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Internet: a conspiracy against conspirators?

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posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 07:03 AM
Since almost every conspiracy theory is aimed at them keeping us dumb and using us, could the internet they invented
to communicate backfire on them?

Internet History

There is so much information at your fingertips right know, they really can't stop you if you wanted to educate yourself about, for example, conspiracy theories.
It gets harder and harder for them to coverup things compared to 50 years ago, because how would one educate oneself
when most of the information available is controlled.

Seeing that a lot of info they wanted to keep under wraps is freely available, could it be the internet got out of "their" control and backfired?

What are your thoughts on this?

[edit on 11-4-2009 by locster]

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 07:06 AM
It's a six of one, half dozen of the other situation. Conspiracy theorists find friends on the Internet. They get their theory "out there".

On the other hand, they run into people like me.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by locster

Since almost every conspiracy theory is aimed at them keeping us dumb and using us, could the internet they invented
to communicate backfire on them?

Internet History

There is so much information at your fingertips right know, they really can't stop you if you wanted to educate yourself about, for example, conspiracy theories.
It gets harder and harder for them to coverup things compared to 50 years ago, because how would one educate oneself
when most of the information available is controlled.

Seeing that a lot of info they wanted to keep under wraps is freely available, could it be the internet got out of "their" control and

What are your thoughts on this?

You make a good point, and it's something I always figured. If anything is going to be straw that breaks the camels back, it quite likely could be the Internet. Too much knowledge, spread to too many people.

But it seems like if we were ever able to get the noose around their neck, and start tightening it, they have so many fail safe situation X scenarios that they can put into action, and at that point the internet means nothing.

Additionally, lets say a major event happened today, if they unplugged the internet then it is no help to us. We need the internet WHEN these things happen, cause no amount of knowledge will save us after a major event, unless its current to the situation. So I think although it is very dangerous to them, it could also be quite benign as well. As I mentioned, they can just pull the plug in the event they need to gain control.

Furthermore, if you need proof of how well the internet works to keep an EVEN GREATER amount of people asleep, go to Youtube and look at the front page. Videos with 12 million views about absolutely nothing. Or ask one of the 11 million WoW addicts how much they know about the world and are actively researching.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 08:03 AM
I gave you a star and flag for bringing attention to this topic.

Although I think the opposite in regards to the actual usefulness of the internet.

Its my opinion that the net is actually making us dumber. No medium exists with more junk-science and pseudo-logic, nor is any medium more suited for actual disinformation or, more accuaratly, MISinformation. While its true(although a weak argument) that the sheer volumn of 'information' may make the above an inevitability, still its that very user-fed content that is most suspect. Fitting that wikipedia, youtube and WoW are mentioned above. The first two being entirely user-fed and the third being, well, a video game/pop-cultural conditioning venue.

Think CB radio updated for a new century with bored college kids playing the role of the new OTR trucker and you have a much clearer view of what the internet actually is.

My two cents at any rate.

[edit on 11-4-2009 by Clark Savage Jr.]

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 08:14 AM
The above posters make a good point.
It could just be another tool for keeping people busy and asleep, but there is a nasty side effect.
Take ATS for example, i would never be able to discuss topics like this without internet with people more educated on the subject.

If you had a idea pop in your head about the news you are watching doesnt sound right to you, but no means of investigating or discussing it, it would probable fade away and you'll forget about it.

Agreed, it is a great tool for distracting people but it's an even more greater tool to the people whom aren't distracted very quickly.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Does that make me some sort of super-multitasker? It seems I've found some way to be a WoW addict and research the world, lurking through ATS as a source..

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:01 AM
meh the people can never be controlled except via absolute exhausting oppressiveness, such as prison camps, OH whats that you say, you built some. WELL YEEEHHAWWW. Lets lock up the populace, starting with the women and children, their the worst..YEEEHAAAWWW.

I like bein a slavedriver..yeehaawww

anyway i was joking there..alternate personality..sorry.

The internet is our way of calling out tanner for the gun fight if you know what i mean, if you dont go watch back to the future 3

They dont like that, socialist state nannies enjoy a level of thinking they never have to answer for their selling out the ports to foreigners, or erecting a crappy fence for too much money. Round abouts, 9-11 not being properly looked into. Things such as these, then they have the gaul to hire ore threaten media to lie. Or the sicophant freaks just do becuase they suck??

Either way its douchbags like me who ruin it for this scheming dreaming populace of religious or anti religious zealots, psychoticly trouncing the earth with ego, rather than ethos, which is a kinder gentler form of ego.

Im just sayin yo, get wit it G

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