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kill the whole indigo thing. It's a trap......

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+10 more 
posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:03 AM
So you're Indigo. So what!!!!!

If you haven't realized this, it is a spiritual trap of separation. It's in the same vein as black power, Asian Pride, Americanism, nationalism, elitism, etc.

Separation is not the answer. The key is to unite everything into Oneness. The mind separates, labels, judges. This is a trap. You have to unmind/unknow everything to get to the bottom line that everything is One. Then you are free. Then you transcend ego, indigo, race, gender, class, looks, intellect, etc.

Besides that, the new set of kids being born or about to be born, will make Indigo's look like an old folks home. No offense to ol' folks. But this new set will have Oneness realized at all times.

Just a rant

[edit on 25-5-2009 by dominicus]

+4 more 
posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:26 AM
There is no such thing as Indigo chlldren/people. They are just a delusion held by people that feel superior to the rest of us.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
So you're Indigo. So what!!!!!

If you haven't realized this, it is a spiritual trap of separation. It's in the same vein as black power, Asian Pride, Americanism, nationalism, elitism, etc.

Separation is not the answer. The key is to unite everything into Oneness. The mind separates, labels, judges. This is a trap. You have to unmind/unknow everything to get to the bottom line that everything is One. Then you are free. Then you transcend ego, indigo, race, gender, class, looks, intellect, etc.

Besides that, the new set of kids being born or about to be born, will make Indigo's look like an old folks home. No offense to ol' folks. But this new set will have Oneness realized at all times.

Just a rant

[edit on 25-5-2009 by dominicus]

Will you listen to yourself talkin about oneness, and unmind. Let me guess some indigo group wouldn't let you join so you got mad and came on here to start the boycott of the indigo people.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Well, I do agree with your overall message. All groups and minorities needs to learn to get along and live side by side. But this 'Oness' for some reason just keeps on leading my thoughts to Invasion of The Bodysnatchers.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Dark Jester

Will you listen to yourself talkin about oneness, and unmind. Let me guess some indigo group wouldn't let you join so you got mad and came on here to start the boycott of the indigo people.

Is it even necessary to even put on a cloak/mask to even have to answer your post??? I suppose I'll pretend to be someone(separate) answering a "you" even though its all illusion.

Being a part of a group, joining something, or being upset about not being able to be a part of some group is all part of the illusion of the ego/mind trap.

It is much better to sit and rest in transcendence of it all. That's the best club to be in. The club that is beyond all things. Funny thing is that we are all already in that club, but the mind/ego blocks you from having realized this.

I remember years ago when I realized I was indigo. Then when I realized years later that its all a mind/illusion/separatist trap and traversed beyond such identities into the chasm of no identity.

Ahhhh the good Ol' days. Now pardon me as I resume to take off the cloak of the one who responded here and fall back into the place where I am nowhere and no one.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Does the Op have an axe to grind with the Indigos? You know the term comes from the Aura these kids project. They are highly intelligent, and have no respect for authority figures, not even parents. They seem to know a lot more that they have learned or studied, and speak often of talking with other kids that the parents cannot see. I consider myself one, as are my two children. We have nothing against anyone else, and love everyone on the planet. We are trying to wake up the people to things they do not know. We are not a cult, nor a religious movement, and we have no agenda. We only wish peace on Earth and an end to war...we wish everyone to have enough to eat and drink, and for all children to have proper medical care. We are creating a new world with our thoughts, as everyone should be doing. You can put us down as a passing fantasy, that is your right, but we all send love to every being.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by autowrench

We are trying to wake up the people to things they do not know. We are not a cult, nor a religious movement, and we have no agenda. We only wish peace on Earth and an end to war

I got nothing against you's guys. Im one too (well used to separate myself that way)

Just saying that everyone is different in one way or another. All the peace and love that most of us want on earth will come about eventually, though we have to drag the population through mud to get there (WW III, wars, diseases, corruption, depopulation)

The way you are, is the norm and will eventually be the only norm. You want to embrace it fine, but it is still separatism and strengthens the ego matrix, something that you as an "indigo" should know needs to be traveled beyond.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Does the Op have an axe to grind with the Indigos? You know the term comes from the Aura these kids project. They are highly intelligent, and have no respect for authority figures, not even parents. They seem to know a lot more that they have learned or studied, and speak often of talking with other kids that the parents cannot see. I consider myself one, as are my two children. We have nothing against anyone else, and love everyone on the planet. We are trying to wake up the people to things they do not know. We are not a cult, nor a religious movement, and we have no agenda. We only wish peace on Earth and an end to war...we wish everyone to have enough to eat and drink, and for all children to have proper medical care. We are creating a new world with our thoughts, as everyone should be doing. You can put us down as a passing fantasy, that is your right, but we all send love to every being.

Dang man, how come i get left out of that equation? I want some proper medical care too!

+10 more 
posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:06 PM
'Indigo children' is just some imaginary BS created by Nancy Anne Tappe to explain to herself the advent of the ADHD personality. Little wonder it took off as it allows some parents of difficult kids to offset their concerns about being poor parents. Instead, their unpopular, misbehaved kids are reinvented as creative geniuses in need of nurturing...

"Ahhhh look, how sweet! Little Molly's thrown her food on the carpet because she so wants the world to be a better place for all of us. Ahh bless."

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Feeling superior and being superior are completely different notions.
Those that feel superior often profess it for the benefit of themselves.
Those that are superior, have a choice to deal with, which is, be benevolent, or be malevolent.
Either choice involves a risk of disclosure.
Disclosure in and of itself creates another risk, which is why some may not disclose themselves in the first place.
Those that are benevolent, choose to operate in the background, influencing things for the better. Trying to get people to be human to one another.
The malevolent have the same modus, but the operandi is bent towards the destruction and control of those around them, of whom they have influence over.

Personally I agree with the idea that we as human beings do not need to add another group to the mix. We need to start consolidation, and all become just plain human. tough when everything is geared to keep us from that.

So indigo, is a nice color and nothing more. Even if it were true, an indigo should be operating for the betterment of mankind. Anything else is selfish and uncivilized. The choices are quite apparent.
The ramifications are noticeable.
And the ultimate price that we all will pay for our apathy is just around the corner.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:14 PM
Waaah! I wanna be special too! I'm smart and sensitive and and and... and I hate authority too! And I know things! I know more than people that are older than me! Look at me, pay attention to ME!!!

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:27 PM
I totally agree with the original post.

This is simply nothing more than ego-driven seperation that does little or nothing to benefit humanity.

I'm glad other people are realising this because up to a point, i thought i was completely alone.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by dominicus

I agree that "indigo" is a scam. It's a nice, new way of putting the elite in places they want to be placed.

But I am somehow afraid of going the "oneness" way. The huge, amorphous blob that the oneness doctrine is, makes it perfect for manipulation.

But speaking a little off-topic: nothing needs to be united into oneness. Although knowing about oneness is a great step forward. Oneness didn't break down into separate beings just to later ask each individual to unite with it.

I'd say people should try to identify themselves. Once they do that and the trully realize what they are, they shall see that others are of the same material (ie. oneness).

But unifying with Oneness is bowing to it, thus bowing to the *current* interpretations. It won't be long until a new religion is born, where "oneness" will dictate it's rules on stone tablets.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by dominicus

You might like to know that I started a discussion on that here.

Seems like we're almost saying the same thing.

What makes me sad is that we somehow manage to make every bit of creation into a bad thing. I think the scam is in keeping the belief that we are evil and sinners by default. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are creation and therefor inherently good ... sorry a little off topic but I hope still relevant.

Love and light

[edit on 25/5/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 05:17 PM
There is no such thing as an indigo child, just a bunch of nonsense delusional people made up to make themselves feel like they are not the average human that they are. It's so pathetic when people make threads telling people they are indigo kids, I almost feel sorry for them.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:21 PM
Coming together sounds good and working together is even better but, when I think of "oneness" Nazis, Hitler, and Stalin come to mind, not to mention a good number of cults. Wonder why that is. I really don't understand the point of indigos as they are. It seems like most rich kids are indigos if what I've read is true. I woundn't call them super natural. I mean do they do anything out of the ordinary? It doesn't seem that way to me. It just seems like a personality that only a few people have. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. Maybe they shoot fireballs out their noses
and I havn't heard but, this is just my oppinion.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Reality-check

Coming together sounds good and working together is even better but, when I think of "oneness" Nazis, Hitler, and Stalin come to mind, not to mention a good number of cults. Wonder why that is.

Had any of the above characters tasted of the same oneness that "I" have then "I" assure you none of the acts they committed what have been committed in the first place.

Oneness is all inclusive. There is no killing jews, poor, anti-comi's, or separatists. It is the ultimate reality underlying all things, even provable in science ala higgs bosons or Bose/Einstein condensate, where all atoms turn into strings and then into "Oneness".

This Oneness is a reality whether anyone knows this or not. Doesn't really matter what opinions people have about this. It doesn't change what already is.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Everybody wants to be the chosen one.

But you can't be....I already am.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by dominicus

I agree. Although it would be cool to have purple eyes. I should just get contacts for that though.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Not sure if teh discussion broached this explanation for Indigo "people".

This world as it is suffocates it's people. Individualism is hard sell, business needs conformity, relationships need conformity, outside the box thinking is now trendy and people are hard pressed to stand out or shine amongst the commonness of it all.

getting a label used to be taboo, now people wield it liek a sword and use it to excuse behavior, attitude and personal beliefs and personal morals. (Or lack there of).

Everyone "wants" to be special in their own right. The Indigo phenomena is just another example.

All of the "symptoms" or classifications for Indigo's fits such a large % of the population that it is impossible to discern it as a legitimate "label" or condition. Much like the craze of ADHD or ADD which classify certain behaviors certainly as being counterproductive and worthy of further investigation but certainly not worthy of the wide spread "trendy" catch all for every behavior a child or adult exhibits.

I think it's a ploy as well. To give a falsified individualism to those who are searching for their "place". The same way most religions operate...humans need something to believe in...something external that justifies all.

Indigo-ism is a load of bunk. If Indigo's are so special them please explain why the classifications for the "condition" would fit more than 90% of the population at any given point? Not so special when you look into it further.

Being special or different doesn't come in a label, never has never will.

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