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Anti-Stab Knives for the UK

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:42 PM
Anti-stab knife? Sounds crazy?

In the past couple of years several hundred youths have been stabbed to death in the UK. The fear of knife crime has been a daily feature in the UK MSM for a long time. For the ones that have died, many more have been victims of stabbings and survived. It's a common belief that 'live by the sword, die by the sword.' Unfortunately, not all the victims are involved in the casual gang violence that's become part of urban life.

In response to the violence, a man has invented an 'anti-stab knife.'


As you can see, the knife can be used for it's intended duties. Most knife crimes use knives taken from the kitchen. Craft knives, stanley knives and daggers are a rarity.

Stabbing deaths hit a record high of 322 in the UK last year, according to the government. Most knives used in such attacks are from the kitchen, former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair suggested.
BBC news article

I can't see it preventing the steady occurrence of knife crimes, but it probably won't add to the problem...Seems to me that the availability of knives is already out there. Also, does anybody seriously believe that knives are responsible for the crime? You have to wonder about the reasons and causes that make a teenager carry sharps and blades when they hit the streets...

January-March statistics

Child knife crime views revealed

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:49 PM
unless all the knives are anti stab you wont stop stabbings plus i am sure you could still dtick that in some one.

Homemade weapons could be the thing then if this knife works.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Thats actually not a real bad idea!

It's simple, although, I don't know what'd be worse, slashing crimes, or stabbing, I guess it's easier to live through a slash then a stab.

Star and Flag, see you can come up with alternatives!

I bet he'll be in the dough now. Just have to get them out selling, he needs a good marketer, if he's on here, i'm available for consults!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by thecrow001

You referring to shanks?

I highly doubt someone who is so unintelligent to be out stabbing people, would be motivated to make their own knives.

Although there are those... who will, but it's a deterrent, it's purpose is good, but i'm guessing your point goes to, Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM
30 Seconds on a bench grinder and you have nice sharp knife again. A pointless ( no pun intended) Idea.
Back to the drawing board.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 03:59 PM
Well I don't know.

It may be a good idea. It may reduce the knife stabbing related crimes

But violent people will find violent ways to harm or kill people.

What we need is anti-violence.

It doesn't matter what violent people use, be it knife, sword, ropes, even thumbs, they will still harm others.

Find a cure for violence, and you have my approval.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:05 PM
All you need to do is spend 3 minutes on a bench grinder to make it into a point again.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
Well I don't know.

It may be a good idea. It may reduce the knife stabbing related crimes

But violent people will find violent ways to harm or kill people.

What we need is anti-violence.

It doesn't matter what violent people use, be it knife, sword, ropes, even thumbs, they will still harm others.

Find a cure for violence, and you have my approval.

I have to agree with this. In this situation, kitchen knives are the means, not the end. Before we invented guns, we used blades. Before we invented blades, we used clubs and stones. Before we realized the practicality of a stick, we used our fists.

Denying the antagonists access to one device will only direct them to find another - and there are plenty of ways to inflict harm on a person. I'm sitting at my safe desk in my safe office and I can easily use all of my fingers and toes counting items I could use to do somebody in. They may not all be as practical as a kitchen knife - but there's nothing practical about murder.

Besides, I think the most impractical thing here is the likelihood of this invention replacing all of the knives that are already lying around in everybody's kitchen.

edit to add:
although.... as an after thought - maybe knives are the way to cure violence

[edit on 15-6-2009 by memoir]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Yup thats definatly gonna work, All they need to do is exchange every single knife in every single kitchen in the UK

Violent people will still find a way to be violent,Take away the knives and the headlines will read

Another teenager slain in spear throwing murder

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Is it true that most of the knife crimes are kitchen knives????

That is ridiculous if true. Get rid of knives, then what about broken bottles, rebar, pointy sticks. I mean come on, there are a whole lot of ways to hurt someone. Outlaw guns, then knives, then sticks, then blunt objects, then require everyone to wear mittens, then outlaw bad words.......

I think it is more important to find out why everyone wants to stab one another.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Republican08
Yeah, I can see it being a good earner if the publicity is good enough
As a parent it'd have to be a good choice for the kitchen just for being slightly less dangerous for kids than the normal pointed knife. As far as the petty criminal and general waste of DNA is concerned...they'll always get access to a weapon. It's unlikely to make much difference.

Question is why so many kids want to carry knives? Still...I hope the guy makes some money for a good idea. It beats all the media whining about it, at least he's tried to do something about it.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by memoir

Denying the antagonists access to one device will only direct them to find another - and there are plenty of ways to inflict harm on a person.

Right. There are millions of ways to harm other person. Even a stare will cause some people to kill themselves.

I'm sitting at my safe desk in my safe office and I can easily use all of my fingers and toes counting items I could use to do somebody in. They may not all be as practical as a kitchen knife - but there's nothing practical about murder.

Yes, if you want that person dead, then he or she is dead, depending on the situation. It doesn't matter what you use.

edit to add: although.... as an after thought - maybe knives are the way to cure violence

Isn't that sad? Using a weapon to cure violence.

What a weird world we live in

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Usually, for gang related reason, hate crimes, robberies, rapes. Things like that.

The main reason I believe is, because it's the cool thing to do, I don't know the culture in the UK but it can't be too far from the USA.

Look at our Icons for a minute : Lil Wayne (Promotes drug dealing and gang related violence, along with racism) Busta Rhymes (best friend of 13 years shot dead in front of him, refuses to tell police who did it, the man was a father of two and a husband, the other 100 people who saw who shot him also refused to cooperate with the "Pigs") T.I.P (I actually kind of like this guy, I think he changed after buying those illegal automatic weapons from a walgreens sting operation)

I know their black but, i'm sure if I knew of more popular white people ohh here we go eminem (He boasts of having commited 14 rapes, 147 assaults, and 3 murders, in the beginning of his new song, crack a bottle, feel free to give it a listen!) so see, this are chart topping people, people who listen to them constantly, and will only mimic.

If we can change our Icons, we can do that.

OBAMA, since he took office, blacks are scoring higher on their test avgs all together! Which is great because they now are feeling a sense of empowerment, though the number was expected to be higher, they feel that black youth recognizes he is half white, which lowers their self expectations.

Obama, has helped out the black youth in unimaginable way, I will give him that. It was a long time coming, the black youth would get a real good model, as I don't care much for Oprah, but she's an idol, and a well respected, and kind person. So they definately need good role models.

(None of this thread is suppose to be racist but fact)

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Republican08

Question is why so many kids want to carry knives? Still...I hope the guy makes some money for a good idea. It beats all the media whining about it, at least he's tried to do something about it.

Why are they carrying knives? Because the kid down the street is, so they need to feel secure, how do we compare to that, we carry knives to then, well that kid stabbed a guy, we know he's capable of it, so I will now stab a guy so he knows i'm capable of it, and won't try to attack me. And the spiral begins, once he gets a friend with a knife you have to, and so on and so forth!

I see people on ATS crying that this is nothing, it does nothing, it's not about that, it's about people trying to prevent it, in whichever way they can, life isn't about giving up and hoping for complete failure, it's about trying to fix the things that are wrong.

[edit on 15-6-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

"Using knives to cure violence."

I have thought of this often in the US. We have the "Drive-by" shooting epidemic that gangsters like to use for one another. It is fairly anonymous, and you don't have to stay around and get blood on your hands, or hear the moans, or see the eyes go dim.

I wonder how many of those gangsters would have the cahones to use a knife? It takes a different type of killer to do it up close and personal with their own hands.

So, knives may be one of the keys to quelling some of the murder. I am still pro-gun, and I don't want to see more regulations on those, but I think the knife wielders are on a whole nother level of meanness!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:26 PM
It might be a good idea in institutions (prisons, hospitals, care homes young oggenders places and so on) and hostels the sort of places where if someone suddenly decides they need a kitchen knife and they have only got access to one kitchen.

But out in the real world it's pretty pointless, it will do nothing for street crime unfortunately... The only possible way it could make a small dent in the number of incidents is if some law was brought in makeing all new knives by law have to be made like this - I really cant see that happening.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I think it is more important to find out why everyone wants to stab one another.


Why keep on clipping the buds when you can uproot the plants.

Study the cause. Study why people are angry. Where does the anger come from? Parents? Society? The government?

Like the posters above me said, it doesn't matter which weapon is chosen. ANYTHING can be used as a weapon. Bed, desk, TV, match, a rock, tree branches, ropes, river, oxygen, thumbs, heck, even a stare, can be used to murder someone.

It is in your mind.

Anti-Stab knives will not work.

Give me Anti-Violence any time of the day and we all will be happy.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:38 PM
this is so absurd and retarded

yes Retarded

if you take away the knives, they will use shoelaces to choke you

take away the shoe laces , they will use a hammer on your skull

take away the hammers, they will use a car battery and a wire to shock you to death (i guess they could just run you over with the car)

take away the car batteries, and now no one can drive to work

not to mention, people can kill each other with their bare hands, so maybe we should cut everyones hands off too

but then they will just beat us senseless with their arm stumps, so we will have to cut the entire arms off

but then they may bite us, so we will have to pull everyones teeth too

but then they can kick us, so we may need to cut all those legs off

then again, if everyone is armless/legless/teethless, than it doesnt matter how many guns/knives are around, no one could use them!

i am sorry

trying to prevent crime by attacking technology is the dumbest thing you could ever do

the REAL ANSWER is to find out WHY people kill each other
and try to work from there

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I have thought of this often in the US. We have the "Drive-by" shooting epidemic that gangsters like to use for one another. It is fairly anonymous, and you don't have to stay around and get blood on your hands, or hear the moans, or see the eyes go dim. I wonder how many of those gangsters would have the cahones to use a knife? It takes a different type of killer to do it up close and personal with their own hands.

Yes. That is what it is.

Have you seen the movie "The Professional"? I am not sure of the quotes but Leon said something like that it takes big guts to use knife to kill someone. It is too close and personal.

It used to be close and personal before, but now with all the technology we have today, it's very impersonal.

We hear of atomic bombs being dropped on two cities in Japan and we reply, "SO WHAT? We didn't see any body being killed"

More and more it become more impersonal.

But we still have to come back to our root. This violence. Where did it come from?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:46 PM
um, that knife looks like it could stab anyways, just makes it a little harder. Im not a sick individual, but I could stab with a closed ballpoint pen. These knives will do nothing to stop the stabbing.

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