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Michael Jackson

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posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 02:46 PM
All I can say is... Y'all just jealous...
Why not be just happy for the guy for being so succesfull in his life???

I'm happy for him...
I'm happy for Michael Jordan
I'm happy for Bill Gates


posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 02:57 PM
Is it true he was black one day? LOL

He's a freak imho, that incident in Germany with the baby

posted on Feb, 5 2003 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
All I can say is... Y'all just jealous...
Why not be just happy for the guy for being so succesfull in his life???

I'm happy for him...
I'm happy for Michael Jordan
I'm happy for Bill Gates

...hmmm...Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan and Saddam Hussien could also be termed successful in their respective countries/circles...

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 10:17 AM
But he ain't no murdering maniac like them...

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 10:30 AM
You know that time when he baby-dangled? Well that night, not knowing of the events until 12:00 when I watched the daily show, that bight I walked by his hotel in Berlin on a trip with my school. It was a major coincidence, thank god I didn't see him in person.


posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 01:03 PM
Whoa! major cognitive dissonnance time! I am agreeing with Lupe.

Paedophilia abuse is the latest hysterical witchhunt akin to "satanic ritual abuse" in the 90's, "Repressed memory syndrome in the 80's" "stranger danger" earlier etc.

Sure its aweful etc, but that doesn't mean every distorted individual indulges in it. I have heard of fathers being interrogated on the streets when they take their child for a walk or wait for them in a playground.

I imagine that EVERY parent of a child Jacko comes into contact with would ask their kids closely if they were OK, after all if something DID happen, then they could rip millions from him.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 01:28 PM
Ok..Lupe i am on your side with this one ! (please no wise cracks)

I coach my 8 year old daughters basketball team (not very well i will admit) and i have to tell you its nerve racking as hell..Why , becasue of the things that both Lupe and Net have mentioned..child molestation is wrong..very wrong.. but its also gotten to the point that its used (even by kids) to further agendas..

I ask all my parants to stay for the practice, i have asked 1 of the mothers to be my asst coach..i cant risk 1 of the girls getting pissed becasue she is not playing point gaurd and telling someone i touched..As a paid fire fighter in a small community i would more then likely lose every thing i have worked for..

I guess i got a lil off track here..My point is simple this..Child molesting is the battle cry right now..And many folks are suffering becasue of it by being wrongly accused


[Edited on 6-2-2003 by Boomslang]

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 01:34 PM
Stop coaching Bomslang, you are just playing with dynamite ....

OK Wacko Jacko IS sick...

Jackson said that his former wife, Debbie Rowe, agreed to give birth to his first two children because Jackson was so desperate to have kids.

"She did it for me," he said. "She said you need to be a daddy ... and she wanted to do that for me as a present."

He said that after Paris was born "I snatched her and just went home with all the placenta and everything all over her. I'm not kidding. Got her in a towel and ran. They said it was fine ... And I got her home and washed it all off."

The singer said it was his dream now to adopt two kids from each continent of the world.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 02:29 PM
I agree with Gazrock.If someone accused me of such a terrible deed I ,and I was innocent,I would fight it till death.I question the intelligence of any parent who would let their child sleep over with a grown man anyway.My children would never be put in that position in the first place.

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 02:57 PM
I'm not going to harp on it...sooner or later (and likely sooner), another incident will hit, and the spin doctors will be unable to contain it.

Trust me, I realize all too well about false accusations. There is someone very close to me who lost her kids due to false reports, even when the kid confessed to the cops that the only reason she said what she did, was so Nanna would take her to see Mickey Mouse! So trust me, if I didn't think he was guilty, I'd certainly never say a word against him. You only have to read the baby grab quote in Netchicken's post to see this man's totally gone....

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 07:25 PM
I've just watched Michael Jackson's concert - it was excellent!

Humanistically speaking, I seperate a person's value and gifts from their behavious.

I agree that Mr. Jackson presents many odd behavious and values, however, I am not his judge nor jury.

As a professional psychotherapist, I see many issues to explore and hopefully Mr. Jackson would work through those - however, that would be his choice, not mine.

I'm not on this Earth to meet others expectations, nor they to meet mine - Fritz Perls

posted on Feb, 6 2003 @ 09:22 PM
I've been listening/half watching the 20/20 version of the Michael Jackson interview, I must say that I was very disturbed. The segment where he was trying to feed his 'son' through a veil, very disturbing. I really feel sorry for the kids that he is trying to raise. Just thought I'd share my brief take on this.

posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 05:49 AM
"Whoa! major cognitive dissonance time! I am agreeing with Lupe."

Yes. I myself was shocked when I first realised that people who disagreed with me on one point weren't diametrically opposed to every view point I held.

welcome to the wonderful world of diverse opinions and complex social interaction.

If we can train MT69 to stop grunting and throwing his faeces at us whilst madly gesticulating towards circles he's drawn in the sand with his club like non opposing digits we may be able to get something akin to an actual discussion going on.


posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 06:44 AM
didnt anyone see the interview with his ex- wife?

ok, michael- looks weird. yeah, well i say jordan the model looks weird. some ppl think i look weird so what. stop being so superficial.
i dont for one minute believe that he's a paedophile- i mean geez, his whole nature is just not like that. if other ppl used what he does as an excuse for getting to kids then thats just sick and i think that will happen. about 1% of the entire world are like jackson and i think there should be more ppl like him. call me weird if you like but thats what i think

posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 07:22 AM
you think that over 63 million people
should have written earth song?

you ~are~ weird

posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 10:43 AM
John Wayne Gayce was a clown who entertained at kids' parties...until they found several bodies buried under the crawlspace of his house....

posted on Feb, 9 2003 @ 03:10 AM
Having just watched most of the docu, I think Jacko was suckered into it.

The interviewer found that he had a slightly wierd subject and as he went on desperatly tried to find an angle to hang his interview on, so it could sell. He found it with some dubious discussions and heaps of inference.

The guy was set up to sell the docu, the interviewer is the sort of tabloid trash that have persecuted wacko jacko all his life.

OK he's nuts but emotionally stunted nuts, not criminally nuts.

posted on Feb, 9 2003 @ 07:30 AM
Feb. 8 � Although Michael Jackson says in a new documentary that he has had only two operations on his nose, a leading plastic surgeon believes he has had so much work done that he is now a "nasal cripple."

Dr. Pamela Lipkin, a prominent plastic surgeon in New York City who has studied photographs taken of Jackson at a California court appearance in November � in which his apparently scarred nose was covered by a small transparent bandage � believes something went wrong.

"What I think happened recently is that something in his nose � a graft, an implant, something � has now come out through the skin," said Lipkin, a nasal specialist who is not Jackson's doctor and has never examined him in person. "He's really got a hole in his skin."

"Michael Jackson has what we call an end-stage nose, a crippled nose, a crucified nose � one that's beyond the point of no return," she said.

Link -

posted on Feb, 10 2003 @ 07:15 PM
I just got a look today at Jackson's older kids and assuming nothing has been done to alter their appearance (outside of the veils), I'd say that he's not their biological father. I'd sure like to see a paternity test done.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 11:12 PM
Just watched the interview on DateLine. I think the guy that did the interview is the monster. He tryed to hard to make mountains of of mole hills. Granted, MJ is a bit off beat and most likely "did" lie about his face but all in all he is ok I think. After all, this guy has been a star since he was very very young. Between that and having 300 million bucks in the bank your going to be a bit strange to us average folk. So what if he wants to live like " Peter Pan" and live a fantasy life. He got the money to do it!!!. As for raping kids, I don't think so and he sure does a lot for children to make there lives better. I say leave him alone to his fantasy land.
I think the guy doing the interview was trying to make his claim to fame but trying to bring down MJ.

[Edited on 29-11-2002 by Skeptical Believer]

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