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The Anti-Christ and His New World Order Revealed

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by adrenochrome

Remember that the Antichrist MUST fulfill all prophecies that speak of him. A Spaniard, Black Pope or not, is certainly NOT ASSYRIAN.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:04 PM
wouldnt you know the true one if persay he could resurrect the dead
, and perhaps a man like hitler except the against jewdaism part, and a strong firm belief in god so he had such a strong belief in god that people believed him.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:09 PM

I know and understand much of what you are stating. I cannot and will not deny that it is well researched and well thought. I cannot even deny that it makes plausible sense to me. I absolutely concur that it follows literal biblical views.

With that in mind I must also point out that I am not quite ready to dismiss other views. I hope that I am not sounding dismissive in this post. I respect and admire both your view and your knowledge of the subject matter.

I am trying to be subjective. I like most others do not intend to fall prey to deceptions or false beliefs. [not saying that yours are] Jesus said his faithfull will know. He also said that the very elect would almost be decieved. I believe that when the time comes it will be revealed. I also believe that there is a slim chance that now is not the time. Even the early saints believed that the time was"now". As for me, I pray for the best and prepare for the worst. I would love to not be a part of the end times but also think that it could be very very close. I am keeping an open mind, and an open heart. I will be watching, praying, and preparing.

Without a doubt we are in for some very rough times ahead no matter your view. Without a doubt we were told to watch and prepare.
without a doubt God will reveal himself in His own perfect time. Without a doubt ALL prophecy will come forth. Without a doubt nothing man can do or say will stop him. However I do feel that a true repntance and revival may prolong the inevitable for a short while. I however do not see this happening, but with God all things are possible.

Your post appears to be right on. The work done on this is the most indepth I have ever encountered. And unfortunately it appears to be the best option that offers a literal interpretation. We can only wait and see how God chooses to let it unfold. May he have [undeserving] mercy on us all.



posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Something is not right. I am going to call out some interesting stuff. Some of these points came from various websites and news sources. All this info can be ran through google to find original sources, articles and beliefs. Or you can do the heavy lifting and start reading government documents.

Over the past few weeks we have learned Obama is not a christian.
We have learned he is going to remake America
We have learned he has a marxist progressive eugenics view
We have learned his policies are destructive and his views are radical against a free and liberated humanity
We have learned Isreal is not on his buddy list
We have learned that dictators are even surprised by obama
We have learned that the media is comparing Obama to god
We have learned his office commissioned a painting of Obama being portrayed as god with him wearing a thorn crown and bowing his head infront of the presidential seal titled 'the truth'
We have learned Obama is a narcissist
We have learned he is a Leo
We have learned he is a gracious liar
We have learned he seems genuine
We have learned his wife's views could be fatally worse
We have learned Obama has a mass of loyal and die hard followers none as Obamatrons (we will go into this later.)
We have learned that some people believe Obama he is the real messiah
We have learned Obama is in Favor of the New World Order #2 (They're two NWO. 1. Good 2. Really bad, 10x worse then communism bad)
We have learned Obama covered the name Jesus or symbol IHS up because it was written on a stage he was going to speak on at Georgetown
We have learned his presidential limo has the nickname of the beast
We have learned that Obama really has an appetite for covert wars.
We have learned Obama was in mexico the week before the swine flu pandemic and someone he came in contact with died
We have learned Obama had low level photo ops of Airforce one taken of the Statatue of Liberty and Ground Zero
We have learned Obama is against the constitution and bill of rights
We have learned Obama is trying to get conservative Americans to strike out at him
We have learned the supreme court has just bowed over to the almight one
We have learned the Obamas connections and political pics are eugenics belivers at best
We have learned Obama is connected to sorros and other freaky people
We have learned Obama has a favorite restaurant called Hell burgers and his staff used the term Obama goes to hell and back
We have learned Obama does not believe in the morals and values that made this nation great
We have learned the day after obama is elected president the illinios state lottery comes up with the numbers 666
We have learned that 2012, our planet and solar system are in for some changes. These changes are growing every day.
We have learned the people are starting to become strongly divided
We have learned Obama likes back stabbers like Arlen Spectator and likes to be associated with these type of people
We have learned Obama is cracking down hard on the health administration, look into the cheerio case.

If you arent into symbolism I suggest you get into it. All the information is layed out through ancient history. You know what, people think I am nuts too and some even called me evangelical for just trying to get them to look at the information. That totally offends me because I far from some religious bible beater. i am just a reader. I have taken time to research this information from link to link and book to book. The fact is you will always find someone to support your alternate views it's just you need to be able to take all your thoughts and collectively pile them together on what seems closer to the truth and what makes common sense. We have north korea, swine flue, wars, pakistan, iran and isreal, america dollar, out of controll congress, a government above the people. We are living in a false reality, false history ect. I think the elite are planning a MAJOR crisis and each one of these causes are the alibi. The univers

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:15 PM
If you arent into symbolism I suggest you get into it. All the information is layed out through ancient history. You know what, people think I am nuts too and some even called me evangelical for just trying to get them to look at the information. That totally offends me because I far from some religious bible beater. i am just a reader. I have taken time to research this information from link to link and book to book. The fact is you will always find someone to support your alternate views it's just you need to be able to take all your thoughts and collectively pile them together on what seems closer to the truth and what makes common sense. We have north korea, swine flue, wars, pakistan, iran and isreal, america dollar, out of controll congress, a government above the people. We are living in a false reality, false history ect. I think the elite are planning a MAJOR crisis and each one of these causes are the alibi. The universe is trying to wake the people up drive them to a safer reality. I think thats the separation we are getting between the people all over the world. You're seeing it right now as speak with fox and cnn. Peoples realities are falling apart. Some people are pulling out of the matrix and the other are coming more deeply embedded. Movies, TV, art, books are all signs wether we know it or not and wether it was intentional or not.

This is what you have right now.

You have Group One - These people are like, dude, aliens, evil, propoganda, NWO, government responsible for financial collapse, false flag terror, the fed reserve, the devil, obama, rothschild, spirituality, psych powers, science, annunaki and the gods, kissinger, government black ops, nasa black ops, ect ect. Group One has been 'compelled' to research and find new information, new science, alternative history, kind of like a little alarm clock going off. It's all about educating, confirming, reading and watching. If you notice group one has been pulling out or evolving from about 2004 on...Nothing is by accident. I call these star children and are most likely born after 1968 and come across as a more libertarian point of view.

Then you have Group Two these people are like something like that would NEVER happen. Never ever. And you're crazy to think so. These people have no or very little connection spiritually to anything that is not human. They just aren't in 'touch.' Aliens, out of the question, shadow government, no no no. News stations using propaganda, Absurd and you should be jailed! That is how group two responds. This group does not question reality they only go along with it.

And this is where it gets interesting....Group One provides the information/facts good creditable information to Group Two. Group One provides evidence that can be researched, creditable whistleblowers, government officials and news reports and Group Two still can not even look at the information provided, they hammer down the crazy word with no other response. They will not even LOOK at the information or read about it. They're closed off in their minds.

The truth is all of the information is out there and our bodies, mind and souls are alot stronger and more powerful then you think. We have a greater connection to this universe, the planet and the stars. A story so tremendous it must be science fiction. You must be open to listen to scientists like greg braden, michu kaku, alt history teachers like lloyd pye, michael tsarion, david icke, alex jones, the disclosure project, and whistleblowers like richard gage, bill cooper, david codex alimentarius and others.

People got to caught up in reality televisions, ipods, wealth and sexual objectivity by design and a left right paradigm by design. Some of the people on this site loyally and I mean loyally defend the democratic republican system. This is a major problem and road block.

I think this is what the myans are talking about, Group One will be pulled up to the next reality while group 2 is going to be stu

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

Not a problem Brother; you have to forgive this old soldier as I take God's Word FACE UP since He healed me through His Word; makes one pay attention. Therefore, I fight to apply everything as written first, and then look for symbolism.

As long as your informed and looking you’ll not be caught off guard – you’re a King’s kid and you cannot loose.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:20 PM
You know, all those threads about Germany's, particularly hitler's, involvement in the "darker" side of things, or the occult, just hit me.
Possibly he found a way to "yet be"?
There are threads on this site, one i just read about a former experimental dungeon that is said to be, or have been, haunted.
This would make PERFECT sense.....

Also, I'm unclear on one thing about your answer
Well, after infering a bit, anyways.
Would a group of people be aptly defined as a pronoun (him) in this scenario?
I seem to think it would be a pronoun, but maybe not the same type as the singular?

I've been outta school for ten years, gimme a break

hitler/occult thread with great informative vidz

There's a lot more discussion out there too.

I mean, could this be a coincidence.....?
Don't recall of hearing anything on his success in said area, but WOULD make sense.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Good Post. Although, I think you can add the U.S. as a country taken over by the Third Reich. Especially considering operation paperclip, IBM and the holocaust, Prescott Bush, I.G. Farben and Zyklon B, NASA founded by former Nazis, Arnold Schwarzenegger's father as an officer in the Nazi regime...etc

Also, funny you mention people hailing Obama as a god:

Glen Beck claims that Newsweek editor says Obama = God

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:30 PM
Sometimes I imagine that the Bible could be a conspiracy in itself, maybe some people are trying to stop something to happen instead of trying to warn us.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:36 PM
I loved the detailed organization of the OP right up till it stated that somehow Obama is Hitler reincarnated. I can't stand the guy, and I am also trying to get people to wake up to the fact that we do not have to agree or respect the President's decisions or sit back while he and his cronies steal our hard fought freedoms.

But is he the anti Christ? Maybe. Doubt it. But maybe. I just want you to spell out exactly what steps I have to follow to see the obviousness of Obama's "true nature". Evil? Yes. Hitler? Where's the evidence besides his fascist agenda???

Everything was perfectly falling into place until it got to that part. I felt, as I read it, that it just sort of happened and that I had missed something. Please, with utmost respect for a fellow Believer and freedom lover, fill me in! Thank you.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Some say that Hitler took off to South America in a brokered asylum deal and didn't die at all. If that is/was the case then could he have fathered a child or even a dozen of them? Heck John McCain was born in Panama and came close to being president (CERTAINLY NOT SAYING HE IS A POSSIBILITY!).

Is it possible that someone with roots in South America, currently in the EU could be "of the seventh"(of Big H???). I'd be looking to Italy even. Let's not forget that a female is as likely as a male in these times.

Key consideration: South American asylum theory. One with roots from South America!

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by obilesk

Not quite.
the post reads

"Just think how they will fall all over themselves if they call President Obama god?"

As in, if they treat obama like this, they'll treat hitler, because of the viel, even more God-like.
It's almost like a grooming, imho, this obama thing.
If indeed the viel requires grooming.
That's how i understood it anyways.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by heyo

Huh. Didn't see it that way. I guess that works, if that's what he meant. Thanks

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:56 PM
great read i totally agree, i personally think its obama and have thought this since 2006, too much adds up for this not be happening now.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by heyo

No, the voice is singular and aspect is a directed noun as a proper title. Cannot work a 'group' into the Greek here.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by SGTChas

I admire your post, not sure what to make out of it other than the world is ending and that the antichrist is already here. I'm all for the whole end of the world is upon us way of thinking but it's only the point of view from a Christian based on your post. Other major worldly religions see it differently, in a way that suits their beliefs just as your does. We can't all be right, sooner or later we'll find out what the real truth is.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:03 AM
I think what one must keep in mind when reading religious texts is that it is the word of man, skewed and distorted to suit the need of the overseers. There are many translations in the bible which are incorrect from their original Hebrew origins. A good example is the mistranslation/misinterpretation of "Word" which actually translates into "Thought". This is the only one im aware of as im no bible scholar, but if such a key word is misplaced, then whats the keep others from being wrong.

On a side note, i dont believe the bible to be a prophetic device, as history repeats itself. As far as Obama goes, many leaders prior to his where adored by those who blindly follow. An Antichrist is no more Obama than anyone who follows him, for if people willingly follow the "Antichrist", then in fact this can be seen as no more than a representation of the attitudes people hold during their time on this rock.

Society and circumstances drive people to do unrighteous deeds, no a single individual who is a product of that. With this broader sense in mind, man has and always will be a product of his environment. Society needs to change in order for a golden age to occur, just like it changes to allow an NWO/antichrist figure to rise to power.

Its just us, we govern our action, we write our history. Its really that simple.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by phi1618]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by obilesk

As heyo pointed out, I never called Obama the Antichrist, though the spirit does rest on him. He could never be THE Antichrist as he is not Assyrian and he did not come out of hell; well, not 'hell' proper at least.

[edit on 6/11/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:07 AM
The Bible is fiction, there was no Jesus and there shall be no anti Jesus. It's this kind of nonsense that is causing right wing terrorists to start killing people and it is nonsense like this that could lead to some idiot killing our president. This trash should not be allowed on this site as it's sole purpose is to direct hate and death threats to Obama.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:08 AM
All religions are fake. It is the oldest lie ever told. All books are written by petty men wanting power over the masses. Humans have swallowed the Great lie hook, line & sinker for thosands of years. Your god, my god, his, her goddess. Its all the same. You tell a lie long enough it becomes reality. This is the Power which keeps humanity from finaly becoming what they were destined to become. Each person must follow there own path. Not bow down to the dictates of the so-called few. The way is long, but in the end the reward is forever.

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