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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
reply to post by RichM

Man, this is bringing even lurking atheists out of the woodwork. Two posts in your entire profile and one is to ME. I love it.

Yes Islam as a whole hates Christians, we are an ally to the Jews as much as most of you hate the sound of that. I'm not making the news here, I'm just reporting it.

another sign of a person who's lost an argument... hes stopped trying to make his point, and is now fallowing back to personal attacks on people one at a time, yaaay i can't wait for my turn.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni

You don't want to tell me how you feel about Israel? BTW we are talking religions, and I think it was you who started talking muslim and other religions to begin with, so shouldn't Jewish be allowed?

besides barely being able to understand that, it just seemed like a desperate attempt to change the subject again, no we weren't talking about religions, we were talking about children being brainwashed by christian extremist, you came to there defense, now that you've utterly lost, your trying to change the subject,

ps, closed shop eh? more like losing faith in your own twisted ideals.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Yes Islam as a whole hates Christians, we are an ally to the Jews as much as most of you hate the sound of that

Once again, explain us why we could potentialy hate the sound of that and why ?

the word "Atheists" sound kinda like and insult in your post, and you dare talking about "good and tolerance"

Before being an "atheist" im an individual with my own beliefs, being an atheist dont make better or worse than anyones, my beliefs is not a determinant fact for my person and i dont have to be relegated as the simple definition of "atheist" si if you're able to do the effort to understand it, i could simply call "christian guy"

anyways, remember, our beliefs dont determin who we are, beliefs dont create individuals, individuals create beliefs

[edit on 14-4-2009 by OTTOKARMA]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:42 PM

BTW we are talking religions

absolutey not, we're talkin about thoses kids being brainwashed.
so please, You , dont twist my words

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Labeling on this thread is insane... and takeing this off topic.

Fact is, she is not raiseing a relgion, she is raiseing a brain washed army, in the name of altered words. and the being to speak reason to these children is convienetly out of bounds, as was seen at the end of this file...

Its not right, and its sad to see people allow it... The focal point is not the kids and labeling (insert name here) its the woman that apparently has found a way to set this scheme up and still trains these camps. She is the sole reason for this entire thing.

The bad thing is, this could get seriouse depending on what her plan is of a "war". and the legnths of leaders like this ability is vast and will cause alot of damage and deaths.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:34 PM
Another nail in the coffin for organized religion ....

For anyone who is interested, the flip side to this video is:
Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West (which you can download in DVD format) that video too shows how children are being programed.

Truly chilling watching children being encouraged to declare themselves martyrs for Allah, crying as they recite an oath to war against the infidel. These are just young children, being encouraged to sacrifice their lives for their faith by killing themselves.

All beliefs have radicals. Typically you will find these types of personalities are radical regardless of their belief. Radical Christians, radical Muslims, radical eco warriors, even radical conspiracy theorists ...
Its just human bloody nature in some folk to be radicalized in what they believe. All out or nothing at all type mentality.

Of coarse this type of film gives plenty of ammo to the God haters, and rightly so. But in all honesty it doesn't take much to find this personalty type in all walks of life. Religious aspects aside, I've met bikers, where if you even so much as touch their bike, they will hospitalize you. That isn't an exaggeration either, they will literally beat the living #*^% out of you. Its a bike! made of metal, a machine. But it goes to show how many people, from many walks of life can become radicalized, and not just faith based people either.

Its a part of the human psych. We are all receptors to suggestion and influence. Its easy to watch a video and condemn Christians for this type of behavior. Hell there would be NO WAY I'd let my children anywhere near the people in that video. But then again, we indoctrinate our children into the schooling system easy enough ....

Its a cray world out there, and keeping a balanced view, and a broad perspective is all important in a world of radical beliefs, faith based or otherwise.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by stereovoyaged
reply to post by Bombeni

No my friend, the taliban and Al Queada are the enemy, not muslims or Islam. There is a big difference

[edit on 14-4-2009 by stereovoyaged]

So, you are likewise admitting that the Christian religion and Christians had/have nothing to do with the worn out claims here at ATS that Christianity/Christians is the reason for The Crusades, burning at the stake, and what happened to the kids on this video?

THANK YOU. This is a major breakthrough. Newsflash!!!

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:06 AM
that video is not that far fetched where I am at. I like to tell people I am in the buckle of the bible belt. My beliefs are not the same as everyone elses. And I don't expect them to be. I will not force my beilef on anyone and I expect the same in return. I can't find fault in adults joining into this type of thing as it is their choice. I do think that kids should not be forced into following something they do not yet understand. So I agree with the OP in that this is not right in my book.

My daughter is an agnostic, but asks some very thought provoking questions. She thinks about God and tries to understand things for herself. I hope she comes to the same conclusion I did, that God is real and will love you and help you if you just talk to him. Maybe I am doing the wrong thing by not taking her to church. I won't know the answer to that untill she is grown and has kids of her own.

I personaly believe that todays religion has been corrupted over time and is not about helping someone form a relationship with God, but more about forming an outlet for 10% of their earnings. Church is big business. there are some that still operate for the soul and not for the $oul. Just not enough in my book.

God is simple, be a good person, help others any chance you get, don't be afraid to ask God for help or direction, and be mindfull of the devil. I believe you can live your life that way, enjoy a sunrise and thank God for showing it to you, and never attend church and still be a good christian, or whatever you want to call yourself.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

What?? I said what to the who now?? I said Islam and muslims are not the enemy. I'm not sure what you read

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

I don't want to jump on the "give you a hard time" bandwagon, but read a history book about the crusades and the inquisition. It realy did happen and it realy was a bad idea. And it realy was people claiming to be christians. It is a clasic example of what happens when a group tries to impose their will on the unwilling. That guy Adolf tried it as well.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by network dude]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:16 AM
Perhaps you didn't read the point of irony I was trying to make.

Of course The Crusades, burning at the stake, and this video is about religion. The taliban and al queda IS also about the muslim religion.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by network dude

Not only were they claiming to be Christians, at the time they were "Christianity", they were sent by the church , for the church, with the purpose of converting (or forcing, depending on how you take a sword to the neck) non believers. Organized religions are like the borg. Resistance is futile

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

I couldn't agree more about organized religion. I avoid it like the plaque and Jesus warned against it, He told His followers to go into their closets to pray. He called the Jewish priests on the carpet for being religious phonies.

Edit to add: that is not to say that there are not any churches that are good and strive to stay with the true teachings of Christ.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

I have missed the irony quite a bit lately. I guess my mind is slowing down in old age. It's time for the glue factory I guess.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

Al Queda and the Taliban are not the voice of Islam tho. The Crusades and Spanish Inquistion where. They were sent by the church. Not condemned as acts of terrorism are. I'm not against religion by any means, only the crazy, brainwashed, self rightious, arrogant , know it all, intollerant, hatred spewing, zombie brained lunatics that go with ALL RELIGIONS. Wow...kinda blacked out there for a minute, what happened??

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

By all means, I was raised in the Salvation Army, (in Canada they are a religion just like the catholics or whatever) and they do a tremendos amount of work, and thats great. Its when they tell ppl what they should believe to be right or wrong, going agaisnt free will, influencing life decisioins. Religion is healthy for ppl to have in thier lives...i guess, i dunno, i'm devoid of it, Im not athiest, I just have no clue what there is in this world...and you know what, neither do any of you for that matter. So, I am not attacking you my friend, unless your a racist, fanatical christian who thinks i'm going to hell because i havnt' accept jesus in to my life and blah blah blah billy graham, blah blah blah God created, blah blah blah everlasting life, if you are, then grow up and accept everyone's belief as thier own.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by redhead57

I agree that there is no difference between Hard line Christians, Muslims and Jews. These children are being abused what with the guilt and all. These women who put this camp together disgust me, total pigs. Jesus didn't teach making war. There's some serious disharmony here. Sad fact

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by OTTOKARMA

The concept of duality has been the basis of dogmas and doctrines for millennial. One simply cannot exist without the other.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

Please don't use isolated incidents involving unbalanced people as the reason to deny the truth that was in Jesus.

Normally any adult that has invisible friends, voices in their heads is considered unbalanced.

Needles to say you are of the agreement that grooming children to believe in invisible beings is a form of abuse, when the said being is a self confessed abuser ?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by moocowman
reply to post by Bombeni

Please don't use isolated incidents involving unbalanced people as the reason to deny the truth that was in Jesus.

Normally any adult that has invisible friends, voices in their heads is considered unbalanced.

Needles to say you are of the agreement that grooming children to believe in invisible beings is a form of abuse, when the said being is a self confessed abuser ?

Oh no, I sense an attack of the giant atheists is looming, part two.

I think you are asking if I agree that raising children to know about Jesus is child abuse? You must be kidding.

Here is what I believe, since you seem to show an interest in what motivates me:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one substance with the Father, By whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary And was made man; And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried; And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father; And He shall come again with glory to judge both the quick (living) and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. And I believe one holy Christian and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, And I look for the resurrection of the dead, And the life of the world to come. AMEN.

Listen I know ATS is dominated by the God-less, and the highly evolved I-Am-My-Own-God creatures of the 21st century, and a handful of cosmic moonchildren who believe in something but they don't know what. You are free to not believe in God at ATS, and I am free TO believe in Him. I'm not going to get into a battle with you, though I know you're just foaming at the mouth.

My LAST comment to you, and I'll save you the trouble of listing them, is, that the Gospel of Jesus isn't about the people in the OP's video, it's not about the people who perpetrated the Crusades, it's not about the people who burned others at the stake, and it's not about me or what you think about me. Jesus didn't dictate any of the misuse of His Gospel, that is the doing of people and their free wills.

None of the above-referenced people can save your soul, only belief in Jesus Christ can do that. Likewise, none of the above-referenced people can cause you to lose your soul, that's of your own free will. Everything else is moot.

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