Well, after reading all this information about secret societies covertly taking over the U.S. government via the demicrats and republicans, I think
its time!
The name of this party? The AMERICAN PARTY. The platform would be constitutuional law, and bansihment of secret societies, plus, the return of the
gold standard!
I second that notion. However as we have seen in the past if you go aganist a secret society you could get shot and come down with altimerzes i.e
Ronald Regan
But by combining all the third parties, you would end the variety to choose from. Instead of many parties, there would only be three. That's it,
three choices. And I don't think the parties would combine as easily as you make it seem.
Other than that, It's the most ingenious idea that could be done.
considering that we only have two VIABLE parties now (as in, only a candidate from one of them will get elected), I'd welcome an all-encompassing