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Can Obama be Stopped in 2012?

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posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Barack Obama is riding high in the polls, despite some very bad-for-America decisions he has made. He has nationalized the auto industry and the banks. He is pushing for national Health Care, Cap and Trade (very high energy taxes), and Card Check (end of secret ballot). He has increased the debt to the point where it will affect our grandchildren.

He has broken many campaign promises, including hiring lobbyists and allowing earmarks and porkbarrel spending.

Yet his support continues to stay high.

Many people are uneducated as to politics and the economy, and are influenced by short term stimulus payments. They have yet to feel the consequences of his actions, although they will not escape them. But Obama kowtows to his major donors suh as the labor unions and ACORN, dishing out money and other rewards to them.

I fear that if he is given another 4 years, he will destroy this nation beyond repair. How can he be stopped?

Well, the 2010 elections are a good starting point. If we can remove the power from the current Reid-Pelosi cabal, that is a good start.

Then comes 2012. A strong candidate is needed to challenge and defeat Obama. But none has emerged so far. Ron Paul is popular, but time is against him.

So, what are your suggestions? 'Give him time' is not an option; he has already shown his true socialistic colors beyond a doubt.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by jsobecky]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Barack Obama is riding high in the polls

Not exactly true. Obama got 53% of the vote on Election Day. According to Rassmussen, who predicted that's what he'd get, has only 53% of Americans supporting Obama right now. That's really not good since Barack started with 65%ish.

Well, the 2010 elections are a good starting point. If we can remove the power from the current Reid-Pelosi cabal, that is a good start.

If the Democrats control both houses of Congress after November 2010, I don't know what I'll think. The Democrats don't have the Republicans to blame anymore for not getting stuff done. More than half of the country disapproves of them too.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

So, what are your suggestions? 'Give him time' is not an option; he has already shown his true socialistic colors beyond a doubt.

Barry can take all the time that he needs. Then he can really mess things up and the Dems won't have a chance!

Then comes 2012. A strong candidate is needed to challenge and defeat Obama. But none has emerged so far. Ron Paul is popular, but time is against him.

Maybe we can resurrect Ronald Regan?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:05 PM
Double post.

[edit on 6/6/2009 by octotom]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:06 PM
we used to enact change at the ballot box, but where are the good candidates anymore? I'd say yea! Lets vote these people out.

But who are we going to replace them with?
More of the same.
I honestly believe that it's going to take alot longer than next year to wake people up and drive any representative to enact any real change to the agenda we see in DC. I agree that Obama is ruining the country but would McCain have been any better? In my small mind I see a decade or more of this before someone stands up and stands out and says enough is enough.
But by then the damage will have already been done and it'll be "Thanks For The Memories".

In my humble opinion. . . .

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:09 PM
We could all take action, everyone here on ATS who would think Ron Paul would be a fit candidate could start a nationwide campaign?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

I fear that if he is given another 4 years, he will destroy this nation beyond repair. How can he be stopped?

Perhaps if the GOP would come up with viable, tangible alternatives instead of always just running a negative campaign. A charismatic leader could help. And last but not least; the GOP would win a lot more support if they would distance themselves form Right Wing Christian issues, support the citizens of this land instead of big Business and the accompanying corruption and influence pedaling.

I'm not saying that the Dembs are guiltless of pandering to big business but they have the perception of caring for the little guy. Politics is about perception.

The GOP base is solid but without at least some support from women and minorities; it may not be Obama but it will be a liberal. Or someone masquerading as a liberal. I don't see Obama running in 4 years; not sure why.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by born2BWild
We could all take action, everyone here on ATS who would think Ron Paul would be a fit candidate could start a nationwide campaign?

Ron Paul is to old to think about running for President. With the stress the Presidency puts on you, he probably wouldn't make it through his first term. He definately wouldn't run for a second.

Someone with his Ideals and 10-15 years younger would be nice. I hear his son is getting into politics.

That being said. President Obama will be our President for 8 years. Think about it. He is still campaigning, everytime he says "I inherited this mess" he is protecting himself by blaming the GOP for the mess we are in. I imangine when he starts to truly campaign we will hear that excuse alot.

America voted and they wanted Obama. I just wonder how his 8 years will compare with Bush's 8? So far it isn't looking good.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Gov'ts are seldom voted in. Gov'ts are voted out. If the economy turns around within a year and a half he'll be able to say that he and congress sorted out the problems left by Bush. That means Dem control for most of the rest of his presidency. Not a good thing. We've seen what happens when there are no "checks and balances".

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Just ask George Herbert Walker Bush. He had what high 80% post Desert Storm and still lost to a hillbilly philanderer from some backwater state?

Anything can happen IMHO and poll numbers can be as volitile as acetone

[edit on 6/6/09 by FredT]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Polls are finicky ...
While Rasmussen has Obama at 53% Gallup has him as high as 62%. Gallup

But that's neither here or there, many things can and will change in the run up to 2012.

The Republican party finds itself in a very difficult position these days. Much like any party in the minority, they have in many ways hope that the country takes a turn for the worse before the next elections.

But that is not happening at the present moment. Without getting into the causality argument because it is too soon for it, current economic indicators are showing a glimmer of hope for the forseable future. Plus I think a great part of the American public welcomes a more cerebral and considered approach to world affairs than the saber rattling of the last eight years.

Having said all that one thing is for sure ...

As long as the Republican party is led by the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Gingrich, and those of their ilk, it ain't going nowhere.

You can only fear monger, incite, and divide for so long before people stop taking you seriously and see you as a mere caricature of yourself.

There are many worthy policies and people within the GOP. It is time for them to stand up and reclaim their party from the blowhearts and the demagogues.

Then and only then, barring an all out catastrophe within the Obama administration, will the GOP start to make electoral headway.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by FredT

A hillbilly that gave the U.S some serious prosperous times.

It's already spooky in this thread.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:49 PM
I'm neither a Democrat or Republican, I don’t subscribe to parties, I look at what a person says and stands for.

Mitt Romney, in the last election gets my vote, and I think he’ll be the front running in 2010. to oust Obama. I think many republicans were so “terror” stuck at the time of the election they Voted for John Mc Cain. Thinking he was the better candidate if we get Attached.

But my concern is the people behind the scenes that they say control the “more important” decisions that’s made in the country. The people that put the President there? They the ones you need to go after.

With Regards Obama, yes he has Bush as his excuse, nothing we can do their. If he gets another 4 years in office we might get change that we don’t like.

At the end of the day we the people are to blame. There is a lot of us that follow the political “circus” and try stay informed about candidates. But in post parts the majority of people don’t. The biggest crime is to just go and vote across the board for one party, Like so many people do. Then we wonder why we can’t get straight answers from our Politicians and lies and cover-ups.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 03:58 PM
I feel in my bones that Barack Obama will be the last truly American president (since the Civil War), and that the situation beyond 2012-2016 will not permit for less than one American president

He might get re-elected, yes, but he will still be the last president

[edit on 6-6-2009 by star in a jar]

[edit on 6-6-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 04:28 PM
If we could get a libertarian who could diminish the GOP and DNC then we might stand a chance. But who would be willing to stand up and take on that machine?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 04:28 PM
none of the people who have posted here so far seem to have the agenda
clearly in mind.i have to wonder is there any hope? Aside from
Ron Paul none of these people havE our best interests in mind. NONE.

[edit on 6-6-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
none of the people who have posted here seem to have the agenda
clearly in mind.i have to wonder is there any hope? Aside from
Ron Paul none of these people havE our best interests in mind. NONE.

That's because with what Obama's doing to this country depresses the heck out of anyone who is even remotely familiar with the constitution.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 04:42 PM

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 05:00 PM
The "I inherited this mess" mantra is already wearing thin. Especially when his policies are doing nothing to improve matters, only making them worse. He won't be able to play that card much longer.

Think about it. Now he says that the way to economic prosperity is by enacting a national healthcare program. How does that compute?

He plays the Politics of Fear. He ramrodded the spending bill through because to do otherwise would result in 'catastrophe'. He said GM was 'too big to fail'.

Nobody read the bill - once again, he broke a campaign promise on transparency in new legislation - nobody was allowed to read the bill.

He said no more earmarks. The Omnibus spending bill had 8,500 earmarks.

He said Geithner was the only genius that could save us.

As I said earlier, the masses are uneducated irt the economy and politics. We only have to look at some of the 'man on the street' interviews to realize that. The battle is in our hands.

Our energy policy is in tatters. Instead of taking advantage of the current lull in the action to drill offshore, develop shale oil, increase nuclear plants, build more refineries, etc., he has effectively silenced that debate in favor of 'green' energy, which is designed to make billionaires out of Algore and a select few others. Face it - windmills and solar panels will not power our cities, hospitals, and transportation needs. We need more focus on this area.

Sad to say, the Republicans have let the country down. They served up McCain as a candidate - wtf was that about? McCain is liberal light.

I don't believe that Republicans need to woo the liberals in order to win. Instead, they need to return to conservative policies and stop being such wusses. They had so much ammo to blast Obama with in the last election, but were too afraid to use it. McCain even prohibited the use of Obama's middle name in his campaign.

The Republican base, conservatives, and independents are a strong factor. Focus on the economy, point out each and every mistake Obama makes, push energy independence and job creation, and they have an excellent chance of making inroads.

It only took 4 years to lose their power - they can win it back in the next 4.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

To tell you the truth if the economy doesn't see a recovery by next year and unemployment keeps raising I can tell you that Obama will be a one term president.

Already his fiscal irresponsibility is going to hunt us for decades.

Something that many have no idea what is about, but as soon higher taxes, higher interest rates and inflation hits, they will know alright.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by SchefSalad

Incredible rant, but I am going to take it as just a gesture of nothing but sarcasm.

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