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Finding people from past lives today

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:58 PM
as always i would like to express that i do not wish to cause offence to anyone.
but i am personally very sad and shocked that tere are people in this day in age that believe in things such as past lives. im sorry but this thread has truly shocked me. there is another thread that suggests that deformed people are ALIENS! and another states that shapeshifting is possible.

i find people who believe in this to be very creepy. i would be terrified to be around these people.

again, i really am not trying to insult or offend you. itsw just what i think.

sorry if i have caused offence. it was unintentional

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:19 PM
This is a big site and sometimes there is alot of garbage and i will be the first to agree on that.
Did you look at the vids on it b4 replying?
I am not big on hairy fairy crap either dude but I do think reincarnation holds more weight then any major religion.
Not trying to offend you either.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by SlayerRock
but i am personally very sad and shocked that tere are people in this day in age that believe in things such as past lives.

Well, there is thousand of things people believe in and not believe, its a personal choice, i have heard of many things that are far more less believable, why would you be shocked and feeling sad??

You must believe in something yourself, id be intrigued to hear them.

But being a member of this forum, im sure you are aware of the motto here, deny ignorance.

All im saying is before you condemn something to be complete lunacy, make yourself aware of all the information available to you, i would suspect you haven't researched this subject much, even if you had, that wouldnt mean that you would have to be a believer, but at least you could point out intelligent, and logical reason, why this is not possible.

Originally posted by SlayerRock
there is another thread that suggests that deformed people are ALIENS!

I think that's to do with Scientology belief's, which to me and to be honest to alot of people does sound misguided, again just a person opinion.

Originally posted by SlayerRock
and another states that shapeshifting is possible.

Well, again, read up, and inform yourself of all available information out there, the idea of being able to shape shift, has been around for eons.

Originally posted by SlayerRock
i find people who believe in this to be very creepy. i would be terrified to be around these people.

Well you are in the wrong place then,
, as ATS is full of differing idea's, belief's, and controversial subjects.

I would rather you stayed, opened your mind to the possibilities, and devolop a thicker skin when it comes to things like this, the majority of people in this world would probably feel the same as you when presented with some of the things on here, they choose to continue to live their lives, in the safety of their "comfortable bubble", at ATS we choose not to, to pop that bubble of ignorance, and be prepared to hear what's out there, to not be told was is and isnt, and to form our own opinion based on the vast resources available here.

You will have to choose whether you feel safer staying in your bubble, or choose to open your eyes, develop your mind and soul, and be prepared to learn, and listen, like all of us here.

I hope you choose the latter.

By the way this is not a personal dig at all, i just wanted to pass some advice on, you can take it on board, or dispose of it as you will...

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Denied]

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Denied]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:43 PM
yeah i saw the videos lol but i really couldn't see why so many people think they are reliable tbh. Even if i was a believer in reincarnation it seems obvious that these videos are a hoax, but thats just my opinion.

it's not that i'm completly closed minded. if evidence for reincarnation (or ghosts, creationism, etc) were to open up then i would immediatlychange my mind. as a great believer in science ad empiracle evidence, i must be willing to change my mind if there is proof.

however, all the evidence we currently have goes directly against beliefs such as creationism, shapeshifting and reincarnation

just my opinion though. it is certainly possible that science will one day discover new evidence that will reveal that reincarnation i possible.

however, i think the chances of shapeshifting being possilbe is zero lol

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:46 PM
in response to "denied", yes i have researched this a great deal and i know a great deal about science, theology and the supernatural etc.

dont worry lol i know its not a personal dig, your just expressing your opinions.

btw, when you asked me what i believe in what exactly do you mean?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by SlayerRock
btw, when you asked me what i believe in what exactly do you mean?

Well i dont want to derail this thread, but being that you find these things shocking, and wouldn't want to be around people who think like this, im intrigued to hear what you do believe in, for what reasons you made that firm decision to believe, and based on what?

It may give me some insight as to why you discount other theory's, and also im sure the beliefs you do hold, could be debated, and countered too.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:56 PM
i believe that once you die then thats it. i beleive this because all the scientific and empiracle evidence suggests that there is no afterlife so i feel it would be unreasonable for me to believe in an afterlife. so i believe in the big bang, evolution etc.
i'm a man of science i guess lol

sorry if it seemed offensive when i said about finding these people creepy btw

[edit on 27-5-2009 by SlayerRock]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
I dont think its possible to find a way to tell you knew someone in a past life but im guessing you believe in reincarnation im also a believer on that note but if you do find a way to findout if you new someone in a past life just give me a call

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by SlayerRock

I dont believe that with all the scientific evidence out there, it disproves life after death.

Science is evolving, constantly moving, just because there is not firm evidence now, doesn't mean it cant be so.

Il post a short video, from a longer video that i posted on a thread regarding NDE's, it talks about one theory currently being researched, from a scientific approach, that shows it may be possible for the mind to continue without a living body, and its not the only scientific research out there being carried out.

Also consider that scientific developments, and break through s etc, i believe are sometimes held back from us, for many reasons, religious, ethical, financial, to name some, whether you believe that is up to you, but dont be fooled that we are all up to date on all the facts, we are the last ones to know.

This video is NOT proof in itself, i realise that, and there is alot more information out there to be considered, alot already posted on this very thread too, have you took the time to watch them?? Please do.

**Video doesn't play all of what i wanted to show, so please see my post below for link and time to the part i wanted to share**

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Denied]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:16 PM
i'll look at the video you posted.
but it would take a lot of firm evidence for me to believe in something like life after death

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Sorry it seems the video i posted is corrupted and doesn't play fully,

Please go to 38 mins into this video posted below, to see the part i wanted to show you fully.

If you feel to watch all of it, then please do, its very interesting.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by SlayerRock

Infact Science suggests that their are things that cannot be viewed in this life. Infact the human eyes can only see so many colors of the spectrum, imagine if we could see all the colors. Infact physics suggests that their is a holder of laws, what teh holder is unknown. Quantum Physics suggests even more that their is something more to life than just dieing and becoming a bloody fig tree. So if you are a true man of science than you must not only believe that physical proof is the only truth, infact you believe that science and metaphysics are one.

[edit on May 27th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:38 PM
the only proof that i consider reliable is empiracle.
in my opinion, all scientific evidence seems to point to thee being no afterlife

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by SlayerRock

empiracle evidence? There's empiracle evidence in Physics, Biology and Mathematics. All point to something else, beyond this world. Einstein proved that matter cannot be created nor destroyed and introducing his theory of relativity proved that the soul exists. Because Matter can only be viewed to how slow or how fast things Vibrate. Say this: You can see your computer becaus ethe matter is vibrating very slowly. However, you cannot see Oxygen, because it vibrates very fast. Through the study of Quantum Physics and Electrodynamics and QuantumDynamics, the Hydrogen collider even proves that a soul exists.


The matter that explodes, is not the matter that combines or is collided. The matters existance or being is seperated and dispersed upon. Not the matter that was originally whole.

Empiracle evidence suggests that Science and Metaphysics are one and the same and also proves that their is something of a soul in us, as well as all matter.

For more information of the soul check out my thread: The Science of Dimensions in my signiture.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:55 PM
I think if reincarnation is true and I have been reincarnated I would most likely be my grandpa. He committed suicide before I was born. When I was young my older sister by 2 years was the only one who could understand my speech and once she was playing with a toy phone and my mother asked who she was talking too, and she, who had never before heard of our grandfather, said his name which is not a common one. So I figure she had to have learned of him somehow, perhaps it was from me? Also I think I might have met his brother, (but I didn't know he had a brother until afterwards) when I was in middle school I went to a friend's birthday party (who coincidentally had the same first and last name and neither of our families knew each other or have ever met each other) and I met her dad who I believe may be my grandpa's brother. Also, my grandma didn't like me as a child for some reason just as she did not like my grandpa before he died. It's all very strangely coincidental and I have no way of finding out any more or if it is all really just that, a coincidence, but it seems just too strange to me.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by cancerian42]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

im sorry but i believe that ALL kinds of empiracle evidence point to there being no afterlife. you have pointed out apparant evidence of there being an afterlife but this 'evidence' has nothing to do with real scientific evidence in my opinion.
again, no offence intended but i beleive that ALL empiracle evidence suggests no afterlife

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by SlayerRock

To be honest and quite Frank. Your opinion doesn't mean squat, what does matter is that SCIENCE proves their is an afterlife. Your opinion do not stand with what science and empiracle evidence suggests. Sorry if that seemed harsh, I respect your opinion, but when you try to pass off your opinion as truth. That doesn't fly here. This thread needs to get back on track.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:12 PM
ok i will drop it but im just gonna say that what you're saying deeply disgusts me as someone who believes strongly in science and empiracle evidence. according to anyone who knows anything about science, what you have been saying is simply false.
it because of beleifs like yours that i do not socialise with peple who believe in an afterlife in my social life. i just do not have the patience.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by SlayerRock]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by SlayerRock

Like wise. Now moving on.

My own past live memories began entirely spontaneously. I don't know why except I realize now that when began recall as a teenager it had only been 20 years since I was this other person! Not all that long in cosmic terms. But because of those first memories, I began paying strict attention to my dreams, especially very vivid ones. Then I began to meditate, and paying attention to imagery that came during those times. Finally, after many years, there came the point when I would just "know" something! But that took a long time.

Well, it all started when I was a captain in Ft Riley, KS. I meet this woman who was teaching extention classes on hypnosis and past life related subjects for Kansas State University. I had a private reading with her. She told me about several past lifes that were effecting the present one. One was a Roman centurian (biggest influence), one as a Buddist monk, and one as a German soldier in WW2. She had stated that I had died in a wooded area of Eastern Europe around 1942.


Around the age of 50-ish, I started to suffer a series of terrible nightmares, always the same, gabbling prayers and crossing myself aware of a black horror about to descend upon me. In desperation I went to a regression therapist who put me into light trance (cutting a very long story short). I found myself on an obscene wooden bench/table, bound to it by wide leather straps except for my right arm which I was waving back and forth, totally overwhelmed by terror at what was to come. I was praying hysterically. I then opened my eyes and said to Di, the therapist, "this is my nightmare !" She said "I haven't brought you round yet !!" But I had done it myself. They, the inquisition, were about to crush my right hand in a wooden tourniquet - I think for writing heresy. Anyway, I was wide awake and never had another nightmare to this day. As far as I can make out I was a young priest in the South of France, perhaps Provence. When I was recounting this to a friend, she started to cry. She was a healer. She recognised the story and had, as a young girl, been responsible for inadvertently telling the inquisition where I was. She had been my niece. She told me that she felt a sudden lifting of weight off her memory when I told her the story.


posted on May, 28 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by atzmaz

I'm really interested in your past life regression experience and definitely respect your reasons for not wanting to do it again. What I would like to know, if you don't mind sharing, is:

do you feel that what you experienced was real?

do you feel that you are better for knowing what you know?

has it impacted any of your decisions in your life or your outlook on the world?

I am happy to answer your questions. Perhaps some day I will post the experience, what I remember of it anyway.... but for now, let me address what you asked...

I absolutely KNOW it was real. It's a bizarre feeling to explain. It's like everything 'clicks' in your mind. You experience clarity on some level that isn't a part of day to day conciousness. I hope that makes sense!

I don't feel that I am 'better' or 'worse' for it. It's like opening the proverbial can of worms! It leads to more questions (at least for me it did). It put certain things into perspective but left me wondering alot more than I had initially. In one sense, I had great affirmation of my 'unusual feelings'. On the other hand, I didn't get enough details to put together anything of huge significance. What I mean is, I did not get any clear indication of my 'true purpose' or 'where' specifically I had been.

I believe the experience is different for everyone. With me, I had flashes of many different things while I was under hypnosis but they were only flashes. I didn't come to any conclusions that I hadn't previously reached. I felt I had 'lived' many times and I received confirmation of that. Otherwise, nothing particularly changed in my life. My belief system remained intact because I always 'believed'. I do wish I had more details so perhaps some day I will muster up the courage to do it again.

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