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conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:41 AM
Very interesting thread 126 pages and I haven't hit a tenth of the thread yet but I'll simply relay my experiences but I don't think it will help as I'm naturally adept and always have been....i.e I don't work at just happens.

First time was as a child, I shared my bedroom with my brother at the time, I went to sleep but in the night I awoke to what looked like being in a goldfish bowl looking out. My brother awoke screaming and began to try and hit my face which was to the right and down of my current position. My mother entered the room and suddenly knocked my brother down stopping him from disturbing my body from its journey. He kept repeating that ,"he's floating". I continued to be dragged alongside my body until I reach downstairs at which point I only remember waking in my Mums arms. My brother refused to sleep in the same room as me and I remembered these events as they were a regular occurrence.

Now as an adult I continue to have these events but in a far more controlled state and not fixed to the usual Leftbackside of my head. In fact in these states you can see things that are nice to see and the things that are best not to be seen. Catching them by surprise....they don't like it. Scientific explanation, "out of phase" frequencies etc etc OOBE.
I'll tell you this much........when you return to your body its like standing at the bottom of Niagra Falls there's no rush like it.
Try learning Meditation. Letting go is the key.
edit on 20-12-2010 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by forsakenwayfarer


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 09:04 PM
Does anyone have any advice on achieving Astral Projection, or if it is even possible to Astral project?
Also does anyone have any advice on Lucid dreaming? I don't even dream anymore though..... That's a problem as well. And anytime I do dream, it's all weird but I can't seem to grasp that it's not reality. It's like watching a movie..
Any advice?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Permapoop
Does anyone have any advice on achieving Astral Projection, or if it is even possible to Astral project?
Also does anyone have any advice on Lucid dreaming?:

Yes. Read this topic. The whole thing. Its full of great information, thats how I did it.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:51 PM
You, are very lucky. I've always wanted tohave an OOBE or Astral Project. Last summer, that was my goal for the summer, but no progress at all. I've been studying and studying about it, but no progress, I think I've been looking into it for about 1 1/2+ years now. It's my favorite subject, if I were to have one, man oh man would I be grateful. I believe in it, and have no fear. Maybe my only problem would be getting to excited and suddenly disrupt the OOBE
. It's part of my new years resolution to at least, get some progress.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:22 PM
I understand your feelings on this, i have practiced OBE or astral projection for a while but i cant quite get there.
Astral dimension is also called the 4th dimension, we are in the 3rd dimension here.

posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Still having obe's/lucid dreams.. this place we call reality can seem so dull after coming back from the astral. The other night I must of popped out about 10 times over the course of the night. I find myself constantly waking up but with no feeling of weight and just darkness until I slowly prise my 'eyes' open. I always project, look back at myself which is sometimes there or not there. Look at my window look at my wall and think do I go outside or do I go through the wall into next doors. If I go outside I am always blown away with how beautiful the sky looks and how many more stars I'm able to see. There's always activity going on up there and I always try to go there but I just cant seem to get air born and if I do I'll only get so far and then feel a tug from my cord. Feeling for my cord is pretty common now and its always there in some form its either loose, stretched and sometimes all tangled up with my environment. In lucid dreams I'm finding myself looking back on things that have happened in my past and observing it all taking place. When I show myself, the atmosphere changes and I'll get a strange electric static feeling as though I shouldn't of show myself and I'll be forced to wake.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Kind of makes you want to start a "Hey Pull Me Outta My Body Too!" thread for assistance from people with the ability to do so.

Quite envious.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by freedom_88

i dunno i think ghosts are very real had to many experiences!

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by DeadStarState

Kind of makes you want to start a "Hey Pull Me Outta My Body Too!" thread for assistance from people with the ability to do so.

Quite envious.

Any takers? Pull me away! Heh...

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by DeadStarState

Originally posted by DeadStarState

Kind of makes you want to start a "Hey Pull Me Outta My Body Too!" thread for assistance from people with the ability to do so.

Quite envious.

Any takers? Pull me away! Heh...

I know....CRAZY that it happened.....I will go to my grave amazed & GRATEFUL......
Be careful for what you ask just might get it.

The HUGE problem with getting this hand out, is that it has been VERY DIFFICULT to learn to do this on my own. Took me 5 times longer than just sitting in meditation and doing the work. If you read ALL of this thread you will see my struggle up close and personal, and realise doing it yourself is the better road.
I would suggest reading CavemanDD's OOBE help threads, as more folks are learning how and doing it themselves than are getting a hand out.
Here is a link
edit on 22-1-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Really great thread I cant believe you started it so long ago.I've had a few really great OOBEs.With the Electric type you I've been at it for all my life..I'm sure timing is important..If you get a download of "Starcalc"its free..It might help??...The Paulo Alto Psy lab found that all the hits occured when The Hum from the centre of the Universe was coming over the local horizon...On the Star chart its shown as Sagitarius. Ie from where you are looking in the direction of Sagitarius is the centre of the Universe...Other celestial energy pointers, is when the sun and moon are rising or setting together..strangely these times are best for fishing as well...Good luck.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:35 AM
hey, I've read the whole thread and it is inspiring but it seems dead now...( no one has posted for a long time. come on people jump in and share some stories please. i personaly don't have stories to share...(. I've been trying to OBE but no success so far, i can't even lucid dream though i've had 3-4 lucid dreams but they were short lived. Carlos Castaneda says that you need energy for dreaming and I guess I lack it... but I will keep trying... I guess the only choice I got is to be impeccable...)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Hello everyone, I am new here I came one the site in search of threads like this. I too have been in search of the truth and an out of body experience is my goal. I would do anything for one. I would greatly appreciate if an adept individual were to visit me and yank me out of my body. I have enough knowledge of the subject to know what I am asking for. It would be so wonderful, OP you are very lucky indeed. U2U me if you are adept and are interested in helping a newbie out c;

Thank you all for sharing your wonderful experiences and helping others achieve enlightenment!

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 04:42 PM
River Goddess, Thank you for this posting and all the wonderful information.
I will practice your advice. I have only had oobe twice as a child. I would be delighted to have that experience as an adult.
If your "friend" is willing then I would be too. I would be happy to talk on u2u with her/him. And if they choose not to, I understand. I have read the 5 agreements, i try to follow but I am human and at times falter. I keep trying and I know that someday I will be what I am meant to be

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Permapoop
Does anyone have any advice on achieving Astral Projection, or if it is even possible to Astral project?
Also does anyone have any advice on Lucid dreaming? I don't even dream anymore though..... That's a problem as well. And anytime I do dream, it's all weird but I can't seem to grasp that it's not reality. It's like watching a movie..
Any advice?

tons & TONS & TONS of advice is IN this thread ad nausium......thats what this thread is all about.........try reading it

reply to post by piterpan

GOOD for you!!!
I post ANYTIME I have an experience.......and for some reason I 'think' that ~something~ external to myself is stopping me, and I have felt that way ever since the dramatic abduction experience......
My thoughts on that event is that is was not 'aliens'.......... but some kind of black ops thing......I think they came looking for me on purpose. I think this thread made me a target.
If I am wrong about this I would sure like to know.
edit on 27-2-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:27 AM
Well I keep trying and so far got to the rushing of the sound. I already am vegetarian, most vegan actually, because meat and chemicals don't sit well in my body. I meditate regularly. I have some questions though, should you eyes be open or closed when you do this? Is there a better time to do this? middle of the night seems popular but does it depend on your own rhythms? Is there something you should focus on, like an image,colour,or sound?
Should ear plugs be worn to block out the world around you?
Sorry just strange questions that occurred to me. Thanks for any answers received!!! U2U answers if not ok posting them. I will answer questions honestly

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by DeadStarState

pulling you out is the easy part ,but getting you to learn how to do it yourself is much harder . the world that you live in is constructed out of rules and laws and -so called wisdom-.which is false doctrine.
oob`s are done in the waken state or when you are wide awake and conscientious of everything in the world as we know it .
lucid dreaming is done in the sleep state and it is the easiest on to learn to do.the trick to learning how to dream as we call it is to be able to catch yourself sleeping in the dream.-[dream time] ..[ sometime when you are dreaming try to make yourself aware that you are not asleep as you are in the dream time ,when you can catch your self sleeping and yet you are fully aware that you are sleeping [dreaming you can begin to control the dream time ].once you understand that you are dreaming and you know that you are asleep the best thing to do is to -[THINK]-let us say the pyramids as we all know where they are in the world - conscience thought is what you us to control the dream -[THINK ] or [KNOW] i want to go there and it will happen if you want to go inside to see them then go there is no stopping you or anyone else ,as you are using what is called the dreaming body it is [ NOT THE PHYSICAL BODY] IT IS ETHERTERIC] OR THE SPIRITUAL SELF OR BODY. it is able to pass through solid objects as long as you fully understand that the dreamers body is not of the physical world it is of the spiritual world.-or it is your own spiritual body.
i was taught that there are 7 levels of the dream time to the waken state there are also 7 levels to the deepest state of dreaming when you can actually feel yourself going down and through or above and through the layers it is much like the layers of the onion.they peel or part away like a gossamer fabric there is a slight resistance at first then you sort of pass through each one of them .
once you get to each state there is a different level of awareness that kicks in ,each one is different and yet each one is unique unto its own self.eventually your can travel out side of the known world out into the heavens and the stars ,it is amazing not only what you will see and learn you will also learn that we are not alone in the universe as there are so many other species out there to meet that it is not funny ,some of them can and do communicate with us when we are there with them -it is mind to mind communication not spoken and some of them make our species look lime our wisdom as we call it is that of a child . if you get out there this far ENJOY.
TRY -monroes -journey`s out of the body
cassenada and florinda donners books
if you can find them -try the books -called the journeys of johnathen livingston seagull.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by picrat
reply to post by DeadStarState

pulling you out is the easy part ,but getting you to learn how to do it yourself is much harder . the world that you live in is constructed out of rules and laws and -so called wisdom-.which is false doctrine.
oob`s are done in the waken state or when you are wide awake and conscientious of everything in the world as we know it .
lucid dreaming is done in the sleep state and it is the easiest on to learn to do.the trick to learning how to dream as we call it is to be able to catch yourself sleeping in the dream.-[dream time] ..[ sometime when you are dreaming try to make yourself aware that you are not asleep as you are in the dream time ,when you can catch your self sleeping and yet you are fully aware that you are sleeping [dreaming you can begin to control the dream time ].once you understand that you are dreaming and you know that you are asleep the best thing to do is to -[THINK]-let us say the pyramids as we all know where they are in the world - conscience thought is what you us to control the dream -[THINK ] or [KNOW] i want to go there and it will happen if you want to go inside to see them then go there is no stopping you or anyone else ,as you are using what is called the dreaming body it is [ NOT THE PHYSICAL BODY] IT IS ETHERTERIC] OR THE SPIRITUAL SELF OR BODY. it is able to pass through solid objects as long as you fully understand that the dreamers body is not of the physical world it is of the spiritual world.-or it is your own spiritual body.
i was taught that there are 7 levels of the dream time to the waken state there are also 7 levels to the deepest state of dreaming when you can actually feel yourself going down and through or above and through the layers it is much like the layers of the onion.they peel or part away like a gossamer fabric there is a slight resistance at first then you sort of pass through each one of them .
once you get to each state there is a different level of awareness that kicks in ,each one is different and yet each one is unique unto its own self.eventually your can travel out side of the known world out into the heavens and the stars ,it is amazing not only what you will see and learn you will also learn that we are not alone in the universe as there are so many other species out there to meet that it is not funny ,some of them can and do communicate with us when we are there with them -it is mind to mind communication not spoken and some of them make our species look lime our wisdom as we call it is that of a child . if you get out there this far ENJOY.
TRY -monroes -journey`s out of the body
cassenada and florinda donners books
if you can find them -try the books -called the journeys of johnathen livingston seagull.

Wow... You just floored me. My dad wanted to name me Jonathan Living Seagull when I was born, but my mother wouldn't let him. I'm dumbfounded, maybe its a sign...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by DeadStarState

the books on Johnathon Livingston seagull really floored me as they are written more for the higher educated or the more advanced students in these endeavors .i went into Castaneda ,Florinda donners ,Lynn v Andrews ,i believe ravenwood was the other one her teacher was called no-eyes.
the more i delved into them the more i learned and could do ,but it also opened up my eyes and mind to a lot of what is truly left in our bibles -note these things are also in all other faiths and beliefs in the world .
example ; all of this knowledge came to me NOT IN MY WAKEN STATE.
was he dreaming ,astral or oob or a combination of them all.
the more you read in these books the more you will begin to understand that we are not physical beings we are spiritual beings and that we have all been so led far away from this our own truth that we seem to have forgotten the most basic of these teachings- Christ called them his gifts . he said be as i have been learn as i have learned become as i have become -so where are his actual teachings as they are not in our bibles .
the healing touch of his is in a book called Q.T. or QUANTUM TOUCH HEALING,it can be downloaded as a pdf from most torrent programs 210 pages though.
it is most interesting that in this day and age more people are searching for the truth outside of our churches and their doctrines.and all of these so called forbiden teachings are coming out of the woodwork when 40 years ago there was never a book to be found on any of these things.
JOHNATEN LIVINGSTON SEAGULL i wonder what books your mom and dad used to read ,good luck

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