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Doctor confirms the facts!! Important Info

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by yadda333

Ok race... It did originate in Mexico, but has moved onto bigger and better things. I havent heard if any other race has had casualties, and was checking to see if anyone has read or heard of any deaths not of hispanic descent. I'm not trying to say it was deliberate or man made, but some races are more acceptible to certain health risks compared to others.

Still Just Curious

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 06:29 AM
Hello All.. I've been reading posts on this site a long time, then finally registered, and now I'm finally making my first post.

My theory on this whole flu thing is that it's some twisted component to the whole economic stimulus plan. We haven't been good little consumers by spending our brains out so far in this debacle, so the government has decided to compel us to do so by inflating the danger of this flu and suggesting that we run out to the market and stockpile household goods. We're much more likely to crack open our wallets in perceived life or death situations.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 06:33 AM
The OP stated no source. Like a doctor is going to risk his job over a poster on ATS. It's sad topics like this get so much attention.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by KIRKSTERUK]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 07:59 AM
i made a thread so texas people could keep each other informed not only on outbreaks but conflicting news reports -

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
The INTERNET is breeding ground for sensationalism specially when it comes to betting on human gullibility, it happens all the time and now is prime time for chain letters and misguided information.

As is ATS. I think you'll find much much higher percentage of people here more likely to believe in conspiracies than the general public.

I was listening to Radio 4 (BBC) as I was driving home and they had virologists on there explaining what is happening and the likely scenarios. They explained why seasonal flu infects 10-15% (because we already have herd immunity) and why a new strain infects 40-50% due to a lack of immunity. No conspiracy there but very very boring and non soundbite for the sensational media stories. "Flu deaths spread to US" shock horror, much nicer for a headline.....(but they omit to tell you that the child who died was mexican!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The truth is not a conspiracy it's just too long winded and boring/difficult for the media to report.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:13 AM
We received more bland updates from our clinical infection control team

here in MA today. No surprises, more cut and paste from the CDC site.

The 2 lowell teenage brothers have recovered from swine flu, and they

self quarantined at home limiting exposure to others. They had been in


But this news item caught my eye today:

THE STATE LABS ARE OVERWHELMED. This factoid fits what the

TX physician said in this post....

Clearly a small bump in any infectious outbreak quickly overwhelms

our already over complicated, underfunded health care system.

Sadly for the last 10 years the general population was more interested

in house flipping than healthcare reform, and since its such a hard

profession, many young people did not go into it. Chronic RN staffing

shortages, insufficient ventilators, ED staff and space, etc all the result.

[edit on 5/1/2009 by drphilxr]

[edit on 5/1/2009 by drphilxr]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:38 AM
Dr Gitterle's retraction from KSAT-TV in Texas:

Update, 8:12 p.m.: The following is a statement from Gitterle sent to KSAT 12 News: When I sent out an email to close friends and family a couple of days ago, I had no idea it would be edited, twisted and sent around the world. Unfortunately, it has. I intended only to help my close friends and family understand the seriousness of this epidemic. I was not making an official public health statement. To set the record straight, I cannot speak more highly of Comal County Judge, Danny Scheele, Comal County School officials, Dr. Overman, and the tireless staff of our County Health Department. They acted with great professionalism and temerity, in choosing to close schools for 10 days, and I believe it is already having an effect on the spread of the virus. Likewise, hospitals in the region, including my own, have been doing incredible work in managing the patient care mission created by this epidemic. Administrators in my hospital system are truly rising to the occasion, and I am proud of their work. I also think that at the national level, excellent decisions have been made to support the fight against this virus. One of those excellent decisions was to make certain that ample supplies of appropriate medication are available to manage an epidemic such as this. Finally, the media is responding with some really excellent reporting on a complex, emotion-laden subject, without fanning the counterproductive flames of fear and paranoia. If there is a message I would like to convey, it is to take this flu seriously, and stay safe. How? By supporting the decisions of our public officials, and paying close attention to CDC and Health Department announcements and guidelines. If we do that, we can win this battle.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Hello,this is my very first post. All of this seems like a dry run for something. i am also put in mind of the 'lethal' leak in close encounters. stay well.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
Dr Gitterle's retraction from KSAT-TV in Texas:

I fail to see this as a retraction at all................So, as far as the precautions he suggested in the email to his family & friends go - I still believe it to be good info and something everyone needs to consider.

Maybe this will blow over quickly & not come back to haunt us in the Fall - GREAT!! I am all for that!! However, I will remain prepared for whatever could happen just to be on the safe side.

What you posted sounds much more like something a person HAD to say seeing how his email spread all over the country. Actually makes the original email, he sent to family & friends, seem that much more credible, IMHO, that is.

Thanks for the update - it actually makes me believe the email even more than I originally did........

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:39 AM
More fear mongering to fuel the Kool-Aid Kids of Alexjonestown. The real economic global crisis and the bailout of capitalism by socialism, can now effectively be put on the backburner while the global consciousness is focused on the new pandemia. The media, like truthers, change the topic on you, so the real issues cannot be addressed. Influenza kills between 250,000 to 500,000 people every year globally, but no one cares. Why? No Alex Jones Y2K 911 fear mongering. Fatal automobile accidents sky-rocketed after 911 because people were scared to take planes. The media both mainstream and alternative control the thoughts of the people. There are many more important subjects IRL, like who`s going to be the next American Idol!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Champagne

Originally posted by emsed1
Dr Gitterle's retraction from KSAT-TV in Texas:

I fail to see this as a retraction at all................So, as far as the precautions he suggested in the email to his family & friends go - I still believe it to be good info and something everyone needs to consider.

Maybe this will blow over quickly & not come back to haunt us in the Fall - GREAT!! I am all for that!! However, I will remain prepared for whatever could happen just to be on the safe side.

What you posted sounds much more like something a person HAD to say seeing how his email spread all over the country. Actually makes the original email, he sent to family & friends, seem that much more credible, IMHO, that is.

Thanks for the update - it actually makes me believe the email even more than I originally did........

Well I sort of feel bad today for being such a jackass yesterday.

It's so hard to decide WHAT to believe.

Somebody else who sent me the email yesterday made the point that whether or not the guy is a huckster does the information make sense?

As a healthcare provider (paramedic) I have to say it actually does make sense and in retrospect he sent it to friends and family and probably didn't intend to panic everyone.

Plus, for better or worse, it got people's attention and they are doing things to prevent the spread of the flu.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Well I sort of feel bad today for being such a jackass yesterday.

It's so hard to decide WHAT to believe.

Somebody else who sent me the email yesterday made the point that whether or not the guy is a huckster does the information make sense?

As a healthcare provider (paramedic) I have to say it actually does make sense and in retrospect he sent it to friends and family and probably didn't intend to panic everyone.

Plus, for better or worse, it got people's attention and they are doing things to prevent the spread of the flu.

No reason to feel bad........anyone who proclaims to know what is really going on are just lying to themselves. We do not know what is really happening with this and how could we with the way the MSM & government manipulate with info they do release to the public on any given subject??

Everyone just be prepared for whatever, you know??

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:11 AM
How do you prepare for an earthquake or a meteor hitting the earth? Might as well just live in fear of the unknown and events beyond our control.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Again, as a physician, its clear his advice was sound. Stay home

if able, common sense should prevail and this should be taken

very, very seriously. My pediatrician med school friend in south NJ

has no cases in his large practice but this is early in the spread.

10 days of shutting down public events and schools would be very

prudent now, considering the silent asymptomatic incubation period

and the higher numbers infected than can possibly be tracked by

our already overwhelmed surveillance system and ER's. Much better

than rushing a misguided vaccine out like in 1976 (Ford).

Also, this companies twitters have been mentioned on ATS before,

and now the national spotlight is on VERATECT (no i don't work for them)

as they tried telling the CDC....sadly, in medicine, we institutionalize

our methodologies and reject anything novel not thoroughly tested even

in crisis. My chief epidemiologist lambasted me for being on this site!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:23 AM
I am suprised that no truther has come forward to declare this a secret government population control experiment authorized by JFK in the Northwoods document. My guess is invest in stocks in Big Pharma, as these will sky rocket as the world plunges into the greatest depression in history. Buy Tamiflu!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Dr. Deagle has some scary inside information about this pandemic. He says it's a planned pandemic in the making. It's the mutation of the virus that is going to cause the real problems. And it's a combination of the 1918 Spanish flu and Swine flu and was engineered for depopulation efforts by the Illuminati.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by RiftPirate
Does anyone find it odd, that all the deaths from this virus are spanish/mexican nationality? Have there been any confirmed cases of caucasion, black, or any other nationality. Makes a fella wonder if it had a specific agenda, i.e. the crisis on our borders... Just wondering if I'm the only one that is thinking like that.

Just Curious..

a friend of mine suggested two days ago that this flue is some kind of racial selection since it only seems to target Latino's. Even the one death in the us is of Mexican origin.
She said "post THAT on ats"... I told her no hair on my head thinks about posting that kind of theory!!! lol

so I'm glad you did... Im sure a lot of people have thought of this, so why is no one saying it out loud?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by the_eighth_tower
How do you prepare for an earthquake or a meteor hitting the earth? Might as well just live in fear of the unknown and events beyond our control.

No fear here...........why would anyone choose to live in fear?!?!?!? Though, I know many do.

All one can do is prepare for whatever, for crying out loud!! What happens if you survive an earthquake?? Meteor?? Forget it - it is all over anyway. My plan is to try & survive. Therefore being prepared comes in very handy!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Matrix1111

Dr. Deagle has some scary inside information about this pandemic. He says it's a planned pandemic in the making. It's the mutation of the virus that is going to cause the real problems. And it's a combination of the 1918 Spanish flu and Swine flu and was engineered for depopulation efforts by the Illuminati.

Thanks Matrix1111, I new you guys would come through, check out this thread

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Champagne

Originally posted by the_eighth_tower
How do you prepare for an earthquake or a meteor hitting the earth? Might as well just live in fear of the unknown and events beyond our control.

No fear here...........why would anyone choose to live in fear?!?!?!? Though, I know many do.

All one can do is prepare for whatever, for crying out loud!! What happens if you survive an earthquake?? Meteor?? Forget it - it is all over anyway. My plan is to try & survive. Therefore being prepared comes in very handy!

So tell me your plans? Wash your hands and avoid public places?

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