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Mysterious U.S. Swine Flu Probe Widens as Mexico Finds Swine Flu *updated*

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers

It's all set to no-risk gains...
No one can complain if he gets worst with vaccine.
I believe it's the way to get vaccines quicker but they will be unsafe.

Read here:

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Good work everyone for all posts...

This fall this thread will be an assett to all!
to all!


This fall our SitX is upon between the lines...every one of us will be affected in some way by this "Novel" H1N1 Swine Flu ...

Novel Swine Flu shows 1918 flu recombined
Get prepared now while you still have time...

The powers that be use verbiage in the news that incites emotion in it’s readers just like a good author can get his or her audience to cry for a fictional character in a book and just like a good author, the powers that be leave the world sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the next word as if their very lives depend on it.

Take these recent headlines as an example of how they are ramping up their language to get the whole world worried/scared about the coming flu and ready to take their pharma vaccine.

Headline: Everyone will get vaccine against swine flu

Quote: “The NHS is preparing to vaccinate the entire population against swine flu after the disease claimed the life of its first healthy British patient.”

Quote: “The UK government has ordered enough vaccine to cover the entire population. GPs are being told to prepare for a nationwide vaccination campaign.”

Quote: “He said surgeries would be aiming to inoculate about 30 people an hour in a “military-style operation”.”

Quote: When the new vaccine for swine flu arrives in Britain, regulators said this weekend, it could be approved for use in just five days. (The path of a popular medicine from the laboratory to the chemist or doctor’s surgery can involve years of clinical trials on a select group of patients.)

Article with Headline: "Everyone will get vaccinated"

More Propaganda here:

Headline: New flu “unstoppable”, WHO says, calls for vaccine

Quote: Saying the new H1N1 virus is "unstoppable", the World Health Organization gave drug makers a full go-ahead to manufacture vaccines against the pandemic influenza strain.

Quote: Every country will need to vaccinate citizens against the swine flu virus.

Quote: Several reports showed the new virus attacks people differently than seasonal flu -- affecting younger people, the severely obese and seemingly healthy adults, and causing disease deep in the lungs.

Mass Media Conditioning:

Headline: New flu resembles feared 1918 virus

Quote: The new H1N1 influenza virus bears a disturbing resemblance to the virus strain that caused the 1918 flu pandemic, with a greater ability to infect the lungs than common seasonal flu viruses, researchers reported on Monday.

Quote: In addition, they found that people who survived the 1918 pandemic seem to have extra immune protection against the virus, again confirming the work of other researchers.

Reuters Article

2nd Reuters Article

Headline: Firms, School and Churches rush to cope with outbreak

Quote: "Guidance is being given to all store and personnel managers who are required to report all actual and suspected cases of the illness to our dedicated helpline, and these incidents are then evaluated case by case."

(Authors Note: Notice how the department of health in this country is asking workers to report/nark on each other for suspected and actual cases of the flu)Firms, Schools, Churches prepare for Swine Flu outbreak

As you can see there has been an extreme language shift from what we’ve heard since the beginning of this outbreak and that’s that this was the normal flu, nobody worry, nobody do anything, life as normal, keep society and money coming into the US as normal, blah blah blah.

But wait! What’s this? Haven’t you wondered why every state in the US has been at their highest level of pandemic flu preparedness (which allows them to declare martial law at a moments notice, bypassing the normal needs and requirements being met) since the beginning and why countries are closing schools and businesses? Last time I checked, the world has never closed schools, shut down movie theaters and public gatherings because it was flu season nor have we implemented statewide preparedness issues.

And it’s kind of funny how Mexico was erupting into a civil war with gang activity but then a flu appeared and closed everything down, the military issued martial law and forced all activity to stop. But wait there’s more! The US happened to be having Tea Parties and localized collective uprisings to the atrocities that were/are happening within our borders and against our citizens until a week-long scare of a deadly flu shut everything down and focused (baited) our brains to look elsewhere.

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe this flu is the real deal. I also believe through documented research that the earth goes through cycles where viruses become more virulent and I believe that we are in one of those cycles now but do not let yourself be baited into a trap that stops you from surviving.

You will see disruption in your daily life as this flu returns in our fall and winter seasons (In the Americas). Whether there be truth to the dangers as they are represented to us or whether the powers that be use the bait to bring about even more devious things, I do not know..........

.............You need to be prepared to blanket yourself from the world when disruption hits you between now and winter and close up shop until you know that you are safe to run the risks.

How do you do this?

Store enough food/water, medicine and materials for 1 to 3 months of complete isolation with 1 month being the worst and 3 months being the best.

Find areas of least-baited news to gather information from (Internet, Ham and Shortwave radio are the only ways to get your news but beware that these get baited as well).

If it is safe to: Do local reconnaissance to note how “over run” the hospitals or shops really are without going inside to risk infection or capture.

Be prepared to quarantine yourself or others in your family

Fall 2009 SitX Prep Tip More Infomation

[edit on 18-7-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:24 AM
More on preparations by the Governement to vaccinate the entire populace...

We are not going to forget what happened last time!

Doumentary on Swine Flu vaccinations that were aired once, then removed from the media...

Everyone should see these videos!

Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers
(AP) – 6 hours ago

The last time the government embarked on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu, thousands filed claims contending they suffered side effects from the shots. This time, the government has already taken steps to head that off.

Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday.

Since the 1980s, the government has protected vaccine makers against lawsuits over the use of childhood vaccines. Instead, a federal court handles claims and decides who will be paid from a special fund.

The document signed by Sebelius last month grants immunity to those making a swine flu vaccine, under the provisions of a 2006 law for public health emergencies. It allows for a compensation fund, if needed.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Thanks so much for posting those videos....very interesting to watch.

It is sooo odd....last time around, they did hype it....this time around, they are ignoring it, or at least did ignore it for a long time, but now that pregnant women and young people are dying, people seem to be finally grasping what is going on.

ETA...there is no way I will be vaccinated, even though I do think this is a very nasty flu.

[edit on 18-7-2009 by phoenixs1]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:34 AM
SWINE flu cases in the East of England have risen at least four-fold in the space of a week, according to latest figures published by the Health Protection Agency.
Health authorities are no longer keeping count of the number of confirmed cases of swine flu, but the rate at which patients were reported to be suffering from flu-like illness in the region had risen to 40 per 100,000 population by last night.

Only seven days earlier, the equivalent figure for the East of England had been between five and 10 and new cases are being reported in Peterborough every

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:39 AM
A group of 52 UK schoolchildren and their teachers have been quarantined in a Beijing hotel after four children were found to have swine

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:43 AM
Video: Swine flu's symptoms and where to go for

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:47 AM
LOCAL authorities are holding talks with unions over the need to re-deploy staff in the event of a serious flu pandemic.

Plans have been re-examined for coping with major staff illness and the need to keep front-line services running.

Among the preparations are plans to run crematoriums seven days a week if necessary.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:06 AM
July 17, 2009 — Pandemic swine flu vaccine should be fast-tracked, with vaccinations starting in mid-September — soon after schools open.

That recommendation came today in a unanimous vote by the National Biodefense Safety Board (NBSB), an influential board of outside advisors to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Getting swine flu vaccine by September means skipping all but the most preliminary clinical tests of vaccine safety and effectiveness. But it means getting some 60 million to 80 million doses nearly at the same time the CDC expects the next wave of the pandemic to hit the U.S.

“We cannot wait beyond mid-August [to make a decision] if vaccine is to be in supply by mid-September,” the panel’s pandemic influenza working group states in its recommendations. “A critical goal is to have some [standalone] novel H1N1 vaccine available by mid-September 2009, should it be needed.”

Why rush through a swine flu vaccine? The first wave of the swine flu pandemic is only just starting to ebb in the U.S. But the virus spreads quickly among children — and the nation’s schools begin opening in late

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 06:37 AM

By request of the health agency, brazilian army will help to identify and previne swine flu cases at frontier cities.

Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay are the most target frontiers but northen borders will be target too.

Brazil have 1,700 persons infected and 11 deaths until now.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:11 AM
Novel H1N1 Flu Situation

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:21 AM
MILLIONS of Britons face being put in quarantine this summer as the swine flu pandemic takes hold, experts warned yesterday.

With the massive scale of the outbreak becoming clearer, bans on travelling abroad over the holiday months could affect six million people, or 10 per cent of the population.

The knock-on effects will deliver a hammer blow to the travel industry, with millions of pounds lost during the peak season and insurance companies facing a deluge of claims.

An estimated five million Britons are due to take foreign breaks in August alone. But the spread of the
deadly H1N1 virus could lead to mass cancellations.

Both the Foreign Office and Health Protection Agency are advising anyone carrying the H1N1 strain to remain at home.

A spokesman for the Association of British Travel Agents said last night: “If you feel unwell, have a high fever, cough or sore throat, you should stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible.”

The warnings come as Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson predicted that by the end of August up to 10 per cent of the population could be infected with swine flu.

Even more alarming, up to 30 per cent of the population – around 18 million people – could suffer the effects of the illness during the autumn and winter.

It is estimated that such a high infection rate could result in 65,000 deaths in Britain.

The first deliveries of swine flu vaccines are due to arrive next month for high-risk groups.

But last night experts warned that foreign pharmaceutical companies may break their contracts to supply vaccines to

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:45 PM
Health Minister from Argentina:
At least for 3 or 4 YEARS we will be fighting this virus.

The Health Minister from Argentina, Claudio Zin, said this morning that the swine flu is here to stay. "don't think that in two weeks everything will be ok. At least for 3 or 4 years we will be fighting this virus.", said Zin.

Among other things we will have to stay away at least 2 meters from other people who are infected, stop hugs and hand shakes. We must get used to this.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Woman's death may be due to swine flu

A Bangkok woman died yesterday after several days of flu-like symptoms, prompting suspicion that her death might be the country's latest fatality toll from the type-A (H1N1) influenza virus.With the official death toll at 26 in Thailand, Min Buri police yesterday morning reported the death of Misstine Thailand employee Saisunee Siripanyasuk, 47. Her relatives told police that she had chronic high blood pressure and had suffered from high fever and flu-like symptoms since July 13

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:18 PM
Baby of woman with Swine Flu dies

WEST PALM BEACH,FL-- A local woman in intensive care at Wellington Regional Medical Center has lost her baby during her battle with Swine Flu.

According to a statement from Wellington Regional Medical Center:

The decision was made early this morning to deliver Aubrey Opdyke’s baby. Despite heroic efforts on the part of physicians and nurses, we are sad to announce that Baby Parker Christine Updyke has expired.

Mrs. Opdyke remains in critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit at Wellington Regional Medical Center. Employees and medical staff extend their prayers and deepest sympathy to the entire Updyke family.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:21 PM
A fatal flaw

A shortage of beds and ventilators is about to strike Canada as the H1N1 pandemic intensifies -- we should have been ready

While we continue to observe a daily increase in the number of swine flu cases across the country, we take comfort in the fact that our country has been preparing for a pandemic for years. It is true that we have an elaborate, expertly produced national pandemic plan, which in turn gave rise to provincial, territorial, regional and local plans. Canada has even been called a world leader in pandemic preparedness by the World Health Organization.

But there is an inherent weakness in our pandemic planning, a weakness which greatly undermines all the effort put into this enterprise, a weakness which may in the end be fatal.

In 2004, a Canadian pandemic plan was released that did not say a word about the amount of material and human resources that would be required for each of the hundreds of proposed pandemic measures nor about who would provide these resources. When you stop to think about it, it's almost unbelievable: the largest public health program ever proposed in our national history was launched without any budget or allocation of funds.

Those who disagree will cite that in 2006 the federal budget earmarked $1 billion over five years for this cause. Three years into this budget, we know that the federal government purchased stocks of the antiviral drug Tamiflu and contracted for the production of a vaccine. However, these actions, while important and laudable, are far from meeting all the essential requirements. To date, none of the budgeted money seems to have made its way to the front lines and trenches where the real war against the pandemic will largely be fought, such as the hospitals I am associated with.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 04:34 PM
10% of the deceased are doctors and nurses

BUENOS AIRES .- At least 10% of those killed by influenza A (H1N1) are health professionals. This figure was reported yesterday by an MP who claimed the national Ministry of Health a report on the status of doctors and nurses who are working to combat the epidemic. "The sector of health workers is one of the most affected by the health emergency that we are experiencing," said the parliament of the Civic Coalition, Virginia Linares.

The order is based on the fact that these workers make up a group at high risk because patients infected caregivers. The deputy, who belongs to the sector Stolbizer Margarita, said that at least 10% of doctors and nurses were killed, thousands of workers showed symptoms and a half hundred is in critical condition with a picture of pneumonia and influenza A.

The deputy, a native of Bahia Blanca, he added, inter alia, that the health emergency highlighted the precarious in that there are many health care workers. "We must be clear, well-trained workers in pay and decent working situations are the key to confronting a health crisis of this magnitude we live," said Linares. (NA) (NA)

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:03 PM
SAN JUAN - The number of reported deaths in Puerto Rico believed to have been caused by swine flu climbed on Thursday from 8 to 19.

Government officials urged residents concerned about the flu to first consult their private doctors to avoid infection and overcrowding in hospitals. Steps were being taken to reduce the risk of infection in all health-care facilities, they said.

"We've noticed that people are crowding emergency rooms and diagnostic facilities, and our message must be clear: call before visiting," said Gov. Luis Fortuño. "With this practice, we reduce the risk of infection in hospitals and medical facilities, while easing the burden on doctors to continue providing essential health services to Puerto Ricans."

[edit on 18-7-2009 by wizardwars]

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:10 PM
Swine flu alert for pregnant women and babies
Urgent swine flu advice is to be issued to pregnant women and new parents in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus among the most vulnerable.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Pandemic H1N1 in More Swine In Buenos Aires Argentina
Recombinomics Commentary 13:11
July 18, 2009
The National Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA) reported that in today confirmed the detection of human influenza virus A (H1N1) in pigs in an establishment located in the province of Buenos Aires, which made provision for its interdiction to monitor disease progression and to determine its next steps.

The above comments describe the second pandemic H1N1 infection of swine near Buenos Aires (see map). This outbreak, southwest of the city, follows and earlier outbreak northwest of the city (see map). The above report confirms that these H1N1 outbreaks in swine (OIE report) are the pandemic strain, which was also reported for swine in

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