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Help me expose "Conspiracy Fictioneers!" the untruthful truthers.

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:25 AM
I am coining the phrase "Conspiracy Fictioneers!"

Conspiracy Fictioneer

One entry found.

Main Entry: Con⋅spir⋅a⋅cy Fic·tion·eer
Pronunciation: kuhn-spir-uh-see fik-shə-ˈnir
Function: noun
Date: 2009

1. one who writes conspiratorial fiction and attempts to pass it off as fact; forgery and or hoax.
2. to lie about an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of untruthful persons for a non existing secret, or evil imagined purpose: He made up the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
— fic·tion·eer·ing noun

I came up with this idea after reading a thread here about Albert Pike writing a letter in 1871 that told the future of NWO. It supposedly foretold the plan, in detail, of three world wars to take place far in the future. This was thankfully a hoax, but it made me think.

There are tons of these hoaxes out there. Some are completely ridiculous like, Michael Jackson and La Toya Jackson are the same person, Elvis is alive, Paul McCartney is dead, 666 in the bar code, yet many of these fantastic tales maybe related to very true events? It's hard enough to find the truth in life's mysteries when wading through deniers, debunkers, dullards, and let us not forget the actual perpetrators themselves, but also these story tellers!

I am going to refer to them as "Conspiracy Fictioneers!" They pose as truth seekers which gets them associated with actual truthers, or "Those crazy Conspiracy Theorists!" When it comes to finding truth and making others aware of it, these morons who spread this BS may be the worst of all for this cause? These people are the ones that deserve the paranoid kooks title? The people spreading junk like this are the ones hurting awareness to real issues like 9/11.

They're the ones making it hard to earn enough respect to get regular people to listen and consider things of utmost importance. What is needed is a title and an awareness campaign that separates them from those of us really seeking truth. It may be a long shot to make "CONSPIRACY FICTIONEERS" a household name, but getting seperation from this group would be a huge step!

What do you think? Help me fight the good fight. Whenever you see this activity, all you have to do is say, They're not Conspiracy Theorists, they are Conspiracy Fictioneers!, then explain the difference!

Please give your thoughts?


[edit on 6/4/2009 by Zerbst]

[edit on 6/4/2009 by Zerbst]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:32 AM
sounds good to me s&F

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Zerbst
1. one who writes conspiratorial fiction especially in quantity and without any standards
2. to lie about an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of untruthful persons for a non existing secret, or evil imagined purpose: He made up the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
— fic·tion·eer·ing noun

I think intent needs to be incorporated into 1. And the "without any standards" is vague.

Perhaps "one who writes conspiratorial fiction and attempts to pass it off as fact; forgery and or hoax"?

[edit on 6/4/2009 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Point taken and corrected. Thanks for the input.

Keep tweaking, this is a work in progress. All suggestions welcome.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Well, there's the supposed speech by JFK in regards to Secret Societies, it's actually a edited version of one of his speeches.

Then there's the protocols of Zion, and probably tons of other stuff that gets brought up occasionally.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:02 AM
I like your idea, and I think you've touched on something that's an increasing problem on *both* sides of *any* discussion of conspiracy. How do we (on whichever side of a particular theory we may be) sift the real information out of the ever-increasing mass of created / edited / fabricated evidence proliferating over the internet and vanity press? Mention was made above about the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and the edited JFK speech on secret societies. We've all seen videos and photos that have been "enhanced for better clarity" (read: I did some editing so that you'd see what I wanted you to see, even if I had to put it there), or "edited in the interest of national security (read: There might be something there, but *bleep* me if I'm going to let you see it!). Given the (often demonstrated) ability to create video, photographic, and even verbal 'evidence' on demand, and to present that evidence to the entire world as Gospel with a few mouse-clicks, how do we hold an honest, open-minded discussion of anything?

I think I'll go take another handful of Tylenol now, and head for work. Thinking about this can give you headaches.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
I think I'll go take another handful of Tylenol now, and head for work. Thinking about this can give you headaches.
You touch on some great points, and, of course, there are many others... In addition to editing (for "clarity" or blatant re-wording), there's always the problem of quoting out of context. Even if something is given proper attribution, there are always ways to take a quote and make it mean whatever you like. (LowLevelMason and I once joked about the idea of holding a pro/con Masonry debate in the debate forum, both using Albert Pike's Morals & Dogmas quoted out of context to support our stances.)

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Remembered a couple more: MU and Lemuria.
Mu is made up, based on a fellow named Churchward, and Lemuria was hypothesized around 1864 to explain the presence of Lemurs in Madagascar and India.
Lotta folks believe all sorts of nonsense about them though.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:44 PM
I know that, if there were a separate category, in which to divide the Truthers from the Fictioneers, only then can the truth movement gain traction. Currently truth seekers are wearing this black eye of shame that makes it difficult to get people to listen.

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