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Denial Of The Holocaust

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posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by allclear

Thanks for the info dude.

It made me think that it took the USA with all its might all those years to kill 8 million people and yet we are supposed to believe that a few Germans managed to kill 6 million jews in a couple of years.

Its just so incredidbly unbeleivable as to be preposterous.

But of course it's illegal to even suggest the numbers don't add up.

[edit on 27-6-2009 by bigyin]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Right so a bunch of people lied and disappeared.

And my grandma is a Zionist liar.

That's fine.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by bigyin

Right so a bunch of people lied and disappeared.

And my grandma is a Zionist liar.

That's fine.

It's possible I suppose.

Did I not read recently that the "Diaries of Anne Frank" are now proven to be a complete falsification/fabrication. If so then somebody has lied. Can't say about your granny sorry. Ask her about it.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by bigyin

It took "few" Germans less then 5 years to kill 27 million in Soviet Union alone. In Poland more then 5 million people (including Polish Jews) people were killed. In China almost ten million were killed. So - 6 million Jews are impossible because Jews are superman?

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by bigyin

I should expect as much from a Scot, .. I'm kidding. but really now, the SS admitted it themselves. You have to remember they were running those gas chambers like a fast food joint, ... in and out, all day. its easily feasible. What have you to gain by going against well documented, common knowledge ?

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by bigyin

It took "few" Germans less then 5 years to kill 27 million in Soviet Union alone. In Poland more then 5 million people (including Polish Jews) people were killed. In China almost ten million were killed. So - 6 million Jews are impossible because Jews are superman?

Superman? No but simply because it has been proven to be a lie!

No symphaty for the devil...

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by scordar

What was "proven" to be a lie? Your lie about Anna Frank diaries? Or that there were no 27 million killed in Soviet Union?
Devil is one that started WW2, and his horns grow on Hitler and Stalin. So all this twisting and trying to get reich back is not going to help. People are not that stupid.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by scordar

What was "proven" to be a lie? Your lie about Anna Frank diaries? Or that there were no 27 million killed in Soviet Union?
Devil is one that started WW2, and his horns grow on Hitler and Stalin. So all this twisting and trying to get reich back is not going to help. People are not that stupid.

Where did i mention Anne Frank?

I was saying that the claim that 6 million jews were exterminated in the second world war is a lie! Isn't the 'official' story nowdays something like 1,5 million? I'm pretty sure that the real numbers are something like 300000-500000. which is nothing compared to what casualties other countries or races suffered. Quit whining!

There are plenty of charts that show that the jewish population was infact growing at the time of the second world war. Must have been a heck of bad 'genocide' that the germans committed.

Or perhaps the jewish people have an ability to reproduce quite fast. Like we say in Finland 'norsun kulli, kanin tahti'

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Even if there weren`t gas chambers and all the people died of malnutrition and diseases I would call that mass extermination.
And even if the numbers were horribly wrong and instead of6.000.000 people 3.000.000 people died I would still call it holocaust.
To me holocaust don`t have to involve gas chambers and at least 5.999.999 deaths.

[edit on 27-6-2009 by derpif]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by derpif]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

this is one of the more inane posts (and there have been plenty) I've read on ATS this week.

First of all, congratulations for managing to both misspell Shakespeare's name and mis-quote him in one line. At first I assumed it was done for comedic effect. Having read the rest of the post, it's clear that you just don't know any better.

The theme of your post seems to be that the Holocaust didn't happen because there are still jews left to 'cry' about it (how dare they??). I'm not sure where to start with that...

Meanwhile which converted Jews hold themselves up as members of the Semitic race? Where did that come from?

Garbage post.

[edit on 27-6-2009 by eniac]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by scordar

I do not know what people say in Finland. Maybe some say that "official?" version of Jews killed is 1.5 million - but this is a lie. Maybe there are few that have some secret charts showing Jewish population is growing - well, bring the evidence in.
By the way, why nobody "whines" about what happened to Jews in Finland in WW2. Which is - nothing bad. And nobody is "falsifying" , lying ,whining. Everybody knows that in Finland there was no Holocaust. Why it is not like that in Poland? Or in Denmark? Or in Italy - where it is known how much was killed,15 percent - unlike other countries. Or why in Spain also nothing happened to Jews?
Why are "lies" so varying - some facist countries protected their Jews , some semi-allies of Germany - also. And in some countries there is "lie" about Holocaust? I mean - if today i was to describe camps for Soviet prisoners in Finland as extermination camps i would have very very tough time doing that. And it is despite same Soviet Union having free hand in those camps after the war.
Selective lyieng, ha?

[edit on 27-6-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst
reply to post by bigyin

I should expect as much from a Scot, .. I'm kidding. but really now, the SS admitted it themselves. You have to remember they were running those gas chambers like a fast food joint, ... in and out, all day. its easily feasible. What have you to gain by going against well documented, common knowledge ?

Well through history the Scots have suffered at the hands of the English and been subjected to lies, brutality and theft of their resources, and their people have been driven out of their own country and been banned from following their own culture, language and religion. This is still the situation even today in some respects and so perhaps in a way I can relate to the Palestinians. TBH with you it wasn't till the recent bombing of Gaza that I started to read up on the history of the situation and about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians. From that point in history I went back to find out where this evil creation called Israel came from only to discover the true history of zionism and how they have used the Jews for their own ends.

If only the true Jews could see how they are being used (and I think some of them do see it) they would disown zionism. The holocaust in Gaza brought zionism to my attention and probably many others. As a Scot I cannot sit back and watch other people being annihilated.

For the sake of Jews I think everyone should work to expose the lies Israel is built on, the holocaust from what I've read being one of them.

It has taken Scotland nearly 300 years to escape the clutches of the English, and we are still not free yet. Hopefully it wont take as long to free Gaza and the rest of Palestine from the zionists.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Jews are Jews and Jews are Jews. It has nothing to do with politics. It has something to do with religion and where they believe their holy land is. That's what everyone does, they declare some land to be holy and want to go live there. If everyone else can use religion as an excuse, Jews should be able to as well.

The Zionist movement has been defunct for ages. Yet people keep using that word as another way to blame the Jews for political upheaval.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

Eight actually. That's probably it. Hah.

I linked before to the thread where I wrote up my family's experience, if you're interested.

Yeah I don't get it either.

Dear Ravenshadow, one of the things that is always missing fom these sorts of arguments is the ' why do they hate me' conclusion.

What I mean is- would you consider, ' Yeah I don't get it either ' to be a
worthwhile survival response from someone who has ' observed ' thousands of years of persecution and murder ?

I think that if a wild pig could talk, their assessment might be considerably more intelligent, frankly :
' Well, my meat tastes good, I have poor eyesight, and I'm slow... '

For you, it's 'yeah I don't get it either ' ?

Take a stab at honesty, please.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

Jews are not a race. Being Jewish is following a particular religion (Judaism), much like Catholics are not a race. There may be predominant races that follow the faiths, but being a Catholic or a Jew is not an issue of race.

There is no Semitic Race, that makes no sense. A Semite is someone who speaks Semetic languages. This would be like saying anyone who speaks English belongs to the English Race.

"Sem·ite (sěm'īt')
A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples"

Semite definitions

I understand your confusion as it is often used erroneously in the phrase "Semitic Race" because there were literally 7 or so legitimate and different races of peoples that traditional spoke semitic language variants in antiquity.

I know this can seem confusing, but really all one need do is investigate just a little and you will find that the confusion stems from various things like:

Nazi's wanting to classify Jews as a race, through eugenics so that they could more easily define them all as inferior peoples, used very powerful propaganda that still prolifferates through to today. Easier to fight a race war than a religious war, I assume.

This kind of thing has always gone on.

I could drone on and on, but the important take away is that being a Jew does not mean you belong to any particular race, and there is NO Jew race just as there is no Christian race.

[EDITED links]
[EDITED spelling]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by sinesolis]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by sinesolis]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Skelkie3

I don't have a conclusion because I don't hate myself, honestly.

Go ask someone who does hate me, or any other Jew, and ask them.

I don't know why you would expect me to have a conclusion to that question. If I knew I would obviously say why.

"I think that if a wild pig could talk, their assessment might be considerably more intelligent, frankly : "

Not nice to say a girl is "less intelligent than a wild pig" on her Graduation day.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
reply to post by bigyin

Jews are Jews and Jews are Jews. It has nothing to do with politics. It has something to do with religion and where they believe their holy land is. That's what everyone does, they declare some land to be holy and want to go live there. If everyone else can use religion as an excuse, Jews should be able to as well.

The Zionist movement has been defunct for ages. Yet people keep using that word as another way to blame the Jews for political upheaval.

sorry for laughing m8, but what you just said is just soooo ridiculous.

You think the Gaza holocaust could have happened without politics ?
You think the third Reich was about religion ?
You think everyone has a holy land they want to go and live in ?

Nobody is blaming Jews, you havn't got it yet. They are blaming zionists, who are definitely NOT defunct.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I don't get it.

But- since it is important to me and my family, I will take a moment and think about it.

Congrats on your graduation !

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by derpif

Even if there weren`t gas chambers and all the people died of malnutrition and diseases I would call that mass extermination.
And even if the numbers were horribly wrong and instead of6.000.000 people 3.000.000 people died I would still call it holocaust.
To me holocaust don`t have to involve gas chambers and at least 5.999.999 deaths.

It obviously wasnt a holocaust or genocide since there are a very large amount of jewish peoples these days. Im not saying it wasnt wrong to kill innocent people or anything like that but i do believe the numbers are false and i do think that its been overblown and still is very much.

You also have to remember that many of the jewish families that "dissapeared" during the war werent nescessarily killed. Many of the more influential and wealthy families were allowed to adopt German names and become citizens of Germany for a price. Many renounced their beliefs so they would not be killed and many others fled the country, many of whom never told their families and never seen them again and were thought to be killed.

I also do not agree that the jews should have sole rights to the term holocaust. I also do not agree that it should be a criminal offence to state your opinions on whether or not you think jews were killed. I do not understand why in society we can give our opinions on a number of things such as saying anti government type things or saying that people from a certain country are a bunch of idiots but question the jews and its curtains for you.

Seriously there are only a handful of people alive today that lived through the holocaust, weve made sure that the deeds didnt go unpunished, the Germans are still ridiculed and called Nazis and monsters to this very day (which isnt fair), and weve also made sure that the jews wont be harmed again. So whats the big deal? Get on with your lives, stop whining about something that happed over 60 years ago and if somebody has an opinion about a past historical event its not a big deal, just do what we all do and live with it.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 03:22 PM
The Jews need to get over it.

Yeah, we get it. Mass murder. It happens. Time to move on. It's an important part of history we must learn from but to give it more attention then the mass murder and rape of the Chinese during World War 2 is disgusting. But hey, that's what you get when the country is run by Israel basically.

HELL, we're now making 9/11 jokes and it may be too soon, but they get laughs...

However, joke about the Holocaust...tisk tisk. Shame. .....

[edit on 27-6-2009 by GorehoundLarry]

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