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Strange Creature Caught in Mexico

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Some parts of that little creature look pretty cool, but I don't think a tiny little critter like would have been able to trip an rusty old trap of that size.
Not enough weight on that little guy.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Some parts of that little creature look pretty cool, but I don't think a tiny little critter like would have been able to trip an rusty old trap of that size.
Not enough weight on that little guy.

Maybe he thought it was a trampoline?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:01 AM
I would like to start out by saying, that I agree that it is questionable as to why the trap is clean, however there is a tiny bit of blood on the trap and on the ground. It appears that the being ate off its arm in an attempt to free itself.

However, I would like to discuss this creature, from an anotomical point of view. As a massage therapist, of humans, cats, and dogs-- I have seen bodies, their skeletal systems, and masses.

If this photo was created in photoshop, which is the only likely explanation then it was done very well! And thought out very well- here is why.

Starting with the tail- it is anotomically longer than it should have to be in a being of this size. Cats and Dogs tails are anatomically proportionate to the legnth of their body. From what I can see- the perspective of this tail is that it is much longer than it should be. Additionally, the tail is segmented- much like a cats- but their skeletal system is different.

Up through the tail- you can see the ridges of the Sacrum (pubic bone) and the Illiac Crest which is protruding from the bottom. It is more narrow than a humans.

What disturbs me about this creature, is its muscularily set up to be an upright walking creature- not a four legged creature. As with cats and dogs, their rotator cuffs of their shoulders and thighs are more pronounced to support the body weight- but in this being it is equal like in a human. This means- if this carcass was created by splicing a cat carcuss with a rat tail and human head- that isnt the case.

Down to the legs- the humerous, tibia, fibula are pronounced on their being and their musuclar tension is appropriate for this stance of this being. Meaning- if this was created in photoshop- someone would of needed to consider this.

Up the back- the vertebrae are pronounced and rigid. Unusual.

Now to the Abdomin. This really bothers me because of its fatty mass. It looks as though it is a tumor. In no other being have I see a mass like this. To create it- is almost useless.

Its ribcage, shoulders, and muscular tension in those areas- as well as blood flow is anatomically acurate of a human.

Its arms are similiar, except that the Tibia (elbow) is a bit higher and more pronounced on this being.

Its hands- have 5 tarsals (fingers and knuckles).

Now to the head- oblong and the ridges on its face- around its eyes- alien, and not human. The coloring of the veins in the head- very anatomically accurate.

I would love to see a front view of this creature.

So with all of those observations made, I am pretty convinced that this was not hoaxed. I dont think that Jaime Maussan would make such an statement such as stating that this was real if he hadnt had proof of it himself. He is notorious in the UFO community for having groundbreaking photos, stories, and videos of the alien life forms in South America.

If this was hoaxed...the creater would of had to put alot of effort into recreating an anotomical structure that is not like one we have on earth.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:08 AM
As the above poster stated about how the trap was tripped. The photo looks like a set up .

I did some trapping in my younger days lambs and calves were being killed by coyotes and wild dogs . Needed to thin the population out . And yes I ran the trap line morning and evening . It was necessary at the time . Steel traps are a very horrid contraption .

My analysis of the photo based on actual field use of these devices .

1 the trigger of the trap looks bent not in the condition used by a trapper
2 the trap looks more like a unused rusting trap not one in regular use by a trapper .
3 the lower right side where the spring travels up shows lack of use as if it hasn't been used in years . you should see some marks on the jaws of its regular use showing metal beneath the rust .
4 the force these traps close with is enormous . the small finger like appendages most likely would have been severed off as well as the small arm . the estimated size of the trap and the corresponding size of the creature 6- 12 " depending on what the actual trap size is
5 This appears to be a # 1 or possible a # 2 trap In a # 1 a skunk would have its limb practicably cleaved it off , a # 2 would have .
6 that is with a animal with thick hide and lots of hair this has no hair and papery skin and a frail build this would increase the effect on the limb .
7 if the front arm triggered the trap the hand wouldn't be in the jaws it would have the limb grasped between the elbow and shoulder as the photo shows there is no other part of the body close enough to trigger the trap

My conclusion HOAX

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Read my post on page one towards the bottom and the poster below yours and explain how it got trapped in that posistion.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by jd140

Im not a hunter, I dont use traps, so I dont know if it is possible or impossible that the creature was caught in that position. I was only commenting on what I do know- and that is anatomical structure.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
reply to post by jd140

Im not a hunter, I dont use traps, so I dont know if it is possible or impossible that the creature was caught in that position. I was only commenting on what I do know- and that is anatomical structure.

But you said that you don't think it is a hoax.

So if the creature is real and it is impossible for the creature to be caught in the posistion that it is in. That would mean someone staged the creature like that for the photo.

If that is the case then you have to wonder why. Because it doesn't make any sense at all.

And like most things. If the scenerio doesn't make any sense then it is probably fake.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by jd140

I personally dont think its a hoax, but the reason isnt because of the photo, but because of my own personal ET experiences. Anyone is allowed to their opinion. I mean- take for example- if this photo was hoaxed- there are still little men being photographed all over the world. Little beings being found- unexplained and never announced as a scientific breakthrough.


The government thrives off keeping every one in the dark regarding our place in the universe. Does everyone really need the government to proclaim that something is real for it to be so?

[edit on 5-5-2009 by xynephadyn]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I understand what you are trying to say even though I don't believe in little men running amongst us.

But if half the story is fake then that destroys the credibility of the rest.

That thing could not set the trap off as it is. It is impossible for it to be caught in the way it is shown.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:48 AM
atleast the names of doc's check out:

but there is no mention that I have found that Dr. Lorente works on anything besides humans.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I can defiantly state the photo is either a hoax or a set up . If the said creature is real it was put in to the trap posed and then photographed . I cant argue on the validity of the biological being if it or isnt a real animal or a form of a humanoid .

Knowing the physics of these devices and intimate knowledge of there use and damage the shown trap and the shown creature and the body placement do not jive . A true trapper would NEVER let his tools of the trade get this corroded and rusty . This really looks like a someone opened a old long unused trap placed a object in it and let the trap close on it not like a creature was factually caught in it .

For your side I have not ruled out strange beings exist . But the photo is a set up with a real or fake creature in a rusty unused trap .

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Ihniwid

unless the dunked it in the trap which would also lead to the rust. Just a thought.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:15 AM
It is a skinned monkey or small primate of one kind or another.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by cliffjumper68

You make a good point but if you look at the photo the lower left side where the jaw pins go threw the base and the spring goes around the jaws . Those 2 pins show corrosion of not being under water for a period of time they show a build up of corrosion that would be consistent with if you buried it in your back yard for 5 or more years then dug it up and looked at it . Any one who has trapped always would keep the pins free of corrosion and clean the trigger as well . I have traps in my shed that are 35 years old a few hand me downs that are near 80 years old and even the 80 years old don't have that the amount of corrosion this one has . Also if you look at the base of the trap it is rough and pitted which looks like it had been unused and rusting in the ground for years .

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by cliffjumper68

If that is the case then it is a very fast rusting metal.

You would think the creature would be corroded by the time it rusted over like that.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:39 AM
I know the story is to be taken with a grain of salt (the convenient "assassination" of one of the people involved in the creature's capture).

I also wondered why the obviously dead creature in the photo is back in the trap after being supposedly drowned, and I thought they may have put it there as a pose. But why? If it's dead, why not lay it out on a table and take some good photos of it?

Actually now that I think about it, I do remember a very similar story occuring in Mexico recently. I saw it on a documentary or something, of a small creature's rotten carcass found trapped in a similar steel trap. I think with that it turned out to be a spider monkey.

Thought I'd post it regardless, as the creature itself does look pretty convincing. As others have said, if it is a hoax, it's pretty well done. I just wish there was more info available.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 02:20 AM
I have two problems with the creature.

Joshua P. Warren and Jaime Maussan. Neither of these two names have any credibility. Google them. You'll find results such as Jaime Maussan: damaging serious UFOlogy one hoax at a time and Joshua P. Warren Plans to Sell the Georgia Hoax Bigfoot “Body”. Jaime Maussan is a known hoaxer and Joshua P. Warren is known as a "Prankster" in wider circles.

The fact that the web page(s) are full of "Make money - click here" links may suggest the reason behind the "creature". Sorry. I'm not falling for this one. There is nothing credible about the story, even if the photo offers something intriguing.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 04:52 AM
After some checking of features, I have found one animal that it might be. A squirrel monkey native to parts of Mexico and South America.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:35 AM
I'm very skeptical when it comes to Jaime Maussan's "research". His research track record is not the best.

[edit on 5/5/2009 by DarkElvis]

[edit on 5/5/2009 by DarkElvis]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 10:39 AM
it looks like it was sculpted and the skin looks like an airbrush job possibly. Cool post nonetheless

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