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Mind Control to the Masses - My question

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posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:02 AM
I have to say first that my knowledge in this area is very limited, in fact almost completely non-existent but I do find it interesting.

I have an honest question. If mind control has been going on so long and has evolved into a science as many say, then why haven't the people doing it mind controlled the entire population? I can see no downside to controlling the entire population of the planet, so why hasn't it been done?

If this is indeed a way to get people to do things for you, then wouldn't you want all people doing these things for you and not questioning you or giving any chance that you might be found out? Is it that the delivery system for it hasn't evolved yet? I have seen some threads that talk about ultra low frequency waves being used to control some people, if they can do this then why hasn't it been delivered to everyone, after all, we're all exposed.

I don't doubt that governments have done experiments on this sort of thing nor do I doubt that people have been used to do nefarious things. Why hasn't the entire population been used?

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:10 AM
My question is asked seriously. Please let me know what you think the answer is.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Yep we know people in uk and usa are under it. You can see from comparing different countries and how the peoples react to situations.

So just look though the threads and you can see that it is used alot, and i cannot understand how anyone can come to the conclusion it is not.

There is mass mind control, and then there is mind control they use on individuals. But i doubt every individual is mind cond controlled, it must be a certain percentage, that they are all the time controlling, or monitoring.

But remember mass mind control, and individual mind control are two different things.

Everyone is mind controlled to a certain degree, so yeop your right, but it is far more complex than just saying that.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:25 AM
The population is already controlled. This is achieved through passive suggestion. The best example I can give is product advertising.

Many people like to think that they are not susceptable to adverts on bill boards, television etc and that when they go to the supermarket and choice one brand of washing up liquid over another, believe they have made an informed choice. They never question the necessity for washing up liquid! There are other ways to get the dishes clean!

So, you have worked, because work is good, you have paid your dues, because they are a necessary evil and are heavily in debt for your home, vehicle, TV etc. And now you will alot a proportion of your expendable income on products that you probably never needed in the first place!

A huge step of the imagination that this type of mind control is not being systematically employed elsewhere, beyond the realms of product advertising? And if the population believes they are free, they will continue to make such choices that generally result in working hard to make the money to pay taxes, clear debts and buy stuff they probably don't need.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

they have and are trying to control the mind of whole population, it is the free will of some people that must be killed before one can control these same people! which is much harder to control than the mind!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 06:06 AM
I know that advertising could be described as mind control but I was talking more about government mind control.

If they really don't want us knowing about it wouldn't they just do it to the masses therefore nixing the questions in the first place?

Granted that some people might not be susceptible to it, I would think that they would be the minority not the majority and with the majority controlled the minority wouldn't matter.

Anyway, I guess this whole thing just doesn't make sense to me.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:54 AM

Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland.

This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe in.

When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to Project MkUltra. This program is a proven example of 'overt mind control.' The project had grown out of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming.

A crack CIA team was formed that could travel, at a moments notice, to anywhere in the world. Their task was to test the new interrogation techniques, and ensure that victims would not remember being interrogated and programmed. All manner of narcotics, from marijuana to '___', heroin and sodium pentathol (the so called 'truth drug') were regularly used.

Despite poor initial results, CIA-sponsored mind control program flourished. On 13 April 1953, the super-secret project MK-ULTRA was born. Its scope was broader than ever before, and only those in the top echelon of the CIA were privy to it. Official CIA documents describe MK-ULTRA as an 'umbrella project' with 149 'sub-projects'. Many of these sub-projects dealt with testing illegal drugs for potential field use. Others dealt with electronics. One explored the possibility of activating 'the human organism by remote control'. Throughout, it remained a major goal to brainwash individuals to become couriers and spies without their knowledge.

When it was formed in 1947, the CIA was forbidden to have any domestic police or internal security powers. In short, it was authorized only to operate 'overseas'. From the very start MK-ULTRA staff broke this Congressional stipulation and began testing on unwitting American citizens.

Precisely how extensive illegal testing became will never be known. Richard Helms, CIA Director and chief architect of the program, ordered the destruction of all MK-ULTRA records shortly before leaving office in 1973. Despite these precautions some documents were misfiled and came to light in the late 1970's. They laid bare the spy agency's cynicism. Despite the widespread knowledge of MK Ultra and the civil lawsuits that followed, this form of behavior modification is not the most expansive. The real dangers are the types of thought control that are 'covert' and not the subject of several dozen Hollywood movies like "Clockwork Orange" and Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy Theory."

Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland.

This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe in.

When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to Project MkUltra. This program is a proven example of 'overt mind control.' The project had grown out of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming.

A crack CIA team was formed that could travel, at a moments notice, to anywhere in the world. Their task was to test the new interrogation techniques, and ensure that victims would not remember being interrogated and programmed. All manner of narcotics, from marijuana to '___', heroin and sodium pentathol (the so called 'truth drug') were regularly used.

Despite poor initial results, CIA-sponsored mind control program flourished. On 13 April 1953, the super-secret project MK-ULTRA was born. Its scope was broader than ever before, and only those in the top echelon of the CIA were privy to it. Official CIA documents describe MK-ULTRA as an 'umbrella project' with 149 'sub-projects'. Many of these sub-projects dealt with testing illegal drugs for potential field use. Others dealt with electronics. One explored the possibility of activating 'the human organism by remote control'. Throughout, it remained a major goal to brainwash individuals to become couriers and spies without their knowledge.

When it was formed in 1947, the CIA was forbidden to have any domestic police or internal security powers. In short, it was authorized only to operate 'overseas'. From the very start MK-ULTRA staff broke this Congressional stipulation and began testing on unwitting American citizens.

Precisely how extensive illegal testing became will never be known. Richard Helms, CIA Director and chief architect of the program, ordered the destruction of all MK-ULTRA records shortly before leaving office in 1973. Despite these precautions some documents were misfiled and came to light in the late 1970's. They laid bare the spy agency's cynicism. Despite the widespread knowledge of MK Ultra and the civil lawsuits that followed, this form of behavior modification is not the most expansive. The real dangers are the types of thought control that are 'covert' and not the subject of several dozen Hollywood movies like "Clockwork Orange" and Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy Theory."

[edit on 23-4-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:00 AM

One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of the television set. This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They're not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations that have interests in defense contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC). This makes perfect sense when you see how slanted and warped the news is today. Examining the conflicts of interest is merely glancing at the issue, although to understand the multiple ways that lies become truth, we need to examine the techniques of brain washing that the networks are employing.

Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. The shift from left to right brain activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural opiates--thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit. It's no longer an overstatement to note that the youth today that are raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens.

The dumbing down of humanity is represented by another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television. Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is "only a film," on a conscious level we do not--the heart beats faster, for instance, while we watch a suspenseful scene. Similarly, we know the commercial is trying to manipulate us, but on an unconscious level the commercial nonetheless succeeds in, say, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever thing is being advertised--and the effect is all the more powerful because it is unconscious, operating on the deepest level of human response. The reptile brain makes it possible for us to survive as biological beings, but it also leaves us vulnerable to the manipulations of television programmers. This is where the manipulators use our own emotions as strings to control us. The distortions and directions we are being moved to are taking place in the subconscious, often undetected.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:03 AM

Turn on your local newscast. You have a few minutes of blue-collar crime, hardly any white collar crime, a few minutes of sports, misc. chit chat, random political jibber-jabber, and a look at the weather that no one is forecasting correctly. Is that what happened in your town? And we're supposed to own the airwaves! The mainstream media openly supports the interests of the prison industrial complex. The stories focus on minority criminal groups, and exploit the real threat to appear much more dangerous than they are. Think about the growing per capita number of prisoners in the country. Then remember that this is happening at the same time that our prison boom began. The police on our streets have created criminals. The focus is to keep us in a state of fear, that way the elitists can attack any group they want to without fear of consequence. This is why the media is continuing to craft the timeless art of dehumanization.

The techniques are increasing in their sophistication over time as the mind scientists that serve the empire continue to discover scientific breakthroughs as to how the human brain functions, learns, retains information, and behaves. The most effective brainwashing techniques are used on the most successful propaganda networks. Examine the music bed that lies low during the fright night scope of the second. It's spooky. I wonder if we are supposed to be thinking with our minds or getting ready for stunt. Observe the graphics with the music. They're glitzy and flashing. Like the monkey that is attracted to shiny objects, it's our monkey hand that controls to remote often stops the search for entertainment when the proper amount of glamour catches their attention. Most importantly, notice the repetition behind the lies that the politicians and their corporate media groupies tell us. You see, the unimaginable fallacies are created as 'truth' not because it's logical or provable, but because of the broken record technique. No matter how ridiculous the lie, it's repeated often enough that the brain doesn't know the difference between reality and nursery rhymes. This technique is under estimated in its ability to allow the puppeteers to hypnotize millions of people. Instead of "Fair and balanced" it's "We say it enough times, and you believe it."

It's a tragic day when the state can monopolize on the enslaving and imprisonment of a population. Hollywood will continue to frighten us with films on the mafia, gangsters, and the corrupt blue collar criminal whose stupidity and greed get them caught. In the end, our minds are already pre conditioned to accept living in a police state economy and society because we read it in the paper, saw it praised on the news and talk shows, or saw it in a movie.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Thank you for this, very informative.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:51 AM
doubled up, ooops!

[edit on 23/4/2009 by teapot]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
I have to say first that my knowledge in this area is very limited, in fact almost completely non-existent but I do find it interesting.

I have an honest question. If mind control has been going on so long and has evolved into a science as many say, then why haven't the people doing it mind controlled the entire population? I can see no downside to controlling the entire population of the planet, so why hasn't it been done?

Well - because there is not a telescreen in every home yet, now is there?

If you are suggesting that mass mind control can be done some other way than the good old fashioned hypno box - then I think the lack of universal mind control IS indeed a good argument that they DONT have any other way (than the media) to control peoples opinions/actions on a large scale.

I assume this is something they are trying to rectify on a fairly aggresive schedule!

Also - you should realize - some people are not very suseptible to hypnosis and/or mind control - and these people must be marginalized and/or arrested/killed - as nothing else will effectively put them unvoluntarily under anothers control.

(They can still be led - if the leader has their respect however)

I think this answers your question!

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by TruthMagnet
Start researching into mind manipulation.

Muzak, micro waves, the genetically altered food and fluoridated water you are drinking, chem trails.

While some things don't necessarily alter your brain (microwaves and sound frequency can)

Other things like fluoridated water, genetically altered food can "predisposition” your brain towards being manipulated.

Anything coming into you (air, water, sound, etc) can alter brain function.

Start researching into mind control. The rabbit hole goes really deep on this one.

The most basic of all facts about brainwashing: In the entire history of man, no one has ever been brainwashed and realized, or believed, that he had been brainwashed. Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators. The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen

"[A]t a distance of one or more rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented with.... One such experiment was carried out in a park at a distance,... [and] a post-hypnotic mental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a minute." - Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky, Critical Evaluation of the Hypnogenic Method

"Eventually - say by A.D. 2000 - perhaps all this depth manipulation of the psychological variety will seem amusingly old- fashioned. By then perhaps the biophysicists will take over with 'biocontrol,' which is depth persuasion carried to its ultimate. Biocontrol is the new science of controlling mental processes, emotional reactions, and sense perceptions by bio-electrical signals." - Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, 1958

"None are more helplessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann W. Von Goethe

* * *

"I certainly could educate a child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalamus. ... I can grossly change his behavior."

- Dr. Karl Priram, director of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory at Stanford University

* * *

"Too many contemporary neuro- and behavioral-scientists seem committed to a narrow, unrealistic view of human social behavior. They focus mainly on the possibility of controling behavior. If this continues, psychotechnology will increasingly become a favorite tool of social and political repression."

- Professor Stephan Chorover, Psychology Today, October 1973

* * *

"[M]ind control is originally established when the victim is a child under six years old. During this formative stage of development, perpetrating cult members systematically combine dissociation-enhancing drugs, pain, sexual assault, terror, and other forms of psychological abuse in such a way that the child dissociates the intolerable traumatic experience."

- Dr. Catherine Gould

* * *

"[W]herever it [the hidden professional body of the mind control fraternity] operated internationally, together with the secret police, was to preserve the secrecy of mind control, since they could systematically certify any person who insisted that he or she had been subjected to such abuse. Now, the conviction of being externally-controlled, of being mind-read or subjected to long-term experimentation with radio-signals was due to the psychoses often referred to as persecution mania, paranoia or schizophrenia."

- Mediaeko (Swedish investigative group)

* * *

"A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System."

- Title of monograph published by Drs. Chaffee and Light, 1934

* * *

"[A]t a distance of one or more rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented with.... One such experiment was carried out in a park at a distance,... [and] a post-hypnotic mental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a minute."

- Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky, Critical Evaluation of the Hypnogenic Method

* * *

"Eventually - say by A.D. 2000 - perhaps all this depth manipulation of the psychological variety will seem amusingly old- fashioned. By then perhaps the biophysicists will take over with 'biocontrol,' which is depth persuasion carried to its ultimate. Biocontrol is the new science of controlling mental processes, emotional reactions, and sense perceptions by bio-electrical signals."

- Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, 1958

* * *

"The ultimate achievement of biocontrol may be the control of man himself.... The controlled subjects would never be permitted to think as individuals. A few months after birth, a surgeon would equip each child with a socket mounted under the scalp and electrodes reaching selected areas of brain tissue.... sensory perceptions and muscular activity could be either modified or completely controlled by bioelectric signals radiating from state-controlled transmitters."

- Curtiss Shafer (electrical engineer, Norden-Ketay Corporation), Speech to the National Electronics Conference in Chicago, 1956

* * *

"The clandestine operator... is trained to believe you can't count on the honesty of your agent to do exactly what you want, or to report accurately unless you own him body and soul."

- Richard Helms

* * *

"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing... a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods." - Aldous Huxley, 1959

There's so many ways "they" can fuc* you up and you won't even suspect your brain has been scrambled. You will think your thoughts and emotions are yours but baby they're not. "They've" got your gray matter in their hands.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:55 AM
Oh - you are correct - I won't deny that they don't soften up the masses with chemicals, food, and injections (so to speak) - but I have yet to see any significant proof that they use any universal form of mind control besides the media to affect beahvior on a large scale.

Again, some people are not really susceptible to mind control, such as myself, and as soon as I learned I was being poisoned I removed all those un-natural chemicals from my diet.

I certainly think and remember more clearly now than before - but unlike the majority of my peers - even under those influences - I was still not particularly susceptible to media manipulation nor peer pressure.

However, certainly, my world view was flawed due to the purposeful and calculated disinformation I was fed in the American Public school system - but fortunately - as an avid reader - I was already aware that somethin was amiss, and that I would have to rely on my own research and investigation to understand much of societies, and the universe's, real nature.

So - my argumnent remains - a lack of significant universal mind control indicates that no such technology is being effectively employed - other than cutural manipulation through a monopoly on the media by a small set of wealthy elitist.

And frankly no other type of manipulation is neccessary - as this is very effective on the majority of Humans out there.

Once they get everyone rfid-enabled and have all buying and selling linked to that system - then total effective control will be in place - and all dissent will be completely ostracised.

It's a good plan - and it is VERY near completion.

After that - when machine/brain plugins become ubiquitous in our species - they may opt for a more direct version of mind control - much like seen in the fictional Borg in Star Trek.

But for all practical purposes - a monopoly over the media is all they need to control the majority of the masses.

And that is why the Internet - in it's present state - is so very dangerous to them and their monopoly.

Expect this to be rectified a.s.a.p.!

[edit on 24-4-2009 by TruthMagnet]

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