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goverment plated vechicles seen leaving skinwalker today

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by RyanLA123
This is what pisses me off. I am guilty of leading a person or person's into a trap, strictly because they don't do their research.

are you reffering to me? If so how, why?

also PlagueRevisionism I recieved your comment, please email me at [email protected]

[edit on 17-8-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:04 PM
No, I am not insulting you or bashing your work in anyway. I love those who do this kind of research! I will not however, accept those who take a legite individual and take their story and make outrageous claims of portals opening from planet snoopy poop and shapeshifting reptilian aliens coming out of them, or giant wolves feeding upon people's livestock. It's nonsense and pollution to those, and I am one of them that take the field of ufology seriously. I have seen a UFO and it means what it says, an Unidentified Flying Object. I don't know if there were aliens from planet snooobaaaziwaaazi or time time travelers from the future. It was something that shouldn't have been in the sky, but yet it was period end of story. This is what scares us about the UFO community, these claims of pure nonsense are doing nothing but throwing blood into the water, those things we have documented and proven are worthy of weeks worth of lost sleep. Bob Lazar is a fraud, the alien interview is a fake and John Lear is financially stable, guess what I mean there. The 1% we can't explain is our job and it leaves us horrified. A shockumentary if you will. BARF

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:55 PM
I think you explained your position soundly and I entirely agree with you regarding your various nononsense perspective. I realize some of my own claims are more than difficult to swallow at times, but I am only relaying what I experienced and leave no room for my own person conjecture or other bias factors.

I am a skeptic to the bone, that is until this last trip. I'm now positive that a unknown flying bio/electric based entity, mechanical drone, hyperdimensional object, or a undisclosed military device is operating around the property and was witnessed at close proximity. What exactly it is, i still have absolutely no idea, but what i do have an idea of is that these things without a doubt DO EXIST.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:46 PM
never mind

[edit on 113131p://pm3158 by debris765nju]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 10:21 PM
SIGH. I am not bashing this man's work in anyway, he is investigating people's claims of the paranormal. HII never made up any of this, and as I have said, I respect and fully support people who do this kind of research. I just hate it when people like this good guy get distracted from the real facts and are lead down a dead end road intentionally. This is where I become the sniper for the larger, serious and honest part of the army in the UFO field. I have done my research and know the this and thats of this field. Anybody offended by my statements, please accept my apology.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by RyanLA123
I would have to say John Lear is a bit out there but to put Bob Lazar in the mix is not say Lavzar has been telling the full truth about every think....BUT THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS about LAZAR that points to him telling the TRUTH .You need to check him out some more my friend before calling him full BS,and as far as the ranch gos there is some thing happening out there and its not just cattle.Look at the technology we have right now in every day life, then look at the BILLOINS we spend in BLACK OPs every year in a a so called recession? The government is so far ahead of the main streem its not funny.Well its 2:00 am in the morning and im hitting the sack...P.S will have to talk about this some more when we are both on line

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:57 AM
Outstanding thread as always hiii_98! I find the topic of Skinwalker Ranch something that completely chills me to the bone and intrigues me beyond anything I have ever read about over the years. It's completely fascinating.

Did your friend ever manage to figure out 'who or what' agency were intruding on his property? Might he have brought some kind of "artifact", like rocks or plant material back with him from the ranch area on one of his visits? I find it interesting that these people would be taking some kind of measurements around his home...

Your contributions on this subject and the activity surrounding the ranch are HIGHLY appreciated by readers like myself, even though they might keep me up at night...
Keep up the awesome work!

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Bob Lazar is nonsense. S4 which is a very place, accept its a radar field in the Tonopah Test Range. Bob's very real friend Jim Taliani who Bob and John say worked at the TTR, if that is true I wonder where the name S4 came from. Man, than Jim Taliani becomes Dennis Mariani, Bob's boss and supervisor at S4. The Dulce story came out before Bob Lazar's story did. The security guard who smuggled out all of this classified stuff from Dulce was named Thomas Costello. Oh wait, Bob's coworker at S4 was a man named Barry Costello, uuuuh see a pattern emerging here? Every interview you see of John Lear that is recent, he evades or changes the name of Bob's coworkers. I think he realized his mistake and probably never thought people would put 2 and 2 together, until he did. But as the interviews of Bob and John have gone on they start to say things that I don't think they knew what they were saying, and as time passes they expose themselves. I don't know if they were trying to be crafty or they were just caught in the thought and paid no attention to how observent people are.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Your contributions on this subject and the activity surrounding the ranch are HIGHLY appreciated by readers like myself, even though they might keep me up at night...
Keep up the awesome work!

if you like this expect alot more developments in the very near future.

also purchased and .net and will be working on that this evening.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 08:29 AM
You would think that they would invest a few bucks and place some webcams around the property and broadcast it live online.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:36 AM
some people don’t get it, they DONT WANT TO BROADCAST ANYTHING TO ANYONE... as far as the public goes I'm sure they wish the ranch would be erased from our minds. Keep in mind the coordinates to the ranch were a guarded secret, along with the constant reminder of trespassing. These two themes were hammered in over and over. They dont want you there, they (NIDS) dont want you to know what they uncover ect.. Bigaloew paid the scientists alot of money, he paid alot for equipment, he paid alot for the land, he is a businessman not a news reporter. He makes decisions based on what will further his business, and right now his business is aerospace. Why would he want to give up his well paid corporate secrets? He’s in the business of making money not being a publicist.

as long as your staying at his hotel chains and the goverment is giving him contracts he's more than content with leaving the world clueless as to the paranormal events on his business property. Besides many theorize that a influx of tourists would likely drive the phenomona from the property indefininately.

[edit on 21-8-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:24 PM
I am very new to this whole relm of things, but I took on the curiousity of this place and decided to do my own research. This weekend along with another person we managed to get VERY close to the heart of things! I will say this in regards to this thread... YES.. the military is definately involved and YES.. just last night at 11:30pm we witnessed a black tahoe drop off two people in front of the front gate. They then walked into the ranch down the long road to the two white vehicles parked under the light post and then disappeared! Friday night as well as saturday we experienced alot of very strange activity.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:48 AM
stop by my website and post it. A few other researchers are also investigating this location. Anyhow what were the interesting things that happened?? More interested in that than hearing about the military-like officers.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 12:50 AM
again not wise to tresspass on the property itself.. semi ok to watch from a distance but expect to possibly be harassed or detained.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:37 PM
The seven pointed star looks like this seal

[edit on 19-10-2009 by beaumont]

[edit on 19-10-2009 by beaumont]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

so thats why they published a book about it

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I have some land very close to there, it borders on the south side of Blacktail mountain, about 5 miles off mile marker 71 on HWY 40. The last time I was there about two weeks ago (my girlfriend and I camp there a lot) we saw a HUGE Halliburton response semi-truck flying up the road towards us as we were leaving. It looked like a SWAT van or a mobile command unit and they almost ran us off the road. It really made us think, and at the time I had no idea where Skinwalker ranch was (we can easily see it if we are on the side of the mountain).

There are a lot of oil wells in the area, but the ones up where the truck was driving are all dismantled. Maybe its related to that. Probably.

I also saw a big wolf dog my first time up there, but on closer inspection it probably wasn't really there. My girlfriend though I was seeing things. Supposedly there are a lot of supernatural dog sightings in the area, we definitely hear dogs howling every once in a while.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by brodyism

blacktail mountain is a good 40+ miles away from skinwalker ranch and does not offer a vantage into the ranch itself, possibly the ridge could be seen from this vantage and bottle hollow itself. However you must have a spectacular view in general and I can't imagine some of the things you have seen!

also i have seen the wolf/dog thing too. Appeared almost domestic but looked very very wild and HUGE/hairy. The thing we saw had black or grey hair and a large furry tail.

[edit on 19-10-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:33 AM
First time I talk on these threads. I want to thank you for all the work you're doing, hiii_98. Really. This is the first time I hear of that ranch, and it's really really interesting. Also, I believe on the activities that happen there, and the fact we have videos showing some of them is just.. great. Thank you.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:30 PM
i really appreciate hearing that. I took alot of financial and legal risks when i travel out to that remote utah region, and I'm glad to hear the evidence obtained isnt totally obsolete. Given the conditions it was the best that could be collected at the time. I just really want others to know there is alot more to this world than we are spoon fed to believe. Some of the things i have seen first hand really are unbelievable.

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