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Disturbing News about Swine Flu

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posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:20 PM
Thanks for the info, S&F for you.
Heres an interview of Dr Bill Deagle who has spent years researching flu virus's for the government. He's certain the swine flu is ginetically modified and believes that it could get much worse when it mutates and will be particularly bad in the winter.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:21 PM
I seriously doubt that this will be a killer plague but burning bodies of people who die from contagious infections is normal protocol to keep viruses from infecting soil and the water supply. Appointing backups for emergency situations also is standard protocol, more than anything the whole world is just finding excuses to delve into hysteria and melodrama. This has been the case at work over the past two weeks, I'd almost guess people seem to feel they are living out some kind of reality show without a camera. There has been a lot of that in this state with emergency services in the past four or five years and it never pans out. This time next year the same people will be on this site predicting the flu is going to off 3/4 of humanity, how many years has this gone on? It's been a dud so far as lethality goes. If anyone really wanted to off humanity a big dose of ebola or rabies would be quicker and probably cheaper.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:23 PM
scary stuff if true. and especially strange because i live on worcester, less than 10 mins from cripplegate

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:33 PM
Now I'm more then a little concerned, however I'm prepared to put myself in quarantine.

On a side note, I happened to spend the night in my local A&E and whilst there the staff had to close off a whole section because of some virus scare.
Now I don't know what this virus was, I'm only going on what the paramedic was telling her boss on the phone.
All I got was blood being sent for tests and how fast could anti viral drugs be issued to staff and no-one without masks and protective clothes could enter the area.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:36 PM
people these days usually cremate their loved ones anyway,whats wrong with doing it the ordinary way.its not as if they'd be coughing all over you.and they could be sealed in bags first,then a closed coffin,if your paranoid about bugs jumping on to you or something.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Sorry but this sounds like a 'wind up', even if you are genunine i have doubts about yours sources..

I mean would you want this to be true?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:50 PM
If you are telling the truth, or are telling what you believe to be true, thank you. That being said, if there's a somewhat decent chance governments believe this could happen they'd have to start taking precautions in a quiet-secretive way. So, even if this is true and the UK government is taking these steps, it doesn't mean that this is definitely going to happen or even more probable than not going to happen.
If it does, none of us came to this planet with any promises attached (As far as I know). Just have to take things as they come.
Good luck, whatever happens, to all.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:51 PM
wake up!!! this is going to get ugly. There is no tru vaccine for the H1N1

it keeps mutating, so how could TPTB come up with this cure all vaccine,

they Can't!!! don't take any flu vaccine!! and don't use tamiflu!!

Its in your best interest to stay away from them!!

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:59 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:11 PM
I think this swine flu thing has been the most ridiculous, over hyped bunch of crap ever.

It's history.

Like most things here on these boards - nothing ever happens.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Have an idea! No use holding back. Keep track as the vaccines are dispersed and used. The locations, target groups, etc.

It may be possible to tell if the vaccines;

1. actually work

2. do nothing

3. are poison

The flu is scary, but the vaccines seem to be frightening as well.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by clint flint
I think this swine flu thing has been the most ridiculous, over hyped bunch of crap ever.

It's history.

Like most things here on these boards - nothing ever happens.

The numbers so far say you are correct about the flu. But what about the vaccines? Could they be dangerous or even as some have speculated, deadly?

I've got a creepy feeling about this whole thing. I am going to turn down a job working with kids this fall and I need the work. So, I am putting my money that this situation will be quite dangerous.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:19 PM
This is retarded, my brother broke his leg 2 weeks ago, he went to emergency room, then there he caught ah1n1. So, 2 days later, he went back to the hosptital with the flu symptoms, they send him back home after taking some sample.
Well the tests show he had really ah1n1, but the symptoms were gone after 2 days, just like a regular flu. He was all fine even before the labs result confirm he got ah1n1.
This disease is a storm in a glass of water

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Whatever the truth with this story i can confirm a number of pertinent points about the Birmingham Area, which is in the heart of the West Midland county:
1. The flu rate is so high it is now out of control!
2. A senior doctor has resigned due to this fact and the pressure he has been put under by the governmet due to the accelerating numbers.
3. They are indeed preparing for an Autumn/Fall 'Juggernaut' of a Pandemic, which would be mutanted and a lot more deadly.....estimating an approximate 1% kill rate. With an approximate 50% worldwide infection rate. That equates to 33,000 000 world wide. These are estimates and could be higher!

My source is a close relative who is a highly regarded Doctor and is at the centre of fighting & preparing for the infection

Therefore if this is fits with what i have been told just today.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Sounds like your shorty story, I know, you can call it The Corpse Burners.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
Well, to be honest it would make sense. The flu is nowhere near over with and will probably only get worse in the cold winter months. So far we have only seen a drop in the bucket to what this strain will do IMO. Burning the bodies is a way to try and keep the disease from spreading any further.

If offered the vaccine, dont take it if you have that choice. IMO it will only make you more susceptible to contracting it. But im sure by then it will be required by law to have the more way for the NWO to make sure their plans for mass depopulation happen.

I would assume taking a vaccine is ok in the summer time In the Winter months your body is already working harder and when getting a vaccine will just weaken your immune system that is already working hard so that you could catch the full virus more easily...

That is just My Opinion though.....

I suspect they will start offering a vaccine during the winter and that is when the death tolls will rise and the MSM will either spin some BS or " they" will distract us with something else......possibly a war or something like a cold war standoff like back in 60's.....

It will scare us into not worrying about the flu and asking less questions about it because what is worse....possibly getting the flu or getting nuked?

Can anybody else see this happening?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:33 PM
I'm making Colloidal Silver at home and plan to continue taking daily doses because I intend to avoid the swine flu vaccine at all costs.

I've never had a flu shot and I've never had the flu. I've always had misgivings about vaccinations in general and now trust them even less. I hope that with daily vitamin/mineral supplements and my home brew CS I'll be able to skate through the swine flu pandemic of next winter unscathed.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:37 PM

I am going to turn down a job working with kids this fall and I need the work

Don't do that.

Don't be a fool.

A normal Flu kills many people every year. This swine flue nonsense is just that - nonsense.

We should be aware now that pandemic type disasters just don't happen anymore. That's obvious.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by clint flint
I think this swine flu thing has been the most ridiculous, over hyped bunch of crap ever.

It's history.

Like most things here on these boards - nothing ever happens.

Most of us hope this is going to pass without much more sickness and death however, there has been a mutation reported and it is more lethal. This virus has legs and has the potential to cause major damage. The influenza we see normally does not kill middle aged, healthy people very much but this one does. The fact is that stats do not lie and this virus is average 3 - 4 times the lethality of the the Hong Kong flu, which killed millions.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by clint flint

I am going to turn down a job working with kids this fall and I need the work

Don't do that.

Don't be a fool.

A normal Flu kills many people every year. This swine flue nonsense is just that - nonsense.

We should be aware now that pandemic type disasters just don't happen anymore. That's obvious.

Working with kids is very positive however they are more likely to pass the virus between them and to others. Daycares and Kindergartens are famous for it. Clint maybe does not feel the cause for concern but once someone he knows gets it then he will.

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