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true mason information

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:13 AM
I agree there is far more to Masonry than Hiram, although it does play a very central role elevation to the third degree in the Blue Lodge.

There is much more that concerns the Occult, Alchemy, ancient symbology, and anything else the grand Masonic vacuum cleaner can suck up to pass as ancient esoteric wisdom.,

I must admit it DOES have a certain compelling fascination about it that attracts the weak minded.

But after you have studied it for some time, you will begin to realize it is all BS.

The real power behind masonry is the social networking, and the occult power of pure evil that lies behind it..

Very dangerous stuff to play with.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by RuneSpider

Much oblige. Your principles stay true.

From what I understand.. to become a Master Mason one must past through three different degrees. Each degree represents a action that was based off of individual events inspired by the Hiram Abiff story.

That information would be valuable to a person interested in the Craft, which is what the OP was requesting. Hmm...

reply to post by Silver Shadow

I suggest you read the Hiram Key.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
The real power behind masonry is the social networking, and the occult power of pure evil that lies behind it..

Very dangerous stuff to play with.

Social networking is indeed dangerous. Obviously the work of the Devil.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:29 AM
This is all true, there are three degrees in the Blue lodge.
Entered apprentice
Fellow Craft
Master Mason.

Most Masons never progress beyond the third degree, and many are fine honest people that live upstanding lives. But many others are truly self seeking people ready to climb over others in their goal of wealth and power.

But beyond the third degree lies Royal Arch Masonry, with a further thirty degrees.
This is far more sinister and evil. The oaths for each further degree become more and more hair raising, committing you further and further on the road to hell.

It is interesting that Royal Arch Masons refer to the first three lower degrees in the Blue Lodge as the "false degrees". That is because they hide the true nature of Freemasonry from the acolyte.

It all depends on your own intentions, morality, and how far you wish Masonry to carry you on the downward spiral of evil and corruption.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by Roark

It becomes evil when it is used badly.

How many Americans believe pay-offs and bribes to Congress people due to secret deals (secret networking) are otherwise than evil.

The British are discovering all about Politicians personal greed. but Americans are still in denial..

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by parisinflames

This is a very basic reflection because I do not have the patience to write the countless examples that are in themselves obvious. Not to mention the plethora of accounts from people who discovered for themselves the truth and wrote about it. Not to mention the accounts of ex-masons whom I have had long discussions with ect ect ect

The height of ignorance is baffling to me. The resisence to what is so obvious is even moreso.

Your cult is forged in secrecy only because it's tradition. Ofcourse it is.
An entire colosal organization that is spread throughout most of the world and have found their way on purpose through every level of society is merely keeping up with traditions because it's just lovely to keep up with traditions. And it's not strange that they all happen to be secret.

Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?

It's normal to join secret cult organizations and perform rituals imbedded in the symbolism of the dark forces throughout ages past and think they are wonderful and filled with truth. Nothing peculiar about that, especially when one studies them.

They fill you with bits and pieces of ancient mysteries that date back to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and the time they are done you don't know which way is up and which way is down.

Masons take blood oaths in which they swear undivided primary allegiance to Masonry - over Christ, over country, and over their wives and family under pain of a violent death. Oh yes this is also quite good right?

But due to your fundraising for the children of the burn units and other children's charities this exempts one even from rationale not to mention everything else.

Throughout history their have been prophets sent out to warn people so as to save them, sometimes it's just normal people who try and give advise or warnings or simply share information. But in the end your on your own and responsible for your choices no matter how many warnings have met you on your path.

But there is a war, it is being waged right now and will continue to materialize in a way that will shock the earth.

My wish is that no one would be lost.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by parisinflames

The height of ignorance is baffling to me. The resisence to what is so obvious is even moreso.

Well, we share something in common then.

Your cult is forged in secrecy only because it's tradition. Ofcourse it is.
An entire colosal organization that is spread throughout most of the world and have found their way on purpose through every level of society is merely keeping up with traditions because it's just lovely to keep up with traditions. And it's not strange that they all happen to be secret.

Actually, most of the supposed secrets were revealed years ago. You can get copies of all fo the ritual works, the words, hand grips, ect.

In fact, you can get the Scottish Rite Rituals from their main site.
Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?

It's normal to join secret cult organizations and perform rituals imbedded in the symbolism of the dark forces throughout ages past and think they are wonderful and filled with truth. Nothing peculiar about that, especially when one studies them.

Most of the rituals in Masonry deal strictly with legends inspired by the old Testament. If you count Solomon as one of the dark forces, well, then that's your call.

They fill you with bits and pieces of ancient mysteries that date back to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and the time they are done you don't know which way is up and which way is down.

Masons take blood oaths in which they swear undivided primary allegiance to Masonry - over Christ, over country, and over their wives and family under pain of a violent death. Oh yes this is also quite good right?

Er... no. The exact opposite in fact.

Obviously, your grasp of people is no doubt impeccable. I can tell by how you so easily quote known fakes, speak condescendingly towards everyone who disagrees with you, and willingly support people who post replies that have nothing to do with the persons statements.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:16 AM
So you are saying there are no longer secrets in Masonry ?

It is all completely pen these days ??

Well it is if you surf the Internet. It is all there if you search. But Masons will tell you it is all lies.

Try turning up to the local Lodge on night and try to get past the Tyler guarding the front door.

Tell him you are just curious and wish to enter and sit in on a Lodge meeting as an observer. No way will you be let in.
You will have the trap door slammed in your face if you are lucky.

If unlucky you may be beaten up, or even murdered.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Considering I've approached Tylers before, been offered membership, and declined the offer, I have to say you're talking out of an old hat.

This fellow here is the Tyler at the Lodge here in Milton.
It's his job to prevent people from getting in without actual membership, since you have to be a member to join.

I've emailed the Worshipful master of the lodge, discussed membership, asked about the Lodge's history, and gone over the charities funded by the Lodge.

There are secrets, in the sense that a mason will not give up what he's been sworn not to. However, those same secrets have been in print and published for years now, with the first having came out in 1723, a few years after Masonry became a public organization.

Like I said earlier, you can get your hands on the Scottish Rite's Rituals from their website, don't need to be a member.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by RuneSpider]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:42 AM
The Tyler has one function.

To guard the main outer door against unauthorized entry by non Masons.

You will NEVER gain entry by just talking to a Tyler if you are all by yourself..

It would be easier getting into Fort Knox, Langley, or The White House.

You need to first approach another Lodge member to sponsor you as an accompanied visitor, but only when the Lodge is not actually open having a meeting.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by parisinflames

Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?

there is a whole section within the group for the wives

it's amazing how people can belittle something they obviously get false information on. oh I forgot to mention, we just merged with scientology , were bringing evil into a whole new profiteering limelight with the help of John Travolta.


Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by parisinflames

Masons take blood oaths in which they swear undivided primary allegiance to Masonry - over Christ, over country, and over their wives and family under pain of a violent death. Oh yes this is also quite good right?

Blood oaths? Over Christ? Over country? Over family? You are so ignorant

I am of a higher degree, I won't disclose what number because due to the statements made here, I may be banished for being a bringer of doom in this "spiritual war" LOL point is...NO BLOOD OATHS....EVER... My uncle is a 33rd degree..and oh wait...still no blood oaths.

Every Mason friend I have attends his church on a regular basis, funny that believing in God is a requirement to be a mason

Over country...Thats why I fought in Iraq with 3 masons in my unit, and another 4 in Afghanistan from another unit. We werent exactly able to go home for our meetings.

Over family..well we were told by everyone who initiated us that attending a meeting is not a requirement, and if you need that day or time with your family..PUT THEM FIRST AND MASONRY SECOND OR THIRD OR LAST OR WHATEVER

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by parisinflames

But due to your fundraising for the children of the burn units and other children's charities this exempts one even from rationale not to mention everything else.

Well, since you can't seem to realize that yes, some secrets are kept...well secret, and to you obviously secrets are evil. Go ask a police officer to disclose all the details on his or her job, ie the strategies,the skills,all the intel on improvised weapons,all the techniques criminals have successfully implemented for monetary gain...would they tell you NO, because some people only posses book smarts and lack something called common sense, and that disclosed info could actually harm more than do good. Go ask any fraternity or sorority member at a college to disclose everything they know about their organization, would they NO, but your right, because I have helped in fundraisers and charity events, I feel better about not telling you guys all our dark secrets, because that would give you an upper hand in the "spiritual war" and make you a well informed adversary.

Have you ever been in war?....I have and I can tell you that our ideas of war vary greatly. I unfortunately have lost a very close friend because of a war. While my war involved violence and peoples lives including my own being torn apart, and yours involves BS conversations at a Denny's at 3 a.m. with obese women who smoke clove cigarettes and are preferred customers at Hot Topic..I would have to say still

if you don't know every fact on a topic...just don't argue about it. I dont care who backs me on this one,I really don't care if anyone does.

So if this spiritual war is such an eminent danger, you should start your own militia and recruit heavily. I would suggest AA meetings,Dennys after the hours of midnight,hot topic stores,head shops,college campuses where large plumes of smoke fill the air. Time is running out!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow

Most Masons never progress beyond the third degree, and many are fine honest people that live upstanding lives.

Actually, most Masons progress beyong the third degree fairly quickly, especially here in the United States.

But many others are truly self seeking people ready to climb over others in their goal of wealth and power.

Behaving in such a manner is unmasonic, and I would bet that most people who act in such are non-Masons.

But beyond the third degree lies Royal Arch Masonry, with a further thirty degrees.

No, Royal Arch Masonry is a degree in the York Rite. The 30 additional degrees are found in the Scottish Rite.

This is far more sinister and evil.

There is nothing "sinister" or "evil" in either the Royal Arch or the Scottish Rite.

The oaths for each further degree become more and more hair raising, committing you further and further on the road to hell.


It is interesting that Royal Arch Masons refer to the first three lower degrees in the Blue Lodge as the "false degrees".

We do not refer to the first three degrees as "false degrees". The Constitutions read that "Pure Antient Masonry consists of three degrees, viz., Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch". In other words, the Royal Arch is considered the completion of the Master Mason degee.

In the UK and most places in the US, anybody who has been a Master Mason for at least 4 weeks is eligible to receive the Royal Arch degree. I was exalted to the Royal Arch only two weeks after having become a Master Mason many years ago, as there is no minimum waiting requirement in my jurisdiction.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Masonic Light]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
reply to post by parisinflames

The height of ignorance is baffling to me. The resisence to what is so obvious is even moreso.

Likewise. The depth of ignorance about Masonry when expressed by many a non-Mason is nothing short of astonishing. The chutzpah exemplified therein that the non-Mason knows more about Masonry than Masons beggars belief. The resistance to acknowledging that selfsame chutzpah is vexatious to no end.

Originally posted by Egyptia
Your cult is forged in secrecy only because it's tradition.

And that secrecy is so absolute that the first printed versions of Masonic ritual were available in (IIRC) 1725. In fact, you Google warriors can find pretty much the entirety of the Masonic rituals online. Real secret that!
Of course, I expect that you'll come back with an 'it's disinfo' kind of response.

Originally posted by Egyptia
Ofcourse it is.
An entire colosal organization that is spread throughout most of the world and have found their way on purpose through every level of society is merely keeping up with traditions because it's just lovely to keep up with traditions. And it's not strange that they all happen to be secret.

Like I said above, Google the ritual if you like. The 'keeping it secret' component is more a test of one's character which clearly some members have been blessed with more of than others.

Originally posted by Egyptia
Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?

Oddly enough, my wife is smart enough to use Google. Is yours? Mine sees me going out on Lodge nights as well as at various and sundry other times as part of charitable work that our Lodge does and sees a confirmation of her judgement years ago of the value of the man she married. Mine isn't threatened by not having me under her watchful gaze 24/7.

Originally posted by Egyptia
It's normal to join secret cult organizations and perform rituals imbedded in the symbolism of the dark forces throughout ages past and think they are wonderful and filled with truth. Nothing peculiar about that, especially when one studies them.

Clearly what 'studying' you've done has been done with a jaundiced eye.

Originally posted by Egyptia
They fill you with bits and pieces of ancient mysteries that date back to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and the time they are done you don't know which way is up and which way is down.

I didn't know that you were a Mason. What degree? Any side rites? Please, enlighten all and sundry with the wickedness of your personal Masonic experiences that we might understand the depth of your knowledge.

Originally posted by Egyptia
Masons take blood oaths in which they swear undivided primary allegiance to Masonry - over Christ, over country, and over their wives and family under pain of a violent death. Oh yes this is also quite good right?

Hmmmm......doesn't sound like any Regular Masonry of my experience. Sounds nothing like it in fact. More like something one would get off freemasonrywatch or somesuch. Of course, I could continually point out that Masonry expects its members to give priority to their personal and work lives ahead of Masonry. But that just wouldn't be as sexy, now would it? Quite boring and bourgeoisie, isn't it?

Originally posted by Egyptia
But due to your fundraising for the children of the burn units and other children's charities this exempts one even from rationale not to mention everything else.

I guess I missed that in the Book of the Work. Let's a good man......of utility to your family, your community and yourself.....hoodwink non-Masons.....sure thing.

Originally posted by Egyptia
Throughout history their have been prophets sent out to warn people so as to save them, sometimes it's just normal people who try and give advise or warnings or simply share information. But in the end your on your own and responsible for your choices no matter how many warnings have met you on your path.

And you consider yourself a prophet?

Originally posted by Egyptia
But there is a war, it is being waged right now and will continue to materialize in a way that will shock the earth.

My wish is that no one would be lost.

The only "war" is in the minds of fervent anti-Masons who remind me more of the Westboro kind of 'warrior' than anything else. If you find issue with a group that somehow manages to bring together (in the case of my particular Lodge) Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and Christians of all stripes in harmony and amity, working toward self-improvement and the betterment of our community, then perhaps you need to reassess your value system.

Something's skewed I'd suggest.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
So you are saying there are no longer secrets in Masonry ?

It is all completely pen these days ??

Well it is if you surf the Internet. It is all there if you search. But Masons will tell you it is all lies.

Try turning up to the local Lodge on night and try to get past the Tyler guarding the front door.

Tell him you are just curious and wish to enter and sit in on a Lodge meeting as an observer. No way will you be let in.
You will have the trap door slammed in your face if you are lucky.

If unlucky you may be beaten up, or even murdered.

That's so completely off-the-wall and over-the-top that it defies description. Would you be so kind as to provide links to or cite any newspaper (or other media) story where a Tyler has either beaten up or murdered a non-Mason trying to intrude on a Lodge?

I await your response with baited breath.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
The Tyler has one function.

To guard the main outer door against unauthorized entry by non Masons.

You will NEVER gain entry by just talking to a Tyler if you are all by yourself..

It would be easier getting into Fort Knox, Langley, or The White House.

You need to first approach another Lodge member to sponsor you as an accompanied visitor, but only when the Lodge is not actually open having a meeting.

Wow! You either have an exceptionally high opinion of the black ninja arts that Tylers are trained in or an exceptionally low opinion of the security of Fort Knox, Langley, or The White House.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
The Tyler has one function.

To guard the main outer door against unauthorized entry by non Masons.

You will NEVER gain entry by just talking to a Tyler if you are all by yourself..

It would be easier getting into Fort Knox, Langley, or The White House.

You need to first approach another Lodge member to sponsor you as an accompanied visitor, but only when the Lodge is not actually open having a meeting.

I have never been asked for proof when visiting another lodge. Once I even arrived late at a lodge of a different constitution where I didn't even know a single mason, and knocked on the door and was admitted. These days, most lodges don't even have a Tyler except at installations and other important meetings.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
The oath you will take is secret, and binding. You will not be given it in advance.


But you will most certainly be given a very strong reminder of your "obligation" afterwards.


I have here a bill of sale for a block of land.
I expect you to sign this document without first reading it.

The details of this land and the price I demand are secret.
The document is legally binding once you sign..

You will not be told what you have bought, or how much it will cost until you have signed it. The details are secret.

Once you have signed the document you will be given a copy.

That is how Freemasonry works.
You are led into it completely BLIND and the oaths are binding.

False - the difference is that in Freemasonry, you give the oath line by line, and you're free to stop at any time if there is a single point you don't agree with.

You will forfeit your very life if you break this obligation.

False. The ritual specifically implies that the inclusion of any penalty is unnecessary, because the obligation is binding on your conscience.

And that is fair enough, because that is what you agree to.

No mason agrees to any such thing.

Blindfolded, with a hangman's noose around your neck, and a dagger held at your heart you swear an oath under duress you have no knowledge of beforehand, that you cannot later revoke.

Absolutely false.

Sounds like fun, huh?

I enjoyed my initiation tremendously, and felt a great pride in the oath I took.

I would like some of you Craft Brethren to deny this is true.

See my comments above for clarification on what is true and what isn't.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Egyptia
Any cult that keeps their wives in the dark is also filled with truth and by no means is an abomination to the sanctity of marriage and your life long partner. I wouldn't dream of doing that to mine. Need I go on?

My wife is a lawyer. She will not tell me the private matters of her clients.

Is this an abomination?

Are pastors, lawyers, clerics and doctors also an abomination to the sanctity of marriage, because they vowed not to disclose the secrets of their clients/profession?

[edit on 3/6/2009 by Saurus]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Saurus
My wife is a lawyer. She will not tell me the private matters of her clients.

Is this an abomination?

Are pastors, lawyers, clerics and doctors also an abomination to the sanctity of marriage, because they vowed not to disclose the secrets of their clients/profession?
Heck, my wife is Mormon. We're probably doing the same rituals, but we can't tell each other about them. And yet, somehow we're both OK with that.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:27 PM
wow, this really is interesting.

spiritual wars,prophets,occult, it's beginning to be funny that some people vision all of this and truly believe it.

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