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Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by The Mack

What is the life force. Like a spirit? Dimensional being? A virus of sorts controlling its host? Is it physical?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:29 AM
Nope, that is just a bunch of old monkey bones.

There is no missing link. We evolved through genetic engineering by an advanced race of beings who are commonly mistaken for God.

They don't teach you this in school. Evolution is like a smoke screen. It's almost right, but if you look at our DNA it has been deliberately (and somewhat crudely) spliced. Basically we are half ape, half E.T.

Your ego (monkey DNA) will not want to accept this fact.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by RiotComing
Both the creationists and evolutionists are wrong in my opinion. I think it's far more likely we were genetically engineered by ET, and this 'missing link' is another red herring to throw us off-track from our true origins. Very suspicious as calls for UFO disclosure grow louder and louder by the day.

Yup. They built us to be slaves, and that's what we still are. Except now we are slaves to wealthy homosapiens. We were engineered to be greedy, selfish, and ignorant, and that is why humans are so easily controlled.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by TurkeyBurgers

i would like to think it as the consciousness of the life it's self. there was a Dr. John Lorber who found that some people had gone through their life with an IQ of 126 with almost no brain at all. So that would back up the point a little bit that there is more to man than a pile of meat and bones.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:51 AM
This will be my one and only post on this subject matter.

Cheers to Ida. Every creature around us is a transitional creature. From the smallest to the largest, every creature on this planet is in some sort of perpetual transition. Humans, despite what anyone may believe, are evolving.

You may not witness the next generation of humans instantly sprouting a sixth finger, growing laser-beam eyes or sprouting wings - but the changes we are going through are so natural, we don't readily recognize them over the great expanse of time. Subtle changes, when compounded become greater changes. Compound those greater changes and we start to see evolution in action.

You accept that a fingernail grows, but have you ever actually watched it grow? If you're looking at it for a minute, you won't see anything. But you might wait a week and look down at it and say... gee, I need to cut my fingernail. While this is clearly not evolution (it is just the natural growth of a body part), it is an example that sometimes you cannot see natural changes taking place.

Evolution doesn't happen in a day, a week or a lifetime. It takes an expanse of time that we, as humans in this 'so-called' modern age, cannot personally experience. You cannot force millions of years of evolution to happen in a mere laboratory or through a few measly experiments. We can only look at existing fossil records and fill in the gaps using our scientific knowledge. And these gaps are the fodder for religious controversy.

No matter how much evidence is presented to devout Christians, there will never be enough to convince them evolution 'may' take place. You can provide 99% of a time-line for human evolution, and it will be that 1% that is 'proven' we are not evolving.

The fossils scientists are searching for a millions upon millions of years old. It is remarkable so many exist and provide us with a history as in-depth as we have. And throughout such an expanse of time, there are many, many gaps that are still not filled - admittedly. But there are fossils of new species being discovered constantly and those are used to fill the gaps. We will never have a complete fossil record, but the ones we have are strong evidence of an evolutionary process taking place on this planet. Humans are subject to this process like any species.

Ida is a fossil that clearly shows unique transitional features not previously seen in other fossils. This is 'a' missing link. You'll never find 'the' missing link, because the changes are so subtle and so natural, there really isn't a 'the' missing link.

Of course, if you're looking for a bear-crocodile or a zebra-dolphin, you are not going to find it. What you are going to find are fossils like Ida. You are going to find a fossil that can fill in 'a' gap - perhaps one in the evolution of humanity. There is evidence in this one particular fossil that leads many scientists to believe this may be a distant moment in the human lineage.

Ida is probably not be the proof everyone is looking for, but it is one step closer. I raise a pint and say cheers to evolution. Cheers to the scientists. Cheers to Ida. We are a step closer to understanding who we are and where we came from. And while this will not change the mind of any devout Christians reading this piddly little forum post of mine, I raise a pint to you guys and gals too. Your belief in unicorns, giants, dragons and supernatural magic is as worthwhile as our evolutionary belief system. Cheers.


posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by platosallegory

This is proof of evolution, and of our ancestry, it has features no primates have which we have, it is clearly a very old ancestor of ours. Second, Darwin's theory of evolution is not the currently accepted theory. The "random mutation" theory was tossed out quite some time ago, I believe the current "theory" is that DNA changes throughout our lifetimes and new genetic material we develop is passed on to offspring.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by mcmartinson

What your saying is 100% true, with the possible exception that in a way, Ida is THE missing link, because she's the first to demonstrate adaptations that set us apart from other animals. Also, we can notice evolution over the period of our lifetimes, and we do, without noticing. Ever do something new that feels so natural you could swear you've done it before? That's because it's a skill imprinted into your DNA from an ancestor that developed that skill, probably to a rather extreme extent if it is anyone other than a parent, it's the same way that animal instinct works.

""This is the first link to all humans ... truly a fossil that links world heritage," Hurum said."

[edit on 20-5-2009 by SkepticPerhaps]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
reply to post by Con Science

What do you believe Con Science? Not Creationism? Not Evolution? Is there another theory that anyone has proposed? What is your take on the fossil record and how creatures came to be the way they are today?

what I believe is that a bad theory is no better than no theory and if we have no theory, then maybe we can quit pussy footing around with junk science like Darwinists insist and atheist's like Neil degrasse Tyson use to advance his religion of atheism which has given atheists such a head trip, they actually call themselves "the science community" .

What I believe is irrelevant, it is what I can prove with incontrovertible evidence and NOT having a theory as an alternative isn't our fault, it is the same theory of evolution that apparently is so tender and weak, it cannot stand on its own merits and typically ridicules as seen so often here anyone who questions it. If you do, you are summarily told you don't understand, as if you read another byte of that idiotic data, you would become enlightened like a spiritual epiphany.

Then you are spoken to while they use this condescending and very basic academic explanation for evolution that not ONCE has been anything other than the exact same evidence I have seen only interpreted with a-priori influence using arduously twisted and convoluted alibi's fitting the fossil to the fetish or the evidence to the theory.

I am skeptical of this theory, no, I am cynical of it more for the treatment the militant atheist activist movement has done to tarnish the image of what used to be mature intelligent grown men and woman of science who had better things to say than mocking remarks and anecdotal diatribe about flying spaghetti monsters, teapots and fairies that have only created further division and given a once Christian live and let science do it thing, become obsessed with science itself because science was too busy making God a joke and that is something they take REAL personal when scientist ought to keep their mouths shut if they wanted to be left alone. They used to say, we won't infect your church if you don't infect our schools.

Thing is, they get our kids 5 days a week indoctrinating them with the new state god of scientism, a new authority and a cultural divide we have seen the results of in everything from our banking crisis to our entire country collapse where a distinct moral decline has many children going to school with Kevlar backpacks for their books and metal detectors at every entrance of their schools. We got legislation decriminalizing public sex in restrooms and state parks asking for shorter sentences for sex offenders and lowering the ages of consent with cute little clever sound bytes being given them by idiots like Sam Harris and Richard the chicken hearted Dawkins saying things like "If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps is a hobby"

Well I got news for Dick, if collecting stamps were a religion and the stamp was its God, atheists would employ the ACLU to sue the post office for being offended their was a stamp on their mail and making it their mission in life to have every forum and blog ridicule anyone who collects stamps and that would be atheists hobby. Exceptions to the rule exist but by and large what I am saying about the connection of neo atheism and evolution cannot be denied and the constant mantra of how evil religion is using the same tired old examples of the crusades and the Salem witch trials are done

When you got kids coming home from school making fun of kids who go to church or calling their parents child abusers and homosexually active children justifying a circle jerk because their biology teacher is mandated by the state of MASS to teach tolerance and monkeys do it so it’s natural. Yeah and when I tell my kid they throw monkey crap at people at the zoo, does that mean we should, he says as long as it's consensual. Grrrrrr

WHAT did they expect would happen?

Here is the links to the webs someone asked for earlier that said they couldn't find anything about fraud,

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:15 AM
The importance of this advertisement for Ida cannot be overemphasized. Whether it is true, or not, the public will believe it is true because it was seen on television and in the newspapers/magazines. No amount of rational rebuttal will change the mind of the public. It's all hype.

Remember, we are in a process of extinction. Man is likely the culprit all these eons. If it goes bump in the night, or looks weird, kill it and show it to someone so you are a hero. Well, after all this time, there are very few things that go bump in the night or look weird. We have lost 57% of the phyla on this planet, that we know of. If "Nessie" is a living dinosaur, someone will kill it and put it in a museum, too.

I would expect that there are a lot of similar lifeforms, but not transitional lifeforms... There will be lifeforms that can do more than one thing, like butterflies and frogs, dragonflies and flies... but not stand for an indication that they somehow evolved from sea to land or the opposite.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by Con Science

Again I ask you what do you believe? Not Evolution. Not creationism.

What do you make of the fossil record from your own observations?

How do you think that humans got here? Just curious man. Not trying to discuss religion or government or political correctness just your own scientific approach to arranging the clues.

I don't know IS a valid statement. But surely you must have some theory? There are a lot of clues out there. How do you arrange them.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
While the significance of the bones in the feet/hands signify a relationship with common day humans, i just still dont agree with the idea we evolved from Apes.

Ability of reason, speach and mental thought..

I cant get past the idea that our intellegence is from a higher being.
Perhaps they moulded our physical form after apes, seeing as how they were mobile, able and willing.

There's too much of a missing gap from this lemur, or apes to humans.

Show me a species half way between, one thats taller, upright, thumbs and so forth, but still resembles an ape, and ill reconsider it.

Then I have some good news - we didn't evolve from apes, we are apes!

Or are you saying that your god looks like a monkey?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by SkepticPerhaps
reply to post by platosallegory

This is proof of evolution, and of our ancestry, it has features no primates have which we have, it is clearly a very old ancestor of ours. Second, Darwin's theory of evolution is not the currently accepted theory. The "random mutation" theory was tossed out quite some time ago, I believe the current "theory" is that DNA changes throughout our lifetimes and new genetic material we develop is passed on to offspring.

This idea is as silly as any they have had and I have seen so many come and go but this one has already been there done that an failed.

Where are all the eskimos with fur and we can ALL use an extra hand?
the blue print gene that is transposed via the digital code (not analog but DIGITAL) that can ONLY have arrived via intelligent hand has been discovered and so mysterious is the latest discovery for DNA they now know it can communicate with other DNA using some kind of telepathy they are just now trying to figure out how it works but one thing is certain. The blueprint gene is one where every creature has a common ancestor and that ancestor is DNA. Every living thing was made using this digital clay and every form has a templated blueprint and shatters the darwinian machiavelian machinations of monkey minutia and mutation to BITS and THAT is why today's "Altenberg 16" have feverisly come up with an entirely new mechanism but it too is a dead end because the idea we were the product of happenstance is pure BUNK. They are as follows

John Beatty, University of British Columbia

Sergey Gavrilets, University of Tennessee

David Sloan Wilson, Binghamton University

Greg Wray, Duke University

Michael Purugganan, New York University

Eva Jablonka, Tel-Aviv University

John Odling-Smee, Oxford University

David Jablonski, University of Chicago

Massimo Pigliucci, SUNY Stony Brook

Stuart Newman, New York Medical College

Gerd Muller, University of Vienna

Gunter Wagner, Yale University

Marc Kirschner, Harvard University

Werner Callebaut, Hasselt University

Eors Szathmary, Collegium Budapest

Alan Love, University of Minnesota

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by The Mack
reply to post by Silverpine Sepulcher

I do not know. Like most people you assume im christian or i believe in god because i do not think evolution is correct. Go ask someone else if you want to talk about religion.

Not easy to deal with stereotypes, is it? We live in colorless world of black and white, sometimes invaded by an "open-minded" brush stroke of gray. That's about all.

black and white make grey
no matter what you say
no one see the clue
that white and black make two.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Con Science

Look at Inuits (not Eskimo, that is considered a racial insult). Look at how chubby they are. Look at a seal. Look at how chubby they are too. Do you think that is a freaking coincidence, or a case of parallel evolution?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Con Science

"that can ONLY have arrived via intelligent hand"

Got it. Creationist. That is all you had to say man.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
reply to post by Con Science

Again I ask you what do you believe? Not Evolution. Not creationism.

What do you make of the fossil record from your own observations?

How do you think that humans got here? Just curious man. Not trying to discuss religion or government or political correctness just your own scientific approach to arranging the clues.

I don't know IS a valid statement. But surely you must have some theory? There are a lot of clues out there. How do you arrange them.

The fossil record? hehe let me tell you what I saw on television and ill give you an opinion. It is just an opinion but it is what I have observed.

I saw a PBS program about a creature palentologists have dubbed, "micro rapter" and was touted to be a transformational fossil from reptile to bird.

what I actually saw were a group of funded evolutionary scientists who found a crushed fossil of what looked like a large bird. They were surprised to find out the curvature on the feather was fully formed enabling this creature to fly. My fist thought was, "Duh" it can fly because it's a BIRD YOU MORON as I yelled like a maniac angry at my public funded educational televison propaganda. The torturuosly construed alibi's to explain away the theory this was in fact a transformational fossil was utterly ridiculous and had them glue scales and feathers in a frankensteinian effort to creat this animals darwinian versions visage then promote it as such if only they could reconstruct it to fly. The damn thing had fully formed feathers with the shape of modern birds of prey they themselves admitted could have only happened to an already able to fly creature. So proving it could fly AFTER they reconstructed this thing in several varieties each looking totally different, the one that could do well in the wind tunnel would be the one that did what?

Prove the transition for reptiles to birds.

This is what science has become, reinventing the wheel and making it


posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
reply to post by Con Science

"that can ONLY have arrived via intelligent hand"

Got it. Creationist. That is all you had to say man.

hence the reason I did at the very start of this thread I said "I am a creationist"

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
reply to post by Con Science

Look at Inuits (not Eskimo, that is considered a racial insult). Look at how chubby they are. Look at a seal. Look at how chubby they are too. Do you think that is a freaking coincidence, or a case of parallel evolution?

you are what you eat and eskimos eat a lot of blubber. I know that is too simple to be scientific but eskimos are 99% as close to your DNA as my own. You know what happens to eskimos (sorry I don't bow to the PC ) when you change their diet? Their body changes. You know what happened last summer I went on a weight lifting binge and got huge. Also turned so dark from tanning I looked like a tootsie roll.

Adaptation = Micro evolutionary events inherent in our DNA. Just getting a straight answer to Telling Whether a Speciation Event Has Occurred is a exercise in futility when trying to get a consensus among scientists

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Every time I read arguments about ID vs evolution it seems to be nothing more than deterministic vs stochastic. Its just a much grander version of which came first the chicken or the egg. I wonder what would happen if we split science into two divisions and just saw where it went.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:19 AM
Heres a video of it....
.....Warning it may blow your mind lol....

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