Look at the civil rights movement in the African American community. It was a 'us against them' movement. When the majority tries to limit the rights of the minority, the minority must consider themselves a group and unite to fight for their rights. It is the exact same thing here.

OK , This I kinda object to... and I'm curious who started this. Why is being gay always likened to being black & compared to the civil rights movement? When you actually sit down and break it down in your head... REALLY think about it. It's NOTHING alike!?! It's such a weak argument , How many Gay people have been sold in this country? How Many Gay people were Legal Property? I See Where you can try to make the connection saying they're both minorities , but sit and look at what your saying and logically try to create a connection. Don't Be a Parrot or a Repeater. Sorry Man , I said I wasn't going to derail your thread but I couldn't let that one slide by.... Sorry

I disagree, the popular voice is always strong and brutal. the minority voice is the one that must ban together...
There is of course a more accurate example
womans lib
religious suppression
book banning
conspiracy theorists :-)

imagine if the public majority was able to destroy the rights of any group that didnt fall in the mainstream of what is considered acceptable thought or behavior.

the methods used against the blacks during and before the civil rights movement was of course different, but the overall aspect is the same, removing the rights of a certain class of people based on a biological aspect (and yes, gays have a different brain chemistry setup..its a biological issue, not a decision, else there would be very few gays.)

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

I'm sure that there are more, but the two that bother me are the right to marry (not that I would! I've already gone through a divorce!), and the right to openly serve in the military. I served for 8 years in the late 80's and early 90's, but I had to hide who I really was (for the most part). I'm just not down with rights for some but not for all. Of course, I'm sure other could add to this list, depending on where they live, as laws vary from state to state and community to community.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne

Originally posted by badmedia
I don't care if people are gay. I just don't like it when they hit on me, and don't know how to take a hint.

I live in the bay area, and when I go to San Fran, it's a given you will be amongst some gay people. It doesn't bother me at all, it's none of my business.

But I get so sick and tired of being at a club or something, and they just "happen" to keep bumping into you, even though you are 6'3 and 250lbs and your friends use you as a beacon and place saver because you can be guaranteed 4 feet of open area behind that person because nobody can see over them.

I've had to get a bit rude to some people more than a few times. Not like name calling, just letting them know that the next time they bump into me, it will be the last time they do it.

"hey, hey, hey man"


"Hey man"


"Hey man"

"If you touch me one more time..."

I understand how woman feel. And it doesn't even matter if you are there with a girl, they still do it! "Hey, don't I know you". "Nope, don't think so...".

[edit on 7/11/2009 by badmedia]

As you said, now you know how it feels to be a woman.
I have this happen to me every single day, whether I got to buy milk, or just stand outside to have a cigarette.

So, I would say that your problem is with men, not just gay men.
Gay men are no more guilty of this than straight men.

Ya on the other foot you don't know what you've got til its gone...

One day you might have a deep desire to receive the attention you hate now. In fact you might mourn the eventual loss of your attractiveness like nothing else.

I used to be a guy who could garner some attention, however I grew a horn out of my forehead... Point being, my life is not as kind as it used to be, as it was nice to feel desired and "wanted". You will grow some sort of horn eventually and be lucky to attract a cat with an open can of tuna.

As far as Gay people, its a matter of time, there is always about a half of any population who guards tradition. Same thing kept women from voting or men in chains...


posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by bettermakings
the gay "rights" movement is a conspiracy. let me explain:

as of now, gays can have "civil unions" which means they get all the rights and benefits of "marriage" and the only difference is the words used. "marriage" is religious, plain & simple. if gays were allowed to marry, the churches (ALL churches) would be forced to: either A. marry them, or B. lose their status as a recognized church, and thereby lose all tax benefits associated.

for example (if gay marriage was legal):

a Catholic priest refuses to marry a gay couple. they go and tell the authorities. the whole Catholic church is no longer recognized as a church by the government and loses all tax benefits. the Catholic church is branded as anti-homosexual or homophobic, even if they themselves preach that it's not a sin to be gay, but it's a sin to have sex outside of marriage, gay or straight, although straight people can get married.

basically, the gay rights movement is against freedom of religion.

by the way, i've been around America, and there ARE a few places left where gays aren't accepted. BUT those same places would also not accept many other people, such as Arabs, Jews, or others. FINE!! just don't go to those places, the same way non-Muslims should avoid Saudi Arabia. let the barbarians inbreed until they're dumbed down more.

I originally thought this as well! Unfortunately it is not the correct information!

When the government refers to "Marriage" they are also referring to civil unions. They are one in the same in the governments eyes. Gays cannot get Civil Unions and be eligible for the same benefits of Heterosexual partners. Nor tax breaks. Or like others have said being able to visit their life partner in the hospital.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
OK, my one rant here. I've seen the religious telling it as they see it, not as it is. Easy to cherry pick scripture to say whatever you want. Levitical law? Does that also include slavery and stoning individuals that say the name of god?

The "I don't care as long as I don't have to see it" crowd. Whoa, better to have gay folks back in the closet and deny what they are. Hell, good trade, you're not inconvenienced by others feelings. Where do you think that "coming out of the closet" came from? Because of unenlightened people persecuting gays persistently for ages.

Then there's the marriage issue. OK to have a "civil union" but not a marriage. Why? "Damn, I don't want to even think that fags are anything like me." Drop the fear folks. And please don't tell me about your "gay friends". I don't buy it. People so damn afraid of someone a little different wouldn't spit on a gay man if he was on fire. Just calling it as I see it.

I mentioned I have gay friends.. also mentioned I don't fear it, I just don't understand it.

Luckily it does not matter to me wether you "buy it" or not. Unless you know someone personally, thats a rather broad generalization even coming from a "mod".

Just needed to speak my peace on that part of your post.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by bettermakings

That is crap. Marriage as a legal contract has nothing to do with church. You don't have to go to a church to get married, and most churches have limitation on who they will marry already. The government extends the rights of marrying people in a church because of the long history of marriage and church. Your stance on marriage in no way effects your legal status as a church.

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