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Warnings From The Benevolents!

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posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Great post Egyptia. Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".

This has been benedict9's Missionary work for the Kingdom I feel. He knows what he's doing.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:04 PM

What I really don't understand is how the frequencies or magic practice of the few can affect anyone else.
reply to post by Unity_99

They, the New Age Movement, Blavatsky, lucis Trust, Pike have been planning and working on the side of Lucifer for a loooong time, to bring things about such as the NWO, United Nations, Lucis Trust used to be called Lucifer Trust. WoW! Why? In order to divide and conquer. Out of Chaos, Order. Lucifer is who they give obeyance to. He is their God.

You know benedict9 sent me an article on Roswell (1947) crash and some of the Greek gods, men of renown and it hit me, though I already knew about some of this, 1947, Israel became a Nation that same year it was the Fig Tree set out. Jesus told us to learn the Parable of the Fig Tree. You don't grow a fig tree from seed, it is set out from an offshoot. He gives clues but not many follow them. A shame really.

We are to be Watchmen and pay attention to the Fig Tree and the season of it. Things are ramping up. And as Egyptia said, Jesus is the Way, The Truth,and the Life. No ONE, comes to the Father except through HIM!

Once we accept Christs' gift, we are protected from all that evil. Love is all there is, but we're dead people walking if we try to do things by our own will. This is the lesson, Not my will be done but HIS.

edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Peace and Love to you too sister

edit on 25-3-2012 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

He never meant that the way people assume. It means to be like unto Him, to perfect. Not one religion, not a Kingdom. That IS the very same Illluminati and Corruption you mentioned. That is Rome.

They have badly corrupted the faith to be the opposite of it.

The only pure form of spirituality is going within. And deprogramming.

What is ironic is they murdered him for not conforming then hijacked him to make people conform, and trap them in this mentality that is NOT LOVE.

And then, try to practice the real way, hidden away, but can't do so because they're not Love either.

One thing that is noticeable is how aggressive so called Christian religious, because I've always been Christian too but walked away from "religions and kingdoms" are to posters who are Loving, Peaceful and Good. Any time anyone posts on attack on anothers beliefs that is Loving and Good, and Peaceful, because they don't accept the ball and chain of their own religion, it is very alarming, especially to see those who would follow Christ do so.

Love rejoices in all forms of Love.

Peace rejoices in all forms of Peace.

No one would ever criticize any ones faith that is Love.

But war. Division. Kingdoms and Pyramids, Obedience not Seeking!

Holding Doom Porn in your thoughts instead of actively seeking to hold visions of Goodness and Equality?
Not directed to you, its a general post, not a specific one, so I guess read it as "in one's thoughts". I am clumsy in my writing alot too.

That is something else, its actually very alarming to see the programming in action.

edit on 25-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

I liked your video of the Goat. Are you Budhhist? It's a peaceful way to be.

I am sorry for such harsh words that were spoken to you. You are on your own path of seeking and that should always be encouraged. My wish is that everyone here can speak to one another peacefully and calmly. But, sometimes frustration gets the best of us.

edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity_99, MagiciansApprentice, both of you stay in Peace and Love.

There's not much more that I can say. I've already tried.

edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

I liked your video of the Goat. Are you Budhhist? It's a peaceful way to be.

I am sorry for such harsh words that were spoken to you. You are on your own path of seeking and that should always be encouraged.

Thank you my sister and be blessed.

No I am not a Buddhist.

But I follow the teaching of the 2 great teacher/guides that were sent to us.

Jesus and Buddha are my guides and teachers I learn to be love from them, to seek within, to find stillness and achieve equality in myself and all.

Thus I always say be like Jesus hold love in your heart, peace, grace, understanding and equality. Then also be like Buddha seek stillness, balance, equality and true nature of the bond that bonds us all as a loving spirit. Thus be like Jesus and Buddha.

When I was little I saw Jesus so I followed love, peace and understanding. Then I saw Buddha not so long ago so I started seeking inner peace, stillness and balance within my self and the frequency/vibration within all things.

I follow no book nor an idol for I follow the guidance of my 2 teachers/guides.

Anyway thank you for your wonderful post and I do not care about their harshness I could have retaliated in return. But both my teachers/guides taught this :

Jesus: Do to others as you would have them do to you

Buddha: Consider others as you would consider yourself

Jesus: If someone strikes you on the right cheek offer them the other also

Buddha: If anyone should give you a blow with his hand, or a stick or with a knife you should have no urge to attack in return or utter evil words.

I am not religious even though people think I am
I merely get things through guidance.

This will be my last post on this thread I am sorry to say my sister, because when I get entangled I get pulled down by my ego. When that happens my inner pond is rattled by waves and they consume me, which then I reflect upon another to raise their ego and retaliate upon my attack in return. For every action there is a positive or negative reaction.

Anyway remember you are the pure pearl/jewel within a blooming lotus and one must seek stillness and inner peace to see the true beauty within all things.

Namaste and thank you for your kind thoughts.

Also keep loving him and send him love it is important for love can heal all wounds

edit on 25-3-2012 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Oh my goodness, you are so precious with your post. I am also not religious but have sought to learn and what I know I cannot expect for everyone else to just grasp all at once. Teach, but let others feel their own things, too.

I want to say none of this is against benedict9, he has his own thoughts too. I understand his side and yours. And, I will not interfere with what he says, it's not my place. Be in peace Brother. And blessings to you also.

I also have leanings towards those eastern beliefs. Always come to God as a child.
edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

What is ironic is they murdered him for not conforming then hijacked him to make people conform, and trap them in this mentality that is NOT LOVE.

This is something that I have always wondered about. Why they adopted Christianity after they crucified him? And, made themselves the authority on it. But, they also changed the Sabbath day to Sunday, from Saturday. They have their agendas. But, Jesus is our sabbath now and the circumsision is now of the heart instead of the foreskin. People don't realize this either. All blood oaths are done away with after the lambs sacrifice.
edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Oh my goodness, you are so precious with your post. I am also not religious but have sought to learn and what I know I cannot expect for everyone else to just grasp all at once. Teach, but let others feel their own things, too.

I want to say none of this is against benedict9, he has his own thoughts too. I understand his side and yours. And, I will not interfere with what he says, it's not my place. Be in peace Brother. And blessings to you also.

I also have leanings towards those eastern beliefs. Always come to God as a child.
edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)


I don't know if you saw a verse I posted before but I will share it again in case if you did not see it from the waves of posts.

This was sort of guided to me about when a student finds the truth and becomes the teacher/guide, that he must not treat himself as above others but merely as a helping hand for others to achieve inner peace and stillness:

"I am not the judge or a divine being for I am a mere guide to you and your will for I serve all equally as we all should. For within you is a divine pond that is rattled by waves, I can merely show you a way to calm the waves
but it is you who must seek the still reflection of yourself within the pond. Inner peace is given to all and you are given the tools to build your perfect pond and stepping stone. "

I am thankfull and greatfull to whoever guided that verse to me it speaks so much and resonates our true nature peacefull, helpfull, calm and caring for all.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

This is a good way to be. I once saw a program about Tai chi and he told a story of stilling yourself, calmly.

It goes like this: there were some people who lost a coin in the water and they frantically looked in the water, muddying as they were going about this task and really couldn't find it then, because they couldn't see into the water at all. If they had just been calm and not frantic they would have found it with ease instead of being flustered and muddying the waters where then nothing could be done. I do this now too. Instead of yelling "Where did it go?" I walk away and forget it and it always shows up after I've forgotten about it.

Calmness is a good way to be.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Thank you for today's wonderful conversation much was learned and understood

Namaste and blessings to you my sister.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:25 PM

edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Thank you for today's wonderful conversation much was learned and understood

Namaste and blessings to you my sister.

Namaskar, blessings.

OM Namah Shivaya: Banaras best movie on forgiveness I've seen. Banaras Full Movie

And of course Little Buddha is great.
edit on 25-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Sigh.... sadly I do not wish to tell you of things for they would seem to challenge you and rattle your pond.

All True messages borne of Light are brought to light by those who feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to reveal in Love for the exposing of it's Truth. I know of the spirits who operate under darkness and secrecy. You stated that you had it revealed to you that Revelation was simply a warning and not Prophecy, yet you withhold full testimony with the poor excuse of not rattling my pond. A very conniving excuse and a cunning one at that to support the secrecy that I see you choose to operate in. I am aware you have 'gifts', however many 'worldly' gifts/abilities can too bestowed by unholy spirits. It is why so many align with the occult to get what they want in Lucifer, rather than what they Divinely and Lovingly need in Christ's Grace.

For I shall no longer be one reflecting you and to cause waves within you or your soul.

Are you suggesting that I am supposed to be 'happy and joyous' that I have you unapologetically lying about me, placing words in my mouth and I am not meant to expose such because that would not be 'loving and peaceful'? A very cunning and twisted reply to paint me as the 'rippled' bad guy. Those with Sight will see through it.

Remember do not follow something just blindly for it may cause you great pain in the end.

If you are making the false assumption that I follow the Bible blindly, you are grossly incorrect. And if you have read my openly disclosed testimonies of experiences here that support the Truth within it's Word you should know that already. I do not subscribe to every word of it either and have laid that out again and again, yet I will not keep repeating myself for those not paying attention. Again you attempt to paint a false picture that I am some 'blind' brainwashed religious zealot. More clever cunning in 'gentle' deliverance. A wolf in sheep's clothing deceives best, would you agree?

This is what I am doing seeking

You are here TEACHING that Lucifer and demons are not enemies. Seek more as you are young, early in your path, misaligned and are far from the Truth to express as a teacher what you did. It is a snare. You are attempting to lead in blindness also attempting to diminish the role of Christ in the process--very unwise. This is the spirit of antichrist with you and I will not ever regret exposing such for those you may lead astray to EVER follow such a path of snaring.

I am learning to feel the bond between you,me, the tree, the animals, the seas, the sun, the planets, the galxies and the cosmos a bond that unites us all.

It is a lovely sounding philosophy, however I am here warning about the choices souls are going to have to make. There is a great deception taking place and it will increase much much moreso with two paths to choose. One path will be in bearing with the Christ, the other with the antichrist. I know who you bear with already and as stated previously, your chosen teaching platform reveals you are on the false path of Lucifer who will both UNITE and enslave this world with the help of his occultic and misaligned servants all over the world.

Christ too will have His servants as soldiers in Truth. They will endure the persecutions of the flesh, yet in Grace moreso, and I am prepared for such times that you and Unity99 are currently clearly blind to. For now.....though you can change course in Awakening in Christ's True Testament as to the world you live in.

You say you follow Him and yet you ignore the Truth of His Teachings that included Prophecy that His Kingdom Revealed to me before I had even opened a Bible my brother. You can believe that or not. My gravest error was in placing a date for particular events and I do acknowledge such fully and accept Accountability.

All one needs to do is calm their thoughts and become empty to let their knowledge flow like a stream or a sprung new growing tree.

Christ has Called His people to stand up for Truth and to deliver what the Kingdom has Bestowed. I have exposed serious spiritual untruths brought forth relentlessly by some denying the times here and have not 'peacefully' refrained from doing such. The great age of antichrist will not deliver peace. Wake up already.

Do you think Obama's recent executive order was for nothing? I won't even spoonfeed it's implications and what 'they' are going to impose on all your little bubbles.

edit on 25-3-2012 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Dear One, he does not wish to stir the waters, and has a gentle stoic ability bear with troubles and too much gentleness to force this. If you only knew what he is like. And how he blesses his family and bites his tongue and gives no matter what. I was there for him, but he has graced me more than I could have him, for now in the midst of energetic moments with the kids, I held that still water, sent a prayer and had an angel show up bearing gifts for the kids, a Christian woman that holds youth day for the kids, and joy that lifted the flu I've been having all day so I couln't help the youngest the way he wanted.

So many are holding revelations inside, its quite a program, but he gave some good tools, to see the still pool, to be peace and love and to send that love to earth and everyone here.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

So the chicken accidently went for a walk and the earth's electro magnetic frequencies are reversing, people are functioning in reverse. Nice wind coming this way with a hint of precipitation and the traffic is slightly cutting off the chicken's pathway.

The entire planet is covered in peace even though it is right in the middle of labour pains, earth quakes, wars, famine, tornadoes, laws removing autonomy and freedoms and an endless array of atrocities that are happening all over but I'm standing on the sidewalk chanting OhMMM and really just feeling the love because I'm changing the universe and none of this is really happening. If I tell myself that enough times, I guess it will be true.

That should do it. All is well now, forget everything that is being revealed to you. Just carry on with the chicken and the reverse pond ripple affect. I think I'm going to have a piece of pie now.

Does anyone get what I'm saying here?

This is truly painful!

I say this with love and sadness in my heart.
edit on 25-3-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Yes it is, I won't buy into the programs any longer. I don't believe in them, they're sickening, and therefore total illusion. All I'm going to see is the Eutopia I wish here and now, and that is only a low level eutopia, in reality I see Earth going home, all of us, to the highest levels, something we can't quite imagine here. But for the time being, I see completely clean oceans, dolphins leaping, earthship homes with foods and teleportation ,free energy and free markets for all, happiness abundant, unity, happiness, and nothing else is real so it will never pass off as anything other than a bad dream.

However, I do see those who have focused on revelations and the movies, media and fear tactics they've put out causing some ripples in the pond. I have to try and soothe them.

I don't walk things I don't agree with. I just treat them as very silly delusions.

There is an allignment on tonight, Venus/Jupiter and its about the Lamb as well, Aires. And I am seeing that as pure Love energy rising earth up. Calm waters to send Love to earth. Anything else is just birthing pains.
edit on 25-3-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

His pride, cunning and unwillingness to admit fault when it is obvious and clearly brought to his attention reveals plenty for all his expressions of 'gentle wisdom'.

I am not easily deceived anymore by those who ever approach in calm, gentleness and much philosophical words of love and peace. I have travelled that route before in being snared by the words of a 'spiritual' and 'gentle' man who claimed to me as being a contactee with the Holy Council of Elders Spirit group-- he provided me with a date in 2009, and we know what became of that. It was the greatest mistake I have ever made in my life for trusting in man and not in Christ. When I turned to Christ and expressed in what His Kingdom Revealed directly to me, I had a correct 'prediction' here shortly after the dream from which my words of prophecy were based. And nobody here said a word with that--silence. I am not surprised in the least, and I know 'credibilty' has been damaged for the first error and how could I blame anyone for ignoring every word afterward? None of my many experiences as a seer of the times ever came with a date, though I have seen many Revelation events ahead of time with deep inner urging that I should prophesy them, for they have a purpose of Calling, Awakening and Readying to the masses. I am far from alone in doing this.

MA's words here are twisting words melding philosophies with elements of truth, as he himself takes on the appearance of gentleness and purity, yet his actions speak otherwise. No Graceful soul who walks with the Holy Spirit produces blatant lies and is defiant with them in added measure of attack when corrected for such.

It is not the error that revealed his nature, for we all make errors, it was the defiance--- and if he had a genuine brotherly Love for me in the Good spirit that he 'projected' in words, he would not only have acknowledged his error long ago but also apologised. Instead he is continuing a cunning weave of veiled attack on me with a form of 'gentleness' and 'wisdom' to deflect his underlying intentions. Daphne may and you appear fooled by it no surprises there, however I am not. The pride in a lying defiant spirit whilst at the same time aiming to bring reader focus to my 'rippled pond' simply reeks. It is simply a devilish manner of behaviour.

I don't hate the person, I hate the deed and would be lying if I stated that the wickedness in man just rolls off my back. He is only one of many though that have unapologetically placed words in my mouth and not recognised in misalignment why I am doing what I am in Warning and exposing the bigger picture.

edit on 25-3-2012 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:53 PM

edit on 26-3-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

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