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My Only God Thread. Why, If God Is Our Father, Doent He Intervene So We Dont Die Or Suffer?

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posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Riposte

I know what I believe, thanks.

[edit on 1-7-2009 by Totakeke]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Totakeke
I know what I believe, thanks.

All beliefs are false.

The truth is infinite, eternal, unlimited, whole, complete, pure bliss and love. It cannot be contained, nor bottled up into a belief around which the mind can wrap its tentacles.

It cannot be explained nor understood. It is all there is.

[edit on 1-7-2009 by Riposte]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:02 PM
HI there DG I can explain it to you, the answer to your original question.

It is simple. The issue that was brought up in the garden of Eden, that Jehovah was a liar has yet to be proved true. As we speak there is a universal court case in session, which involves witnesses, the accused and the accuser. The accuser is Satan, the accused is god himself and the witnesses are those who will provide the evidence for the court based on human history and biblical knowledge that man cannot rule himself without God.

To date, man has not shown that he has been able to rule himself, I am sure you will agree - the world is in a mess. Man has dominated man to his injury.

Sufficient time has been needed for man to acknowledge and recognize that he cannot live successfully without God.

By means of God's Kingdom government, the entire earth will be rid of all war, crime hunger, fear - the new era will usher in the 1000 year rule promised by Christ over 2000 years ago... How we can survive Armageddon, which is God own final war to rid the earth of all bad and it maybe something that you would like to know more about, after all, Armaggedon has been used, the word that is, has been used in many contexts. If you would like more info you can post a question here and I will do my best to answer it. Kind regards - Wastobeexpected.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Riposte

And that's your belief. But I believe in God. Good day.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Totakeke
And that's your belief. But I believe in God. Good day.

There is no "me" to have a belief. As long as you believe in something, it is wrong.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I am wondering, instead of sending us fire and brimstone, why doesnt a compassionate God intervene in a way that will not kill, men women and children, a planet that will hit and blow us out of orbit, and horrible things like that??? He made us, damn it. Why did he make us FLAWED.

Simply because god is imaginary dude.

Its HIS fault. There's nothing compassionate here that i can see.

Well there's very little compassionate about the yaweh god in the bibles if anything this deity is completely repugnant.
Nevertheless the yawhe character appears to try and clean up its very bad image by turning himself into the jesus god and acting all meek and mild, but he's still going to kill you if your gay or not a virgin when you get married. Or are a naughty boy, or work on a saturday, or eat blood.

Perhaps the only redeeming quality that jesusyahweh has , is that he is imaginary.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Gigliorononomicon

From what I understand, he "made us in his image", so does that mean that God is a murdering, raping, pillaging God?

Yes it does, he just doesn't do it himself as he is imaginary so he gets people to do it for him lol

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Riposte

And that's your opinion, but it's not mine.

[edit on 1-7-2009 by Totakeke]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by wastobeexpected

It is simple. The issue that was brought up in the garden of Eden, that Jehovah was a liar has yet to be proved true

It was proven true when a talking snake made a statement swearing on one of the copies of the bibles that he (the talking snake)did witness yahwehjesus lying.

Now who are you going to believe, a schizophrenic god that lives in the sky with santa or a talking snake ?

[edit on 1-7-2009 by moocowman]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I am wondering, instead of sending us fire and brimstone, why doesnt a compassionate God intervene in a way that will not kill, men women and children, a planet that will hit and blow us out of orbit, and horrible things like that???

God did intervene, in a very big way in fact. God came to Earth, in the form of a man, and died, then rose again so that all who would believe in him, could be with him forever. This is Jesus Christ.

It's not because of God that people die, and will die through various means. It's due to our sin nature, which we've inherited from Adam. All of mankind, no matter how good, is inclined to sin. That doesn't mean that we can't do good things. It just means that we're not perfect--we all fall short of perfection. With sin, comes death. With sin, and our continuance to sin, comes all the bad things that happen in the world.

Since God is holy and perfect, he couldn't, and still can't, allow sinful, unholy beings stay in his presence. That is why Adam and Eve were remove from the Garden.

Though God loves his creation, he can't just turn a blind eye to sin. That would compromise his character. He is a just God and giving people a free pass with sin isn't really a just thing to do. There needs to be a payment for our sin. That is where Jesus comes in. Jesus became our sacrifice so we wouldn't have to suffer it ourselves. All one needs to do is believe. Then our spiritual dead self will come alive, and can enter eternal life with God.

He made us, damn it. Why did he make us FLAWED. Its HIS fault.

God didn't make us flawed. He made us with a free will. God wanted a special aspect of his creation, mankind, to worship him freely. The downside of a free-will is that we can choose to disobey God and go our own way. The good thing though, is that, though we can walk a million bagillion miles away from God, once we turn around, he's there.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by moocowman

It was proven true when a talking snake made a statement swearing on one of the copies of the bibles that he (the talking snake)did witness yahwehjesus lying.

No, it wasn't proven true that God was a liar. Mankind did die that day. We died spiritually. And eventually, due to the sin, all of mankind is vulnerable to physical death.

God told the truth. Satan, as usual, twisted the truth into a lie so that someone would sin.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by octotom

Deep in my heart i know there is a
God. But today i have some questions. I appreciate all you have said. You are very wise and i am probably going to be punished for questioning God.
I dont want to feel like this, i really dont.

Priests have been known to question the existence of God. I am no priest, but a mere human with questions.

I hope none of you think i am an Atheist for posting all this. I am not.

I guess i have this feeling of an impending punishment comming to all of us, even the innocent and i cant grasp why we all have to pay for the culpability of Governments and their agendas.

Its sad.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

i am probably going to be punished for questioning God.

No, you won't. We all question God from time to time. It's only human. God is infinite. He has an eternal perspective on things, while we tend to think for the now. Since we think on a different set of terms than God, we often get frustrated because we just don't understand. When we come to this point, we just, pardon the cliche, gotta give it up to God and trust that he knows best--because in the end, like a parent, he does.

I dont want to feel like this, i really dont.

Try talking to God. He's always there. He will understand how you feel too. That is one of the beauties of God becoming man. Jesus had to experience all the same things that we do as humans, so that he could truly die for our sins. The Bible says, in 2 Corinthians I think, that because of his being a man, Jesus can totally sympathize with all our struggles.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:17 PM
When did he ever?

As I read "his word", I see that he is the one causing all the suffering.
Hardly a page goes by where he isn't killing masses of people.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by OhZone

As I read "his word", I see that he is the one causing all the suffering.
Hardly a page goes by where he isn't killing masses of people.

Have you ever actually looked at the Old Testament? Most of the killing in it is through wars that Israel and the surrounding nations fought.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Quite a question, not sure if my answer will be what you’re looking for. He didn’t make us flawed, he made us free…free to choose a life of luxury and ease or a life with problems. So when man (Adam) chose to be as enlightened as God and ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, he gave up the life of ease and peace and accepted a life and world with some pain and suffering. It was the cost of man’s enlightenment. I know some reading this will call me a religious nut, but this is a spiritual question and deserves an honest spiritual answer. If you understand that we weren’t designed as flawed but instead were intended for so much more but because of Adam’s desire to be even more than that, then you can understand why there are evil men in the world. As long as there are evil men breathing there will be some pain and suffering along with that. God hasn’t forgotten us (there is an answer), but he does understand the consequences to that choice so long ago and he is still here and can hear you if you talk to him.

(To all those who are going to lambast me with hate speech just lay off and practice your tolerance a little. Understand that I am simply trying to answer a very deep question that is important to the poster.)

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I have actually started reading through the bible, figured I should read it before 2012 comes around, because I was hoping it might have some answers. I started at Genesis and quickly realized that God seems really evil. I had problems with a few things he has done so far:

In the story of Cain and Abel, I kind of understand how Cain felt when God gave praise to Abel for his offering, and ignored Cain when he presented God with his offering. I thought God was supposed to love all of his children? Granted, murdering Abel was a bad thing, but if God loved Cain it could have been avoided.

The biggest thing so far was when God asked Abraham to kill his own son. Why would God ever ask one of his children to kill one of their children? I was amazed Abraham didn't tell God to go screw himself. Granted, it may have been a test of faith, but by refusing he would have also demonstrated morality and compassion, both of which are traits I believe are more important than blind faith.

Also in Genesis is a reference to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha, (I know I mispelled them, sorry) it said God rained fire down on the cities and destroyed them, stating a vague reference to the people there being evil as the reason for it. I hope its explained better further in the Bible? You shouldn't destroy entire cities of people unless they are really, REALLY evil. I can't help but wonder if they just had different culture and customs from the Christians.

There is also a section where Abraham allows a pharoah to take his wife as a concubine. Abraham tells the pharoah that she's his sister, so to the pharoah, it seems ok. He presents Abraham with gold and jewels as a dowry? I think its called. Anyways, God hits the pharoah with some plagues and he eventually gives Abraham his wife back, as he realizes he's been cursed or something. Abraham takes his wife, his gold,and his jewels and uses the wealth to build his own kingdom. To me, it seems more like God is assisting Abraham in his lying, cheating, and deceit in this story. The just thing to do would have been for Abraham to refuse the pharoah his wife, and ask God for help if he became violent. But then, how would have Abraham become rich enough to found a kingdom? This whole passage just reeks.

I have talked about this with some other people, I guess these are far from the worst too. I hear theres a section about Job and how God allowed his entire family to die, and then Job contracts a plague, and being a good, devout follower of God, he is sitting there trying to figure out what he did to deserve it all. From what I understand, God presents him with a new family, which I don't understand - people aren't replaceable. It kind of sucks, I will have to read through it and see how I feel about it.

Anyways, yeah the Bible is a little screwed up. I can't believe how many people find insight and guidance from this book. Granted, I haven't got that far, but I'm not sure if I want to finish it, if it keeps up like this. Maybe I should just skip to Jesus, remembering all the bible stories I heard growing up, he always seemed nice.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Okay I just had to add something to this thread because it's getting hilarious now. So, a group of people believe that a man died, supposedly committing the ultimate sacrifice, and then comes back to life and goes to heaven. And we are suppose to believe that this is true because a 2000 or so year old book said so. I'm not buying it. specially if it comes from a book that claims a man managed to place two of each animal of the WORLD inside a ship. earth was "created" in 6 days and the "almighty" god had to rest on the 7th day despite being "almighty". and a talking snake (despite the fact snakes don't have vocal cords) managed to doom all of humanity because a clay woman eat from a forbidden tree (that shouldn't even be there if this god was all knowing and knew this was going to happen) at the suggestion of the snake.

I try to not be spoken about my disbeliefs in any gods or goddesses, but lately i have started to get annoyed at the mythological rubbish that comes out of the mouth of these religious folks. seriously, it just sounds ridiculous when people claim the only way to get happiness is by believing that some dude who happens to be the son of god, but is also god himself somehow(?) died and then comes back to life.
To the people who claim their god is all loving, have they even read the bible? I read that crap before, several times, and I have read more incriminating offenses made by Jehova than the devil in the pages of that book (such as this god's urge to kill everyone who does not believe in his existence and then hypocritically telling his followers not to kill. only to send Moses and other followers on a killing spree afterwards)
gods and goddesses don't exist, and if the universe is really so irrational to allow such a being to exist i would first ask which god it is and then spit in it's face, even if I end in eternal damnation for such a thing.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by newworld

Thank you for being so very tolerant and accepting of others opinions and not attacking them for trusting in something that you may not. Don't be annoyed just don't worry about it. I guess we'll all find out someday if your right or not.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by newworld

Thank you for contributing to the thread.

I'm sure the OP will find what you've said useful. Especially this:

To the people who claim their god is all loving, have they even read the bible? I read that crap before, several times...

If you're tired of hearing religious talk, it's probably a good thing to stay out of the religion forum and threads that sound like they have a religious tone. Coming to a religious themed thread and then complaining about it would be like me going to a confectioner and then complaining that all he sells is sweets.

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