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The Rapture is Only Days Away (April 3, 2009)

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posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by dougl

Hello dougl can you just clear something up for me. Is it 7 days or seven years. I have seen both written in this thread. Time of course is irrelevent in the end but I am still interested in which it is.
You are very humble and your message is good, I know a rapture of sorts is on its way, but please dont limit this to Christians, it is about love and a oneness to God. God can be found all around one does not have to be a practising Christian to find him, I hope you can see this .

Love and peace friend.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Anyone defined, deciphered, or determined the meaning of "days" yet?
2+ days and counting, btw.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:27 PM
The "rapture" ideology is what is truly misleading people. It's a farce that wasn't propagated until 1830.... Here is an expose of the whole "rapture" ideology and how it misleads people by promising an escapism that was never promised: Lahaye's Theology

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Hi Doug,

I don't mean to be a downer for you but, it's not going to happen. Next week, post again and let us know that you're still here.

I do believe that some people have prophetic visions. However, it's almost like they are being set up for failure. So, you've had some dreams that have come true. That's doesn't necessarily mean that every dream is a prophetic dream.

I wish you well and please don't take this the wrong way but, I just don't see the rapture happening.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 03:50 PM
The rapture will happen when God decides for it to happen.

We are not supposed to set dates and times because only God knows

the date and time for the rapture and Jesus return. When the rapture occurs

the Holy Spirit will be removed from Earth. This is so all hell can break lose

on non-believers to entice them to accept salvation through Jesus Christ.

There will still be some Christians left behind to help people know what to do

to accept salvation through Jesus and eternal life.

The 7 year tribulation will NOT be a fun time on Earth.

I would not want to be on Earth during this time.

So btw if I am no longer available here I also did not get taken by aliens.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Some things I would like to say to those who believe they will be raptured (which I do believe in a pretrib rapture)....

One is no Temple etc has to be built before it happens ..the catching away (rapture) can happen at any moment ...(do not confuse the rapture with the second coming of Christ as they are TWO complete seperate events)....

Another thing is ....I want to be with my Lord very much ..but I am not wanting the rapture to come too quick because I am very concerned for my lost loved ones .....and if your serious about loving the Lord your God you will be just as serious about wanting ALL OTHERS you love to be spared too you wont want the rapture to happen that quickly ....Yes I yearn to be with my Lord but we are also here for a reason and it has to do with the lost ones in your lives right please dont lose site of that fact ..

Another thing is once the rapture happens....scripture says many will lose faith (will he find faith when he comes) .......and also that many hearts will turn cold ...and many will turn away from the faith and believe the lies of devil ....does that sound like it will be easy to believe once the TRIB starts? NO ..scripture even says that the most loving person with child will even eat their own young when times get hard (when people are starving ) .............
Those who do believe after the rapture will have to live on nothing but FAITH many will starve and die ...many will be tormented and arrested and beaten etc ..........and eventually will be hunted down and killed ...(does not sound so easy to believe during those times does it ?) .................

God will still be listening and will come when you call upon him ...but certainly once the FAITHFUL loving peoples of the Lord are gone from this world ..there wont be much love left in it and everyone here will just get colder .....and those that say they have love ..according to scripture their love will grow cold too ..........

The Lord is coming for a FAITHFUL REMNANT ...not too many are faithful ...which is why scripture says to PRAY THAT YOU BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS that are COMING upon the whole world (the TRibulation) ...................

That is the whole purpose of the rapture is get his faithful who have already been tried and tested and purified (throughout their whole life here) ...outta here before it gets any worse ....
Those who are left behind will endure TERRIBLE TIMES AHEAD ...they will be tempted and tested and purified through some of the worst times in history ....(I believe only those who talked the talk but did not walk the walk will be left here to endure serious events and will have die for the Lord midtrib) ....and of course they wont be alone ...alot of Jews and non believers will endure the same ......................................

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by cbashisha
reply to post by silo13

but i really want to know if rapture concept is true
i dont want to go around tellin people lie abt something that isnt true.

One of the few guarantees in this life is a lot of ppl are knowingly
or unknowingly, not telling the truth.

Skepticism is often merited.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

Excellent post & good advice

for Christians and non christians

Warning! This subject is not to be taken lightly.

Ask God for discernment. Read Revelations.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I also tell people this ..

According to your faith so be it unto you ...
I used to argue with the prewrath believers etc ...until I read that scripture .
And now I see that maybe since they believe they will endure the trib ..maybe they are of those who will have to die for him ...according to their faith so be it unto them ...
Same goes with those who believe they wont be here ..

Also there are two scriptures that to me are unmistakable that there is something to the rapture theory ..

Seems pretty obvious to me that these are TWO SEPERATE EVENTS >
Hbr 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
(((Notice ONLY THOSE WHO LOOK FOR HIM will see him))))) This I believe is talking about the rapture .

Now his second coming is UNMISTAKABLE seen by ALL >>>even those who KILLED HIM WILL SEE HIM at his Second coming .........
Rev 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen
Notice EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM at his coming ....(This is not the rapture but the second coming which is not until the end of the tribulation) >.........

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by cindy22761

Thanks ..and AMEN nothing should be taken LIGHTLY .......especially this subject ....I believe many many will miss being taken out mainly because they do not believe that they will be .....according to your faith so be it unto you .
You know what the world says very careful what you wish for because you might get it ...same goes for the belief or nonbelief of the rapture (or technically speaking of being caught up in the air to meet the Lord) ...........

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by cindy22761

The rapture will happen when God decides for it to happen.

We are not supposed to set dates and times because only God knows

the date and time for the rapture and Jesus return. When the rapture occurs

the Holy Spirit will be removed from Earth. This is so all hell can break lose

on non-believers to entice them to accept salvation through Jesus Christ.

There will still be some Christians left behind to help people know what to do

to accept salvation through Jesus and eternal life.

The 7 year tribulation will NOT be a fun time on Earth.

I would not want to be on Earth during this time.

So btw if I am no longer available here I also did not get taken by aliens.

Ladies and gentlemen the Beast:

His name equals 666 in every language's gematria I belive.

I figure the more people I can tell the better.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by dougl
I believe the Rapture will occur in the next few days. I have been attacked by evil several times this week and I am grateful that I was able to post this message.

I bet you it wont

You're about the 500th person on ATS that thinks he's a prophet and has prophecised the rapture to occur in the next few days or whatever

I can gurantee like all the others....that you will be 100% wrong

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by dougl
I believe the Rapture will occur in the next few days.

You will be able to accept Christ during the next 7 years.

How is this? Which is it days or years? I dont think time can be put upon this sort of thing. I dont think we will all ascend to the heavens, its more about a new Heaven on Earth.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Venus014

Originally posted by dougl
I believe the Rapture will occur in the next few days.

You will be able to accept Christ during the next 7 years.

How is this? Which is it days or years? I dont think time can be put upon this sort of thing. I dont think we will all ascend to the heavens, its more about a new Heaven on Earth.

Scripture says otherwise ..
1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

After everything comes down that the book of Revelation talks about happening then the Lord says he will make all things new and we will have a new heaven and a new earth but that does not happen till at least a THOUSAND YEARS after Christ rules and reigns here on earth.

And after the final battle between Jesus and satan ...and after the judgment of ALL THE DEAD ........(The great white throne judgment)
Read Rev 20
Then Rev 21 discusses the NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone

And after the final battle between Jesus and satan ...and after the judgment of ALL THE DEAD ........(The great white throne judgment)
Read Rev 20
Then Rev 21 discusses the NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH

When will this happen though do you think? In the next few years? What worries me is how the Bible has been altered/hidden/removed over the years. Its not really wrote in its original form anymore is it?

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Venus014

I wish I knew when ......scripture says no man will know the day or hour ..which to me sort of leaves it wide open to knowing the possible YEAR and or Month .....
Certainly this year has been unbelievable as far as signs the New World Order and the newly declared world wide currency that the G20 discussed this week .....everyone losing their jobs,houses,etc ....we are being TESTED if you ask me on what we love more ...MONEY (Things) or GOD (spirit) ......I believe that this money situation is happening to see where our priorities are ...SO DONT GET CAUGHT UP worrying about the cares of this world (the problems with money etc) .......STAY FOCUSED ON THE LORD .........STAY FOCUSED ON FAMILY and LOVE >......and SEEK THE LORD NOW while he can be found ..

Isa 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Isa 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Personally I do not believe it is that far away at all ..since so much is happening all at once in our world right now ..

Pray for your loved ones........pray pray pray ....
Tell them how much he loves them show them how much he loves them (THROUGH YOU ...your love your compassion your mercy your forgiveness) we are supposed to be a vessel of the LIGHT (HOLY SPIRIT)of the Lord Jesus Christ and we are supposed to share HOPE and LOVE and understanding ....and count it all JOY to be going through trials and troubles (as this purifies our hearts souls and minds for the Lord ) .....and shows the world that with the LORD we will make it through all the tough times ....
We are supposed to be a PECULIAR people who are UNLIKE the peoples of the world (we do not yearn for the things of the world but the things of the spirit which is the LORD GOD OF HEAVEN ) .................
We are to have FAITH HOPE AND CHARITY ..........thats what makes us different from the peoples of the world .......

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 02:59 PM
Hi, I am still here.

I am sorry that I said the Rapture was days away. I do not know when the Rapture will occur, it was a feeling of urgency which compelled me to start this thread. I still feel the urgency as I see violence and hatred escalating here on Earth. I live in a bad area in the US where people for example are hitting women in the face before they ask them for their money/purses. I just see so much evil.

I have tried to help my family and friends and witness to them about God. I have decided to spend even more of my energy to build my relationships with my family and friends and let them know that I love them and that God loves them. Sometimes it is difficult when all kinds of stuff gets in the way. For me, I have lactic acid constantly released into my blood which stiffens my muscles and causes pain. It is an effect of the AIDS medicines and is the same thing that causes rigor mortis in the dead. I wake every morning as if I am paralyzed.

I am renewing my commitment to be there for everyone I can. I will not spend all my time on the internet, reading books, doing my hobbies, watching tv, playing with my parrot,dog,cat,aquariums. I must focus on the people in my life, not isolating myself in fear. I will take risks to meet new people and be the loving, trusting, caring man that God has wanted me to be. May you all find love in yourself and others and trust God. Do not be afraid, may all be for the praise and glory of the lord of lords, the king of kings.

posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by dougl

[I must focus on the people in my life, not isolating myself in fear. I will take risks to meet new people and be the loving, trusting, caring man that God has wanted me to be. May you all find love in yourself and others and trust God. Do not be afraid, may all be for the praise and glory of the lord of lords, the king of kings.]

AMEN >....I am praying for you and yours Doug ...(((((((HUGS))))))...stay focused and for sure have NO FEAR in his love and be at peace because he CARES FOR US more than we can even begin to know ...he will be here for us no matter what we go through ...
No matter what just remember that it is all about to come to a head and soon very soon it will have its end and then a new beginning begins and we will forever be with the Lord ....with no more violence no more tears more torment more wickedness ...nothing but LOVE .......ahhh gives me chills just the thought of it ......

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by TechHead

I suppose that depends on whether there is such a thing as 'truth',
or perhaps you believe that everyone's truth is equal?

Everyone’s truth being equal? Something like that I suppose.

No, I don't have to disprove the existence of the various invisible
sky-daddies that people have been brainwashed into believing.
I know how religion corrupts children's minds, I know why religions
exist, and I know reality from fantasy.

No, you don’t have to disprove it, though it would be a better representation of your *unbiased* view if you didn’t use such disparaging words to pigeonhole my belief system with. I wouldn’t disrespect yours in the same way even tough I don’t agree.
I would not be alive if it was not for my belief system, period.

I've seen people on this board who seem to think that Star Trek was
a documentary. I like your avatar.

Thanks I like it too.
Oh by the by I’m not a *bud* I’m a chicklette.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by silo13

Everyone's truth just ain't equal - something is true or it is not.
Believing in something doesn't make it true, not even if many, or
even most, people agree with you. When everybody just knew
that the earth was flat, was it?

Are there no such things as science, facts, cause and effect?

OK then, what if I said that I believed (violently) in Santa Claus.
I have proof that he exists - I once dreamt that he would bring me
great presents and the dream in fact came true ... on exactly the
Day That It Was Foretold!

At the same time that I was being educated in the ways of Santa,
I was being introduced to the concepts of Original Sin, Christ the
Lamb of God, ... you get the picture. I haven't just pigeonholed
your belief system, I reserve the right to laugh at and ridicule all
irrational ideas! They started work on me when I was defenseless
and now I'm not. (I think that I must be on the Mormon's Do Not Call
list by now.)

Now, how about you prove to me that Father Christmas doesn't exist,
and don't spare my feelings. (You can include the Easter Bunny in
your analysis, if you like, because that one always did seem a bit
far-fetched; although, there is the chocolate to consider ... but
I won't hear a word said against the Tooth Fairy. You just leave
her out of this.)

I met a wise Hindu gentleman yesterday and he generously told
me a bit about his religion. All very interesting with multi-limbed,
multi-creatured gods. When I asked him if they had to observe
many special events he said that they didn't and, "All religions
are really just made up, you know." I thought that was brilliant!

Hmmm... is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster in your avatar? :-)

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