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Is Biology just an advanced technology?

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Think about it, we are already growing body parts, and manipulating genetic code, maybe all of these where created as a very fast multiplier technology, by higher beings - I know that lends to the question then who created these higher beings, but maybe it is a russian doll.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:21 PM
To answer your question in the title.

Yep, once we get teleportation down, and the atom builder, we can do just about anything we dmn well please!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 01:08 AM
Biology is a very old study, and there's a clear line of progression leading up to today's technology. Many people are unaware of the roots of many of the sciences we have today. For instance, there's a common misconception that Charles Darwin thought of Evolution. He didn't, and Evolution had been contemplated since the beginnings of animal husbandry - prior even to the ancient Greeks. All of the major components of evolution had been promoted at one time or another by various individuals in various cultures by the end of the first century. Darwin was merely the first person to tie them all together in a comprehensive workable theory by suggesting that natural selection was the means by which life diversified.

Part of the reason why it's taken so long for advances is due to a lack of efficient communication. We basically went from oral repetition along trade routes, to scrolls, to libraries (which had the unfortunate tendency of being burned down and plundered during political/religious struggles) to universities. One of the reasons why Alexandria's library was so well reputed, and why it flourished as a university is because it lay at the hub of a major trade route and the city was a major producer of papyrus - allowing scribes to copy any texts coming into the city.

The next big leap came with the printing press, which allowed for the more efficient dissemination of information and ideas across the globe. The institution of government funded public schools pushed standards for literacy and mathematics - opening more opportunities for knowledge to be read and expounded upon by a greater public. More minds... more ideas.

One of the most profound boosts to technology development was the creation of the computer and computer networking which allowed for the processing of titanic amounts of raw data that we cannot do as well as the collection and dissemination of that knowledge nearly instantaneously between universities. Computing technology provides us the tools to build the next generation of technology, upon which we build the next, combining into a exponential growth in information. While we're currently under "Moore's Law", in regards to transistors. Yet this occurred before Moore's Law ever was coined, with the shrinking of vacuum tubes or punch cards to magnetic storage... etc.

Linear growth: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... etc.

Exponential growth: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc.

Ray Kurzweil likes to point to the human genome project as an example of the exponential growth of technology and information processing. Halfway through the project, we had only decoded about 1% of the human genome. Skeptics claimed it'd be 100 years before we decoded the whole thing... yet as the facilities were upgraded with exponentially more powerful technology, the work they could do decoding increased exponentially as well. They finished on time (10 years), and under budget.

So no... I don't think you're seeing evidence of alien intervention. You're just having a bit of a clash between linear thinking and exponential growth.

An example as applied in regards to our technological progress....

1 : Spoken Language

2 : Settlements and trade

4 : Written Language

8 : Trade Routes

16 : Libraries

32 : Printing Press

64 : Public Education

128 : Computers

256 : Internet

Etc... which is why you're going to see technology move very very quickly starting from the 1990's on out - when PC's become laptops and affordable home systems. And not only that, but the pace at which technology is achieved is decreasing with it - but the introduction market price is decreasing as well. When I got my first computer in around 89-90, it was a 386 - on sale, as the 486's were slated to come out in a few months. It cost over $4,000, with the Math-Coprocessor we installed adding in another $500. No sound card (Beep beep PC speaker only), no video card (EGA/CGA only initially), obviously no CD-Rom, no software/OS (had to buy DOS 4.0 separately later on), no extra ram. However, in today's market, I can buy a similarly outdated system with video, audio, fully decked for about $1,000. If I build it myself, I can slap it together for less than $500... minus the software.

So... yeah... that's just the nature of exponentials, of using the today's more powerful tools to build even more powerful tools which we then use to build even more powerful tools.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 11:56 AM
You know i actually used to think that very thing years back. Like, how can nature that's empowered by nothing but cause and affect create something like us that's so complex technologically. But yet we can only create buildings and machines that don't even hold a candle to organic life that so much more sophistically advanced then anything we could ever event?

But then i realized that life in in it's very beginning was incredibly basic. Not at all as intrinsic and complex as it is now. It took billions of years for a natural system that had and no intent or purpose behind it to create what we have today. And that the advancements man has made so far have only really been progressive in the last 100 years so of course we haven't been able to yet recreate what took nature billions of years.

Life of course looks intelligently designed when it's been going on for more then 3 billion years. You think that something that can multiply and recreate again and again is not going to become more complex over time, that it's just going remain stagnant?

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