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Bach To The Future - New Deep Meditation Tool!

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by truthbknown

heh - if we keep this up, maybe the people in that other thread

Sleep disturbances and the 'time monks'

will start sleeping like babies, and we'll be up in the middle of the night communicating with the universe!

Seriously, most people find this "process" results in much deeper and restful sleep, but some sleep disturbance can be expected periodically. All in all, you ought to find that you won't need as much sleep, and that occasionally, while on the one hand, it may SEEM like you didn't sleep much, and were semi-conscious or semi-lucid all night, on the other, you're more refreshed than usual in the morning and throughout the day, like you got MORE sleep than normal.

That is exactly what happened with me when I first started up with this, but over time, that settles down, and you start sleeping GREAT, but with vivid and memorable dreams.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:40 PM
wow, what a nice gesture to share your files..

i was using holosync since 2000 and now I use 'SBAGEN' .. its free too.

you can really mess with your consciousness and alter perceptions.. i like using the schucmann resonance as the base carrier frequency and overlaying alpha to amp me up in the morning..

thanks again.. looking to litenig to your programs.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by NeonStar]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 01:55 AM
Well I really enjoy this and would like to thank both omega and silver once again for this amazing track. I have one question but not sure if it has been asked.

Is there any benefit / non-benefit to listening to this while not really meditating? I've been using with my meditation and have to say it is really astounding how different the sessions are and was just curious if listening to this more then required would help or hinder. Thanks

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by miss_silver
hey, omegapoint, thanks for the meditation "candy."

No, seriously, I appreciate it.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by inval

Of course, it's very different isn't it, where this is like a powerful wave rolling through your mind, and it's like being asleep and awake at the same time. I think it's good brainwave training for your regular meditation. There is no right or wrong. Even regular guided meditation isn't supposed to be a "doing", so even then you're not really "meditating" as an action, just being with non-doing, at least that's how Eckhart Tolle describes it.

Edit: Oh - but in answer to your question, the answer is a definite NO, do NOT listen to as an ongoing thing, once, twice per day MAX and no more. You could make yourself sick and get an extreme overwhelm reaction doing what you're suggesting, I thought you meant doing it, without thinking of yourself as "meditating". Sorry.

It COULD however be played more regularly in an open air type situation, without the headphones on, in a surround sound environment.


I just finished doing the hour long Bach To The Future - WOW, it's by far more potent than my Holosync program from Centerpointe.

WILD - Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming

I think I have a kind of method or technique that I'm going to start trying with this, which will amount to a waking, meditative WILD or "wake induced lucid dream" aka visioning or "dream time".

I've noticed with it, a rapid onset of partial sleep paralysis, which is just the body going to sleep, thinking falsely that the mind has done so, since these patterns so closely resemble and feel like, actual sleep.

So you notice your hands kind of disappear, and other extremeties, and you may even allow your head to droop forward a bit, and begin breathing with shallow quicker breaths, again simulating sleep.

Then, while affixing a portion of your waking conscious mind to following the music (seems to be towards the back of the head), and making sure that it remains awake - you allow your body to just fall alseep, then, let your eyes roll up into your head, and let your physical eyes fall asleep as well, and while maintaining that portion of consciousness which is following the Bach music, wait, for your INNER EYES to see something, say, sunlight on ocean waves rolling ashore, for starters..

I believe this Bach To The Future track is perfectly suited to waking meditative WILDS (wake induced lucid dreams), and therefore, to OBE's as well. It's just so DEEP, deeper than anything I've come across. It's like you are asleep AND awake at the same time, so might as well take full advantage of that state, and remain as a conscious observer while actually falling asleep.

Waiting patiently for INNER EYES to open, after physical eyes have rolled up and gone to sleep with the rest of the body is I think key for this technique to work. The physical eyes, along with the rest of the body, must be permitted or allowed, to go to sleep.

So that would be one really cool way to use this, but it's still best done sitting upright imho.

My sense is that this WILL work with practice, and that it will therefore serve as great training to learn how to Lucid Dream when sleeping at night as well!

[edit on 18-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 06:54 AM
Hey thanks for the uploads! I am new in this stuff, and I didn't have much time to read all posts, so can OmegaPoint please tell me for how long to use this tools and how to use them (sorry to ask this. I guess it's very boring lol). A U2U will do well thanks.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

Ah I figured this was the case, but I just had to ask anyway as I don't know much about it just yet. I will continue to use this during meditation though as I can already see the difference being made, even though I am new to meditation altogether this makes things much more interesting.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
This was spawned from the thread "Attn Techno-Shamens: Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment"
but I thought it would be helpful to put it up as a new thread so no one misses it.

ATS' own miss_silver, with some collaborative input from myself, are pleased to release "Bach To The Future", a binaural beat brainwave entrainment track for deep meditation overlaid with the classical music of Bach along with hypnotic ocean waves, designed to take the listener on a graduated basis from alpha, to theta and then to delta brainwave patterns, a meditative state ordinarily achieved only by Zen and Yogi masters with over 20 years of meditation pratice (scientific and other info to follow).

Available for unlimited downloads from Zshare, and you can listen to it from the link page without even downloading it. Be sure to listen with stereo headphones.

Bach To The Future

Download Link

Instructions for use:

1) Method - Use stereo headphones, and sit upright, listening with eyes closed, while attempting to remain conscious throughout, although falling asleep, especially when new to it, is not an uncommon occurance.

2) Use Daily - It is recommended, to get the full benefit, to use this as part of a daily meditation practice. You can expect to notice results within days or weeks, and bigger ones over the duration of a month or two.

3) Start Slow - I would also suggest, for the first 14 days, that you listen only for the first half hour to prevent any sort of "overwhelm" from the new stimulous, which tends to surface previously unresolved and repressed unconscious material. The first song, absent Ocean waves, repeats at the half hour interval.

4) Sit after listening - Lastly, to get maximum benefit and results from each listening session, please sit for 15 minutes to a half hour after listening. The greatest benefit may reside during this absolute quiet time while remaining in the target brainwave pattern.



These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or three-character source codes after each frequency are defined in the bibliography.

Brainwave Frequency Listing

This is a listing of frequencies that various parties have claimed can affect the human mind or body in some way. The following sorts of frequencies are included : " " Enjoy. I hope you produce some more interesting stuff soon with the info I am providing you here.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
This was spawned from the thread "Attn Techno-Shamens: Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment"
but I thought it would be helpful to put it up as a new thread so no one misses it.

ATS' own miss_silver, with some collaborative input from myself, are pleased to release "Bach To The Future", a binaural beat brainwave entrainment track for deep meditation overlaid with the classical music of Bach along with hypnotic ocean waves, designed to take the listener on a graduated basis from alpha, to theta and then to delta brainwave patterns, a meditative state ordinarily achieved only by Zen and Yogi masters with over 20 years of meditation pratice (scientific and other info to follow).

Available for unlimited downloads from Zshare, and you can listen to it from the link page without even downloading it. Be sure to listen with stereo headphones.

Bach To The Future

Download Link

Instructions for use:

1) Method - Use stereo headphones, and sit upright, listening with eyes closed, while attempting to remain conscious throughout, although falling asleep, especially when new to it, is not an uncommon occurance.

2) Use Daily - It is recommended, to get the full benefit, to use this as part of a daily meditation practice. You can expect to notice results within days or weeks, and bigger ones over the duration of a month or two.

3) Start Slow - I would also suggest, for the first 14 days, that you listen only for the first half hour to prevent any sort of "overwhelm" from the new stimulous, which tends to surface previously unresolved and repressed unconscious material. The first song, absent Ocean waves, repeats at the half hour interval.

4) Sit after listening - Lastly, to get maximum benefit and results from each listening session, please sit for 15 minutes to a half hour after listening. The greatest benefit may reside during this absolute quiet time while remaining in the target brainwave pattern.



These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or three-character source codes after each frequency are defined in the bibliography.

Brainwave Frequency Listing

This is a listing of frequencies that various parties have claimed can affect the human mind or body in some way. The following sorts of frequencies are included : " " Enjoy. I hope you produce some more interesting stuff soon with the info I am providing you here.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Nathan267

Originally posted by OmegaPoint

Sorry for the double post. My computer has been sending doubles all day with double emails and what not.

Internet problems.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:07 PM
WOW - Amazing!!!

I ought to practice what I preach more often..!

Last night I did the Bach To The Future, and then after fifteen minutes, the Compassion Meditation with a fifteen minute "offload" period of quiet sitting. It was kind of late so I didn't go to sleep 'til about 2:45am.

Today, I awoke at 8:00am refreshed, and really energized, and I'm feeling so alive, aware, happy, connected, loving and passionate, but I'm calm and not manic at all.

I've had these experiences from time to time using the Holosync over the last five months or so, and what I'm experiencing today is even better.

Bear in mind I've been preparing my system for the last five months with an almost identical stimulous, so people new to this, may be left feeling a little discombobulated for a couple days, but rest assured, that feeling passes and then you have an "ah ha" integrative experience like I seem to be having today.

This is really worth the effort, to pratice this every day. The sudden quantum-leap jumps in awarenes, and overall sense of well being, are absolutely amazing, and from everything I understand, it stays with you, the new way of being, and doesn't really go away, like when you attend one of those enlightenment seminars and get "enlightenment" for a week or two, and then return to normal.

So stay with it everyone, and at some point, when you are ready, combine both mediations together, first Bach To The Future then Compassion, with a fifteen minute sit after each for a combined meditation session of 2 hours, which is easily the equivalen of 2 or more hours of sleep time, so you can still do it without it cutting into your day. The combination of the two will give you the most benefit and the best results.

I also read somewhere that with those Master Yogis they measured, that the Gamma waves (the Compassion Meditation entrains to Gamma) were seen to be riding on top of, the deeper Theta and Delta patterns, so this what we have here, would be the closest to simulating that ie: Bach To The Future followed by Compassion Meditation.

And I think this ought to be more about the benefits realized for your waking, day to day, conscious experience of life and your interactions with others and the world around you, than it is the actual experiences you may have during the meditation itself.

Please keep on posting your feedback and what this is doing for you. Thanks.


[edit on 18-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:42 PM
In Tibet, monks would travel from monastery to monastery, to meditate in each monastery, sitting between the pair of bronze temple bells... Each bell was detuned from the other just slightly... a few Hz, to tens of Herz... add to that the overtones of the shapes of each monastery, add to that styles of humming from a room full of monks...

No two sets of temple bells were identical.. so monks would spends lifetimes traveling form monastery to monastery. Until the advent of Robert Monro's Binaural Beat Hemi-Sync tapes, one would have to travel from temple to temple throughout Tibet to experience what one can get out of a few dozen of Robert Monroe's tapes.

Robert Monroe was first to use the phrase OBE, Out of Body Experience in his 1966 book on the subject.
Link to the Monroe Institute (Which does not do any advertising of any kind)

I have been doing Monroe's tapes since 1992 and cannot recommend them highly enough... I'd suggest their "Gateway Series".. which also creates some defensive habits (using repetition and invocations) for safe travels).

I do not talk about my experiences as I now believe that telling you would make me thief - as I would be stealing from you some of the joy of discovery you will experience as you do The Gateway Series...

Unlike other belief systems and *ologys etc, who can only at best, rearrange the furniture in your mind, Robert Monroe's HemiSynce shows you where the door is.

In David Morehouse's book, Psychic Warrior, he describes the protocols used at the remote viewing project at Ft Meade (across the highway from NSA).. in it he refers to "Cool Down tapes" used before RV sessions. Those tapes came from the Monroe Institute

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by seataka

Question: Must you physically go to the Institute and take a seminar, to access the "Gateway Series" and Hemisync?

I've noticed how Centerpointe and Holosync is in many ways, a copy cat business model of The Monroe Institute and Hemisync, with the exception that, aside from the occasional seminar you can choose to attend, it's all done at home, with the information exchange occuring exclusively via direct mail and email.

Just curious.

Also of note is that The Monroe Institute is more directed towards people having the OBE, or so it appears.

P.S. That is VERY interesting, about the Tibetan Monks sitting between the bells. I've certainly thought about the chant as a Theta Brainwave inducer. Very intriguing, and so now that we have electricity and this technology, why not make use of it? There's this idea or notion that unless you can achieve these states without any external stimulous, it's not meditation, when the history of meditation reveals that aids were employed as points of leverage to get to the desired state of mind, and harmonic resonant frequency.

[edit on 18-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by miss_silver
A note about the author of this track.

It was a co production, OmegaPoint is the teacher and I am the tech who put it all up together.

It was done with these means... First the selection of the audio tracks, second, determined how long with Alpha waves, then how long of Delta waves minute wise, then the last 30 minutes, Delta waves which in the end, before mixing it in the musical track, just sounded like a heartbeat while someone is asleep.

Made sure it was a slow decent at no more than 1Hz in the end. So to clear up things, there is a second Bianural track inserted into it which is the Schumann's Resonance, our earth natural resonance.

Before Omegapoint asked me if I could put something together, I used to dabble with this for my own entertainment using only the Schumann's resonance inserted in some musical cd of nature sounds. Then that 80 gig HD died on me with no hope of recovery so for reasons of my own, I just quit it at that.

What let me to experiment on Binaural Beats was Hemi-Sync which I have previously bought and other, downloaded (my bad
) and see if that could be recreated with a software I was made aware of which is called Brainwave Generator.

For the curious ones... Brainwave generator is what I used to create the slow decent from Alpha to delta with the precious help of OmegaPoint. Then, had to make sure that the Binaural beats were not overwhelming sound wise as the previous test track sent to Omega. As he suggested, just make it a hum in the music background which from all your feedbacks, was achieved

Also, my husband, Titorite, a member of ATS is also to thank for his support and his fine tuned ears for he helped a lot when it came to integrate the binaural beats in the musical Bach track to make sure that the Binaural beats did not overwhelm the musical track and that it was indeed, just a hum in the background, like the Hemi-Sync tracks I have in my musical .mp3 library.

So once it was sure that them stand alone Schumann's resonance track and the slow decent from Alpha do Delta track were to the desired decibels, this is when they were integrated to the musical track using CoolEdit.

Cool Edit is a great music edit tool which I learned to use back in the good ole Napster day when most of us thought that music download was a 'cool' thing and free... The problem was, that back in those days, a lot of peeps were clueless on how to convert music to .mp3 files which left most of the musical tracks that I downloaded with some tweeps sounds and a lot of pops if not some 2 to 3 minutes of silence after some .mp3 files. So learned to master the art of editing music.

Didn't know that the previous experience into editing a lot of mp3 musical track, some really badly encoded, would come useful in creating Bach to the future

Right now, it feels like accepting an award for some kind of performance so I will try to act accordingly.

Bowing to the ATS Public... This could have be done with the help of my good friend OmegaPoint and the fine tuned ears of my loving Husband, Titorite.

OmegaPoint Helped us in a most amazing way that we all are happy if not thrilled that this musical track have touched your heart and mind. I couldn't be more grateful for all the positive replies about this collaborative work of Omega/miss_silver/Titorite (my finely tuned hear hubby) that we all accept them ATS Flags with humility for the public can be a harsh critic if they desire to be so.

On this... shameless promotion on my part! Please check out the short story of the hubby My Immortal Penpal. I hear him in in the background and he keeps saying it ain't such a great story, with names and only experience taken from his past. Please read it and prove him wrong! It is truly a great short story... we support each other as a hubby and wife so please let him know what you think about his writing for It captivated me a lot!

Much Regards


I missed this. Nice. So you DID include the Shumann Resonance throughout! I was curious though, do you know what carrier frequency was used to create the difference in tone for the binaural ie: 210-200=10Hz is a 200 level carrier frequency. I have the impression that you used something very very low - does your Brainwave program tell you that, where you plug in the two tones which subtract for the brainwave frequency?

Thanks again miss_silver. Looks like it's topping out at about 10,000 downloads within a week of it's release early Monday!

I'll stop posting now, so people can just report their experiences with it and the benefits they are realizing from it.

Sorry if I got a little carried away here and maybe killed the thread - just got so excited about the possibility of having a such a postive impact, and to be honest I'm wanting like minded friends to be doing this thing with me as my real world people just don't "get it" why this is even important.

If you have any questions, concerns, whatever, just U2U me.

Love and Light,


[edit on 19-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Hey OmegaPonit! I have a question regarding this meditation tools since I'm new to this stuff. Maybe you answered this, so forgive me, I didn't get it while reading the other posts:
1) When should I use this? Before I got to bed or any time of the day?
2)So if I get it right I should start with Bach to the future. If so when to start with compassion meditation?
3)how long should I use this in the beginning? How many minutes to listen in the beginning? You said 30 mins of Bach the first 14 days with 15 mins of sitting with eyes closed. What about compassion meditation?

Well this should be all
Sorry for bothering. Hope you answer asap. Thanks!

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 04:28 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:30 AM
Thanks for the reply OmegaPoint, that really helped. Although I have one question.

Originally posted by OmegaPoint

Once you've moved to using the BachTTF for the full hour, and have grown accustomed to it to a degree (it will probably take at least a full year or more to completely integrate this to the point that using it won't have much of an effect any more), then I would suggest introducing the use of the Compassion Meditation track after it, in succession, or after a fifteen minute "offload" sit at the end of it, and then at the end of the CM (Compassion Meditation), sit again in stillness for 15 minutes min, to as long as you like.

So Compassion meditation comes after one year of Bach or?

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 06:33 AM
I am coming out of lurk mode to thank miss_silver, OmegaPoint and titorite for these incredible downloads. I have been listening to them daily for the past few days, and have had an interesting experience. I listen to the Bach one right before sleeping, and last night I must have fallen asleep for just a short time before I was awakened by the sensation that my bed was shaking. I live in Illinois, not a seismically active area, but it felt like an earthquake. No other sounds were going on in the rest of the house to indicate this was a whole house event, just the bed moved back and forth for about 5 seconds. The shaking of the bed yanked me out of sleep immediately, but seemed to go on for several seconds after I was fully awake and aware. I was not frightened, and felt as if it had something to do with energy or vibrational changes within myself. I had been listening consciously to a large portion of the Bach piece before apparently falling asleep, and it was still playing after the shaking started, so I think I had only been on the verge of sleep when it happened. My husband asleep beside me never woke up or felt anything. I'd like to hear if other people have experienced anything similar to this.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:13 AM
The power of the emotions I go through when I listen to this unbeliveable. Thank you oh so very much.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Em can someone help me with a problem? I downloaded the Compassion Meditation file and it comes out fine in it's original format but I have an iPod and iTunes has to convert the file from WMA to AAC and this seems to change frequencies in the track. The new AAC version gives me a massive headache and has a very loud fuzzy noise. Is it possible to stop the change in frequencies
There was no problem with Bach to The Future

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