posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 08:54 PM
I promised the ats members when I got more pictures you would recive them but I warn you. And I mean "I warn you the following pictures are not only
graphic but I assure you these pictures may very well stop the war. These pictures the pentagon has threaten people that have tried to get this
infomation to.
Be advised also I am going to tell you this only once. These pictures will not be around much longer once this link is made public by posting this
infomation I risk 2 things.
1. Arrest from the united states of america mainly the pentagon. More then likly the secret service.
2. I risk being killed over these.
I only ask that by viewing the following links you copy all of this infomation because the people that have tried to shut down this website will not
waste anytime this infomation must be mirrored. It must be copied I am asking for a full out working to get all of these pictures copied because I
cant do it all myself.
" Disclaimer The Following links contain supressed infomation by the united states pentagon and others currenty involved with the war with iraq"
These pictures are real and they are graphic I would ask the younger memebers of above top secret not to view this link. "
Please Copy as much infomation off these websites before they are taken down.
Yes I pack the real heat.
Get this infomation out as fast and as quickly as possible the powers that be do not want people seeing these pictures because it could end the
Peace out.
More Pictures Will be posted on this link in the future.
Link 3:
[Edited on 30-4-2004 by falcon]