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Strange dark line in the sky!

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by ROBL240
Simple explanation being a ex-aircraft spotter myself. What your seeing is basically a shadow being cast upon a Contrail upon humidified air, the reason the effect doesnt occur with the other contrails is because they are already inside the airmass and thus the contrail wont cast upon the mixed air-layer because obviously you need something solid to cast the shadow upon (which in the other contrails cases will be the ground.)

This one seperate Contrail is most likely FL350 and well above the humified airmass (in the clearer air) which it is casting the shadow upon. I hope that makes sense.

If you mean shadow hitting particles in the air, where are the light "rays" which also can be created in similar fashion (like in dusty air of an attic, and so on)? We see those protruding from broken clouds sometimes...

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Yep that describes perfectly what I was trying to say, only in replacement of "dust" it would most likely be humidified air-mass to which the Contrail was above and casting the shadow upon as a Crespecular Ray.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 09:27 PM
There might be extra moisture in that location and you have
a dark rain cloud effect.

Or something extra happened to the craft motor at that point
and made the dark trail.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:30 AM
So it was nothing special?
Thanks for the info.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:52 AM
For some reason I thought I was going to get off without having to post any pictures.

Some evidence for your consideration (below).

What you'll see in the attached images are black lines that, in particular, are either ahead of the aircraft contrail presumably casting them as a shadow, or which remain straight as an arrow, despite the fact that the contrail they are presumed to be a shadow of turns sharply.

A facile explanation is just not possible given these images. And there are plenty more where these came from.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by atswheat







posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:12 PM
The only thing special would be some backfire that started
peeling off metal from the craft and mixing the particles
with hot air molecules making a toxic soup of thick haze.
You got to think bad not good.
The best is good old cloud vapor.
Bad is toxic clouds.
I was surprised over the weekend as I looked up at the trails
that someone offered to say that the trails were dangerous,
or some statement to that effect.
Well the toxic news gets around, that is for sure.
Like out of the blue I'm looking at trails, and an expert appears.
And I did see wings on the X maker.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by atswheat
For some reason I thought I was going to get off without having to post any pictures.

Some evidence for your consideration (below).

What you'll see in the attached images are black lines that, in particular, are either ahead of the aircraft contrail presumably casting them as a shadow, or which remain straight as an arrow, despite the fact that the contrail they are presumed to be a shadow of turns sharply.

A facile explanation is just not possible given these images. And there are plenty more where these came from.

I always though they were laying down communication lines.
The instantaneous ones.
If there is a metal mix in the trails there might be a better
way to make a world wide communication network.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Shadow projected on smog...

Small object in the morning (evening) casts very long shadow...

Applying new technology NCT (nano carbon tubes)???

[edit on 7-7-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:53 PM
It looks like some kind of chemtrails to me.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by atswheat







Actually. I'm not so sure about the 3rd picture taken on a Florida beach. In any case though, it's not in the sky.

The others are obviously shadows.

Some good pictures taken by meteorological observers here:

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Essan

I'm not so sure about the 3rd picture taken on a Florida beach

I've seen shadows of the contrails from the airplane I was flying.

That shadow of an overhead contrail is prominent because the water's surface is fairly smooth.

Very pronounced contrail shadows can also be seen on flat, sandy areas.

The water may be accentuating the shadow, as well. Just a fluke, Sun angle and camera/viewer angle at the same moment in time.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I understand that these black lines have the properties of shadows; i.e., they are similar in shape to a proximate contrail, and they have the general appearance of a shadow.

But especially given the image below, one has to recognize that simply explaining these away as shadows just doesn't satisfy.

I think some critical thinking is needed here.

For example, how are these "shadows" so dark and, in particular, in the "dark line" photo above, so consistently solid throughout, and straight, despite the fact that the contrail has turned?

I have seen breaks in clouds extend similar shadows all the way down to the ground, but any shadow will A) Move / change with its source (in direction, shape and size), and B) Will be diffused / eliminated when light hits it.

Somehow in the image above, the contrail makes a sharp turn, but the “shadow” remains straight as an arrow, and consistently solid / dark throughout.

There are cases of individuals seeing bizarre phenomena with their own eyes and simply not believing it, and I think this may be an instance of this.

The shadow explanation just does not hold water here.

Especially, because we have here, again, a seemingly novel phenomena. When has anyone seen long, dark beams extending to the ground in this manner before?

I have seen these "beams" with my own eyes with no contrails present, so this, to me at least, is not a case closed phenomenon. It's very much open.

I have witnessed this phenomenon without contrails to account for these beams with other, very skeptical eyewitnesses, who have exclaimed that if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes they wouldn't have believed it.

I believe the OP had good reason to start this thread.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by atswheat

I just got the idea from electric UFO theories that ionized air
exhibits dark violet and UV rays.

That trail is still exhibiting radiation from a passing Tesla craft.

ED: Also picked up in photos and perhaps not by the eye.
I have seen disconnected trails. Gonna grab my camera
and get some dark trails.

[edit on 7/7/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by atswheat

Regarding that photo:

Source? Would be nice to be assured it's not been tampered with in any way, before proceeding.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by atswheat

Your pic is indeed very interesting. Even if this were a second contrail at a higher altitude, it is eerily straight and does not have any diffusion or drift?!?

I witnessed a contrail make a 90 degree turn about 2 weeks ago. I was at work without any camera, but I called my wife and mother to go outside and see it. It was some kind of craft heading due west across the FL panhandle. It did not make any sweeping motion at all, just a square corner of a turn. Everything I know about contrails (I am a pilot and scientist) makes that impossible, but I saw it myself!!!

Later the same day, I saw a contrail that made perfect crescent shaped "puffs" at specific intervals, and it followed the same path as the one earlier. These two trails were not in the normal jetways.

I assume it was military testing of new aircraft, some type of "pulse" technology.

I am not one who believes in widespread chemtrails, but I definitely watch the sky for anomalies, and that day was extremely interesting!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:48 PM
In the picture above, where contrail angles, the projection can still be a straight line if the light is falling form a certain angle.

The zig zag movement is atypical to known aircraft.

Another possibility arises in regards to some contrails: an invisible craft producing them.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
In the picture above, where contrail angles, the projection can still be a straight line if the light is falling form a certain angle.

The zig zag movement is atypical to known aircraft.

Another possibility arises in regards to some contrails: an invisible craft producing them.

I did see a trail maker fly over head and just saw darkness in front
and a flashing ball of static electricity at the left aft of the craft.
Sort of invisible like a flying dark violet rain cloud.

There is one straight flight of a dark trail.
Perhaps it was invisible to the photographer.
Now is that a shocker.

A bright trail did move off the dark one.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

I am afraid it is not an invisible aircraft. I am a pilot and am at the moment studying to become an Air Traffic Controller, and I have studied meteorology probably more than most people have.

The phenomena is very interesting, and is called edge shadow.

It occurs when the contrail is lined up with the sun. This produces a slice of shadow through the atmosphere that looks like a dark line when viewed edge-on. It is quite difficult to visualize what is going on since you have to think in three dimensions, and we are accustomed to thinking of shadows as being flat, since they are usually cast on surfaces. You are not seeing a thin dark shadow here, you are actually seeing a huge slab of very faint shadow, but it’s viewed from looking along the edge. Imagine you have a thick sheet of glass. Viewed head on, it’s transparent, but if you look at it from the edge, it seems a lot darker.

Take a look at the photo in this link:

This can be explained as followed:

The “dark line” here is caused by the slab of shadow cast by the portion of the upper part of the exhaust trail of the space shuttle Atlantis that is lined up roughly in a flat plane with the camera and the sun. The sun has just set, so the rays of the sun are almost parallel to the ground, so the upper portion of the plume is casting a long tall shadow through the air towards the horizon. This is viewed edge on from below, and so looks like a dark line. Since it’s a full moon, the sun is directly opposite the moon, so the “shadow” looks like it’s pointing at the moon (if you look closely, you’ll see it continues past the moon). This is particularly dramatic because of the combination of the setting sun and a vertical exhaust trail. With normal contrails, the sun has to be higher in the sky to cast the slab of shadow downwards.

Just FYI; these type of shadows are also called volumetric shadows or anticrepuscular shadows.

Good night!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by atswheat

Whilst it looks like the image may have been enhanced, the shadow looks exactly as it should.

But then I speak as someone who studies clouds and sees such things all the time

Maybe someone with a good knowledge of physics can explain why a contrail cannot produce such a shadow?

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