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Obama: We Are Out Of Money

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:00 PM
When a Democrat/Socialist says we are out of money, it never means we have to stop or cut spending. It means we all need to be taxed even more. It's our Patriotic Duty to ensure that Government doesn't have to do without.

Cigarette taxes can't pay for everything. There are backroom meetings being held right now trying to figure out what to tax next. Soda, chips, fast food, alcohol, health benefits, legalizing mariquana to tax it, income on people making less than 250K, everything is on the table. If Obama wins in 2012 I guarantee you will see a huge rise in the gas tax.

In a few years people are going to say "I miss the days when we ONLY had a trillion dollar deficit."

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:02 PM
I vote we sell Nancy Pelosi and Obama to the Saudis.
Think they'd take them in exchange for some debt relief?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:09 PM
Well not long ago he did say that our spending was this really just adds to it.

He is right about's set to implode. The problem is he can't spend now to try to change it because the country is scraping by. No one has the money to be taxed right now.

Inflation, rising energy costs, increased gas pump prices, never ending war...

We're screwed.

Obama is taking a lot of heat...from both sides now. It's getting to be to much to ignore now.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by David9176
Inflation, rising energy costs, increased gas pump prices, never ending war....

.... Obama spending like a drunken sailor.... Ya' forgot that one.

OF COURSE we are out of money. Bush43 started it. Obama is finishing it.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The whole thing sucks!

We need a time machine and go back a few decades to right all of this! It's both sad and maddening to see how this country has spun into a free fall over the last year.

It's not going to get better...and i know for certain it won't in my home state of Michigan.

12.9 percent unemployment...which is higher than that really....and the worst part has yet to come.

Economy is 'turning around' my ass!

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:36 PM
What a sorry ass state of affairs this country now finds itself in.

Stuck in the mud in a pointless and unstustainable war after over six years and still no safer now than we were before it started.

Home values have plummeted by 50%, 401Ks and other pensions ransacked, unemployment is hiking into the double digits.

Social Security will soon be gone. Medicare and Medicaid will soon be gone.

General Motors, our once bright and shining example of capitalism, now preparing to file for bankruptcy. Our banks are insolvent and soon to be state owned and operated.

The state of California is broke, the Governator is trying to sell the LA Coliseum and San Quinton State Pen. We now owe the Chinese more money than we can ever repay in 10 generations.

How long before the Golden Gate Bridge becomes the Qui Xiong Wang Bypass?

Broke. The most powerful nation in the world. Broke.

We have enough military weaponry to blow us all up 200 times over, yet we have been defeated by something as unassuming as the margin line and the trade deficit.

How did we go from being the most powerful rising nation in the history of the world.... to this.... all within a 40 year period?

Who is to blame? How can it be corrected? Who needs to shoulder the burden and bear responsibilty for what has happened?

Our country is being gutted from the inside out and nobody seems to care. When is it time to react? At what point does writing your congressman no longer suffice?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Our country is being gutted from the inside out and nobody seems to care.


And there is only two pages and four flags on this topic.

very telling

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 04:06 PM
No Mr. President YOU are out of money!

If we lived in a nation where the People actually used their God given constitutionally guaranteed power over the government that is what we'd say to this president.

Stop his reckless spending, strip the power of this government to a more moderate balanced government.

It won't happen, and it's likely too late now to stop the fall if it did.

Damage is done, change is what we got... Deal with it!

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:36 PM
How will his announcement affect Wall Street next week? Will we see runs on the banks? Or will most people not know about it?

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by jtma508

It was the case long before Bush came into office. Much as I disliked the Bush administration, that is still a true statement.

Soooooooooooo big surprise -- the U.S. is broke. Well, there's only one solution for that: Print more money! Raise the interest rate and plunge the value of the dollar -- which is hovering close to the Canadian dollar once again.

Maybe China will consider springing for a U.S. bailout, given that it's going to be a depressing time in China without U.S. consumers to buy their tainted and briefly functional goods.

Haven't I been saying it? I have. We are going to be on our own folks. We have learn and learn quickly how to catch/grow/find/harvest food.

You know who I feel for? Yah. Zimbabwe/Mozambique -- other depressed areas that fantasize about things we take for granted: shoes, food, running water, a life without cholera, a future. Little things like that.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:54 PM
How many will miss the tactics being used here?

We are out of money, and if we do not accept socialized health care it will be BAD!

It's a sales pitch... A way to get a socialist agenda passed hopefully with little opposition if it can be set up as a necessary cost (short term) for long term cost reductions, which is pure fantasy.

This health care plan is going to be the cure for the economic crisis?

Either the President is still smoking weeds, or he actually believes the American people are complete fools who will fall for anything he says.

The president is telling the truth, and using that truth you sell you all a lie.

And many of you will buy it.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:47 AM
Our economy has been doomed since they canned the gold standard! Currency based upon speculation and elusive things like market value is as real as monopoly money! We have been broke before, got rid of the deficit, borrowed to operate, and now are so far under the bus we will likely never get out from under.

While I do agree something needs to be done about this health care mess we have, it is the latest pitch. It is totally unfair that some people like irish have to pay so much and others pay next to nothing for the same care! I have no idea what the solution is, but it is obvious that every thing is going to be geared for this new conversation.

Remember, just like the bank owns the house until that note is paid, we are now owned by those holding our debt and providing the cash to keep the whole thing running. China and the Fed, nice.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:54 AM
I've seen it all before... doom and gloom then two weeks from now new headlines "Dow Makes Biggest Gains in 7yrs" "We're Back!".

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by lpowell0627

you beat me to the punch.

just like we did with the Japanese in the 80's... it is already happening and has been for a long time.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by Max_TO

heck no gm want us to buy all the gm cars made in china and mexico to make quick high profit they think and pay off the loans that there is no way they can make that much profit off of.thereby busting american worker still further down and nowhere to turn.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:19 AM
We have a short term problem my tail. This is a problem that can not be fixed in the short term. What is he punch drunk again? If we have no money (except the monoply money they keep printing) and we have no products to sell and other countries have closed their lending tree then how is this short term. Does he mean short term to socialism that will fix everything? Gosh they think we are complete idiots!

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:40 AM
Obama says we're out of money? Have we not been out of money for decades now? For petes sakes we ended backing our currency a while back and since then we have just been printing money, so as a matter of fact, technically we have been out of cash for decades.

Obama could have just easily continued on to print money, but he chose to put it out there for all of us. First president to readily admit this. The day this nations debt exceeded our yearly GDP, we found ourselves out of money, this revelation is decades late.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

Good post.

the solutions seem simple but the problem they have is appearing to fix them but in reality making the situation worse to push there hidden agenda. This is much harder and requires a spoonful of BS with each news broadcast , speech or you tube announcement of the day.

Until we get leaders who are 100% independent and free from the control of the fed and people like Zbigniew Brzezinski you will never see an improvement in anything......

bastards the lot of em.

i had hoped that Obama would be different.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
When a Democrat/Socialist says we are out of money, it never means we have to stop or cut spending. It means we all need to be taxed even more. It's our Patriotic Duty to ensure that Government doesn't have to do without.

Well, if you'd like a government that goes without, there are several nations that can accommodate you. Somalia's one of them. Afghanistan's another. Have you ever considered El Salvador, I hear the weather is lovely, so long as you can handle humidity.

I don't think you understand how this system works, really. You see, our government benefits us. Maybe not in every single thing it does, but overall, I'd rather have a healthy government than one that someone's trying to, as the saying goes, drown in a bathtub.

So, I suppose it's really a rhetorical question, but... Where was the outrage when your good ol' boys in the GOP were racking up this deficit? I mean hey, you want to bitch and moan about the socialists, but hte plain fact of the matter is... your team is the one that vacuumed out the treasury and did their level best to put control of government operations into the hands of private individuals that the public could say nothing about.

Cigarette taxes can't pay for everything. There are backroom meetings being held right now trying to figure out what to tax next. Soda, chips, fast food, alcohol, health benefits, legalizing mariquana to tax it, income on people making less than 250K, everything is on the table. If Obama wins in 2012 I guarantee you will see a huge rise in the gas tax.

I have to agree, some of the taxes proposed are pretty silly. The big problem is that each and every one of those taxes targets the people with little money in the first place.

Of course if we tax the fat bastards who actually HAVE the money to not only make taxing them worthwhile, but also enough money that such taxation doesn't scratch them nearly as deeply as it does the rest of us, then you and yours would probably be the first out of the ring screaming and squawking about a socialist class war.

I'm continuously amazed by how many Americans the Republican party has turned into kapos.

In a few years people are going to say "I miss the days when we ONLY had a trillion dollar deficit."

I was lamenting how much I missed that juicy surplus that was hanging around on January 19, 2000 just the other day. I wonder where all that went.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 04:12 AM
i dont even believe in any of this junk anymore

it is nothing more than mumbo jumbo vodoo talk to me

akin to a religion really, a tiny bit of reality surrounded by tons and tons of crazy talk

90+% of it is totally imaginary - a complete fantasy

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