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Past Life Readings (Angelic lineage?)

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posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:23 PM
Hi, this is my first post, everyone. I was really wondering about others having past life information that have not come from direct recollection, but from an external source, like past life regression, clairvoyancy, etc. I can enjoy reading these accounts, as they can often have much to share, especially the more spiritual ones.

I also wanted to share something for myself. A few years ago, I got a past life reading from a (credible) clairvoyant. I did not ask for this, I had turned to her for more general guidance, but that is what I got. It seemed to show me a kind of history of my incarnations here on Earth. I do not feel sure that it’s really true, I guess there is about a 50/50 chance, but that is not so important to me as I don’t feel any particular need to identify with that. But I do think it’s good for spiritual inspiration, and it brings a form of hope, so that is mostly why I would like to share it.


She said the first image that came to her when she tuned in on me was of an angel, a very pure, delicate, and fine angel, and that my soul was originally from the angelic line of evolution before I started incarnating as a human. Though she said this is not so uncommon, but maybe like 1% of humanity. She said the human evolution of pain and resistance is a thousand times faster than the angelic evolution of love and joy, so that is one reason for it, but that it’s also a form of sacrifice, as that is the nature of those beings. She said the meaning of the word angel is messenger, and that angels come to Earth as messengers of God’s light, love, and joy to humanity, to give encouragement, and to build light into matter. She said it’s like angels sacrifice themselves into darkness, and often go down to dark people and places on Earth, to help, and to create light in matter.

She that said one of my first incarnations was at the time of Atlantis. She said then I was still very spiritual and pure, like a little goddess, and I was working with some spiritual energies, or a feminine form of spiritual energy, in a temple there. She said there were some great black magicians that I was working amongst, who were very egoistical and working for themselves, and trying to compete with each other by creating different horrendous things. But she said I was very delicate and they didn’t see me as any threat so they let me be among them. She said I was trying to help manifest positive energy to help keep the balance so there wouldn’t become too much negative energy so it would tip over and things would go wrong. But there was far too much negative energy compared to that fine, angelic energy I was trying to manifest, so that didn’t succeed.

Then she said after that I incarnated in Egypt, and it was as if I had gotten more power, or more strength at my disposal. She said there we who worked for the light were stronger and more successful, and were able to create a strong pillar of light there that no one could touch, and made a good civilisation there. She said one of the magicians from Atlantis was also incarnated there, but this time he wasn’t allowed to gain as much power.

Then she said I had some beautiful incarnations in Greece, very beautiful lives where there was much joy of life, and it was like I was learning to more enjoy physical existence. She said I was doing spiritual and artistic work, and I very much enjoyed using my body like dancing, acrobatics. She said she could also see I had been at Knossos, and we had a very spiritual civilization there.

She said after that I had some incarnations as an Indian temple dancer. It was a beautiful temple with gold on the roof, and we were like a community of women who were kept apart from the outside world, and we were supposed to be kept very pure. We weren’t allowed to eat meat or many types of food, mostly juices of fruits, vegetables, and we also weren’t allowed to see any men.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:25 PM

She said we we danced to give people spiritual inspiration, and when we danced it was like they got a higher ideal, a higher light, built into them, and it was a source of upliftment for the people. And she said that went well for many incarnations, but then in one lifetime there was a young man who was making deliveries, and we started talking to each other. And we became more and more happy for each other, we fell in love, and then one day we gave into our feelings and I got pregnant. And they noticed that I was dancing with a bigger and bigger stomach, but they didn’t know what to do about me, then one night I escaped to get married to that man. She said that was a shock for me, because up until then I had been very shielded, but now I had to get accustomed to a normal human life with all that it entailed. She said in those incarnations in Greece I had been like a rich mistress with servants, but here in India, I also had some incarnations where I was rich, but I also had many as an ordinary Indian woman where I had to work hard for my family, and my husbands family, and also that I had to bear many children was hard on my body, so in those incarnations I simply went early up again.

Then she said I had another protected incarnation where I was in a Persian harem, it was a great palace there. And she said in those countries it’s actually a protection for women to be in a harem, because they don’t get taken advantage, they enjoy high status, and they are also protected from the men outside. She said it was a very fine emperor I had, I was fond of him, and I was happy when he came to me. And she said there we didn’t have to work so we could be more artistic. She said we all had something we could do, some could sing and some could dance, but in that lifetime I was weaving tapestries, artistic picture rugs.

She said in my next lifeitme I was born into a poor Persian family who sold me to a rug manufacturer when I was a young child. She said we were like child labourers who had to sit on the floor and work all day, and if we didn’t weave enough we would get beaten. She said there was a little boy there who I sort of adopted like my younger brother, it was like he was under my protection and I helped him. I was very good with my hands so I would take his rug and weave on it so he could get some rest and he wouldn’t get beaten. She said I was the most happy when I could weave with the blue colour, as opposed to the red, but apart from that I didn’t have much joy in that life. But she said I was being used as a channel for the light in that life, so that people who bought the rugs, and walked on them and hung them up on their walls got more light into their homes. But this was something unconscious for me, I wasn’t supposed to know that when I was a little girl sitting there weaving rugs.

Then she said in my next life I was again born into a poor family, a Palestinian family, and there there was an older wealthy man who lived on the same street who saw me and fell in love with me, and he married me and saved me from poverty. She said that man was the same as the little boy from my last life and the young man I married in India, it’s like we incarnate together. And she said there I had a good life with him. She said as long as I was with him, I was happy, and the children I had with him I was also very happy for. She said that I was modest, I was good at sharing, and when I had something the other people in the village also had something.

She said after that I left the East behind and came to Europe. And she said there she could actually see me working as a maid, because many were poor at the time. And she could see me striving hard scrubbing pots and pans in the kitchen.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Summerday]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:27 PM
But she said the people I was working for noticed I had fine hands and I was more artistic, and I was allowed to come upstairs and do finer work and become a kind of playmate for the children of the people I was working for, and I was very happy for that. Because she said I was much more for joy than for hard work, and I’m still not that good. She said that still I can be unrealistic, because I’m used to from my angel kingdom that I can just think of something and it manifests instantly, but here on Earth you need to learn how to work in physical matter and be more patient.

She then basically said I shold focus more on spiritual and artistic work and that would make me feel better. She said I needed to regain my connection with God, with Christ, with Mother Mary, and with my angel kingdom, and that it was much easier for me than for most people, because I was much purer and ligther in my being. She said it was now time for me to wake up and do my lightwork on Earth. That there are people waiting for me to wake up, there are animals waiting for me to wake up, for me to help them.


Well, I hope some will find some inspiration from this. I don’t have much personal attachment to this myself and don’t spend much time thinking about it because I feel it’s a bit much to ask and I’m not sure if it’s true. It also might have been that she tuned in to someone else. But I do feel that it’s authentic, because it was much more detailed than this and it was read out on tape, and there is no way someone could have thought of something like that on the spot.

I see this as a typical lightworker background, and I think there have always been more spiritual souls sent in to incarnate to help lift the culture and balance the materialism and spirtual blindness. And that there are souls who incarnate downwards, or descend, as opposed to the usual human way of evolving through the animal kingdom on Earth, and that these are more responsive to spiritual ideas. I’m also interested in ideas about souls from the angelic lineage incarnating and if anyone has anything to say about this?

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Summerday]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Summerday
my soul was originally from the angelic line of evolution before I started incarnating as a human. Though she said this is not so uncommon, but maybe like 1% of humanity.

I'm not sure if I follow you. Did she say that 'angels' were part of evolution and that they procreated with humans? that's not possible. Angels are pure spirit. They can't copulate or interbreed with humans. They dont' even do it with each other.

Aliens that people think are angels? yes.
Angels themselves? No.

As for the thing about you being special .. being part of only 1% of humanity ... lots of 'fortune tellers' like to tell the person being read something special about them so they will come back. Cults and religions do it all the time. You are chosen .. you are special ... you have a special mission ... God has picked you for a certain job or mission .... etc etc It's part of that make you feel good so you'll come back and donate money/time thing.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 04:19 PM
As I understand it, it doesn’t have anything to do with physical evolution, but is referring to souls from another spiritual line of evolution who choose to incarnate as humans. I have also read about souls, like Mother Mary, completing both evolutions at once. There are also many who teach that human incarnations are how angels grow, and that angels are even former humans.

And as for me feeling “special”, I was just saying how I don’t feel sure it’s about me and it doesn’t have significance to me in that way. Besides, 1% is still quite a large number, and not really enough to make you unique. Anyway, the way I see it, all souls are spiritual in their origin, so it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a human or an angel soul.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Summerday
(credible) clairvoyant.

Interesting . . .

Originally posted by Summerday
And that there are souls who incarnate downwards, or descend, as opposed to the usual human way of evolving through the animal kingdom on Earth, and that these are more responsive to spiritual ideas. I’m also interested in ideas about souls from the angelic lineage incarnating and if anyone has anything to say about this?

I am not an expert on reincarnation, but 'descending' through successive incarnations is something I've not really heard before, particularly in the absence of ongoing 'evil' deeds. It was my impression the whole object was to better oneself spiritually; i.e., an 'ascending' direction. And starting out as an Angel, becoming something akin to a 'White Sorceress,' on to a dancer, poor laborer, etc.?

Wondering if anyone else may have some input on this - the concept is interesting.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Wonderer77
I am not an expert on reincarnation, but 'descending' through successive incarnations is something I've not really heard before, particularly in the absence of ongoing 'evil' deeds. It was my impression the whole object was to better oneself spiritually; i.e., an 'ascending' direction.

This is not a foreign concept to me. There are also spiritual teachers who teach that souls first descend to lower states of consciousness, and then only start to ascend when they have reached a bottom point (which might be different for everyone). This is different to the more widespread idea that human souls start out their journey as small sparks of atomic matter and evolve from there. I think the idea is that there are other classes of souls who have gone through a similar type of evolution in the spiritual realms so they don’t need to start at that low point when they enter physical incarnation.

But I see no reason why both paths can’t exist. I think there are other ways of souls to evolve than through physical incarnations, and that this is maybe for the minority. Completing all of your evolution on the physical plane I think is the typical human path, but that it by no means apply to all of us here.

Originally posted by Wonderer77
And starting out as an Angel, becoming something akin to a 'White Sorceress,' on to a dancer, poor laborer, etc.?

I think when a soul like that enters human evolution they virtually become a human, for most intents of purposes, and are subject to the same rules and way of evolution. So someone like that will also descend to lower levels of consciousness, generate and having to balance karma, and pretty much end up indistinguishable from other humans with time. And I believe that the purpose of angelic souls incarnating is not to have glory, but to serve and make sacrifices, and someone like that may even be willing to put themselves in bad situations they haven’t earned or take on some burdens for others.

Originally posted by Wonderer77
Wondering if anyone else may have some input on this - the concept is interesting.

Welcome to ATS.

Thanks, I don’t really care if people believe any of this, that is not why I wrote it. I just think it’s an interesting concepts and am interested in hearing from others with similar backgrounds, or any kind of interesting soul history. I just thought it might be an inspiration for “lightworker” type of souls, who are mostly "asleep" and could use some encouragement

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Summerday]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 05:27 PM
Some believe that YES there is a human angelic lineage but not all human beings are from that lineage.

To the OP:

Some of your lifetimes jibe with some of mine.

We must know oneanother on an energetic level.


[edit on 13-4-2009 by cindymars]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Summerday
I’m also interested in ideas about souls from the angelic lineage incarnating and if anyone has anything to say about this?

One of the people I know as WAB whom i've spoken with in a chatroom says that he's 50% human, 25% angel, and 25% demon but unfortunatly he didn't feel like going into it any more than that. Nice guy and all though. I've also heard of people whom have had past lives of alien races.

Nowadays i feel that the purpose of reincarnation is for the evolution of our souls through experiences interacting on the physical plane. (Maybe I should get more involved in the interacting part.) Another associate of mine whom i've known for a few years feels he has the soul of a fox, which implies to me an evolution of the soul. For a brief while I wondered for whatever reason, if I started out as an angel, but I just accept I have a soul and it is what it is. I don't see why there would not be people who started out higher up on a spiritual level and dropped down to a corporeal being for life lessons. I even feel that "demons" could progress up the spirtual path as well... maybe that explains those corporeal succubae WAB mentioned.

Would racism disapear if everyone believed in reincarnation?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I'm not sure if I follow you. Did she say that 'angels' were part of evolution and that they procreated with humans? that's not possible. Angels are pure spirit. They can't copulate or interbreed with humans. They dont' even do it with each other.

How could anyone possibley know that?

I think we are all fallen angels.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 03:50 AM
Thank you for sharing this with us, Summerday. The information you posted does give me hope and I feel that there might be something to this.

I have had only one experience with past-life memory, and it has some similarities to what you have described. So, I was in a trance-state listening to some amazing music. I was pretty deep in trance when I had a "flashback" come to me. I have goosebumps typing this right now. I was standing outside of a giant library-like building with big wooden (or metal) doors. There was a female companion next to me. I "knew" that this library-like building was magical. I sensed that a great black magician had been working there or built the building. I remember wanting to go inside, I don't remember anything more.

I know this never happened to me, i may have dreamed this one night and it randomly came back to me during the trance, but i have never had a memory or dream come flashing back like this. In the trance I was in, I was deffinately on the "other side," so it seems to make sense than this memory came from the "other side."

I have been "waking up" in this past year more than ever. I am becoming aware of many more patterns and concepts. I try to live with compassion, and to remember why I am here right now. I have been very shy most of my life. I am learning how to have courage and how to give love, light, energy to those around me. Perfection is something which I strive for and takes work to achieve. But this is the point of the journey.

Whether or not the "angelic connection" is true or not, learning to live with compassion, love, and light, and sharing it with others is something we can all learn and teach.

Thank you again Summerday, your essence is beautiful and I hope that your days and nights are filled with love and light.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Yes thanks, I want to do some more writing on this when I have the time, because it think there are many who come from similar backgrounds. Not necessarily identical, but who have had much of their evolution on the spiritual planes. Especially in spiritual circles I would think this is pretty common. Not that I see someone coming from this kind of background as any different or less human than anyone else, more just having a more spiritual orientation and attraction to these things. As opposed to someone with a very materialistic view who feel that all spirituality and religion is simply a control measure with no reality behind it, etc.

Anyone interested can find more information on this by googling phrases like ”incarnated angels” “angels incarnating as humans” or “incarnated devas”. Here is a description I came across:

“Angelic spirits sometimes incarnate in waves to help raise the consciousness on the planet. Often they are born into families where they feel very different from their relatives. Sometimes they find themselves in difficult life situations. Their human nature can often become confused when they look at their life and surroundings. They often have to learn how to be in a body and effectively live in the earth plane. Yet, their all-knowing higher self knows that their true intent for being here is to shine light--regardless of their difficulties--to help bring more light vibrations into the denser energies which still exist here on earth.”

This is a good, more complex article on the subject, which is known within teosophy:

One thing that’s struck me lately is that it seems like most of the “lightwork” is done by your soul or higher self without your conscious cooperation. Of course if you can do it consciously that is even better, but I don’t think that is what it’s about for the most part. It’s more like transmitting energy or consciousness and being a source of inspiration, probably without your own knowledge in most cases. I’ve also read about people being in that situation as being low on energy, or having little energy for personal things, because of spending so much of their energy on sending light and healing into the surroundings. Like I said, this is not really about “glory”, but about work that is largely invisible, and that you don’t receive any recognition from humans for.

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