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'Pedophile Protection Act': What's next for hate crimes?

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

Deaf Alien is right, I'd say. Here's the DSM definition, it says either fantasies or behaviors. Either makes someone a pedophile.

DSM-IV Criteria for Pedophilia

* Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child or children (generally age 13 or younger)
* The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors case clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupation, or other important areas of functioning.
* The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A. Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old

And for those that don't know what the DSM is, quit talking.

Let me also add since so many are showing hatred in this thread, calling for groups of people to be killed ect ....and I don't care who the groups are.

For those that hate others, I hate you. Large in part because I think you're stupid, simply.

How's that for spirituality, tothetenthpower? Yeah, I've seen your threads/posts. You should know better.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by ghaleon12]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:28 AM
"that, critics say, provides special protections for pedophiles and others with alternative "gender identities" such as voyeurism and exhibitionism."

"could be restricted if the plan becomes law. "

"But Gohmert pointed out that if an exhibitionist flashes a woman, and she responds by slapping him with her purse, he has probably committed a misdemeanor while she has committed a federal felony hate crime."

"That's how ludicrous this situation is," Gohmert said

You're right there mate, this situation is ludicrous.

How can anyone swallow this level of tawdry profligate journalism?? There is no fact in this article, only a bunch of scared hearsay and bawdy wordplay:

"Democrats admitted that a Christian pastor could be prosecuted under the law if he spoke biblically against homosexuality, someone heard the comments and then committed a crime. "

So... if a Christian pastor incited someone to violence, then he could face prosecution? Hardly a ludicrous law... I'm willing to bet that this is the same as any incite-to-violence law: the pastor would have to be specifically advocating violence to be prosecuted.

And as for protecting paedophiles? Why the hell not? The fear and loathing of sex offenders, particularly in America, is inhuman. They serve their time, and then they get named, shamed and imprisoned in a 'rehab centre' with an INDEFINITE incarceration period - no trial, no forewarning?? Totally ex post facto???

The days of American law pandering to ignorant, bullish, 'concerned', Christian housewives is over. Good riddance.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

No one is born a pedophile.[snip] No one is born to become sexually attracted to children when they grow up! No one is born gay, a murderer, rapist, what ever. You become this way through conditioning, and you'd have yourself to blame for it ultimately. [snip] All pedophiles should be executed.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by TruthSeeker8300]

Mod Edit: Civility and Decorum and Required on ATS

[edit on 5-11-2009 by worldwatcher]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:05 AM

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:37 AM
I have a question to ask to people that think we are born pedophile:

Are you one of these born pedophile?

If yes, you should say so freely because in your thinking, it is not your fault but you are born like that.

We live in a world where all human values are messed up and that is why we see so much irrationnal behaviour. Because wanting to F*** childs, sorry, this is sick as hell.

I supposed many catholic priest were born pedophile then... you are probably right, God make them pedophile for sure.

And by the way, in the jungle, when one is not enough strong to fight or is mentally ill, laws of nature prevent that animal to reproduce you know...

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 08:55 AM
People like 13etznab and Truthseeker8300 are why the Orwellian terror state will prevail.

These are not men, these are fools guided by raw emotion, impulse and fear - Morons who spout bogus rhetoric and pseudo-sociology to justify their own perverse bloodlust, bigotry and fear of that which they do not understand.

I'm not a paedophile, I don't KNOW any paedophiles, I've never MET a paedophile. And I'm guessing, neither have you. What qualifies you to rant on about the motives of these people, their 'inherent nature', and their ability to regulate their behaviour? And to suggest that they should be institutionally murdered? Why shouldn't they have the same rights as any other criminal? Why shouldn't they be treated within the bounds of the law?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Why shouldn't they have the same rights as any other criminal? Why shouldn't they be treated within the bounds of the law?

LOL Real simple to answer!

Because a pedophile is hurting the BASIS of our future. They are CREATING SICK child who then, will be sick adults.

Did i mention death?

Chemical castration is an option you know, and is working well. Here we had pedophiles that REQUESTED themselves castration to be free and it worked. They WERE MENTALLY FREE and did not had the taste of kids anymore. Do some research.

Come back to the question budy: Do you think we are born as pedophile? Do you really thing that in your gene, you are born wanting to reproduce with kids?

And by the way, stop attacking the messenger instead of the message. All you can say about me, I am this or I am that... i really don't care.

Please provides argument instead of criticizing the messenger.

Sorry for english mistakes, french is my native language.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:04 AM

And I'm guessing, neither have you.

Yes. I had but I am no victim. I know kids who are.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by 13Etznab]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
What this thread is about is people who have attraction but never acts on the urges.

well if they haven't acted on their urges, and unless the vigilante mob invent a mind reading device, they should be safe then

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Impact of Child Sexual Abuse

It is estimated that there are 60 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse in America today. Source: Forward, 1993.

Approximately 31% of women in prison state that they had been abused as children. Source: United States Department of Justice, 1991.

Approximately 95% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused. Source: CCPCA, 1992.

Want more effects? Do you still have pity for pedophile?

I am not asking to kill them, but severe punition, severe control and promotion of free castration. This is almost 100% chance of success by the way and that person become a normal adult because he don't have the instinct anymore.

We dot it for cats, dogs, horses...

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:24 AM

"[T]he castrated criminal would be more docile and have a better opportunity to be rehabilitated, educated, and to become a worthwhile citizen" (1). Castration removes the biological and chemical tendencies that are intrinsically linked to the desire to rape in males.

Although chemical castration is not the perfect solution to inhibit child molestation, it discourages sexual assault better than incarceration. Injections of Depo-Provera decrease the aggressive tendencies that lead to rape in males. Castration also discourages sexual fantasies and eradicates sexual obsessions. Pedophiles are reduced to apathetic pacifists. Regulated chemical castration should be encouraged as an alternative to prison for male child molesters in order to stop recidivism and decrease instances of sexual assault.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by 13Etznab
Because a pedophile is hurting the BASIS of our future. They are CREATING SICK child who then, will be sick adults.

Did i mention death?

Chemical castration is an option you know, and is working well. Here we had pedophiles that REQUESTED themselves castration to be free and it worked. They WERE MENTALLY FREE and did not had the taste of kids anymore. Do some research.

Sorry for english mistakes, french is my native language.

That doesn't surprise me one whit. The French crave the kind of tyranny you're peddling. What are you gonna do, haul them up before the drum and send them on their way to the guillotine? Your arguments are entirely without merit, so don't criticise me for criticising you. You didn't present any facts or logic, what else was I supposed to attack?

Where is your evidence that paedophiles are begetting 'sick children'? I HAVE provided facts pertaining to the UNLAWFUL and inhumane imprisonment of sex offenders (not just paedos) in America. WHY should the law say one thing, then bend to the opinions of ignorant tyrant-types such as yourself to 'change its mind' and slam up legally innocent people in rehab institutions?

If you can't even see the vast abuses of humanity and common decency in your suggestions of enforced castration then I pity you. You are the kind of hate-filled imbecile the totalitarian establishment craves.

The arguments you provide ring a common chord with those many Evangelicals and conservatives used (and still use) against homosexuals. Do you think those are valid?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:32 AM
And you know, feminists are against chemical castration. Try to understand something....

Another article, got work to do you know...

The special drug treatment for pedophiles has proved to be successful in many European countries and several states of the USA. The number of repeated crimes based on sexual motives was reduced by almost 50 percent. In Great Britain, pedophiles and rapists will be offered injections of leuproreline – a medication that subdues the action of men’s sexual hormones. The anti-pedophile campaign was launched in England after the terrible incident in 2000, when pedophile Roy Whiting murdered eight-year-old schoolgirl Sarah Payne. There are about 110,000 pedophiles in Great Britain.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by 13Etznab

Want more effects? Do you still have pity for pedophile?

I am not asking to kill them, but severe punition, severe control and promotion of free castration. This is almost 100% chance of success by the

way and that person become a normal adult because he don't have the instinct anymore.

We dot it for cats, dogs, horses...

Oh I think that just about sums up my problem with your argument. Your only source is a partisan website, and a bunch of state statistics that could've been made up by any ape. Of COURSE doping people up will stop them 'raping', of COURSE the treatment works. THat's not the bloody issue though, is it??

I can quote 'qualified psychologists and psychiatrists' to suit any argument. What do YOU actually know? # all. You fall for the fearmongering of government institutions.

What I am arguing is on the simple level of a BREACH of US LAW. You are making claims of a sociological and psychological nature that you are UTTERLY unqualified to make, and extending your views to suggest that people should be EXECUTED based on your 'expert' opinion. You would create a capital crime based on your speculation and layman's understanding of some crap you read on the internet? Arrogance...

[edit on 11-5-2009 by FMLuder]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by FMLuder
Where is your evidence that paedophiles are begetting 'sick children'?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by FMLuder
What I am arguing is on the simple level of a BREACH of US LAW. You are making claims of a sociological and psychological nature that you are UTTERLY unqualified to make, and extending your views to suggest that people should be EXECUTED based on your 'expert' opinion??

If we don't agree on the nature of the problem, we will not be able to get the good LAW solution.

Everyone's opinion is good my friend and for sure, I am no qualified... you are probably right.

See ya. I had what I had to say and really, i did my part. It is up to other people to talk. Or stay a sheep and never doubt autorities or studies. For sure, human feelings and intuition of what is right based on experience, this is nothing compared to the truth pushed by scientists with money backing them.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by 13Etznab]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Funny how whenever the word ''pedo'' or ''pedophile'' gets mentioned, the crowd turns wild. (BRAIN, TURN OFF!)

Taking that pedophilia and pedophile are both words that describe someone who feels attracted to very young children but does not necessarily act upon that attraction, I say that I wouldn't mind if a ''protection bill'' would actually pass.

After all, you can say what you want but they're still human.

If a person has been very good to everyone in the world, always donated to charity, was a hard working motivated man, always treated everyone with respect etc. etc.

Only one thing.. he had a fantasy of having sex with a little boy, or girl, or cow, or goat, insert anything you consider inappropiate.

Would it be OK to kill this guy? He did nothing wrong, he only imagined doing something that is wrong.

Now note if they are referring to pedophiles as people that actually act upon their urges / fantasies / attraction, then of course they should not be protected, they've committed just as much a crime as anyone else who did something wrong has, and deserve to be persecuted just as much as other people, if not more so due to the nature of the crime.

As a sidenote, I once read a research paper that contacted people that were victims of sexual abuse (When they were young). Apparently, the younger they were, the less affected they were afterwards. They entered a sort of ''shock'' so it happened like a blur and they didn't really realize what happened.

When the girls entered the teenage stadium though, that is when these kind of things had severe effects.

[edit on 11/5/09 by -0mega-]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by -0mega-
Taking that pedophilia and pedophile are both words that describe someone who feels attracted to very young children but does not necessarily act upon that attraction, I say that I wouldn't mind if a ''protection bill'' would actually pass.

After all, you can say what you want but they're still human.

[edit on 11/5/09 by -0mega-]

utterly ridiculous statement, think about it, they already have "protection" like the rest of us, ie if someone assaults them they will have broken the law, why they need "added" protection is a mystery, more controls, more laws as we all walk like sheep led by our totalitarian masters...............

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Deaf Alien i don't believe for a minute that anyone is "born" a pedophile, i don't care if someone thinks they have proof either. if i or any of my loved ones were pedophiles, i would ask to be put in jail and encourage others to do the same to keep from ruining the lives of innocent children.
most countries that arrange marraiges with children wait till these children are of age before they allow them to be together

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

Even if he hasn't acted on the impulse? That smacks of "thought police", my friend.

Convicted child molesters are evil monsters, nothing less, and deserve a fate befitting an evil monster. But only, and I stress only, if they've acted upon that impulse.

To accuse a woman who smacks a flasher of a hate crime, muchless convict, is to increase the heights of ludicrousness to new records...

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