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Anyone knows how to deal with demons??

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Freeman

We all have our demons. Maybe one on one intensive councelling will help you with any personal demons. Perhaps a self help course in Positive self visualisation and re-inforcement. I read a great Tony Robbins interview.....
Oh, you mean demons, ok my bad. I don't think they have workshops for those demons do they?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Freeman

What i need is to sleep in a house built near/above a river/stream.
That is the best possible defence againts negative entities.
But i dont have money to move to a country where it would be possible.

do like the Feng Shuy (spelling?) instructs,
install an indoor waterfall in your present abode...

perhaps with a small rock pool at the base.
i believe the North-&-West corner of your living space is the best location,
but you'll need to consult a FengShuy source of information...i'm going from a older & fragmented memory.

also important, the installation of a water-energy source,
is not for the purpose of chaseing out demons or spirits or megative energies... the purpose of this device is to bring a positive force vortex into your immediate environment which can/should be consuming & overwhelming [thus dissapating the negatives from becoming any Larger in your mental makeup.] = out-of-sight-out-of-mind

just a few ideas that may help...

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
I really want to ascend!!

There are chakras above your head, which i cal extraterrestrial chakras.

What you do is charge the highest chakra, you charge it, and then it releases ascension energy and your whole body ascends!

Unfortuantely there is this other demonic being here which is quite powerful, it damaged my extraterrestrial chakras and i cant ascend!

Do you mean the 8th to the 12th chakra? Ive never heard of them being called the ET chakras!! I would stay well away from these extra domain chakras, at least until you know everything there ever is to know about the other 7 in your body. For me messing with chakras has not been a wise thing to do, I sort of thought it might be interesting so I opened a few (heart, crown and brow) and within weeks I was experiencing all sorts of wierd extra dimensional stuff and then a massive energy flowed through me one day (kundalini??), it was like a nuclear reaction
I just had to sit there and let it built up and up as there was no where for it to go. I see now how human spontaneous combustion can come around because if Id have gone a few more degrees up in temperature Im sure Id have caught fire!! So for me chakras 8 to 12 are off limits!!!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
I really want to ascend!!

There are chakras above your head, which i cal extraterrestrial chakras.

What you do is charge the highest chakra, you charge it, and then it releases ascension energy and your whole body ascends!

Unfortuantely there is this other demonic being here which is quite powerful, it damaged my extraterrestrial chakras and i cant ascend!

No matter what this being has done, it can be healed. I believe its this lie/fear based manipulation that he has given you, along with the accompanying physical sensations of heaviness, to make you give up and to feed off your energy.

the seeker_713g

I suggest to start with to stand and look at your self in a full length mirror and to really look at yourself; the goal here is to be able to close your eyes and to see that image of yourself standing there and be able to hold it steady.

step 2 is to see a beam of purest brightest white light shining on you and to see it wrap around and around you in layers like a cocoon until you are covered from head to foot in this wrapping of light, see it and feel it there at all times; when you can hold this image steady in your mind's eye increase the volume of light until you are in the center of a ball pf glowing brightness that extends 5 foot from you in all directions, including under your feet.

if you feel under attack from any source mirror the outer most layer of the light so it will reflect anything sent at you back to the sender.

you can also use this light ball for many different things, healing, meditation, relaxation; it is up to you; but I suggest to always keep it in place.

I always take a short cut, when I'm strengthening my shield. I picture myself standing beside the universal river of God/Creator's energy instead of standing in front of a mirror, and picture this energy cocooning me. I even jump right in. And this light of the pure energy and substenance of the All, flows through me, heals and uplifs and purifies. I see it strongly in my mind.
I ask for God to send his angels, and St. Michael, my Guardian Angel and my HS to help and picture strongly in my mind I'm invisible behind this shield.

It actually really helps. I don't mirror it! I don't attack back.

Seeker has a second one on that page that cleanses the aura and sends healing energy to the world. You can picture the white/golden light of God and blue energy as well.

Since I now have seen my sword, which wakes people up, also for redemption and the evolution of those who need to remember who they truly are and fight for their goodness, and thats everyone including the negatives on all dimensions, I also do a meditation and picture myself shielded, then take out my sword and spin it and cascade out energy to cover the entire world. There seems to be no limit to the light that spreads, and it usually catches that magnetic wave and spreads out past the galaxy effortlessly in my meditation or visualization. And I ask for God/Creator's and all of Her/His most positive higher workers to heal and wake up everyone.

And don't forget to seek your HS for the remedy and solution you need for this situation.

The feeling of heaviness and the attempt to entrap you is an illusion. Can't be done!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by mystiq

No matter what this being has done, it can be healed. I believe its this lie/fear based manipulation that he has given you, along with the accompanying physical sensations of heaviness, to make you give up and to feed off your energy.

Physical sensation of heaviness? How does this feel and where? All over or just in the crown chakra? I dont think Ive had this before.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:02 AM
No, I don't have that. He's spoken of this feeling of being heavy and kept under this weighted down oppressive feeling that this being gives him to make him think he will not ascend, which is not true. Its an illusion. Also any "cords" as I've read about, or damage he may have done can be undone. One of the strongest things we have is a strong positive mental thought. We have to hold it strongly. But another thing is the recent work with the Russians did that shows that ordinary human language rewrites and reprograms dna in real time. This means incredible possibilities. He should watch over his language, choosing the most positive messages. The message he is giving is: he can't ascend. Thats NLP! Bad mojo.

He must turn this around and say, Cancel Cancel everytime he thinks of it. Then rewrite that script into something positive. Post it on the fridge, a list of positive statements in the here and now. Write in a journal. I am a multidimensional being. I am remembering who I am and why I'm here. I'm filled with radiant light of Creator/God. I am healthy, vibrant, happy. I accomplish the tasks given me on time.

Think of many positive words and language. Tell yourself you're here to help with the ascension.

Listen to good music. Listen to music tuned to the harmonic and true scale of 432 hz, not the nwo 440 hz scale. Laugh as much as you can.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by mystiq

No matter what you picture as long as you believe it works and is working and what your imagining is real and really there/true. Our thoughts have a lot more to do with altering reality than we "imagined" or "thought"

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Wow, some of you guys on here are rather harsh. The OP was only asking for help in banishing a demon, and we all know 6th dimensional lock up is a very serious affliction. Now I might be able to help. Do you have the name of the demon attached to your energy body? The reason I ask is because I just summoned a few (four to be exact) about two weeks ago. It seems one of them has escaped. I do apologize in advance if it is my demon. Being the owner of the demon I cannot speak its name to anyone but him. If I were to speak it aloud to someone else the demon will immediately grow tenfold in size and nastiness. It will continue to grow at this exponential rate until the sun has risen in the sky 666 time.

Please reply back soonest so I can put myself (and you ) at ease.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:26 PM
The other night I hooked up with a friend I've known since childhood and I don't speak to him about demons/entity's. He simply does not buy it. Well as I said I hooked up and he started to zombie out into his own little world stopped talking turned the music low and I said he was acting controlled. So I began banishing his demons to see if it would have an effect on him... well he suddenly swerved the truck off road almost and said out loud "Whoa! Time shift!" He explained his perception of time was altered. And this is exactly how I describe the feeling with some demon's/entity's when they attach or de-attach you "see" visually time alters in the room you don't hear the room slow down but your vision does its as if your movie film experienced slow-mo on screen but the audio kept in sync. sometimes audio is also altered with this time shift depending on the entity. My point was I ran this story past the other childhood friend who was with us who heard my friend tell us what he experienced and I made a comment at the time in the truck "Interesting" I explained to the one friend just now that: Just before he said this I started to banish his demons I've never told him what I experience when I feel these demons and yet he explained/described feeling and witnessing the same thing I do when they leave... a time shift in your vision/timing. (good time to tell you to banish demon's/entity's before driving!) So a non-believer himself experienced the same effect as I do when removing demon's. He experienced/witnessed a difference without me saying one word out loud of what its like to banish your own demons.... yet he still does not believe they are really there? After things like this happening in front of other witness's it really proves it more real to me. As this means what I experience is the same as what he does and he has no beliefs of knowledge of this "demons/entity's" concept. Yet something caused him to witness a time shift so much he swerved off the road and back on, this was at the same time as I was banishing his demons/entity's. And that's the same effect I experience.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by ratcals
Wow, some of you guys on here are rather harsh. The OP was only asking for help in banishing a demon, and we all know 6th dimensional lock up is a very serious affliction.

WHAT is this 6D lockdown? I asked the OP but I dont think he ever repied. Is it when you are bound to a 6D demon via attachments? What is this serious affliction of the 6th density?

I assumed demons were lower astrals and unable to reach the 6th astral plane.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:46 PM
And even giving them the mental ability to do so is wrong. The rules they go by, slip past like a wise fox. You don't believe in their mojo. You must believe in positive and find positive tools to fight. Summoning them is not a positive thing to do.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by mystiq Summoning them is not a positive thing to do.

Perhaps not, but how can we learn from them if we don't have a specimen to study?

Ordinarily I don't have trouble with them escaping. I have the necessary enclosure woven from Tasmanian devil hair and circle of sea salt. I find the sea salt works better than table salt or rock salt. Something about the plasma properties make it more reliable. Something I should investigate further. Anyway one of my rats gnawed on part of the enclosure thereby compromising the structural integrity and making it possible for one to escape. I assure you it means no harm and is only trying to find its way back from whence it came.

I would highly recommend you locate a Zuni Bear Fetish sculpted from sea salt. They are very rare but can be purchased on certain Indian reservations. Then tie it around your left ankle and leave it there for one lunar cycle. The frequency emitted will be enough to cause the molecular structure of the demon to collapse. Of course this results in the death of the demon but it does cure your problem. I do not condone the killing of such creatures though.

Best of luck to you.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:15 PM
Well, first you need to go to school. Study up.

Esoteric Archives

There are many ways to conjure and control demons and their sort, but none of them are exactly foolproof. Even as skillful as Jesus was (read the Gospel of Mark), there was some indication that he was infected. So look out.

Any way, you call demons and other types of entities out according to the angel that has dominion over them, that temporarily puts them in your power. Then you take a ring, which has a pentagram inscribed on it, and throw it at them. That will freeze them long enough to get their name and number. After that, you take a leather bag filled with water (a bota bag) and put the ring over the spout of the bag. The demon will be sucked into the bag at that point for keeping.

From there, you need to get completely rid of the bag by throwing it far away from any large animal, or into a lake or ocean.

Or... you can experiment with the demon, pulling them out and putting them back in the bag, and commanding them to do things for you. But like any genie (or jinn), they're tricky. And that's a very good way to end up in their control. And then you're basically screwed unless another more skillful sorcerer saves you.

Good luck with that!

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Nohup]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:28 PM
No, no , no. Do not under any circumstances throw a pentagram at a demon. It only makes them incredibly angry. Mostly because it’s so cliché.

The alleged powers of the pentagram have been grossly over exaggerated. They are powerful, but not in our dimension. Please try to find a fetish. It is the only thing that will help.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Shielding and asking for help from the Creator and angels always works for me.
And I believe one should watch their thoughts and not accept negative ones that come, but replace them as much as possible with the positive. I don't give my power away or allow something to tell me their rules or what to believe and think thats all a form of NLP or MC. There's no one that can seal off your 6th without the Creator and positive forces being able to undo it. Its about perception.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by ratcals
No, no , no. Do not under any circumstances throw a pentagram at a demon. It only makes them incredibly angry. Mostly because it’s so cliché.

The alleged powers of the pentagram have been grossly over exaggerated. They are powerful, but not in our dimension. Please try to find a fetish. It is the only thing that will help.

Pentagrams piss demons off....

And what the hell is this indian fetsih you speak of?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Freeman

And what the hell is this indian fetsih you speak of?

Im glad you asked as I darnt! How would one of these get rid of a demon?

Can you tell me what a 6th dimensional lockdown is PLEASE???

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Indian fetishes are hand-carved objects, which represent the spirits of animals or the forces of nature. From the earliest times in North America, the Indians have used fetishes in an effort to master the arbitrary and unpredictable forces beyond their control. The earliest fetishes are called Ahlashiwe or stone ancients by the Zunis. They were naturally formed stones that seemed to resemble people or animals, sometimes made more realistic with the features accentuated by a carver.

They are considered more powerful and were formerly thought to be ancient animals or people turned to stone. All Southwestern tribes make and use fetishes. However, the Zuni people have developed a reputation for being the most skillful in carving elaborate fetishes, which are used in their religious rituals and are an integral part of their personal lives.

Fetishes may be used in many ways, either by the individual or by the whole tribe: for good luck in the hunt, initiation into a society, the diagnosis or curing of illness, fertility and propagation purposes, and/or for personal protection.

Zunis believe that animals, as well as inanimate objects and the forces of nature, have a spirit force, which can either help or hurt man. It is believed that the carved animal fetishes host that spiritual force and, if treated properly, will help their owners to overcome the problems facing them.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:26 PM
If someone tells you, please don't accept it as real when you hear the words. Cancel them immediately. Its all about perception. These beings may have theirs, but it sure doesn't top dog mine!

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by Freeman

And what the hell is this indian fetsih you speak of?

Im glad you asked as I darnt! How would one of these get rid of a demon?

Can you tell me what a 6th dimensional lockdown is PLEASE???

I thought i already did explain about 6th D...

There are two variants here:
Its either 1 huge super powerful demons that JAMMED my heart chakra.
There few demons here, and one of them got a nasty gift which locks peoples energy body into this lock/jail/jam. Its very nasty. I ve been in this for almost 2 YEARS!!
and i nearly had 3 heart attacks this year when i was walking up the stairs!

The said demon will only let me out after negotiations with illuminati finish.

Or this device can be disconnected from a higher dimension, but that would mean part of vital illuminati framework is disabled.

So i have no choice but to suffer and wait ...

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