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We Abound In Darkness

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:04 PM
I have come to a conclusion. The search for ultimate truth is futile. It is not in your churches;it's not in your synagogues; it certainly isn't in the media.

When I look at the world today and the multitude of theories and ideas which abound in it, I scratch my head in confusion. I look around, and to be honest, everyone else is doing the same. They point their fingers at "culprits," yet they have not any substantial proof of anything.

Searching for the truth is indeed a noble undertaking. However, it is obvious to an astute individual that only partial truth can be known with any degree of certainty. It's sad, but true.

I have been searching for the last 20 years of my life. I have studied just about any belief system you can imagine, or I am at least familiar with it. While I can say that all of them have substance, none have the complete truth.

Yet, we, as humanity, fight wars under the assumption that our particular affiliation is correct and another's is wrong. Why?

In spirituality, and especially nondual, mystical and eastern meditative traditions, the human being is often conceived as being in the illusion of individual existence, and separated from other aspects of creation.

The ego, or soul, is to blame. People often want to interrelate the soul with the spirit. This is a fallacy, and an absurd lie. The soul and the spirit are two entirely different creatures.

The soul makes up the earthly emotional body. The spirit is the "breath of life." It is literally the breath of the spirit which created us.

Until man differentiates between the two, there will be very little true spiritual knowledge, much less any other kind of true knowledge. We live in the paradoxical world of trying to combine two opposing elements of what we are; this in and of itself is what has led us toward the present chaos of the world.

Neither the modern philosopher, nor the scientist, has traced the links of heredity, psychic, intellectual and spiritual; in the absence of that knowledge, it is not surprising and is very natural, that the modern estimate of the human form is altogether a mistaken one.

The above statement is indeed true. If one looks at the common view of man, held by humanity, it is obvious that we are, in many degrees, mistaken. Yet, we fight wars over who has the "truth."

It is important to acknowledge the fact that any belief system has the "truth" in varying degrees. However, from my own research, it has become apparent that all have fallen short in the accumulation of the ultimate truth.

Many, will say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have heard this song and dance from you before." However, I am only asking that people really think about what I am telling them.

We all want change. However, far too many are unwilling to evaluate what it is that they believe. Without an evaluation and a change in one's view, change will not come to the world.

We all, even I, live under the assumption that we are very close to the truth. However, such an assumption cannot be gained without study. How many can honestly say that they have put their heart and mind into the search for truth?

The ego will fool one into believing that he/she has done all that is humanly possible. Yet, we tend to fall well short of the horizon. This is the trap that hundreds of millions have fallen into, in the world of today.

We manufacture absurdities and contradictions. I am not sure why we do, but we do. We are all too willing to accept things just because it gives us an ego boost or feeling of entitlement.

When humanity realizes that it is entitled to nothing, then, and only then, will true awareness be upon humanity. We aren't promised anything. We are only told, by any scripture you wish to refer to, that we are to live "good" lives.

I am posting this youtube video, not necessarily because I agree with everything it postulates, but because it is an example of how confused people are in regards to truth. Though, I do agree with some of the video, I also think that it is apparent that a great many are searching and confused.

Now, the video is right in its assertion that people do not know God. Of course, one must realize that it is impossible to know the ultimate mind of God. The churches, which I am sure that is where this video originated, certainly cannot make the claim of knowing the mind of God.

People have lost sight of a fundamental truth. God is not human. God is unrecognizable in the sight of man. We try to place human emotions and characteristics on an entity which resembles us about as much as a stone does a toy sail boat.

Yet, this word truth has a definition. Here is how the dictionary defines it:

1. Conformity to fact or actuality.
2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
3. Sincerity; integrity.
4. Fidelity to an original or standard.
a. Reality; actuality.
b. often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.


I find it humorous that we strive to define something that few, if any, have truly obtained.

The religions of the world have always claimed to contain the complete truth. All of them do. Yet, I would submit that if any had the ultimate truth, the world wouldn't be in the mess that it is in.

Anyway, I suppose that I will step off of my soapbox. I just hope that many of you take what I have said into consideration.

Bless you all, Speaker.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:28 PM
thankyou for the thoughts.

i guess we are all looking for answers, but in reality we all get bigger and bigger questions as we go on our journey.
we could take the first answer as truth and give up. its easy. its lazy. its the begginging of the end.
but if we continue to look for the questions we will probably find that they continue, they branch off each other and lead us on varying paths.
But we could still stop at an answer, and feel satisfied that that is the truth even after years and years of asking. still it is the beginning of the end.
so we must maybe understand that the questions continue, their maybe one ultimate question, which maybe has no answer. maybe the answer to that is within all the other questions, branching back through your journey.
the ego will find the answer when it has given up on the question to satisfy itself and get back in human "race" with a smug understanding. Is that faith? or is that the end of the beginning?
maybe the answer is in quest.
its not who wins or loses, its how you play the game?...
pondering in words over for now...

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 06:19 PM
Good post Speaker. I'd just like to add this: I find truth not by choosing one viewpoint over another, but by figuring out how all seemingly conflicting viewpoints are valid simultaneously. It's all about perspective.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

I agree with you, but I also have come to a conclusion that this phenomenon is a Galaxy-wide thing. It's common throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. Because it's an 'evil nature' Galaxy, not that we are evil, but good thing, we can overcome the evil in ourselves, just that many is too lazy to do... Good does exist, in this evil abode, but it's the evil who gets the power and authority.

If we're expecting any help from within this galaxy, it's all that's gonna be - an expectation. If someone did help, it's gonna be a big deception.

There's no way I could analyze at the moment if this is universe-wide, and I hope not!! I simply refuse to think we are in a completely hopeless situation for eternity!

But for now, my advice, how you can be GOOD and POWERFUL at the same time - keep a very low profile, and avoid fame at any cost!!

[edit on 15-5-2009 by ahnggk]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Kruel
Good post Speaker. I'd just like to add this: I find truth not by choosing one viewpoint over another, but by figuring out how all seemingly conflicting viewpoints are valid simultaneously. It's all about perspective.

I agree with your interpretation. I've come to recognize everyone's truth as their truth for the moment. I've seen people change their minds in an instant, and I've seen people maintain the same truth forever. What it comes down to for me is knowing that we all occupy the same planet and effect one another with our truth's. When we all learn that there can only be one truth, and that one truth is we are all valid and right so long as our truth comes from a love perspective, and not one based out of fear, power, and control over each other. At least that is the best way I can explain it.

S&F for the OP a great post thank you.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:56 AM
Good post OP.

If one recalls it took Siddartha Guatma Buddah until he was pretty old to get Enlightenment. Keep at it!

Bear in mind that those around you are under the effect of Mind Control, Hypnosis, Khabbalistical Black Magic, Possession, Alien Implants, etc., etc., so they are very retarded in their ability to comprehend the universe due to the Conspiracies so don't get bummed out when others don't agree with one when the Truth is revealed.

Heck some probably have their mind literally transferred to the lower fourth dimension through means not even known yet so they aren't even in THIS dimension so why should someone believe what one these dupes judgements is.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by 2theC

Well, yeah. It seems like for every question we answer, three new questions come to mind.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Kruel
Good post Speaker. I'd just like to add this: I find truth not by choosing one viewpoint over another, but by figuring out how all seemingly conflicting viewpoints are valid simultaneously. It's all about perspective.

True. I suppose that is my point. As I stated in my OP, I have found truth in a great many things. What is ironic is that I may find truth in movements and groups that I disagree with.

While I may make the value judgment of a belief system being wrong, that in and of itself, does not mean that there are not aspects of truth to it.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Cunnobar the Slayer

Heck some probably have their mind literally transferred to the lower fourth dimension through means not even known yet so they aren't even in THIS dimension so why should someone believe what one these dupes judgements is.

Not to be picky here, but the fourth dimension is at a higher frequency than the third dimension that we currently habitate. I have always been of the opinion that humanity should strive to reach the fourth or fifth dimension.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 10:27 AM
I think, at least generally speaking, people want to mix knowledge with belief. They are two opposing forces. Now, that is not to say that you cannot come to belief through knowledge, but there is no way that one comes to knowledge through belief.

Knowledge has been defined as "A clear perception of a truth or fact, erudition; skill from practice." Also "to know, viz.; To perceive with certainty, to understand clearly, to have experience of."

On the other hand, Belief is an "Assent to anything proposed or declared, and its acceptance as fact by reason of the authority from whence it proceeds, apart from personal knowledge; faith; the whole body of tenets held by any faith; a creed; a conviction."

Belief Vs. Knowledge

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:48 PM
I think it is clear to everyone what the Illuminati are doing.
Stunts like Bloomberg going for a third term.

It quite evident where all the rockets and weapons originated,
in the development ground of Germany.
And developed under quite heavy security.

Now the security is on the keeper counties.

And yet there is more "Darkness" in things we do not know about
surprisingly from a man the gave us a lot of light: Tesla.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:52 PM
WOW ! What a though provoking post you've made here.

I had a thought while reading it and tell me what you think about this.

We (mankind) have been searching for the answers from the beginning. What if it is right in front of our faces. What if we really were to open our eyes and really look at life we would see it.

I think we cannot because we have to think that the "truth" of the answers is more than what we see. I am not so sure about it. Live in the now for that is the truth.

Live in the now for that is the truth.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by uplander
We (mankind) have been searching for the answers from the beginning. What if it is right in front of our faces.

Well, that is what is so ironic. We demonize "secret groups," yet, the real perpetrators, at least from what I can gather, are right out in the open. You don't have to look at some clandestine group for someone to blame for what is going on.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 04:29 PM
I will state that TRUTH is testable. Gathering FACTS. Gathering EVIDENCE. Really I can think of no better way to describe TRUTH. Kind of like that beer commercial claiming "Drinkability" but "Testability".

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Have you considered that maybe you've let your ego convince you that if you can't find the answer, it must not exist? it sounds like you've gone a very long time looking for answers outside of yourself, when all along the answers are WITHIN.

It's amazing how many people never stop to consider how little they really know themselves and why they do what they do, and who they really want to become once primitive needs and urges are seen past.

To know the truth is to see through the game of life, the positive and the negative, the perspective of time, and the misconception of individuality, and know that all must play out as it did in gods progress towards perfection.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by HuntaXX
Have you considered that maybe you've let your ego convince you that if you can't find the answer, it must not exist?

Where did I say it didn't exist? I just don't think that there is a human group or organization that contains the COMPLETE truth. As far as I am conerned, there never has been one, nor will there ever be one.

I find it ironic that different disciplines and such claim to have the "complete truth." Yet, I look around me, and as far as I can tell, the world is a mess. That, at least to my way of thinking, is not indicative of a world where there is a group/groups which contain the COMPLETE truth.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I have come to a conclusion. The search for ultimate truth is futile. It is not in your churches;it's not in your synagogues; it certainly isn't in the media.

Searching for the truth is indeed a noble undertaking. However, it is obvious to an astute individual that only partial truth can be known with any degree of certainty. It's sad, but true.

I have been searching for the last 20 years of my life. I have studied just about any belief system you can imagine, or I am at least familiar with it. While I can say that all of them have substance, none have the complete truth.

The ego will fool one into believing that he/she has done all that is humanly possible. Yet, we tend to fall well short of the horizon. This is the trap that hundreds of millions have fallen into, in the world of today.

Now, the video is right in its assertion that people do not know God. Of course, one must realize that it is impossible to know the ultimate mind of God.

The churches, which I am sure that is where this video originated, certainly cannot make the claim of knowing the mind of God.

People have lost sight of a fundamental truth. God is not human. God is unrecognizable in the sight of man. We try to place human emotions and
characteristics on an entity which resembles us about as much as a stone does a toy sail boat.

I find it humorous that we strive to define something that few, if any, have truly obtained.

Excellent post so far and I'm impressed you have a good grasp of the ego and what that minefield is all about.

I have to pull you up on pursuing the ultimate truth as futile though. Yes there are half truths here and there but one day if we so desire and are ready for it we will find it. Not here on earth but we'll find it, much of the truth will have to be experienced in order to understand it.

Remember belief by it's very nature is temporal. Discover the truth for yourself and it becomes fact. You have to put the truths into practice for it is in motion that many of the answers reside. So cherry pick all you like but there has been nowhere I can say with certainty that have got it spot on.

You know I too hate it when people not only singularise God but claim to know him. Well done, few understand what you're trying to say in this regard.

Most of the time this atitude is related to the ego of the individual who needs it stroked by claiming a knowingness of something almighty, kind of like a sense of superiority by association and an attempt to put themselves on a pedalstall (this attiitude is almost blasphemy in nature and an insult to God).

Some even claim to speak directly to God which is sweet but runs along the same lines. Try convincing them of this and you will experience instant hostility and friction. It's a blind ego thing which is well unheathy and locks down their belief system but what can you do.

Originally posted by 2theC
so we must maybe understand that the questions continue, their maybe one ultimate question, which maybe has no answer. maybe the answer to that is within all the other questions, branching back through your journey

Pretty much spot on. Nice one.

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
I agree with your interpretation. I've come to recognize everyone's truth as their truth for the moment. I've seen people change their minds in an instant, and I've seen people maintain the same truth forever. What it comes down to for me is knowing that we all occupy the same planet and effect one another with our truth's. When we all learn that there can only be one truth, and that one truth is we are all valid and right so long as our truth comes from a love perspective, and not one based out of fear, power, and control over each other. At least that is the best way I can explain it.

Well put. It's important to realise this. Many truths don't go in due to lazy belief systems and there's little to nothing one can do to change that in a person.

Originally posted by HuntaXX
Have you considered that maybe you've let your ego convince you that if you can't find the answer, it must not exist? it sounds like you've gone a very long time looking for answers outside of yourself, when all along the answers are WITHIN.

What you said is a common misconception. The breath is within us yes but because the veil of illusion has enscrouded our reality for so long it is no longer the case that the answers lie within. Some do yes but others need verification from the world at large. For example you cannot discover that psy vamps exist by looking within, yet it is a truth, similarly you will not discover that nature is psychic by looking within, or that we are all interconected. There are times when you have to take a leap of faith and project your energy and mind outwards to find many of the answers and have them verified. Looking within is just a start, it does not stretch all the way!

[edit on 19-5-2009 by pharaohmoan]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:18 AM
I know exactly where you are, stage wise, in your life right now. I was there too.

Albeit in a whole different frame work with abounding spiritual enlightenment experiences.

The last thing for me was seeking the proverbial Union with God as the last stage in my spiritual quest. Took years and rarely did I traverse outside of Christian Mysticism. Then it was Meister Eckhart I read about and then the Gospel of Thomas made sense. It was nonduality.

For a 3 second glimpse, I experienced truth. Oneness with God. Union with God. There it was for 3 seconds. More real than anything else I have ever experienced. And yet in order to experience God, there can't be a "you" to experience it.

Before the ego, before awareness of the ego, before there is a sense of a you, there is God beyond words and beyond knowing. The only possibility is to unknow everything you know and then get stripped down to the ultimate reality which is Oneness/nonduality.

Don't kid yourself when you say very few on this earth know truth or experience it. My gut instinct has revealed to me, there is thousands if not hundreds of thousands who have Oneness realized permanently.

DO yourself a favor and get into Self Inquiry, Vasistha, Jon Wheeler, John Greven, nonduality pointers, gospel of Thomas, etc.

Also, become aware that ego is part of the mind and the mind thinks its you. But it's not. Then systematically start unidentifying with the minds deceitful webs of thinking its you, its patterns, opinions, labels, and judgments. The more you do so, the closer you get to the reality of truth experienced.

We all wear masks or cloaks if you will. None of that is real. Personality, likes/dislikes, thoughts, etc. All of that is illusion and you will one day see this for yourself and experience this directly. Although at the end of the yellow brick road, there no longer is a "you" to know or experience this just sort of is revealed as truth and you are one with it.

ALso youtube has some great "nonduality" videos. I urge you from the deepest recesses of my cloak/mask to traverse the path of self inquiry until you find out who you really are. No going back now

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Pharoah, thank you for being so polite... That is more than I can say for myself in regards to your thread.
For that, I do apologize.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by dominicus

Also, become aware that ego is part of the mind and the mind thinks its you. But it's not. Then systematically start unidentifying with the minds deceitful webs of thinking its you, its patterns, opinions, labels, and judgments. The more you do so, the closer you get to the reality of truth experienced.

That is precisely my point. By the way, notice that my signature comes from the "Gospel of Truth." So, yes, I am familar with the Book of Thomas since it too is apart of the Gnostic gospels.

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