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Why the Obama hate?

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posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 04:50 PM
Im fairly new here and Im reading a lot of posts about getting Obama out of office and saying that hes screwing up the country, but I dont get it?

People will claim that there was just as much hate for Bush as there was for Obama, but cmon Obama was just inaugurated a few months ago. Bush screwed up in a lot of ways and I mean a lot. Bush was probably most hated for the way he acted towards the War on Terrorism and sending our troops to Iraq.

What has Obama done that was as bad as that? Obama was put into office during a already screwed up time. Our economy was already in the #, he had to deal with the ending of the war, and now hes getting blamed for all the crap that was already there in the first place.

Im not an Obama lover I just want to know what he did that he deserves such hate from everybody after only 6 months of being in office.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Patman12

Watch this, and wake yourself up

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Because the GOP is on the endangered species list. If Obama is successful, it could mean right out extinction. So they scan the news and every blog and right wing rag they can to find any little iota of hope to show that it isn't so.
Hence they have to pick on silly things like teleprompters, ipods, and guest lists.
If you notice their posts contain anything of little value, they can rarely back them up, and add absolutely nothing credible to the conversation.

So out of anger and resentment, they have to make stuff up to make themselves better. Much like the popular kid in school who is a good athlete and honor roll student, so people make up nasty rumors like they have a drug habit or are pregnant, to make themselves feel better.

You will also notice they tend to march in packs, star and flag each other. But it is the same people all the time.

Or they are just trolls, and the best thing to do is not feed them. Just like a troll, no matter how much you reason with them, they just get angry.

Also, don't give them any water after midnight.

+6 more 
posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:21 PM
It's because he is an imbecile. Staged town halls, pre-packaged questions, shoving every democrat dream of the past 40 years down the voters throats, spending trillions of dollars trying to get us out of a hole in which spending trillions of dollars of which we didn't have in the fist place got us into. Abysmal foreign policy, etc.

He hasn't done anything right since he has been office, mainly its Bush on steroids. Oh yea forgot to mention no transparency that he said we would have. And on and on and on.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Because the GOP is on the endangered species list. If Obama is successful, it could mean right out extinction. So they scan the news and every blog and right wing rag they can to find any little iota of hope to show that it isn't so.
Hence they have to pick on silly things like teleprompters, ipods, and guest lists.
If you notice their posts contain anything of little value, they can rarely back them up, and add absolutely nothing credible to the conversation.

So out of anger and resentment, they have to make stuff up to make themselves better. Much like the popular kid in school who is a good athlete and honor roll student, so people make up nasty rumors like they have a drug habit or are pregnant, to make themselves feel better.

You will also notice they tend to march in packs, star and flag each other. But it is the same people all the time.

Or they are just trolls, and the best thing to do is not feed them. Just like a troll, no matter how much you reason with them, they just get angry.

Also, don't give them any water after midnight.

While I have to disagree with you on most points (though, the water thing was spot on)
I focus on his broken campaign promises
His take over of the auto industry
His takeover of the mortgage industry

Personally I would LOVE to debate the substance of his administration and avoid the needless rhetoric. Forget his birthrecord issue, forget his college transcript issue. How about the lobbyists in his administration. How about cap and trade?

I think it's great that an Obama supporter is willing to stand up and debate the issues!

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:27 PM

With blatant disregard exhibited in case after case our elected officials have committed treason against the documents they swore fidelity to, casually trampling them under foot in their attempt to render all dependent upon the government. Detention without trial? Warrantless wiretaps and searches? Torture coverup? Breech of contract by governmental decree? Seizure of private property? The case against our elected leaders has been well enumerated in The Declaration of Independence 2009 thread.

He and most other elected officials are guilty of treason.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
I think it's great that an Obama supporter is willing to stand up and debate the issues!

Obama supporters are on the endangered species list right now. Remember how many were on ATS prior to the election? Where are they now?

Back to the OP: Why the Obama hate? Well, for openers:

1. The Stimulus package (someone called it the Porkulus Package. Obama in five months in office has managed to spend more than Bush did in eight years and there's nothing to show for it. Unemployment is still going up, and the economy is still going down.

2. Healthcare. Another great idea. "Let's put the US Government in charge of healthcare!" even tho they would and could screw up a wet dream. Oh, and I love the parts about how Congress is exempt, and that if you don't participate, you get fined. Frank and Dodd will be making millions off this.

3. Cap and Trade. "Hmmm, let's make more jobs by killing small industry in America, and taxing big industry so they can pass that onto the general public." And the best part is that it's all under the guise of "saving the planet." Al Gore will be making a killing off this.

These are just the top three of the Obama Trifecta. I can only image what else he and his politburo have in mind for later.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by jerico65]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus

Originally posted by nixie_nox
While I have to disagree with you on most points (though, the water thing was spot on)
I focus on his broken campaign promises
His take over of the auto industry
His takeover of the mortgage industry

Personally I would LOVE to debate the substance of his administration and avoid the needless rhetoric.

I totally agree with this statement! I so think it's funny that Obama supporter are willing to say they will stand up and debate the issues but instead focus on the rhetoric that some right wing nut jobs complain about and not the really issues listed above! Please explain his broken promises?
The ACORN connection to curruption.
Taking over industry and killing capitalism for fascism.
And what about Crap & Traitor?
Those issues supporters don't and can't explain.

And then their is Manditory Vonunteer Service with the GIVE act and United We Serve with fines or prison time served if you don't go along effective 2010.

Let me guess, "Show me the proof" they say... Do your own freaken research, it's all over this site and others. Bush Sr. Clinton, and Bush Jr. are all crap and puppets as well. It's the people behind the curtain controlling Obama I'm pissed about. JFK was the last to attempt positive things but opp's he got shot!

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Patman12

The same reasons I despise Bush are the same reasons I despise Obama. As I feel I can see through these plastic smiles, I feel hurt that they screw over so many people. Handing out promises left and right to your common person, with a handshake and wink to go with it, months later only going back on your word and proving to people that mainstream politics are a very controlled environment.

I don't respect Obama for a number of VALID reasons.

BAILOUTS: He rallied behind the first one with McCain, Bush, Pelosi, and Bernanke. All of them smiled their way into the hearts of idiot Americans, even when this bill was only 4 pages long and had zero limitations for the Federal Reserve. Noticing that the majority of his campaign contributions miraculously coincided with all the banks he worked so hard to bailout, not once, but twice, even electing a lobbyist or two to his team.

FISA and PATRIOT ACT: Both Bush and Obama support and defend(ed) these unprecedented spying powers. Turning every American citizen into a suspect. Be it, I'm more upset about Obama because his little fib claim is that he is a "Constitutional Law Professor" and he ought to know that goes directly against the Constitution of the United States of America. Not only that, but regarding the Patriot Act, he said he was going to "repeal" the Patriot Act, and ended up voting to extend it shortly after, which tells me he's not leading, but taking orders.

IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN: A lot of "conservatives" I've seen applaud what he's doing in Afghanistan, but I don't agree with it at all. Not only is he not going to draw all American troops out of Iraq, he's leaving 70,000 "non combat troops" inside Iraq, which I find to be a very sneaky way to say "I'm not withdrawing troops from Iraq." And seriously.. What are we doing in Afghanistan? Fighting the neverending, ever ambigious "war on terror."

WAR ON DRUGS: For a man who's been pretty open about his coc aine and marijuana use, he sure seems to blow the neverending "war on drugs" off pretty easily. People who are doing exactly what he himself has done in the past are ending up in prison for a multiple year sentence, thousands of dollars in fines, and years of probation.

LITTLE LIES: He's a liar. As a politican that is to be expected, but really... You lied about struggling as a child on food stamps, your uncle liberating Auchwitz, and talks so passionately about denying lobbyists access to the whitehouse and hires a handful of them.

Not to mention, he supports the FED, which has single handedly destroyed all traces of true American wealth and even appointed a FED president (Geithner) to run OUR treasury!

Handed ALL U.S. AGRICULTURE over to Monsanto's go to guy, Vilsack!

and is playing up this cap and trade deal to be a good thing, while all the spoils go to the corporate level while once again the layman is stuck with the check.

He's a corporate protectionist and doesn't give a flying # about the people. Just like Bush.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 06:07 PM
here is a quick list of reasons wy I want him out of office ASAP before he has a chance to do more damage.,,nice guy but his ideas are screwy.

Obama signing a bill funding abortions overseas.

Obama signing the LIly Ledbetter bill so that more people will be able to sue for pay discrimination after a longer period of time. We don't need your help Obama.. this will just cause more issues.

Obama saying that no lobbyists will be in his administration - yet waivers of course for those who are.

Obama breaking his campaign promise of no earmarks - see the non-stimulus pork package bill.

Obama saying there will be transparency and bi-partisanship in his administration - yes meetings behind closed doors to get RINOS to cave on the pork package is transparency? NOT working with ALL of Congress is bi-partisanship?

Obama picking high level cabinet members who apparently don't believe THEY have to pay taxes.

Barney Frank calling for Congress to regulate ALL CEO salaries for ALL American companies and the tax cheat Giethner agreeing.

Nationalized healthcare for kids - with loopholes so that parents can dump their kids off of their insurance and put them on the 'dole' insurance. (happened in Hawaii.. happens one can sustain it or afford it).

Rep. Rush from Chicago introducing The Blair Holt gun bill in the House right now calling for the FEDERAL gov't to control gun licensing/commerce etc. AGAINST our 2nd Amendment

The Fairness Doctrine that will most likely find it's way into a bill. AGAINST our 1st Amendment. And Obama continually trying to insinuate that people shouldn't watch cable news. Why Obama? Because those are the only news stations that actually tell US the truth?

Nationalizing banks by bailing them out.

Nationalizing automotive companies by bailing them out.

Nationalizing financial services industries by bailing them out.

Obama wanting to have Emanuel supervise the INDEPENDENT Census Bureau.

Obama Closing Gitmo without any plan as to where to put terrorists.

Obama dismissing the case against the terrorist who masterminded the bombing of the USS Cole that killed 17 of our navy.

Obama pushing the non-stimulus package like a drug dealer pushing deadly heroin. Using scare tactics to make citizens believe we have to act now or the sky will fall.

Obama now in bed with the CEO of GE - yes the CEO who continued to do business with Iran.. who owns NBC.. who's subsidiary GE Capital received bailout money.. yes this man will really give some good advice.

Obama refusing to acknowledge there is a 'war on terror' by not referring to it as such. Sorry.. YOU may think there is no war on terror but the terrorists will ALWAYS wage a war on the United States.

Obama is completely INCAPABLE of speaking without a teleprompter.

$900 million to rebuild Gaza

The biggest budget proposal in the HISTORY of our COUNTRY!!!!!! The CBO states that this will cause our deficit to grow to $9.3 TRILLION by 2019.

No longer calling terrorists terrorists or enemy combatants – they are ‘people who create man-made disasters’.

Billions set aside for Universal Healthcare which includes ALL of our private healthcare records to be available to the federal gov’t. His plan also calls for the FEDERAL GOV’T to tell OUR doctors what the most effective treatment would be for US.

Created the new Urban Policy Center.

How many Czars are there now??? WTF do we have Czars in the UNITED STATES???

A bill in the House that gives the equivalent of 1% of our GDP in FOREIGN AID.

Allowing ACORN to aid in the 2010 Census!!!!!!!!!

HR 1388 passed the House – mandating civilian service – against the 1st Amendment because they are not allowed to protest etc… and against the 13th Amendment for involuntary servitude. If you don’t do it you get taxed at a 5% higher rate.

Putting a hold on illegal alien raids. Femi-Nazi Pelosi calls us Un-American.

Nominating Eric Holder as the Attorney General who calls us a ‘Nation of Cowards’ when referring to racism.

Nominating a terrorist defender as Holder’s 2nd in line.

HR 1586 – aka Bonus Tax Bill that the House passed and Obama will sign if it passes the Senate. A direct VIOLATION of the Constitution.

Obama is going to talk about controlling CEO and Executive pay for Banks, Wall Street and ‘other companies’ on Monday.

A fru-fru message to Iran extending an ‘olive branch’. Their response was ‘go F yourself’.

Appearing on Jay Leno.

Appearing on Jay Leno and making a comment about the ‘Special Olympics’ and his bad bowling.

Suggesting that VETERANS pay for combat injuries with THEIR OWN PRIVATE INSURANCE.

Treats the PM of England as if his country and he himself are not important. WH aid quoted as saying England is no different than the other 190 countries in the world.

Ending the Bush tax cuts after 2010 for those making over $250,000 (supposedly).

Raising the number of people in the country who do NOT pay federal taxes from 38% to 50%.

NOT giving 95% of Americans tax cuts. And the one he gave – COMPLETE joke!!!!!!!!!

CAP & TRADE – which is going to screw ALL of us, including his most favored poor people!!!!!!

Okay… I know there is more… but right now.. I really need a frigging drink.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by JulieMills]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 06:17 PM
I am 45 years old and have not liked any of the Presidents that have been in office during my goes from bad to worse, to worse, to worse on a little roller coaster that almost has you thinking things will get better some of the time, only to watch it plummet into an even lower valley of stupitidy and dispair and lies and corruption and treason on the next dip.

I like Obama least of all because he knew what the Powers that Be agenda would be for him, what he would be called to put the face on and a decent human being would have just some evil creep to do it for you...

They found one alright Barry Soretto also known as Barack Hussein Obama, because not even an American scum bag politician would stoop so low to drive the agenda Obama is going to, they had to bring in a foreigner to do it.

Obama is just plain scum of the earth, what's to like?

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus

While I have to disagree with you on most points (though, the water thing was spot on)

Because it makes you go pee in the middle of the night? XD

I think it's great that an Obama supporter is willing to stand up and debate the issues!

Thank you, that is very sweet. Though I will let in on a little secret *looks around and whispers*

I am not a democrat (unaffiliated) and I didn't vote for Obama.

I think blind partisan hate is just not very healthy. I am more about understanding the issue, educating yourself, listening to both sides, and making a completely informed position is more important then anything. And that is about all issues, just not Potus.

If your gonna make a bold statement, just have a good reason why.

Someone on another thread was bringing up "broken promises". But they said they should look up the numbers but haven't.
so your just pissed off for no reason? That is just absurd. That is like saying, I don't like Obama just because.

Or they are just trolls.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 07:51 PM

Let me guess, "Show me the proof" they say... Do your own freaken research, it's all over this site and others. Bush Sr. Clinton, and Bush Jr. are all crap and puppets as well. It's the people behind the curtain controlling Obama I'm pissed about. JFK was the last to attempt positive things but opp's he got shot!

Because this site is about giving credible information. If you can't provide the proof, then you don't have a leg to stand on , If it is so easy, then why can't you provide it? Because you can't. Or you are just lazy.

Why bother typing out your position if you are not willing to document it.

yes the internet has a lot of" sites". Most copy the same information from one another(very annoying to find the exact same article over and over) and the internet is 95% garbage.

It also informs people, so you are doing a service. You can't just say, I think 9/11 is an inside job. Well why? Because so and so said so. Well, if someoen came to the board looking for information, this doesn't tell them anything and then they never change their minds.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I know you weren't replying to me but when you make the statement "they are just trolls" you paint with a broad brush. I have given many reasons of why I dislike Obama as President. I like him as a person but the guy has whacked policies that are ruining this country.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
Obama supporters are on the endangered species list right now. Remember how many were on ATS prior to the election? Where are they now?

ON other message boards having civil and informed conversations, or avoiding all the trolls.

But you supported one of my points. Thanks!

1. The Stimulus package (someone called it the Porkulus Package. Obama in five months in office has managed to spend more than Bush did in eight years and there's nothing to show for it. Unemployment is still going up, and the economy is still going down.

Because economies are fixed overnight?

2. Healthcare. Another great idea. "Let's put the US Government in charge of healthcare!" even tho they would and could screw up a wet dream. Oh, and I love the parts about how Congress is exempt, and that if you don't participate, you get fined. Frank and Dodd will be making millions off this.

Your gonna have a governmetn option, which everyone has always had. Never been a problem before. You will still have your private options if you want them. congress is exempt because they get government healthcare, or can afford their own. And the legislation hasn't even been passed yet on that silly fine. The amount accrued would actually be about 50 billion. 1000k is the exact cost the government picks up when uninsured people need health services they can't afford and the gov't ends up paying.

3. Cap and Trade. Was very successful before without any ramifications. Guess what, industries die. I am sure wagon makers used the same excuse when the car was invented. Some companies can make money on it. They have an easier time reducing emissions, so they sell it off to someone who can't. Guess who did the first cap and trade? Bush!

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 08:09 PM
It is not out of hate that so many stand against President Obama, but rather it is out of the love that we have for our Nation, the United States, and the Liberties and Freedoms which so many before us have stood, fought, and sacrificed for.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by JulieMills

Trolls are the people who are just outright antagonists. I have no problem with oppossing viewpoints. By all means people should always look at all angles. But to go: Obama sucks, so you suck, your an idiot and smell. That is a troll. I also think sweeping generalizations are not healthy either. "all his policies are horrible." really? I don't think so. There is no president out there that has a 100% failure rate. I am by no means a Bush fan, but there have been things that he has done that is decent.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 10:46 PM
why hasn't anyone noticed that there is a CLINTON in the white house again? hello?

there has been CLINTON or a BUSH in the white house for far too long. we need REAL, HONEST, AVERAGE people to do the work of government.

we DO NOT need career politicians that never seem to go away... ala ted kennedy style. talk about a "lifer". and john kerry... and john mccain...

i could go on but we all know that our government needs some fresh blood. let's oust these "lifers". let's limit their terms to 6 or 8 years to keep the criminals from robbing us to fill their pockets and the pockets of the lobbyists they sleep with!!!

and to answer the OP's question:
Because Obama is proving himself to be the eventual failure he will be remembered as in the history books to come, at you and your loved one's expense. (that is, unless they rewrite history as they seem to do!)

why doesn't anyone else recognize that he was "placed" in office?

[edit on 5-7-2009 by normal_human_being]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Well I can't stand the guy because His true masters are the wall street bankers. Our currency is backed by nothing and the more You print up the less its worth. All of His spending bills are going to cause massive inflation which will cause the prices of everything to go through the roof. Remember Your grand mother telling You about the price of goods when She was a kid. The price or value of the goods did not go up its just the value of the dollar went down. He should have known that but guess what He is the mack daddy of corruption and theft so He will spend us to oblivion. You need to research the federal reserve and learn what happens when the money supply is increased at a rapid pace. Look at the problems Zimbabwe is having right now with their currency and You will see our future....

I seriously don't understand why You Obama supporters love him so much. I mean seriously He is a corrupt politician and any honest politician such as Ron Paul stands no chance at winning the election. You people haven't caught on yet that the elections are a sham and just for show. Nothing ever changes in this country except for the taxes which keep going up and the loss of my standard of living..... So yes You did vote for that and You had a hand in stealing my money which I work very hard for. I hope You get the change that You so called dreamed about but be careful what You wish for. As far as for me I see a civil war in the future between the producers and the consumers and I think the producers will be in the right.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
It's because he is an imbecile. Staged town halls, pre-packaged questions, shoving every democrat dream of the past 40 years down the voters throats, spending trillions of dollars trying to get us out of a hole in which spending trillions of dollars of which we didn't have in the fist place got us into. Abysmal foreign policy, etc.

He hasn't done anything right since he has been office, mainly its Bush on steroids. Oh yea forgot to mention no transparency that he said we would have. And on and on and on.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

If that isn't enough to hate him, I do not know what is.

All of that is true and has been proved true too.

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