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a look at the other side: My Near Death Experience...

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Hi Seeker, I am fascinated by your story. I too recently had a NDE
(ischemic stroke) but sadly it was not as phantasmagorical as your depiction. ( And I was left with lingering, permanent side-effects.)

I am simply curious of one detail. Later in your post you describe:

I was shown many things on a large screen on one wall, scenes from my life, and from many previous life cycles, both here on earth and stretching far into the past to other worlds and other galaxys.

And earlier you portrayed:

I was also shown a list of things that I had chosen to experience in that lifetime,what I had accomplished, and how many were left undone, and had to judge myself on how well I had done each thing.

How was this "list" presented? Visually? Mentally? In Writing? (in what form?)

Only to add: I find it strange that some of us humans fear death so much.
If you think about it, it is the only certain thing we learn as an absolute from the day we are born. In a world of variables and unknowns many of us go to extreme measures to avoid the inevitable.

Glad you got a do-over. I am making the best of mine.

Great thread


[edit on 4-6-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:56 PM
It is strange you said some people choose not to remember NDEs.

I am pretty sure I drowned NDE though. Mysterious to me all the same.

I was on a boat that capsized in a heavy storm and made the foolish choice to try to swim to an island I could see in the distance...rather than hold onto the over-turned boat like the others. The waves were tossing me onto the hull of the boat and banging me up pretty hard. So I thought I would swim for it.

I knew it was a bad decision about half way to the island. I was out of breath and sucking in water. I started to go under and was gasping for air and chocking on water and couldn't breath....the island was still way off in the distance. My vision got dark. I was gasping for air, but kept getting water. I remember I stopped fighting it and thinking...well..this is it. This is how I end.

Next thing I remember is climbing up on the rocky shore of the island feeling as peaceful as I have ever felt. The coast guard found me about a half hour later.

To this day I have no idea how I got to that island. I remember drowning and then climbing up on the rocks feeling great. Nothing in between.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 05:04 PM
LIFE IS ALL A GAME, I've been saying it forever. We are in a simulation of a GAME! A GAME, life is just all a game.

But topic creator, you need to be more specific:

Afer the being released me, I was approached by a group of what I will call elders, for they were dressed in long robes and all had long flowing hair and beards, and i was lead to a room where i was seated before them and we talked of many things, I was shown many things on a large screen on one wall, scenes from my life, and from many previous life cycles, both here on earth and stretching far into the past to other worlds and other galaxys.

Where were you? What were your surroundings? Did they look human or alien? Friendly or non friendly?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 05:06 PM
i cant picture a tunnel appearing out of nowhere in my vision, like what was the tunnel? an actual bridgelike tunnel? like a black hole sucking you in? What was beyond the tunnel, could you see anything?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 05:18 PM
I don't know what his tunnel looked like. But my family member described the one he saw as being quite large, about a four foot to five foot vortex that was about a foot above the mattress area, projecting over the floor, dark looking, and led him back to his body.

I've heard of "the Living Game" technology from someone who talks about being a part of M Kultra and Montaulk. This was technology that is designed to wipe your soul clean and recycle you alot like reconpilot mentions, the Enki Soul Wiping technology, to create basically a race of slaves by the annanuki or reptiles. This would be something to avoid if it exists, and earth is a prison planet run by renegades.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 05:40 PM
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. I was wondering, when you woke up had the medical staff quit "working" on you to revive you? Had the Doctor already pronounced you dead? The whole idea of reviving someone in cardiac arrest is to keep the heart pumping. For respitory arrest it's keeping the body oxygenated. ( I am terrible at spelling
) You know, there are so many stories that are similiar to yours that I have heard, that this has to be real.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

Seeker your the best. Great thread S&F by me.
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
That explains a lot about your coolness of being.

I have some ponderances if you may?
In a couple of books I read here at ATS at the same time 1) Terra Pappers and 2) Alien Visitor (Roswell Nurse story) both mentioned that going into the light was a trick to erase your memories ( like Mystic mentioned above), you said you saw both a bright light and a tunnel,
any reason you picked the tunnel (or was it a funnel)?

Also do you think going into the light is a trick?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Is there somewhere I can go to find a glossary of catchphrases for these phenomena, such as "level of vibrational frequency", "plane", "3rd density level", "higher self", "Akasha" or "Akashic", whichever it is, and the other catchphrases salted in which apparently have meanings far from the common usage? It would make if far easier for me to decipher what's being said. Otherwise, I just get lost in these threads.

I tried to follow this one in hopes that the upcoming "changes" that the OP was informed of would be revealed, but alas it was all for nought. I suppose state secrets are state secrets.

One final question: how do I "opt out" of these upcoming changes? I really don't want to be any part of things that are this far beyond me, and can't be made plain to me. If I go back to my shack in the woods, will the changes just leave me alone? I've seen changes enough being out here already, and most of them haven't been all that pleasant.

I'm not disputing the validity of NDE's, I'd just prefer to save mine until it's time comes, as it inevitably will.

Thanks in advance for any answers I may get to clarify my confusion.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/6/4 by nenothtu]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Inspiration1911
The best answer I can give you is that there is a hellish place for hellish souls, ones that will not accept the love of the Creator and refuse to do anything but cause chaos and harm; as they say,as ye sow so shall ye reap.

but it appears that most people,when reveiwing a bad life full of very bad works, are eager to return and experience all they did from the other side of the coin so as to balance out what had happened and be ready to move on to new experiences.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04
Entertain the thought that time is not a part of being outside the matrix, so the linear passage of it here for us does not necessarily correspond to time spent over there; my granddad died in 1958, his brother several years later; but my granddad wanted to see me so he was there, yet his brother had already opted to return.

Incarnation is not forced,friend, we all volunteered to come here, and the period between incarnations is up to our choosing; the concept is difficult for me to explain for I am limited by our language; how do you express a feeling and knowing that happened mentally without spoken words ,in words?

peace and love.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn
Friend, most of the answers you seek are within you, and it is never too late to awaken and change; I chose self-service in my youth, and after my life review I have focused on being happy as I am, and to service to others; I am the one you see stopping to help change a flat tire in the rain, or giving my last 5 dollars to a person or child with hunger in their eyes.

Fear is an animalistic emotion that we must overcome, for it only makes life more difficult, as does worry, Be good to yourself, and to all you meet,and make sure to tell your loved ones that you do love them.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by the seeker_713g
reply to post by Inspiration1911
The best answer I can give you is that there is a hellish place for hellish souls, ones that will not accept the love of the Creator and refuse to do anything but cause chaos and harm; as they say,as ye sow so shall ye reap.

but it appears that most people,when reveiwing a bad life full of very bad works, are eager to return and experience all they did from the other side of the coin so as to balance out what had happened and be ready to move on to new experiences.


From my experience, it also becomes extremely clear which side you are on and that knowledge is the most permanent mark you carry with you afterward.

Interesting though, dont think I have ever read about an NDE that was on/advocating for the dark side. Something interesting to research.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by CBS01
You have answered your own question friend, and did it well; if and when everyone not only takes responsibility for their own actions and devotes themselves to being good to everyone and accepting that we are all one people, then we will move ahead very quickly.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Thank you for sharing you experience, I always like hearing these from people who have actually had them. It's also interesting how similar, but still personal each of them are. S&F

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:51 PM
[edit on 3-6-2009 by SoulOrb]

I am not a prophet,oracle, or fortune teller; all I can say is enjoy the ride, but fasten your seat belts, the roller coaster is almost to the top of the hill.


I really enjoy this thread but it worries me a little, are you trying to tell us we are near the end and are you able to pass on this knowledge?

[edit on 4-6-2009 by findlesticks]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by the seeker_713g

I will tell you something about this subject. For 4 years I ran a Medic Unit out of Smithsburg Maryland, and during that time I saw my share of death and dying. In November of 1989, I was on a code blue call. We worked this woman for 35 minutes straight. After all of the Maryland state protocols were met, we turned her over to the ER at the Washington county hospital in Hagerstown Maryland.
On the way out the ambulance entrance doors, a nurse yelled my name out! I thought oh no, want did I do wrong? The woman patient who I just brought in as dead even though the ER Doc called it was lying in ER with a crowd around her. She called me by name and told all present to look at my head as she saw a childhood scar from the top of the EMS unit. She told me what I said on the med channel to ER and saw everything that I did. It will be 20 years ago this november and I still get birthday cards from her.
Seeker, I was a Christian before this experience. It never changed that part of me. But I was a believer in a different sense from that time on.
You have a Destiny son. Find it.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by yayap3
Seeker, thanks for sharing this! I just have one question (that I can think of now). After your near death experience do you feel more enlightened? For example, can you communicate with spirits more easily and such? I have met James Gilliland and he had a very similar experience to yours.
As to other dis-embodied souls, no, I cannot, but there is a connection to my Higher Self that is always there;

enlightened? hmmmm, hard to say, but I do view the world and everything around me much more closely and in a lot greater detail; my perceptions were enhanced, but as to being enlightened, that is a debateable subject and I make no claims to being anything other than me

thanks for sharing with us.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:04 PM
When you say change. Do you think 2012 has something to do with this?

[edit on 4-6-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by l0gic
sad attempt seeker, very sad

Friend, I do not have a clue as to what you are implying; all I will say is I am re-telling to the best of my ability exactly what happened except for things I consider too personal, of my own free choice and free will, just as you did when you made this rather cryptic one liner.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Sikmike620
Sad to say, the animal kingdom is structured differently than our soul matrix; our beloved animals are each a part of a collective soul; I don't remember any animals being present, but as they are a part of the Creator's work I am sure they have their own special place.


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