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Goose Stepping Anti-Fox Fascists

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by jd140

I am not wrong. The military has done nothing good for the rest of the world. They instead have been serving under the lie that we're doing this for freedom. Whose freedom are we fighting for? This isn't the Soviet Union anymore. We aren't fighting the Communists. We're just going into other lands we haven't gotten the approval of being there and disrupting them. If we got their approval (the approval of the other lands) than I wouldn't have as much as a problem with it... but we don't. And you called me a bleeding heart which made me believe you were calling me a bleeding heart liberal... and I think you need to do some research on the military and their recent actions. They aren't as benign as you would have them to be.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I have no need to look into the militarys history or their recent actions. I have participated in our recent actions. I have been told that I will most likely participate in those actions again in a few months. I really don't care if you do not like the military, it doesn't affect me one way or another, so you can save your arguement for someone who does care.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by jd140

So just because you served in the military makes you think that you don't have to look up the odd history of our military? It somehow means that you don't need to care about the actions that our military has taken? You have no regards for whatever our military has done in the past that has caused people to hate us? What kind of stuff did they tell you in military training school? Not to question the military? Or what? What's up with that?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I can tell you that I have studied military history from around the globe, but would that really matter?

You are right. They teach us to follow any order no matter what and not to question them. We are mindless robots whos only purpose is to kill those who our higher ups deem as the enemy. It does not matter if its Iraqi children or US citizens. We will kill any and all who get in our way. I am anticipating the time when we have martial law, because I have been told that we will get to shoot on sight any that disobeys. You will not be given a second chance.

I am also looking forward to my next deployment that is coming up shortly because I get to practice on Iraqis what we will be able to do to the US citizen.

I have now given you a good reason to hate the military. Don't waste this new found knowledge.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by SaraThustra

Haha, I see what you're trying to illustrate, only issue is that you failed.

You're under the influence that people like myself believe that they have no place. That's where you are incorrect. They do report a small percentage of very news worthy information, all mainstream media does.

THE PROBLEM, is how they portray a story, because as you said, people love their news on a silver platter, pre-digested. So when you have people blindly accepting the slant that media has put on the information, it leads to epidemic levels of ignorance.

Furthermore, why they report something is just as important as how. They often report absolute NON ISSUES, and then sensationalize the hell out of them, this creates a problem. The masses create a reaction. The government then creates a solution which was already planned and waiting for execution.

This is called problem, reaction, solution, and it is extremely evident in our recent "Swine Flu Pandemic", which to date has not killed a fraction of the people the yearly flu does, in just the United States, ALONE. Thus, the fact that it received more news coverage than the seasonal flu has in the last 50 years combined, in just 1 month proves the hidden agenda, and the results show that it was over sensationalized, distractionary media.

Additionally, it's highly important to also consider what is not being discussed on these enlightening channels. Such as staged coups in foreign countries, the abuse of entire countries economies by super corporations, the fraudulent use of fractional reserves and our fiat currencies, the run away corruption of lobbying, congress and the entire government, the shadow government, the secret highly unethical and illegal practices of the CIA and other organizing, the systematic poisoning of society through our water, food and health systems. Only the tip of the iceberg, and the list is much longer.

So for those who applaude people such as Glenn Beck for giving just one of these issues 5 minutes of air time in an entire day of Fox news propaganda is out of their mind. Don't take the Fox jab too seriously, cause the same can be said about all of those crooks that I mentioned previously.

Thus, to say that all who regard FOX, CNN, MSNBC, And others as garbage that should be taken with a grain of salt, are ignorant lunatics is in essence the finest form of ignorance.

Perhaps one day, you'll really learn the Media was meant for the people, not a tool to be used AGAINST the people. Anyone working to bring that fact to common knowledge is truly doing a service to humanity.

Am I the only one who catchs the irony of the thread title?

Good luck on your ride.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by king9072]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by milesp

MSNBC and CNN are really no different except they cater to the more liberal audience.

The fact of the matter is that it's not the corporate media's job to provide you with fair and accurate reporting. Their job is to sell air time to advertisers.

No CNN was started as a commercial free channel ... If they EVER had commercials at the start, they were (per Ted Turner) a venue to advertise his cheap gadget junk ... the ones that say 'hurry, call now'. And that's IT.

It took years before CNN every started regular advertising.

It's unfortunate that they believe that they need sponsors for news at because then it does make it a rating game.

Do research when given the info ... Google and Wikipedia are now, well aware people start and stop with them so dig deeper.

There are many online sources that offer some great unbiased reporting and even more that offer opinion and analysis to make complex issues digestible.

Nothing wrong with that.

MSM is what's taken that too far. They find it, eat it, digest it and regurgitate it after filtering through high bias filters.

The important thing is for us, the citizenry, to be able to see through the slants and biases so we can make informed decisions about our lives.

That's exactly it ... Don't blast Fox ... you can trust them to a little extent ... keep them honest though. You can post and they will listen. Try it.

The others are all about that ... 'Obama Won' thing.

Can't touch this!

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by InterconnecteD
Could not have better my self... actually no i could not have said it better. I have been always stressing the fact that FOX is the only Somewhat actually News we Have. I personal applaud Glenn Beck for his Courage to be the only really trying to go at it. ( as far as the will let him ) But that is just my opinion but

Great Thread

And the OP and you have been profiled, co opted and hell you chose your own pen.

The problem with FOX is the fact that it is not NEWS, it is commentary...Everything from the music to the banners have been created to evoke specific thoughts and feeling. The amount of manipulation that goes into the entire operation is ingenious.

Anyhow I feel sorry for you - absolutely foolish and blind to the reality.

Its one thing to understand that you are being used, guided and targeted, but its completely different to be completely unaware of it, which you are. The true LA LA LA LA
is the quasi retarded de facto world you have contracted from your TV set.

I don't suffer FOOLS easily, not here, with its charcoal gray adage hovering at the top of each page you...

I am anti FOX because I have educated myself to some degree - while you riff off
notions based upon an implanted feeling

The president of news corp speaking the TRUTH - and killing your threads entire basis

Ohhh and he should know, he programed many of you

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
\ Fox News, is the actual politically incorrect source... Pssss - Here's a secret way to figure this out... If the President, both houses of Congress, and 98% of all media say one thing, and Fox News points out something different that the others don't want you to know about, but nevertheless proves to be true, guess who the alternative media is.

Well thrustra, you've got grapefruits to thrusta this crap up here on the board

Calling people farm animals, while you are obviously draped in wool...

Once again thrustra, lay your eyes on your master and hopefully you will have enough sense to notify a mod and promptly thrust this thread in the toilet.


posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by MoonChild02
it's main owners are the Bush family!

I've never heard this before. Please give some proof. Thank you.
Murdoch will be rather surprised at this info, I'm sure.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
No, a successful military operation just means more lives lost.

No, a successful military operation means we are all SAFER in America.
The volunteers in our military should be thanked for keeping us safer.
They should be applauded when they do a good job.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
If you discount all of the innocent deaths... sure.

Our good guys killing bad guys isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Nothing good can come from a war.

Chamberlain said the same thing. 'peace in our time'.
But it took war to stop Hitler. It took war to stop Japan.
It will take war to stop the radical Islamics.
Sometimes it DOES take war. Sometimes war is the ONLY way.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
The military has done nothing good for the rest of the world....
This isn't the Soviet Union anymore.

There isn't a Soviet Union anymore because of our military.
If America hadn't have built up .. the Soviets would have been
emboldened and they would still be there.


Originally posted by mental modulator
I am anti FOX because I have educated myself to some degree -

Since you are 'educated to some degree' .... are you anti-MSNBC and anti-CNN as well?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

So you honestly think a "WAR" can stop Islamic radicalization - War sure didn't stop or eliminate American Southern conservative culture now did it.

Please explain to all of us how any war we are engaged in will crush the motives and
spread of Jihad.

I mean is same way Police have stopped GANGS or DEA has stopped drug trafficking/use?

I know one way you could stop all three -

Thermonuclear WAR!!!!!

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

Well Dr. Maddix, I'm not sure what you're trying to say exactly, but i'm glad you got in your jab against 'liberal' media outlets while trying to agree with me.

You might have missed my point...

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

YES - I hesitate to call MSNBC or CNN news just as I do FOX...

The main difference is the slant and the method of delivery.

I will say that FOX is on another level - fair and balanced is very similar to the air force
saying they are going to service a target.

Anyhow this thread is Special for certain - We have the man himself speaking the truth
that many deny or stumble past.

BTW did you say emboldened???

You say embolden I saaaaaaaaayyyyy


[edit on 8-6-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by MoonChild02
it's main owners are the Bush family!

I've never heard this before. Please give some proof. Thank you.
Murdoch will be rather surprised at this info, I'm sure.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
No, a successful military operation just means more lives lost.

No, a successful military operation means we are all SAFER in America.
The volunteers in our military should be thanked for keeping us safer.
They should be applauded when they do a good job.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
If you discount all of the innocent deaths... sure.

Our good guys killing bad guys isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Nothing good can come from a war.

Chamberlain said the same thing. 'peace in our time'.
But it took war to stop Hitler. It took war to stop Japan.
It will take war to stop the radical Islamics.
Sometimes it DOES take war. Sometimes war is the ONLY way.

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
The military has done nothing good for the rest of the world....
This isn't the Soviet Union anymore.

There isn't a Soviet Union anymore because of our military.
If America hadn't have built up .. the Soviets would have been
emboldened and they would still be there.


Originally posted by mental modulator
I am anti FOX because I have educated myself to some degree -

Since you are 'educated to some degree' .... are you anti-MSNBC and anti-CNN as well?

another ?

Do you believe all of the logic you have posted above???

Cause there doesn't seem to be an inch of daylight between your comments
and FOX'S TP and hardlines.

I assume you believe this, is there any room in your world view for further deconstruction of the world and facts, or are you staunch with the seemingly
simple FOX vocalized views?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

It baffles me even to this day that someone can be so ignorant all because they believe the official story of 911. The "Bad Guys" only became our bad guys when we illegally invaded their country, there was not one actual security concern and every excuse that got us into that war has been thoroughly thrown out the window, even by the crooks who perpetrated it.

Guys in caves, and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 911 and once you understand that fact you can see through the thick layer of garbage clouding your reality.

Only a fools trades freedom for security. And Germany in 1939...

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

MM thats a very interesting video,thanks for posting that one

Don't know if you've seen thuis one but its a bit of an eyeopener:

Outfoxed Documentary:

Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.


posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 02:12 AM
So, you're trying to tell me that my way of thinking is directed by the media I subscribe to without any knowledge of either of those things?


Also, there are quite a few examples of Fox being biased news. I don't know the exact date (for the purposes of this example it doesn't matter), but that South Ossetian girl who was giving testimony against the Georgians' aggression had her words twisted about so that it seemed that she was talking about being attacked by Russian troops. Being 12, it took her a while to realize this, but once she did, she went on a long explanatory speech about how it was Georgian and not Russian forces that attacked her hometown. The host cut her off midsentence to go to commercial without giving any indication that the interview was over. When the show came back from commercial, the girl and her mother were gone.

posted on Jun, 13 2009 @ 03:50 AM
Ugh. I HAVE to throw in on this thread.

Media is a COMPANY.

It has an OWNER.

The BOSS makes the rules.

Unbiased reporting does not sell NEARLY as much as biased.

People pick a news outlet that corresponds to their viewpoint!

Enjoy the SLANT!

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