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Extraterrestrial Space Ships to Rescue us out of the Energy Crisis?

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Extraterrestrial Space Ships to Rescue us out of the Energy Crisis?

To most of us, UFO’s solving our energy problem will sound, at best, like wishful thinking, and most likely will be dismissed as insane.

But if energy lobbyist Stephen Bassett has his way, President Barack Obama will release information that the government is secretly hiding on “extraterrestrial vehicles” –according to Mr. Bassett’s claims– which can be used to solve the nation’s energy problem and limit climate change in one fell swoop.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
New York Times-"A climate solution that's out of this world"

[edit on May 20th 2009 by Ian McLean]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:13 PM
Steve Bassett and PRG are at it again! After last month's New York Times article (see related thread), he's following up with even more mainstream press coverage. Yes, of course the "tag line" is typically dismissive, but doesn't it seem like there's more of a "hey maybe we should take this stuff seriously" tone in the press recently?

Is the severity of the economic and energy crises making disclosure reasonable?

After lobbying for seven months on science and technology, defense and aviation, Bassett has now added, in a Senate filing, energy to his portfolio.

“The UFO phenomenon is real,” Bassett said. “The extraterrestrial presence is real.”

His theory is that the melting polar ice caps would be a thing of the past. There would be no more ozone hole, while the price of electricity would plummet to almost nil.

PRG says that there are “twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of disclosure with interest and concern.”
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on May 20th 2009 by Ian McLean]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:19 PM
it does seem that wya. i really wouldnt bank on this happening especially since fossil fuels is what makes the world go round. if you have ever heard of nikola tesla he allegedly made a free energy machine that was confiscated by the government. in our life times we will not see free energy or any new sources the energy crisis will get worse because even if there is no illuminati oil makes money and money runs the world.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:58 PM
We will never see free energy EVER.

There will always be something taxable, there will always be something that can run out and filled back up again. Free energy is just another one of them things that gets no reputation because the people with the money, need the money. They want more money.

To stay on topic. If aliens had the key to energy why didnt they show people in 100 AD? or when someone made an invention why not come to them and say "Hey thats good and all but look ours can do this...."

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:21 PM
there is no energy crisis, there is an over population crisis.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Meh, Stephen Bassett's cool ...

He's pushing really hard for disclosure with his million fax campaign and during X-Conference.

I guess any publicity is good publicity for his cause, in this case he's putting out nothing but unsubstantiated statements to drum up some interest.

Also ...

The power source, he said, chronicled in a report Greenwire did on the subject, behind a flying saucer the weight of a tractor-trailer which hurtles through galaxies at 20,000 miles per hour is astronomical.


I believe existing technologies can go faster than that!

[edit on 20 May 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:26 PM
I see how people are saying free energy won't ever happen because fossil fuels, etc make money, but with free energy why would you really need money? Money would be practically useless anyway because food growing would be free, transportation free, etc so who has to care about money becoming obsolete if they wouldn't have to worry about it?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:31 PM
Hence, one of the MAIN reasons TPTB will never allow disclosure.

The very admittance that such technology exists, let alone may have been back engineered decades ago not only exposes them as the pathological liars that they are, but threatens the fossil fuel greed-mongering empire that is pulling much of the world's strings.

Free energy already exists, but more pioneers of such technologies have died via 'suicides' and 'accidents' than can ever be counted.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:55 PM
Since the government already has shotgun with the supposed alien technology and are too greedy to share them to their employers (us), why not wait for another one to crash land so we can back engineer some of our own alien tech.

Then again, those government folks are way too sneaky and fast when it comes to these things so the best thing to do since these UFOs are said to crash is to shoot them down, loot them, develop alien technology, sell free energy things.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by bl4ke360
I see how people are saying free energy won't ever happen because fossil fuels, etc make money, but with free energy why would you really need money? Money would be practically useless anyway because food growing would be free, transportation free, etc so who has to care about money becoming obsolete if they wouldn't have to worry about it?

because money keeps us under the governments control. oil companies contribute to campaign costs if obama did agree to release alien technology to the public something would happen to him before it could ever take place. but yes free energy would be better for us just not for the people that need to control us and since they seem to be the ones that have it. we will more than likely not see it.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I think the only thing to consider in regards to this topic is control. It's not only in the fuel industry that we see this. How many of you out there are reading this from a PC built in the 90's?

Everything you purchase is decades behind the technology that is secretly stored in labs and research facilities, from the day you walk out of the store with it.

They control what we get when we get it.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by RenDMC[/I]

To stay on topic. If aliens had the key to energy why didnt they show people in 100 AD? or when someone made an invention why not come to them and say "Hey thats good and all but look ours can do this...."

Good point but back in those days people weren't causing irreversible damage to the planet .

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:15 PM

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Gary McKinnon, who hacked Black Ops computers (and don't say they weren't Black Ops - based on what he found, they could only be the Black Ops computers) found free energy, antigrav, aliens and more.

The PTB surely don't want us to know about this, but it's there.

If we got free energy we would be able to free ourselves from the control the PTB struggle to keep us under. We would not need to pay for power to move about freely, keep our environments comfortable, run our technology and appliances, or any other use we might have.

Here is where my book comes in. If we spread the ideas presented, those who are now toadies might start releasing the truth, for not only would we benefit, they would no longer have to kowtow to the the "boss." They would have the choice to live as the Elite do, just as you and I would.

My (FREE!!!!) book:

[edit on 5/20/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by bigspud
there is no energy crisis, there is an over population crisis.

Um... No. If you took every one of us and gave us 1/4 acre of land in Australia, there would still be a good chunk of Australia left over.

Granted, not every 1/4 acre could sustain a human life - though many could - but then, there's the whole rest of the world.

We have enough resources to support us all abundantly ten times over - it's all just VERY badly managed.

[edit on 5/20/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:03 AM
If something like Free energy were to ever get out, the world would go crazy. People just wouldn't be able to accept it, it would go against everything they have been brought up to believe. People would also start to revolt, go against the government for hiding this information for so long, preventing from helping us earlier. Instead of giving out all information at once, they should and probley would do it very slowly, it would be wiser to have a build up so that the general public does not get suspicious, and that there isn't total mayhem.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

IF he found that stuff why not save it all and distribute it immediately to the world?

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Nice excuses you guys have

"Fossil fuels make mony and the bad men need it" or "The governemt are afraid of being called liars for hiding it" etc

Pathetic excuses..

There are ways to reveal this technology by not letting anyone know where it's from.. But I bet you guys can come up with some other explanation why it's impossible.

The motto is: "Deny ignorance" not "Deny reality"

[edit on 21-5-2009 by DGFenrir]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Meh, I don't see how free energy would stop what we normally do. Equipment still needs maintenance...things would just 'shift'. I can't really think of any reason why free energy would cause a societal collapse, other then the people using it for whatever pathetic control they need...still need food, still need tech, still need science and education...unless you are a cyborg and can plug into the free energy and live off it and it alone, its just one less thing to pay for.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by RenDMC

To stay on topic. If aliens had the key to energy why didnt they show people in 100 AD? or when someone made an invention why not come to them and say "Hey thats good and all but look ours can do this...."

While I do agree with you that I doubt we'll see free energy anytime soon, especially since at least 70% if not more of our energy still comes from coal plants and that generates a lot of jobs, we cant assume to know how aliens even think or what their agendas might be. For all we know there could be stiff intergalactic fines for messing with an underdeveloped species as a whole. Plus, if they did give us energy back then, they would be deified and that takes a lot of work to maintain.
But hey, along those lines who says they already aren't. I wonder how much our helicopters messed with the myths of that recently discovered tribe in the amazon.

But back on topic, the only way I can see the energy system being broken is if some independent inventors get together (since major energy companies would never want energy to be free, and they have more money than you) and develop a cheap and efficient way of harnessing electricity, and give the plans to make such a device out freely. One good way would be to release plans and instructions out on video sharing sites from anonymous locations. Sure they would be taken down quickly, but people would still be able to see them and hopefully copy it. is also an amazing site for unconventional patents and many of them are along these lines. Most inventors that make devices along these lines either get rejected patents, threatened, or their patents are bought by companies and shelved. In my opinion we'll never see reverse engineered alien energy devices (which I'm sure the military already has) until oil and coal are pretty much depleted. Also on a side note, imagine how hard it would be to reverse engineer, and replicate with known materials, a complicated piece of equipment with absolutely no frame of reference and most likely from a species that has a completely different math system and grasp of physics. Interesting stuff however.

Edit: previous post wasn't working

[edit on 21-5-2009 by cerberus00]

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