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Christian Symposium Offers Different Take on Aliens at Roswell UFO Festival

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posted on May, 15 2009 @ 05:41 AM
I'd just like to know where the vulcans, and klingons fit into the bible

So i'm assuming klingons would be demons and vulcans would be angels

and what would that make Kahn

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by wonderworld

WW. I thank yo for taking the time to reply and I enjoy your take on things via intelligent discourse. You come off as sincere and loyal to your convictions.

You have answered many questions and inspired many more. I realize I need to study this subject more in depth and re-evaluate a few prior opinions. I am normally a vocal critic of organized religion, ironically also raised Methodist.

Thanks very much.


[edit on 15-5-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 08:19 AM
I've done a complete 180 on what we call "greys". At one time I thought of them as most others do, just aliens from somewhere else in the universe. Now I'm completely convinced that they are what we would refer to as "demons".

I find it hard to believe that there aren't any real aliens out there, but as far as the greys are concerned, no doubt in my mind they're a satanic deception.


posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:34 AM
Of course there are real aliens out there, if greys are demons then there has to be another set of aliens inwhich we were made in their image

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:47 AM
A UFO abduction story manifestations of demonic spiritual activity.

Without warning the house began to shake. It was night by now, and the sky was dark and foreboding. The vibrations knocked the china off of the shelves.

There was no sound however as there would be in a tornado or storm. Suddenly a bright light shone in the skylights. It blinded Judah and Dawn. Judah thought that it might be an aircraft, but it was eerily quiet.

"What is it, Judah?"

"I don't know. Stay here I'm going to check it out."

Judah raced to the back door but it was difficult to open it. The pressure was so great. He struggled with it for a while and then broke it down in frustration. When he stepped outside he was further blinded by the light. It was a beam coming from up in the sky, but he could not see from where. He attempted to shield his eyes but it was difficult to do. He heard Dawn scream, and he ran back into the house.

"What happened?"

"I saw that dark creature again", Dawn babbled.

"What dark creature?"

"You know the one I saw yesterday in the hallway. What do you mean what creature? Come on Judah, level with me. I know that you know more than you are telling me."

Judah raced back outside and raised his fist to the heavens.
"Leave my family alone!"
Nothing happened.

He raced back inside and got his Bible and raced back outside.
Holding it to the heavens, he yelled "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!"

The light went out and the vibrations stopped.

Link to article

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Dr Love

Yes they are demons but the are also truly out there. There's no doubt that flying saucers exisit or Aliens exisit.

With my understanding they will increase in frequency. They cant be seen unless they want to be seen. They are ready to come out and take their rightful place in this world.

Their glorious deception and bad nature is what most fear.

[edit on 15-5-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

You are quite welcomed. I also dont believe most of what I hear and half of what I see, however I do keep an open mind. Like you I accept parts of opinions and discard others.

This is what makes us unlike clones. With a free spirit.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Mulitple posters continue to reference "aliens" in the context of them being "demons", or "fallen angels" but fail to make any logical connection with the end times scenario spelled out in Revelations.

I have read contradictory posts here about which group of aliens are these "fallen angels". Some are saying they are the greys, some are saying they are the Nordics, which look very much like people. From my understanding of what is written in the bible, the real angels described have a human-like appearance. From my understanding "demons" are not physical beings - likewise, angels are not physical beings, or are they?

So why would "the greys" have an appaerance which is totally different from other angels - or are you saying that all angels look like the greys.

Or are all aliens, including "greys", "Nordics", "reptilians" and "preying mantis" types, to say nothing of all the other forms that have been described, are all of these fallen angels? Why would they have to travel in spaceships if they are fallen angels.

Is this nothing but a "Christian" attempt to address a "fear of the unknown" translated into a "demonization of the unknown"?
It was not that long ago that many Christians believed that people who had dark skin had no souls. It is hard to believe, but that was a very pervasive belief not long ago. Is it possible that Christians are clinging to a religious view that places man and Planet Earth at the centre of the universe - man as being created, according to Genesis, "in his own image".

Adding to this, if man was created in the image of "God", and this "God" is the same as "Lord" and "Yahweh" referenced throughout the bible, then it makes absolutely no sense at all. Why would a "all knowing and all seeing" god have any physical form or appearance at all. I am referring in this case to "God", creator of the universe. If humans are created in the physical "image of god", then this god must be a physical being - not "evolved on earth" or created for Earth by the 'Creator God', This "God" "Yahweh" can not by definition be anything but one of a group of aliens beings, originating from some other part of the universe, who visited earth and created humans - probably using some advanced type of genetic engineering. These beings, are referred in the Bible as the "Elohim", include the being "Yahweh" who "chose" his people "the Hebrews/Israelites", designated a leader of these Israelites, "Moses" to lead "Yahweh's chosen people", out of slavery in Egypt. He then had these people wages wars against other people, who were servants of other Elohim.

If the "Elohim" return, they will return in spaceships. I do agree that it is possible that there are good and evil Elohim, in the same way there are good and evil people - although, I would argue that these are probably relative, there being few examples of absolutes.

I would agree that if any of these Elohim return in their spaceships, there would be no reason for us to worship any of them as "God". This doesn't rule out the possibility that they may expect the same "worship" they received as our creators. But that doesn't mean we should "worship" them, as a "God", although, if they are our creators, I would imagine that some sort of acknowledgement of this would be appropriate, provided they could prove they are our creators and previous rulers. I suppose in one way or another, the followers of Christian, Moslem and Jewish religions, could be said to be "spiritually ruled" by these Elohim.

This still doesn't explain who the "fallen angels" are, but it is possible that the Elohim have a hierarchy, and angels are simply a lower social strata of Elohim/Annunaki beings. Maybe the Elohim did leave some "angels" behind, and maybe they do still fly around earth in their spaceships.

All of this hypothesis, makes an assumption that the various books of the Bible are a mythology that is a recorded version of what were real events. I have no way of knowing if these events transpired as they are written. Obviously, there were no humans here to record the events in Genesis preceding the creation of Adam and Eve. It is my belief that many books, such as the Bible describe a mythology which is at least based on actual events. That doesn't rule out the possibility, that some of the written works are fiction, written with an intent to function as a lesson.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions Stop
And Can Be Terminated as a Life Pattern
In the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ.

[edit on 15-5-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 11:42 AM
This is proof of nothing.
How can you know these stories are not just fabrications to support a particular line of religious dogma?

And what would it mean even if it were true? Maybe the "aliens" realized they had met their objectives so they terminated the "abductions".

I must emphasize, however, that I am not negating the possibility that demonic encounters occur, but from everything I have read on the subject, demons are not physical beings and they generally don't need an artifice such as a spaceship to travel in. So if these "abductions" are demonic encounters, that would suggest these "abductions" are not happening in physical reality.

You might also want to consider that many people going through "unordinary encounters" of any sort, will rely on their existing belief systems to interpret their experiences. So a Christian would be expected to invoke the name of "Jesus" if they are uncomfortable and want the experience to stop, as would a Moslem use the word "Allah". The termination of the experience may have nothing to do with the invocation of the "protector" spirit's name.

The people who witnessed the "miracle of Fatima" had quite divergent interpretations of the event, and the interpretations suggested the observers/participants experienced the event in terms of their religious belief systems.

I have had experinces of "sleep paralysis" which went on for many years but widely separated intervals. There was always the same physical and mental sensations, but no "visual illusions" of any actual presence. My initial feelings were that the presence was possibly a demonic force and I did try to stop it using prayer, but the experiences always ended pretty much the same way, no matter what I did. I eventually concluded, that although I sensed another presence, this was really just my need to find an explanation for the sensations. Many years after I started having the experiences, I read an article which described the same "sleep disturbance" phenomenom. In Newfoundland, the experience is referred to as "the Old Hag" and many people swear they see an old woman while in this state. The phenomenom is now more widely studied and some scientists attributte some "abduction experiences" to this phenomenom. Of course, there are some, such as Mary Clancy, who use it to explain all abductions, but my reading and investigation of a few incidents, does suggest that some cannot be explained as sleep paralysis.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:19 PM
Those who are interested in viewing the evidence that supports the religious hypothesis that is advanced by the sponsors of the Christian Syposium, can follow the link to in Wonderworld’s earlier post.

I have been reading through the various accounts, and I am seeing that many seem to be referring to episodes of sleep paralysis, a common sleep disorder which I have experienced many times.

“Kathy” wakes up with a face of an alien by her and she rolls over and falls back to sleep.

“Lindsey” wakes up in bed without being able to move at all and sees a “little girl” that jumps onto her chest. (Classic description of “sleep paralysis”)

“Michael” has nightmares where he is unable to move. His girlfriend sees him sit up in bed. (Note: I have experienced one episode where I sat up in bed in the middle of the episode to slide the window by my bed closed because I thought the episode was triggered by the cold air on my chest. This supports my assertion that it is sometime possible to overcome the sensation of paralysis through conscious will.)

“Mark” talks of meeting a member of his congregation who woke up one night “to find herself paralyzed and even unable to talk.” She feels an invisible thing sitting on her chest and calls out Jesus and finds herself free.

This is another classic description of sleep paralysis. So the demons being referred to may exist as a hypothesis to explain the triggering of “sleep paralysis”, but there is nothing at all to suggest that these are in any way examples of “alien abduction”.

“Karen” has a long account of many incidents that bothered her while she was going through a bad time in her life when she was addicted to “crank” (Is she referring to crack?) None involve any description of aliens.

“Nicole” wakes up as a very young girl and sees a “grey” alien under her bed which at the time she thought was a child or an old bald man – but because she can’t categorize it, she thinks it was a monster. After seeing ET in the movies, she thinks it was ET and regrets that she missed having a fun adventure with ET. Many years later she has many unexplained growths in her mouth. She actually does have one experience at night where she wakes up in a concrete room and sees three grays which engage her in telepathic conversation. She tries to move but is paralyzed. They stick a drill in her mouth. She also has a very real seeming dream where she wakes up and sees the decapitated head of a grey alien in between her and her sleeping husband. She dreams she wakes up and tells her husband. She is convinced she was being attacked by demons. (Note: A reasonable reaction to very disturbing dreams which seem real.) She also has a night where she sees things move out of the corner of her eyes, and for protection (having found this works from reading the website) “The Lord Jesus Christ Rebuke You, The Lord Adonai Rebuke You!” and she stops seeing things moving out of the corner of her eyes. She reports she has not had an “abduction experience” since.

These accounts are offered as "proof" that aliens are demons. I must say that I empathize with those who suffer sleep paralysis and I don't know the cause, although I do think there might be a possible link with sleep apnea. I also do believe it is worthwhile considering the possibility that people do experience demonic encounters at night, although many would argue that this cannot be scientifically proven. I don't wish to dissuade anyone from their religious beliefs if it helps them to deal with troubles like this - but I must argue that this does not seem to provide substantive evidence that "aliens are demons". It might be reasonable to hypothesize that "demons" if they exist, can project imagery suggestive of aliens and other forms into the minds of those who are unfortuante enough to experience an encounter with one.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

This idea is backed up experientially with the evidence of numerous testimonies of 'abductees', which show that 'alien abduction' experiences stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

When I read that I nearly choked laughing, I can't help but picture a crucifix brandishing Will Smith shouting "Gort stop in the name and authtority of Jesus Christ", then Gort laughing and kicking his deluded arse.

The same old xtian nonsense once again, if it's good and can't be explained then it's god . If it's not so good and can't be explained then it's demons.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by moocowman

I know a lot of people would think this theory is off the wall, however all UFO/Alien theories sound strange to non believers.

"UFO-ology" experts, demonology researcher’s and alien abduction researcher’s have investigated the reports from both Christian and non-Christian abductees.

It is a Historic event and the first time these guys have gone to Roswell for the Festival, however some have moved to Roswell previously.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by bluestreak53

The evidence and proof will come shortly, right about the time you see a new Global dictator/Anti-Christ.

These also play a significant role in the NWO. They will accompany this man to perforn false miracles. They will be percieved as glorius angels. Just dont be fooled.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Well if I were an alien, I'd never make first contact with the people of this age.

We can split atoms, but we still insist that anything we don't understand is a trick from the devil.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Angus123
Well if I were an alien, I'd never make first contact with the people of this age.

We can split atoms, but we still insist that anything we don't understand is a trick from the devil.

I wouldn't either. Humans act immaturely, and we have weapons that could potentially harm them very easily (assuming they haven't developed some sort of personal shield technology.)

They are still waiting for us to at least make a transition to a type one civilization.

People really aren't ready to handle it. This thread is very good proof of that.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Miraj

We have nothing that will harm the Aliens. They are not good in nature. Have you ever heard a good abduction story? Most likely not.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:20 PM
The Upcoming Great Deception

How else do you think that it will be explained to the left behind masses that at the twinkling of an eye, suddenly millions of people have disappeared, probably leaving their clothes, glasses, jewelry, hearing aides, pacemakers, contact lenses, artificial hearts, hips, and knees, and even their tattoos behind (1Cor. 15:53, 2Cor. 5:4). Why do you think that our modern technological society is so enamored with aliens and UFOs and close encounters of the third kind? Satan is preparing the masses left behind to believe that we were taken by aliens in UFOs. Fallen angels have no need for spacecraft but it is a modality that modern technological man will understand. Yes, there are "UFOs", unidentified flying objects. Yes, there may have been some abductions. But these are not aliens from another galaxy interacting with mankind but fallen angels setting the trap for the one of greatest deceptions in mankind's history. Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and his dominions control the skies above us and fill our minds with delusions and lies.

Link to article.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld

Online Testimonies that Alien Abductions Stop
And Can Be Terminated as a Life Pattern
In the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ.

[edit on 15-5-2009 by wonderworld]

Funny, considering that Jesus Father was a Cosmical being Himself.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by Miraj

We have nothing that will harm the Aliens. They are not good in nature. Have you ever heard a good abduction story? Most likely not.

Actually... I've heard of abduction stories where humans will feel close to the abductors. As if they were families.

Also not every story is abduction. Assuming Billy Meier isn't a fraud, I would find it hard to call his a bad abduction story, since of all the things he allegedly observed.

And yes we do. That's why almost all abduction stories involve people being paralyzed. Infact.. If people are NOT paralyzed I would assume either: A) They are lieing or B) They are hallucinating.

Have you ever seen a gray's body? They are very thin and frail. While they have a stronger bone structure than we do, I'd be willing to bet most humans have the advantage in a fight since we are much larger than them.

Also, bullets. Bullets will kill just about anything with one shot if you hit them in the right place with a large enough caliber.

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