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Obama Will Sign GIVE ACT Into Law Today!

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posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:06 PM
This was originaly done in something called 'CIVICS' class. We all understood what it was meant for and it wasn't the government making those decisions on how to mold a childs opinions which this will be. The government has no authority and no busness making anything mandatory for its citizens other than a draft of military personel in war time. They have realy overstepped themselves and have molded this to be exactly what the National Socialists did in Germany in 1932. Indoctrinate the children and make them the eyes and ears of the government in our daily lives and report back to the government teachers. This is not what the talking heads are telling you. It will be used in an evil maner to deny your right to any opinion you may have that is not concurent with who is in power. Once its put in place, everybody will have to think twice before any thought they may have is uttered infront of there own children and it will never go away! Mark my words you parents,. This is evil incarnate!


posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

There is also a thread on here regarding the commercials for Mr. Obama on the
kids cartoon channel and sponge bob or something like that -

Point being -
The mother who started the thread was livid - and I concur.
This is governmental brainwashing of very young minds.
I have nothing against Obama -
I have something against running political ads on a cartoon channel.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Jadette

What would you rather have them learn? What harm is a few hours a year spent learning to care about the people and society around you?

It's not good that they 'learn this' at gunpoint (metaphorically or literally). Such actions should come from within, that cannot be learned, and must be instilled in the home.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
My kids will learn by the examples set forth by me and my wife as well as the examples of our friends, family and church.

That is interesting, indeed...

I'm glad that you mentioned church which is one of the finest brainwashing instruments known to man, followed by the government, of course

I fail to see how church sponsored volunteering (with obvious agenda of recruiting fresh lifetime subscribers) is any different then government one...

Is the secular nature of government "brainwashing" that bothersome ?

What exactly makes examples set by church more profound than the ones set by the government ?

Apparently when it comes to abortion ban and word of god being thought in the school as "science" it's OK for government (through public school system) to step in and "educate" our kids about it...

Teaching them to help others in need is for some reason, suddenly, off limits

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:07 PM
Well, welcome to the Fourth Reich.... comprised of liberals, and traitor conservatives.

It always starts with the children.

Sure, it wasn't government sanctioned as far as I know, but it's only a matter of time. To get them to suck up to this they WILL need indoctrination.

Then there's the future brown shirts...

Call them what they are... Obamajugend. This is the proper term.

Just go to youtube, and search for "obama youth"

[edit on 21-4-2009 by SpacePunk]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Jadette
reply to post by FlyersFan

I disagree. In fact, I find it hard to understand how teaching children to be involved with their community by actually having them work within the community, can be labeled slavery... [snip]

You disagree? Fine Jadette, but don't force the rest of us to agree with you. You think you can change human nature by legislating some civic morality determined by the PTB? It's about free will and nothing else.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Sounds Like Obama's Youth (aka Hitlerjugend or Hitlers Youth). We need to empower parents to take charge and join your local PTA and not allow our government to teach our children.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Jadette
reply to post by FlyersFan

I disagree. In fact, I find it hard to understand how teaching children to be involved with their community by actually having them work within the community, can be labeled slavery. When I was in high school, we worked with the park and reclaimation department for FFA. My girl scout group picked up trash. As a member of Job's Daughters we read to the elderly. Sure, I suppose on some level you can say it was 'voluntary' since I didn't have to belong to any of these groups. But if I were in grade school and once a week, for an hour, we worked within the community somehow, I cannot imagine I would feel any differently about it.

As for your second point; how is that not volunteering? While the literal definition can imply a measure of alturism, it isn't defining. Key word: Voluntary meaning willing. Incentives only make someone more willing.

Fascism is the most overused and misunderstood word of our times. I think it's gotten to the point where it doesn't even mean anything. I know you are using it to imply an Authoritarian government hand or using it as an insult because it's implicative of the use of the word 'nationalism' because the topic is about civil service, but I really don't think that civic duty and fascism go hand and hand.

Even the arguement in regard to the mandatory part; there are many parts of being a citizen of a country that require mandatory action. From getting a drivers license to filing for taxes, our lives are full of such things and it's part of the price for living in a society. One could even argue that as members of society, we have certain obligations to help each other. What's that called again? Oh right - civic duty.

Do not be decieved remember what obama said he was going to do was to implement a Civilian National Security Force that is as strong as our existing military. The Civilian National Security Force answers to him, obama and does not say anything about upholding The Constitution of the United States Of America.

Do you relize if obama is to have a Civilian National Security Force as strong as our U.S. military the CNSF would have to be trained with weapons.

Now we will be told it is just Civil Service helping your fellow man but folks I do not trust anything this administration says, we have to constantly watch our backs everytime legislation or a bill is ready to be voted on.

Will certain states block the new Civil Service program or go along with the program? Remember what I tell you when this Civilian Service program becomes implemented and becomes mandatory this is when there will be a lot of unhappy citizens. Especially if the retired people of this nation will have to serve so many hours of community service to recieve their Social Security checks and benefits. Folks we do not need a crystal ball to see into the future.

I believe this Civilian Service program will be a nightmare to our country's freedom. You ask what is wrong with helping your fellow man? Absolutely nothing but who is helping who with this Civilian Service program. I believe this will be obama's spy network on the American family and the endoctrination of our youth to what ever this program sees fit to do or teach to our youth. What percentage of minorities will be endoctrinated into this Civilian Service?

Why spend millions and millions of dollars on Civilian Service uniforms when civilian clothes will do? Remember this dress code will spill over into our school systems with uniforms being the norm to be worn in all schools in this country. I wish I was wrong but I know better. Many will think this Civilian Service Force is a good thing and I do mean Force.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by amari]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by spinkyboo

A governmental body telling the people who employ them-
what they MUST do - or else? Or what? Prison?
What happens if someone chooses not to send their child to be part of a
this incentive based mandatory volunteerism?
Is this democracy?

Shouldn't we ALL be voting on this?
Shouldn't we ALL be made aware of the consequences of such a bill - and
how it might affect us if we don't do what we are expected to do?
Can you imagine how many people don't even know such a bill is being passed?

I'm just saying -
The intention might even be a good one -
but the implementation and execution of this is way off base -

We voted in representatives to vote on these things for us. The US is a republic.

Honestly, I'm tired of this whole "government for the people and by the people" talk. I don't want the general population in charge because the US is full of morons.

I say we destroy the constitution and start over. This whole system is completely outdated.

And another thing....
Why is it that all I see on this site now are people worshipping fox news and Glenn Beck? Before the election, we were all praising Keith Olberman and MSNBC. What gives people??

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Holy mmmmrrmrmr.

If you honestly have an issue spending a couple hours a week volunteering and helping others, you have a SERIOUS problem.

I volunteer. I don't think it's a huge deal. Both my parents volunteer. My friends volunteer. In fact, I'm getting one of the President's awards for volunteering over 100 hours during my Senior year. Honestly, not even that much.

Here's a list to get you started:
Volunteer at a hospital
Make a website to help education
Pick up litter when you go hiking, help out Parks and Rec
Help out at an animal shelter, food pantry, homeless shelter, audobon society, aquarium, museum.
Plant some FLORA

Like, sorry, excuse me, but what is your ISSUE with spending some of your time to help the place that you live? I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant as to not help out a little bit.

So you may not get paid. Whatever. Tons of unemployed people are volunteering now, and most students do it anyway for free. Why? Sometimes as a requirement for school or an organization. Sometimes because, um, it's fun and GOOD to help?

Ugh. Stop being selfish.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

The issue is being forced to do it by the government. There is nothing wrong with volunteering but being forced to do it you are not volunteering.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:29 PM

I dont believe in Obama.. hes a deceiver..
BUT, i think you are all over-reacting.. chill out a bit..
As someone already said, this bill or whatever is just for enable a comission to find the more exact things kids could do, how to do it etc..
I didnt read it.. but maybe you should start by trying to find who this comission is, the people involved etc.. Maybe there is somekind of parents representant or something like that..
Just chill out, breath air and try to see things more in perspective.. Civics learning through experimentation vs inside a class is not a bad thing..
Let me give an example from Portugal.. Albeith it was not initiated by the government.. it was initiated by the university where i used to work and had a participation it..
It was called "Creative Cities" and it was national contest where kids had to study the places where they live, gained knowledge, contact with institutions.. came to know the place where they live and try to be active about it.. In the end they had to make some proposals of things to do there.. And some are being implemented

They had to produce a blog, make a final report and a poster.. There were prizes and all.. It was fun and usefull.. Everyone realized the potential..

So chill before you start panicking and saying Fascism..

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
If you honestly have an issue spending a couple hours a week volunteering and helping others, you have a SERIOUS problem.

if you don't have an issue with the government mandating 'volunteerism' and if you don't have an issue with the potential facist slave state that could easily be built from all this ... then YOU have a serious problem.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:32 PM
and bingo! I was woundering why all the hub bub about ET's, UFO's on CNN..

now I now.. another distraction..

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Jenna
Well, there is now an article about HR 1388 on yahoo.

National service bill to get Obama's signature today

Congress passed the bill last month with largely bipartisan support and Obama is seeking $1.1 billion to fund it next year. Some Republicans complain it is too costly and is an unnecessary intrusion by government into something Americans already do eagerly and in great numbers — helping their neighbors and communities.

One of the few times I side with the Republicans on something.

They also have a spiffy website going for it, and one for the kids too.

Ok, I haven't posted in years...but this is scary. Those two website you listed wreak of facism / communism.

Seriously, its a government website ( but they call themselves a corporation? What exactly does 'volunteerism' have to do with a corporation?!?
Does anyone else see the flow of money thats coming down into these programs? They recieve government 'funding', which the corportation in turns provide down to its 'communities' which supports and takes care of the people that belong to these communities through 'volunteerism'....can anyone say 'Amerika' !!

Holy crap.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Komodo
and bingo! I was woundering why all the hub bub about ET's, UFO's on CNN..

now I now.. another distraction..

I don't think the UFO stuff was just a distraction for this. I believe the UFO stuff has legs.

Also, (no proof), I think ET has been recently given a makeover and the greys will be phased out, in favor of the stick figure ETs.

But I don't want to derail the thread.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:49 PM
I'm pretty sure that every American should volunteer. And by that I mean do something good without being paid.

The end, I'm not going to argue it anymore than that. Most schools already do mandate it. Adults should be mandated too.

*shrug* Sorry.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:53 PM
Of *course* this is indoctrination of our children. Our ENTIRE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM is indoctrination of our children. Kids are not being educated, they are being socialized. The intelligent, creative kids are punished for not fitting the mold, for not toeing the party line. Creativity is punished; obedience is rewarded.

I actually think this compulsory "volunteering" is a good thing. It happens in many countries. It doesn't hurt anyone. Switzerland has compulsive military service. Not that they've had a war in hundreds of years, of course, but still they seem to be doing OK.

But seriously, folks, the time to complain about "indoctrination" has long since passed.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Holy mmmmrrmrmr.

If you honestly have an issue spending a couple hours a week volunteering and helping others, you have a SERIOUS problem.

I volunteer. I don't think it's a huge deal. Both my parents volunteer. My friends volunteer. In fact, I'm getting one of the President's awards for volunteering over 100 hours during my Senior year. Honestly, not even that much.

Here's a list to get you started:
Volunteer at a hospital
Make a website to help education
Pick up litter when you go hiking, help out Parks and Rec
Help out at an animal shelter, food pantry, homeless shelter, audobon society, aquarium, museum.
Plant some FLORA

Like, sorry, excuse me, but what is your ISSUE with spending some of your time to help the place that you live? I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant as to not help out a little bit.

So you may not get paid. Whatever. Tons of unemployed people are volunteering now, and most students do it anyway for free. Why? Sometimes as a requirement for school or an organization. Sometimes because, um, it's fun and GOOD to help?

Ugh. Stop being selfish.

Volunteering is great. My wife and I volunteer when we have time and so will our kids. I have spent countless hours building and maintaining hiking and mt. bike trails from Ohio to North Carolina. I donate money and supplies when possible to other causes. I've taught inner city youth how to sail, I've volunteered at a Therapeutic Horseback Riding center etc etc etc.

I volunteer because I want to. I volunteer for the intrinsic value and reward of volunteering. This intrinsic component is completely lost when you are mandated to serve and when you are told where to serve. If you really believe that these new "volunteers" will be able to choose their assignments, I've got some beautiful move in ready homes to sell you in Urban Detroit.

Furthermore, this program will target students as young as 6th grade for actual service projects and the "lessons" will be taught/started at an even younger age. Not to mention, High School kids will be expected to mentor Middle school kids. Talk about a disaster.

Hey parents, mentor your own children before the local High School troublemakers and disadvantaged youth do it for you.

Is this Indoctrination of our youth??
Why does the language in the bill go to the extreme ends in defining "disadvantaged youth"?

If your English skills are less than proficient (with no definition of proficient) you are disadvantaged. I can imagine an endless supply of youth who fit into this category these days.

The language in the bill is vague and subject to great interpretation.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 03:04 PM
I'm not American. I feel frightened for your citizens when I read this however.

I really don't understand how anybody that lives there can support something like this? Do you really want government controlling any aspect of 'volunteer' work?

What kind of work these students would be doing is another question that needs to be addressed. Will they be feeding the homeless? I doubt it.

I see this causing more problems then it solves. It is basically another step towards taking parenting out of the parents hands and into the governments hands. This gives parents more time to focus on working for society rather then being a parent. It is essentially a small step towards indoctrinating the youth into growing up to live for a governmental society rather then for themselves. Instead of running volunteer work through the government, why doesn't the USA work on something that makes a little more public health insurance. Well, I guess they can't afford that anymore.

Is this volunteer work on top of regular school hours? Now, this might be a stretch but...
Volunteering might be easy for some students, but many outcasts are already emotionally exhausted from a day of school. It takes everything for some of them to keep it after a day of bullying they'll have to most likely do volunteer work alongside their bullies for additional time every day. My high school days were hell (not from bullying, but because of anxiety disorders) and I couldn't imagine doing something like this.

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