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2010-2012: Depopulation of the Planet

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 11:58 AM

could you please point me in the direction of an ancient mayan that predicts that in 2012 we will ascend.

There is no such prediction. Their calender just ends in 2012, there is no descriptions of any kind of what happens then. The theories of "ascension" are new-age fantasies which have been attached to 2012. If you look at the real world you can see if 2012 does indeed refer to anything, it much more morbid. If you think about it such a massive depopulation that kills 80% of the worlds population if anticipated by ancient Mayans would explain why they stopped their calender at 2012.

And you're right the devil(Sumerian masters) are an incredibly intelligent race, they accounted for every loophole in their social matrix, because they know variables that even you and I don't know, they can read our subconscious like a newspaper. The reality they construct for us is almost water-tight.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Also you might be interested to read this thread of mine from last July:Americas Ultra Black Program: Part Two

It contains a variety of info I got 10 years ago from a source of mine who claimed he was CIA(and proved it).I wonder what you think about what he said.

I have also heard about the Reptoids being able to control reality and conscious because they exist in the 5th dimension and that apparently you cant kill them with conventional means.Also,have you ever heard of "Lightwarriors"?I just don't think we are in a situation where there is "no way to avoid it"or "no way out".It seems that your theory states that essentially we are and always have been slaves(for any meaningful time) and that we are destined to extinction............if free will exist and a 'intelligent creator" then I think that is kind of sorry of him(it).Putting us in an unfair situation where we don't know and cant defend our selves against this technology that we haven't evolved enough to make yet.I would analogize it to if the US invaded a preschool!How is that fair,surely the must be species who watch out and make sure lower evolved species(us0 aren't taken advantage of!

[edit on 4/10/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Yes there is an active resistance. In Meiers prophecies of Henoch, apparently some of these ET may even get involved and help the third world countries(Russia and China) in war against the Western countries. The West will be completely destroyed after this war. But our Sumerian masters will just shift base like they have always done and base themselves in China. As said earlier, they are an incredibly intelligent race they can infilitrate any system and bring it under their control.

The Sumerian masters do not actively intervene on Earth, rather they affect the consciousness of people here, they bring them in alignment with their own energy and this is how they can control the world. Why do you think the elite worship them? It is because they are under the influence of their energy and then acts under the influence(but influenced by the Sumerian energy) This is technically not intervention, because the elite choose to work under their energy.

These Sumerian masters feed of our depression, our problems, our negative thoughts. Everytime somebody thinks of something negative it is an invitation for these entities and they attach themselves to you. Are you familiar with near-death reports and auric vision? They report that are shocked to find that around us there demonic entities literally feeding on our soul energy and infilitrating our subconscious. This is what causes us do evil things.

The best resistance you can put up is positive energy, but not by necessarily thinking positive thoughts, you create positive energy through positive intent and to see things as they are. The more you can think critically and independently the more these beings find you repulsive.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

The Sumerian masters do not actively intervene on Earth, rather they affect the consciousness of people here, they bring them in alignment with their own energy and this is how they can control the world. Why do you think the elite worship them? It is because they are under the influence of their energy and then acts under the influence(but influenced by the Sumerian energy) This is technically not intervention, because the elite choose to work under their energy.

Well that is intervention,they are activly affecting the conscious of people here,and they(and the pleadians-I like that spelling better) know we are not yet advanced enough to understand and prevent it.
Also have you heard about how abductees claim that when they pray to be protected in the "light and love of Jesus Christ" the abduction instantly stops?Also I have heard that the Dracs and Greys are actively doing research on controlling the human soul matrix in the Dulce base in New Mexico(I guess you have heard of that base).I aslo understand that some Greys and Reps are trying to help us also.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Circa 2010-2012AD: Depopulation of the planet through WW3: 80% of the worlds population killed, leaving approx 500 million slaves for the Sumerian masters. Main players: USA, EUROPE, CHINA, RUSSIA and ISRAEL.

[edit on 8-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

There is enough mounting evidence to indicate the following in support of this theory:

1. That the mainstream governments of the world have been building underground survival facilities for the past decade at great expense to their peoples and unknown to their peoples.

2. That NASA and the rest of the Astronomy community are aware that Nibiru and Nemesis are currently traversing through our solar system and will shortly be within plain sight of all on earth.

3. That the Galactic Alignment may cause a "pole shift" on Earth. Evidence has been collected and mounting on the magnetic pole shifting from the Arctic region towards Siberia at an alarming rate of speed. If this pole shift occurs, it is perceived that the earth's crust will float atop the mantle causing great destruction, particularly along the coastal regions as giagantic tsunami's and tidal waves would wipe all virtually all life for hundreds of miles inland on every continent on the face of the earth. This would reduce the earth's population from 6billion people down to about 550 million as 90% of the earth's population lives on the coastlines.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:35 PM
I just started reading for the first time jkrog08's amazing threads. How did I manage to miss those? Now I've flagged them so don't be surprised if they've popped up again.
Actually the part 2 one that talks about the dark and light forces really ties into what reconpilot says alot. I keep coming across that disclosure will be forced and we will have to choose. But what the choice is, I'm not sure, although if its a choice between light and dark, go pleiadians go!
One experiencer that I read and followed talked about this "war of contracts" being their attempt to depopulate, and that the moment it lifts off the ground and gets going, this will be breaking galactic law and ets will stop it, and rescue us. But I'm not sure that the initial rescue is with the light forces. We still need to make a choice.

What I do believe is that this is not cut and dried. There seems to be a belief that the sumerian side will win. No, they're not this time. Earth is going to be freed, its people free. That is the prime directive I was told. We will be out from under. So what I think is going to happen is a disclosure and a rescue, though I don't know if some damage won't be done initially.

Positive thoughts and asking for help from our good et neighbors is crucial.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Anyway there are more important matters here in case you missed it. It's just over 1 and half years away.
[edit on 9-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

In a eariler question to you...

So what if 2012 comes and goes without any major changes, how would this play into your faith?

The biggest problem with near future prophecies is they come and go. Looking at prophecies about 2012 that are dated a few years ago or more, the planet Nibiru has been said to be able to be seen with the naked eye by 2009 and then be close enough by Dec 2012 to do all the things suggested.

Well now it is 2009 and there is no planet still to be seen with the naked eye or telescope for that matter. At this close distance there would be millions of amateur telescope photographs of it all over the place, but there isn’t.

As we approach 2012 and these events do not start to manifest then I would think you all need to start to look for the next big date…I say 2028 would be a good one.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I would much rather you be right than me being right. But I am far more likely to be right than you given the evidence:

Do you dismiss the fact that some 6 prophets from different time frames, most before nuclear weapons were even conceived are predicting a nuclear WW3 that depopulates the planet?

Do you dismiss the fact that polical and economic experts are foretelling of deadly civil wars?

Do you dismiss the fact that FEMA is building concentration camps all over America, each which can house tens of thousands of people?

Do you dismiss the fact so many government whistle blowers are saying they(NWO) plan to depopulate the planet.

Do you dismiss the fact that mass population control initatives have been put in place by globalist bodies and food-wars instigated?

Do you dismiss the fact that Billy Meier who has allegedly been in contact with the Pleaidians for 6 decades now, has produced hundreds of photos and videos which have stood up to intense scientific scrutiny, has produced 2500 pages of contact notes, has more than 200 witnesses to the UFO's, is confirmed by government whistle blowers and the disclosure project, has got every prediction correct so far, is also foretelling WW3, many of the events of which he forecasts are forecasted by experts today as well.

If you do dismiss all the above and it turns out you're wrong -this is the price of being wrong:

Can you really afford to be wrong?

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I keep coming across that disclosure will be forced and we will have to choose. But what the choice is, I'm not sure, although if its a choice between light and dark, go pleiadians go!
One experiencer that I read and followed talked about this "war of contracts" being their attempt to depopulate, and that the moment it lifts off the ground and gets going, this will be breaking galactic law and ets will stop it, and rescue us. But I'm not sure that the initial rescue is with the light forces. We still need to make a choice.

What I do believe is that this is not cut and dried. There seems to be a belief that the sumerian side will win. No, they're not this time. Earth is going to be freed, its people free. That is the prime directive I was told. We will be out from under. So what I think is going to happen is a disclosure and a rescue, though I don't know if some damage won't be done initially.

Hello Mystig, I too feel this using my Iconoclastic visionary eyes. I can see that if the pole shift occurs Antarctica will once again become clear of ice and obstetrical. Disclosure will be forced. There will be many great questions that must be answered in truthfulness.

The choice is whether to take a chance on living on the surface, or going subterranean. My choice is already made in that I will remain where I am because it appears dreams can not transcend into the deepest recess of the planet. To live without a dream, is not living at all.

In my view, the "galactic law", has already been broken, many times. But this last time was exactly that, last. I have the greatest confidence that the Divine will prevail.

Positive thoughts and asking for help from our good et neighbors is crucial.
They, like us live in a matrix of sorts in that they too have lived a lie. Some have awaken as to the true meaning of the spirit while others still hold on to a misplaced allegiance to a dark and deceitful power. This power tricked them into believe that they were superior to us, but in truth, we are all equal in spirit, or could be.

To our Annanaki saviors, if they choose, I would ask you to consider that the children of earth, are now adults and have learned many valuable lessons from a life that was very hard, with many pitfalls. They have leaned many lessons that even yourselves because of location could not learn. They have worked hard to be respected and to survive the ordeal. But above all, please remember, they, are of your blood, and blood is thicker than water. They are, your family. You, the Annanaki were charged with the safe keeping of the garden but what you were not allowed to know was that the garden, is the entire planet, the promised land. The good, the bad, the beautiful, and yes, even the ugly. It was all meant to be.

And now we all, must decide what we want the future to be and in what direction WE will go, but that is far above my pay scale LOL LOL LOL

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:21 PM
wow the amount of stuff in this thread is amazing let alone the total lack of proof of anything.

I dont say that coz i want to be a paing, its just so mind bending.

Here is how i see it:

Im smart: im going to show you why the end of the world may happen

What: here is the proof look its all here we are doomed

HUH : yep look here it is look see im right i can prove it

MEH : ok so when it happens AND IT WILL ill tell you told you so!!

What is the point? please? I do not understand why you or anyone for that matter wishes to warn us about this pending armagedon? is it :

1) You have an over active imagenation?
2) Wish to prove others wrong - no point if we are all dead?
3) Do it for the grater good of humanity coz ur such a nice person?
4) Because you love to make posts on everything about everything?
5) Bored?

I really really dont understand it what so ever.. so let me ask you some important questions:

1) Do you belive in god
2) Do you know how we got here in the first place
3) Do you belive in the after life
4) Did you know any of this when you was a kid?
5) When was the last time you watched TV


posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Thank you........

Like I always said I just want to get the info out and help reveal the truth.

You said the "war of contracts".......can you explain?Thanx

I too believe the rest of what you said and it holds true to what I have been told and have researched.The choice might not be as easy as one would think.It could have happened in the 50's but we choose the Greys.I don't think people realize how much our world will change after all this(disclosure,war,etc).As is the core theme with most of these related topics;Earth as always been a major point in our galaxy and will be again.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Nice story - just a story - but passed a bit of time before I hit the sack

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:15 PM
I dont think a lot of this is necessarily accurate. However, two things i can tell you:

1) That knowledge and wisdom of love and fairness to one another is never lost, ever. Electromagnetic waves (make up of all light and much of the universe) look like a double helix, in fact exactly. THIS is the image of God. It's simply a decision to embrace the negative (fear) pole or the positive (love) pole. Plus, light penetrates us (short wavelengths like gamma rays) and binds us (notice anything familiar about that saying?) THE FORCE!

2) Love will always prevail. As long as the universe exists, the force will always be sentient, loving, and above all, infinite.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Ex Plures-Unus

I too have likened God to the "Force'.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Well I dont want to read middle bits of posts , too much.

Well done for your work op, I realised this too and not put no where near enough work into it as yourself.

we do need evidence that is proves this nwo and ancient civilisation, bloodlines exist.

I have read many books about it, and anything about the pyramids, but does not absolutely prove it.

From what I see with my eyes its real.

so how do we find real evidence and prove the theory right or wrong?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:49 PM

would anybody take this as a very small scrap of evidence towards the theory?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:02 PM
the depopulation won't take place in 2010-2012, i just know. don't ask how, i just do. it will happen eventually so i got the chopper so i'm ready

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Well it was called the war of contracts to this one experiencer, which made perfect sense as it technically involves all the contracts each country has to jump and get involved, so this nuclear/bilogical war could grow from the first incident to involve numerous nations. We're all contracted to each other, and some countries have contracts with many nations.

This is supposed to be a term you don't say, because then they monitor you, and my response to that is a the rose of a certain finger, and bring it on! I don't like any leaders of any country and if any of them or any of the henchmen come even close, I have lots I intend to say with a bullhorn while I do a citizens arrest upon them. They are beyond criminal and I won't tiptoe around evil.

Edit to add: I dont think its true we chose the greys, that is the part that to me is disinfo. The greys and nordics that I had experience with first of all were working together in part, and shared the same agenda, to save this planet and people. They were both incredible people or races. And by one of my experiences I was allowed to remember, though more like a postcard, where the greys warmed my heart up and gave me such a strong feeling of encouragement when I was feeling extremely blue and down, with a group touching of minds, so I had the image of many greys, and at that moment I thought they felt like dolphins. And wonderful people at that! Then I encountered the Dr. Michael Wolf interviews on youtube and google. That is one of the things he talks about as well.

So I believe there may be a renegade force of greys, that work with the reptilian and annanuki type nordics that our leaders seem to answer to, but....not most, this is not all or even most greys. Someone told me not too long ago about the incident I'd read where a grey scientist (actually reported to be a prisoner from a recovered craft) had taken out numerous scientists and militia, unarmed, when the militia was too trigger happy. And then there's the Philip Schneider story. Well he told me to subsitute repitlian or draco for the greys reported and that they often change this to greys. For the reason that they're hiding the reptilian presence and making that a laughing stock, and to criminalize the greys, because they are very suspicious to them.

Its quite probable that my group of greys, (which worked with Jim Spark's) also made contact and had some nefarious contracts with the nazis. My early memories were of a base with them and blond aryan militia in 67 or 68, years after the war. And I have an understanding that this was to prevent the nazis from winning the war, and to keep things under control. My understanding was that all the various actions, including positive contacts of nordics, to the more questionable works of various greys, often with black ops, is still leading to the same prime directive, to free this planet.

Which brings me back to why they substitute greys to hide reptilian presence and that they are co-workers with them, they don't trust the greys. Considering that they,the greys, have quite a fondness for the way natives lived and the moneyless resource society where everyone is looked after and there wouldn't be one hungry stomach on the planet, but cooperation and equality, I really think they're a lot more good than the black ops say.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by mystiq

The contracts are b/w nations or planets?What does these contracts state in regards to WMDs?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

These are nations, and not planets, those are different contracts. I've had a strong feeling for a long time that use of nuclear and depopulating planets is a galactic crime, breaking numerous laws and possibly their own treaties. Reconpilot talked abit about nuclear usage being illegal. I've read many reports of nuclear damaging alternative timelines and dimensions and creating rifts.
Its quite possible that some of the technologies given are being monitored closely, because using them against populations and ecostructure may be illegal.
Its quite possible that they've been given rope, and they're being monitored to see if they will hang themselves with it.

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